MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 706 The proud eldest princess and Satsuki the licking dog

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  Chapter 706 The Proud Eldest Princess and Satsuki the Dog

   This surprise is really no small matter!

  If Xiaoyue came in and saw the picture in front of her...

  If she tells Sister Yue again...

  Thinking of this, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly said: "Hua Gu, someone is here, I should go out, come back next time."

   After speaking, he flew out immediately.

  In the stone room outside.

  Xiaoyue exudes a red halo all over her body. She is standing in front of the bed, with her waist bent and hips raised, her eyes wide open staring at the little Firefox on the bed, with a surprised expression on her face.

   This is no ordinary little fox, but a very rare spiritual creature!

  Brother is indeed full of treasures!


Luo Qingzhou's spirit flew out quickly, and just as he was about to return to his body, Xiaoyue rushed up and hugged him, and said excitedly: "Brother, brother, brother! Good brother! You are too powerful! It's only a few days In a matter of days, your Thunder Spirit root will be promoted again! You are the most powerful genius in the whole world! Xiaoyue loves you! Xiaoyue adores you so much! Xiaoyue will be a little licking dog for her brother for the rest of her life!"

  Luo Qingzhou: "...Well, your previous message..."

  Xiaoyue immediately said angrily: "Brother, it was sent by my sister! That bad woman secretly offended my brother while others were not paying attention. It's too disgusting! Don't worry, brother, my sister has already taught her a lesson."

  Luo Qingzhou was strangled by her and almost sank into her body, and quickly said: "Release."

  Xiaoyue immediately pouted and said, "No, don't let go, I have to hold my brother tightly, so that my brother won't be hooked by a vixen and ignore him."

  The corner of Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched, and he immediately reached out and put the little Firefox on the bed into the storage ring.

   Just now, the spirit of the little firefox controlled the body, Huagu probably didn't see this scene outside, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

  Xiaoyue raised her cheeks, admiringly said: "My brother is so powerful, he can even get such a rare spiritual thing."

  Luo Qingzhou thought about the business, and asked: "Xiaoyue, does the appearance of that black lightning mean that my root of thunder is going to be promoted? How powerful is the black lightning?"

Xiaoyue immediately nodded and said: "Yes, my brother's root of thunder is about to be promoted. Speaking of black lightning, brother, it is very powerful. As far as my sister knows, black lightning is so powerful that it can turn into a thunderball and explode , has a lot of group damage, and the practice is powerful, and it can also turn into a black vortex, **** everything in, and strangle it. The most important thing is that it attacks at night, very stealthily, the enemy has not seen it yet, It's right in front of you..."

  Luo Qingzhou listened to her eloquent explanation, and thought to himself: If it turns into a thunderball and explodes, if it is combined with lime powder or the anther made by Bailing... the black vortex, it should be very suitable for destroying corpses and eradicating traces...

   "Good brother! You are really amazing! After your Thunder Spirit Root reaches the ninth level, you will be invincible!"

  Xiaoyue hugged him, adored him, and said excitedly: "At that time, my sister will be invincible with her brother's support, hehe."

Luo Qingzhou pondered for a while, and then suddenly asked: "By the way, Xiaoyue, this time, the root of Thunder Spirit is about to advance, why? My soul has been severely injured, and I should be very weak, but now I am about to advance , and the root of thunder spirit is about to advance. It's a bit strange, I just used those spiritual liquids..."

  Xiaoyue immediately turned her face up and said, "Brother, you didn't just use those spiritual liquids, also fused with my sister's fire spirit energy."

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her and said, "Your fire spirit energy still has this effect?"

  Xiaoyue said: "My younger sister doesn't know the specific effect, but after my brother and I absorbed and fused each other that day, my younger sister also advanced immediately. Obviously, there is the effect of the spiritual liquid, and there is also the effect of their mutual fusion."

  Luo Qingzhou frowned in thought, nodded slightly and said, "Maybe."

  Xiaoyue looked at him and didn't speak any more.

