MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 59 You, teacher, have a future

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Although the water sharks brought a very high casualty rate to this freshman, the water sharks on the A159 star were almost wiped out. Their sacrifices were worthwhile: it avoided mass casualties of ordinary people in the future.

Except for a small number of white-eyed wolves who feel that "it is a matter of course for mecha soldiers to protect them", many ordinary people send flowers to remember the victims, and their enthusiasm for donating materials and materials is very high.

In addition to gratitude and reverence, all they can do is to do a little bit of their modesty. Compared with the sacrifices of the victims, what they did was really insignificant, but whether they did it or not was another matter.

Researchers are urgently conducting research on the captive water sharks, trying to understand the reasons for the mutation of the water sharks.

The four people in the Sa Sa team, who had resumed their activities, were unintentionally waiting for the results of the research, because they felt that one person should be able to give the answer faster than the researchers.

That money is still **** by them.

They wanted to torture him when they had time, but they didn't expect a series of things happened later, which made it too late for them to take care of this person.

Sa Sa winked at the other three, did not continue listening to Chen Shen and Zhou Yuan's analysis of the mission, and sneaked back to the hotel.

Chen Shen: ...these four people just thought he was blind.

Sa Sa also called Xie Rong by the way. Xie Rong originally came here to clean up Qian Dayou, but Sa Sa's mood was not very good before, so of course he didn't care about such an insignificant person as Qian Dayou.

Qian Dayou had not eaten for more than a day. At first, he hoped that it would be great if someone could save him. Then he became fearful, what kind of demons were in Taiyizong, and later, he was angry, heartbroken, Despair and other complex emotions are intertwined...

Finally, he was tired: destroy it!

He just wants to eat, why can't he meet such a small request?

Those students looked young, but in fact, they were all ruthless and starved to death without batting an eye!

The group of people in charge of the federal prison at least delivered him meals on time and according to the amount.

Although Qian Dayou's strength is not bad, he is not a cultivator, and he has not yet reached the level of inedia. On the contrary, the higher the level of the mecha soldier, the more energy needs to be added, and the greater the appetite.

He was really starving.

Therefore, now he can only stare blankly at the snow-white ceiling. Unexpectedly, he would end up starving to death with his grand ambitions in sight!

Then, Qian Dayou heard the voice of someone coming in.

"I...I want to eat...I want to drink...I say everything."

Sa Sa's group of five just came in when they heard Qian Dayou's feeble voice, "Uh..." They seem to have indeed forgotten this question.

Xie Rong brought a box of lunch and said to the others, "Leave it to me here, you can just watch from the side." Then he greeted Qian Dayou and said, "Come, have something to eat first."

Qian Dayou was moved to tears, he also recognized this handsome young man, but he had never dealt with Xie Rong before, but secretly rejoiced: fortunately it wasn't Song Ningfeng, the young man was easy Fool, it seems that he has a chance to perfunctory this person.

While thinking about it, Qian Dayou slammed the rice into his mouth fiercely, but just after taking a bite, the lunch box left his mouth.

Qian Dayi raised his head and met Xie Rong's smiling face, "Didn't you say you're going to say everything? Well, you can say it."

After eating only one mouthful of rice, the rest of the food still smelled hot, and all the greedy worms in Qian Dayou's stomach were hooked out. If he hadn't eaten a single bite, he would have been able to hold back, but after one bite, the torment was even heavier.

"I... haven't had enough yet."

Xie Rong raised his eyebrows, "Want to eat? Okay, tell me everything you know first."

Sa Sa and the others have already found Qian Dayou's optical brain. After entering Qian Dayou's biometric fingerprint information, the optical brain was successfully unlocked, but it was empty and there was no information.

Qian Dayou let out a hey laugh, "Several children, if a secret is so easily broken by you, then it can't be called a secret. My optical brain has its own information destruction system, and you can't check anything in it. arrive."

Sa Sa thought that Qian Da had lied, but they still put away his light brain and were going to find a technician to fix it.

As soon as Qian Dayou finished speaking, Xie Rong smashed his face with a punch, "You are still very proud, right? I make you proud!"

Qian Dayou was stunned by this punch, because Xie Rong seemed to be able to talk well just now, who would know that he would turn his face if he turned his face?

Seeing Qian Dayou's face covered in blood, Xie Rong finally felt a lot better, "Well, it looks pleasing to the eye."

With a beautiful face of Miss Sister, thinking about the real soul under this skin will make him allergic to Miss Sister in the future, it's good to be disfigured.

Xie Rong continued to push the blood-stained box lunch in front of Qian Dayou and said, "Are you still eating?"

Qian Da has been wealthy enough to rival the country for most of his life, what delicacies have never been eaten before? The box lunch with his own blood stained in front of him made him feel sick, but at the same time, he felt very appetizing.

...he's fallen after all.

Qian Da raised his chopsticks in humiliation, but the lunch box kept away from him again, "Can't you understand human language? Hurry up and say something valuable."

Looking at their situation, Qian Dayou already had an estimate in his heart, "You must have encountered a mutated water shark, right? It is not easy to survive. You must have seen your classmates die in front of you. Right? Was that feeling painful? Powerless?"

It was Xie Rong's fist that responded to him. Xie Rong complained dissatisfiedly: "Can't you be a good person? Do you have to put it in front of me to pretend to be a force? If someone sees it, I'll damage my image by beating people like this. I'm not the same as those reckless people outside. So you Be honest, don't keep asking me to teach you how to speak."

Qian Dayou was so beaten that his brain was buzzing and he couldn't speak at all.

He was wrong, he shouldn't believe that there is a real noble son in Taiyizong.

Qian Dayou hid his hatred in his heart, and said with a hint of contempt, "What I said is the truth. The evolution of star beasts is the general trend, and future human beings can only live under the rule of star beasts, and those of us who can catch Those who take the lead, if you let me go, there may be a chance to occupy a place in the future world."

If you can pull the people of Taiyizong into your own camp, it will give them the strength to strengthen them.

Then came Xie Rong's fist. Xie Rongshen was troubled by Qian Dayou's rectification, so he chose to beat him in the face.

"It's addicting to be a traitor to humans, isn't it? You shouldn't make yourself into a young lady, but a star beast, so you can become the master together with the star beast?"

After the fight, Xie Rong took a handkerchief and wiped his hands. He moved slowly. He smiled gracefully at Sa Sa's classmates and said, "I'm sorry."

Rao is a team of three who have seen Xie Rong's true attributes. After seeing Xie Rong's face-changing skills, he still feels that he has been delayed. The film and television industry needs a talent like him!

Qian Dayou spit out some bruises and a few teeth.

He had been beaten beyond words. He understood, actually Xie Rong didn't care what he said, he just wanted to hit him. This kind of purposeless beating is the most terrifying, because you can never satisfy him, so what should you do? Just get beat up.

Xie Rong's attack was really dark, so he pressed Qian Dayou to the limit he could bear, and he brought some spiritual power when he hit someone. He stopped, Qian Dayou could still feel the piercing pain. .

Torturing people, Xie Rong can't even blink his eyes, he is not a particular person. His humiliating matter was counted on Qian Dayou, and Sa Sa's matter was also counted on Qian Dayou by Xie Rong.

Xie Rong smiled and grabbed Qian Dayou's hair, looking more like a villain than Qian Dayou, "I originally wanted to beat you up to vent my anger, but now, you have already provoked me, understand? You have no interest at all in those intrigues and tricks, but when Sa Sa is involved, I can't be polite to you."

"You should be able to understand what I'm thinking? Because you sent your wife and children away a long time ago, you don't seem to have any conscience. But you know, others can't find them, I can find them."

Qian Dayou's eyes widened: Impossible.

The Qian family has been in the federation for so many years, and it is not for nothing. Qian Dayou is very familiar with the process of identifying and tracking a person in the federation, so after he arranged for his family to hide, the federation did not find anyone. Xie Rong just wanted to deceive him!

Xie Rong explained to him softly, "You should have heard that I am a numerologist. It is difficult for me to track a person who has no clue, but it is too easy to track a person's blood relatives. People need to be neat and tidy, don’t worry, I will help you realize this wish.”

Qian Dayou was terrified. But he gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Xie Rong's speed was very fast, "Well, I didn't expect that you had arranged them in the chaos area."

"Do you want me to report my specific address?"

Qian Dayou was terrified. After struggling and hesitating for a long time, he struggled to close his eyes, "I said. But now, you can't stop anything. I only have one request, I will tell you what I know, but you must Let my wife and children die, they are innocent."

He has a very good relationship with his wife. They only have one son. If something happened to them, why would he do so many pictures? And now that he says what he knows, it doesn't affect the overall situation.

Xie Rong did not comment on Wubu Innocent, "Now you can only trust our conscience."

What Qian Dayou talks about is the history of the Great Pioneering Period.

At that time, the star worms regarded humans as food and nutrients, and the two sides were constantly fighting. In the swarm of star worms, there is a powerful female worm. Human technology is not so developed, and it all depends on life to fill it up. It hits the base camp of the star worm, and sacrifices countless soldiers to die with the female worm.