  Luo Qingzhou lowered his head, pretending to be thinking about something.

  For a while, both of them had something to say, but neither of them spoke first.

   There was a long silence.

  Xiaoyue couldn't help but said first: "Brother, do you want to advance quickly?"

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her, was silent for a moment, and said, "Of course."

  Xiaoyue blinked her eyes and said: "Then... Brother, what do you want to ask, oh, do you want to ask sister for help?"

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  He thought of sister Yue's words again.

  Xiaoyue hugged him, and said softly: "Brother, no matter what you want to ask my sister to do for you, my sister will agree..."

  Luo Qingzhou had no choice but to ask: "That... the fire spirit energy in your body, can you release it directly?"

Xiaoyue said: "Brother, where is the Thunder Spirit Qi in your body? That little snake should have told Brother? Originally, my sister also thought that only... only that can absorb it. I didn't expect to find it accidentally yesterday. It's just a kiss." It is possible. Of course, it may be because my sister has the body of the fire spirit, and it just so happens that the spirit of thunder and the spirit of fire in our two bodies can serve as a channel for each other to enter each other's body..."

  Luo Qingzhou fell silent.

  Xiaoyue said softly: "Brother, you will have a better chance of going out if you are promoted. Brother, don't you want to go out to meet your sister and your family?"

  Luo Qingzhou looked at her and said, "I want to..."

  Xiaoyue said: "Then..."

Luo Qingzhou looked at her for a while, but still couldn't bear to ask for a kiss, and couldn't help but said: "Xiaoyue, why do I feel a little ashamed, and it seems to be eating soft food... I am a handsome man, and I want to use this The way to advance is really..."

Xiaoyue immediately comforted: "Brother, what's wrong with this method? As long as you can advance, as long as you don't do vicious things, no one dares to say anything. In order to advance, many people will use whatever means to do evil. After becoming stronger, The others didn't dare to say anything, and they respected him even more. Brother, in this world, the strong are respected. In order to advance as soon as possible, so what if it's a soft meal? Some people can't eat soft rice if they want to. It's my brother's ability to eat soft food!"

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Xiaoyue pouted and said, "Brother, is it embarrassing to practice like your sister? The brother needs the sister's things, and the sister needs the brother's things. Isn't this the best of both worlds? Why is the brother still hesitating? And it's just kissing, and not doing anything..."

   Immediately afterwards, her eyes lit up again, and she said, "Brother, do you want to do something else? Just kissing, that's how powerful it is. If... brother, in that way, will we practice faster?"

  The corner of Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched, and without hesitation, he immediately said with a cheeky face: "Xiaoyue, let's practice together."

  Xiaoyue pretended not to understand, and said, "Brother, how do you practice?"

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Kiss..."

  Xiaoyue opened her eyes wide and said, "Ah, brother, are you taking the initiative to ask your sister to kiss you? My sister is so flattered that she can't believe her ears."

  Luo Qingzhou's face was serious, and he said: "Are you willing or not? It's fine if you don't want to."

  Xiaoyue immediately nodded and said: "Yes! My sister is willing! Brother, my sister is willing to kiss my brother! I am willing to go through fire and water for my brother! Even if I let my sister be a cow, my sister is willing!"

  Luo Qingzhou secretly sighed.

  In order to practice, to advance, to go out earlier, this is the only way to go.

   Anyway, the two have already kissed and hugged each other, so it doesn't matter.


  He suddenly said again: "Xiaoyue, we are all like this, can't I still see your real appearance?"

Xiaoyue covered her face, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother, let's wait a little longer, my sister is not ready yet. But brother, don't worry, at most... Ten days at most, after ten days, my sister will remove the halo and let my brother see My sister's face. Brother, don't worry, my sister lied to my brother before, in fact, my sister is not ugly at all, and she is also very good-looking, my brother will never suffer, my sister can swear."

  She secretly calculated the days, after her brother left, she promised her mother and queen to get married, and then asked them to go to Ling Xiaozong to propose marriage, forcing Ling Xiaozong to agree, after she and her brother got married...