The plan appears to be successful. The D252 star was in ruins, but the ancestor of the Qian family, a soldier who should have died in the big melee, woke up. He was not dead, and then he saw the powerful female worm who was not dead.

Star worms are good at surviving by docking their tails. As long as a certain part of their body is not completely dead, they have a chance to make a comeback. Of course, it's weak because it's been split so many times.

The first reaction of the ancestors of the Qian family was to completely kill the female worm. But at this time, a voice sounded in his mind, "Do you want to be a hero? Do you want to be a human being?"

The ancestor of the Qian family did not want to be a sinner to mankind, but he also heard the secrets of this universe.

There are tides in the universe, and human beings, like other star beasts, are just as small and fragile in front of the laws of the universe. For a period of time, the ecology of the entire universe will be more suitable for the reproduction and development of organisms, but when the organisms develop to a certain extent, the disaster of the universe will sweep.

Only creatures strong enough can survive the cataclysm.

All creatures who know the tides of the universe are just trying their best to get a chance for their own race. For a creature who doesn't even understand the tides of the universe, it is really too difficult to survive the cataclysm.

"Do you think that if you don't become a traitor to mankind, mankind will not become extinct? Walking on the wrong path, mankind is just self-destruction. But now, you have a chance to continue the hope of mankind."

All races evolve, it's just a matter of speed. Evolution is too slow and there is no chance of surviving cosmic tides. What Star Worm wants to explore is a way to evolve faster: that is, to use the holographic star network to absorb the spiritual power of human beings and strengthen themselves.

"My own people" like the ancestors of the Qian family can naturally also be improved.

After the big tide, the strong ones can also survive.

The ancestors of the Qian family agreed to the conditions of the female worm, and created a holographic star network to quietly extract the spiritual power of human beings. Then, the direct descendants of the Qian family began their journey of lackeys. Passing down from generation to generation, one by one, this is a secret that only the head of the Qian family can know.

"According to the prediction, the big tide is still a few years away, but human beings are embattled on all sides. I don't know how many other groups the female worm has joined to help other star beasts evolve. Even if they don't join forces, the star beasts are getting stronger and stronger, not human beings. What can be dealt with." Qian Dayou said, and inexplicably brought a sense of superiority.

Know the truth, despair? Scared?

Anyone who is in his position or the ancestor of the Qian family will make the same choice as him. This is the kind of fire that saves mankind.

Unexpectedly, Sa Sa and others are looking at him with a foolish look.

"It's said that despicable people have to brainwash themselves, make themselves feel that they are doing a righteous cause, and make themselves believe that they are the savior of the world. I think your brainwashing is quite successful."

"Humans can survive in such a bad period as the Great Exploration. Cosmic disasters? Disasters are disasters. Humans are not afraid of any disasters. If despicable people like you can represent human beings, it will be the annihilation of human beings. For you less The interests of some people, extracting the spiritual power of most people, cutting off their way forward, and complacent about their shrewdness is simply stupid and poisonous."

"Can't deal with it? Don't you know? That female worm has been seriously injured by my master, and I don't know where to recuperate. Even the faction is wrong, and there is no way to save it."

"Double super S-level genetic level and spiritual sea level make you very proud? But what's the use of such a high level? Your family's people have such a high level, but live like a waste, what's the point? Except for you Besides, no one else can even show their true strength, right?"

Sa Sa unceremoniously pierced through Qian Dayou's pretense, and wherever she could stab him, she would stab him.

Qian Dayou's face was pale, his lips trembled twice, but he couldn't say anything. Because Sa Sa is telling the truth, the strength of the Qian family's direct line is definitely the top in the Federation, but they can't reveal their true strength, they can only comfort themselves, they are the seeds of fire.

Of course, Qian Dayou does have a chance to show his strength, but that performance is not nearly as good. Two serious fights, one time was beaten by Song Ningfeng, and one time was beaten by Sa Sa, as if all his keeping a low profile was a joke.

After a long while, he finally found the loophole in the sofa's words, "Impossible! Impossible! No one can beat that female worm."

He had felt how strong the female worm was. His gene level and spiritual sea level have been promoted to S+, and he is already the top powerhouse among humans, but in front of that female worm, he still feels that he is powerless to fight back. That feeling made him even more certain that Star Worm was invincible, and that the Qian family's choice was the correct one.

"I said, you are short-sighted and haven't seen the world. Don't use your vision to measure the world. The truth is that the female worm was injured and fled in a hurry, otherwise, how do you think our players came back safe and sound?"

Qian Dayou really didn't understand this problem, he could only think that Sa Sa and others had better luck, and maybe they didn't face the female worm at all. Female worm injured? This is absolutely impossible.

But when Sa Sa spread out this most impossible possibility, Qian Dayou thought in a trance: For the people of Taiyi Zong, it seems that nothing is impossible.

He didn't get any information from others, and most likely those people didn't know about it either. After all, although they cooperated with the star worm, they were never the same kind, and the female worm would never be happy to let them know about this kind of thing.

Compared with the blow caused by directly invading Qian Dayou's spiritual sea, this invisible spiritual blow was even more hurtful. The belief that supported him was shattered into pieces, and his whole person's spirit and energy were visibly wilted.

"Who are your accomplices?"

"I don't know. We never contact under my real name. And because I've already been caught once, they're very wary of me. I think they can't be contacted." Those bells and whistles.

"Why did you come to A159? Coincidence?"

"Some people in our team are doing experiments on the evolution of star beasts. Now the situation is chaotic. They want to muddy the water so that they can easily hide their identities. This batch of water shark beasts is one of the experimental subjects, and I came here specially. record the experimental data."

Seeing that they could no longer extract more information from Qian Dayou, a few people were ready to leave him here, "Let's go, don't hand him over yet, if you are in a bad mood in two days, you can beat him up. Get out."

It is not necessarily reliable to hand it over to the Federation, it is better to let them do the talking.

Qian Dayou, who had been lifeless for a second, suddenly struggled, "Don't forget to bring me food! I don't want to starve to death yet!"

Sandbags or something, he has already made such self-consciousness. But hunger is really hard to bear! Anyway, what has been said, you can always strive for the most basic treatment, right?

Everyone once again despised: where has the unrequited energy just now gone?

"Can you please have the guts? If you starve for three or five days, you won't die from starvation."

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and Chen Shen shouted: "I want to see, what are you guys up to! Finally caught by me!"

When these students first arrived at the A159 star, they slipped away and caught fish, obviously hiding something from him. Later, the water sharks changed, and they had no time to deal with their careful thoughts. As a result, when he was talking just now, these people slipped out again. Do you really think he is blind?

Chen Shen has been a teacher for so many years, and I don't know how many thorny students he has treated. These guys are still a little tender, and they don't know that their movements have fallen into his eyes. Then he followed to the hotel, and he also sacrificed his identity as a teacher, went to the front desk to get the room card, and opened the door directly.

He slipped away at such an important time, and after he figured out what they were doing, he must punish them severely.

A few students and Xie Rong entered the field of vision for illegally and detaining a woman. The woman didn't know what she had done, and her whole face was blue and purple, like a pig's head.

Chen Shen turned his face hard and found his majesty as a teacher. He couldn't just watch his students go further and further down the road of breaking the law.

Before he could speak, the strange woman burst out with a surprise cry, "You are Chen Shen, right? I know you! Hurry up and take me to the federal prison!"

Qian Dayou and Chen Shen are not familiar with each other, but they have met several times. He knew that if he fell into Chen Shen's hands, he would definitely go to a federal prison, which of course wasn't a good place to go. But compared to the physical and mental devastation that these demons will do, the federal prison is also quite good.

Chen Shen took a step back in fear: ?

What the **** is this?

If a beautiful woman is so enthusiastic towards him, he can accept it a little bit, but when a pig head sees him, he is really unhappy when he sees his relatives.

Chen Shen's reaction made Qian Dayou very hurt. He quickly revealed his identity, "I am Qian Dayou! I am willing to explain everything, let me go to the federal prison!"

Anyway, he has already explained it to Xie Rong and the others once, and it doesn't matter if he tells the federation again. As long as people break through that layer of psychological defense, they will only continue to break through.

Chen Shen: …

He really didn't expect that Qian Dayou would make himself such a ghost. Since this person is rich and rich, it is very understandable that he was beaten like this.

Chen Shen has his own principles and it is not convenient for him to do it himself, but seeing Xie Rong and the others doing it for him, he has no intention of holding him accountable, but feels very relieved.

Chen Shen's eyes flickered, but he didn't look at the money. He said to Sa Sa and them casually, "There will be a summary meeting in a while, I am here to remind you of the time, don't forget it."

Then, Chen Shen waved his hand away in Qian Dayou's desperate eyes as if he didn't see the illegal act happening at all.

Um? Is there anything unusual here? It's just a matter of chatting with students and their parents.

Chen Shen thought silently: Rather than handing over the money to the Federation, it would be better to let Sa Sa clean up.

It's not easy to frighten someone like Qian Dayou, but he deserves it. Why does he want to give that kind of garbage a better environment?

Xie Rong and others were stunned by Chen Shen's acting skills. No one expected that he would have such hidden skills. Xie Rong looked at Sa Sa and said, "You teachers have a bright future."

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