On the night of wedding candles in the bridal chamber, when her brother wore a wedding robe and took off the red hijab on her head, she immediately went out of her mind, hugged her brother and told her the truth: "Hee hee, good brother! Didn't expect that? Your bride Zizi is not only the noble and proud eldest princess, but also your cute little licking dog Xiaoyue sister!"

  At that time, my brother must be very surprised, and will be very excited and surprised, right?

  Thinking of that scene, she couldn't help laughing out loud.

   Poor brother, no matter how smart you are and how careful you are, you will still be tricked and slept by your sister!

  Poor senior sister, just keep being reserved and cold! When the time comes, I will see your reaction when my brother and I pay homage to the wedding ceremony and we will see your reaction, hum! Although your husband is not bad, but compared with my elder brother, hehe... that is one on earth and one on heaven!

   "Xiaoyue, what are you laughing at?"

   While she was fantasizing in her mind, and the corners of her mouth could not help but grinned, a voice suddenly broke her sweet dream.

  Xiaoyue woke up suddenly, and said: "Brother, let's start tonight. Don't worry, brother, my sister will definitely keep her word this time, and I will definitely let my brother see my sister's appearance when the time comes."

  Luo Qingzhou joked: "The voice of the soul can also be changed. If you are a man then, I will bump my head to death in front of you."

  Xiaoyue smiled "puchi" and said: "Brother, although the voice will change, but the feeling will not change. When the brother hugs the younger sister, don't you feel it? Also, the younger sister has such a good figure..."

   As he spoke, the red halo below his neck suddenly dissipated, revealing a tall and slim figure.

   "Brother, did you see it? My sister is really a girl, and she is also a very beautiful and charming girl."

   After Xiaoyue finished speaking with a smile, her body was immediately surrounded by a red halo.

  Luo Qingzhou felt relieved.

  Even if the other party is ugly and has such a figure, he will not suffer.


  Sister Yue said that directly, which made him a little sad...

   "Brother, you wait here. My sister will go out and look around first. If there is no danger, my sister will come over and kiss my brother later... No, we are practicing together, hehe."

   After Xiaoyue finished speaking, she flew out immediately.

When she flew to the passage, she couldn't help but took out the communication treasure, and proudly sent a message to a hypocritical and poor woman: [Senior sister, brother just begged me personally, let me kiss him to practice, I agreed . We'll start soon, don't send him a message to delay our kiss practice]

  After sending it, she immediately used the earth walking technique, got into the wall next to her, and started patrolling everywhere.

  After she left, Luo Qingzhou thought wildly for a while, took out the communication treasure, and sent a message to Sister Yue: [Sister Yue, I promised Xiaoyue to practice with her]

   After a while, the message replied: 【Oh】

Luo Qingzhou looked at this word with unknown emotions, paused, and then replied: [Sister Yue, Xiaoyue said, since kissing can have such a good effect, then, if that, the effect should be even better. well, what do you think? 】

  How will Sister Yue respond?

   After sending it, he stared at the communication treasure, with a complicated expression and a little confusion in his heart.

   Not long after, the message replied: 【Don't know】

  Luo Qingzhou: [Sister Yue, if the effect will be better, do you think I can do that with Xiaoyue? Xiaoyue said that she can promise me everything and do anything for me]

   After a long time, the message party replied: 【Whatever you want】

  Luo Qingzhou stayed for a while, then said: 【I listen to Sister Yue】

   This time, the other party did not reply.

  Luo Qingzhou waited for a while, and sighed secretly in his heart. Just as he was about to put away the communication treasure, the Princess suddenly sent a message: [Chu Feiyang, do you know where you are hiding now? The master of Zijin Temple led people and surrounded our county palace. He held a magic weapon in his hand and said he wanted to check the ground. All other palaces have been inspected, even the underground of the palace has been inspected. They are menacing, as if they have discovered something]

  Luo Qingzhou's expression froze, and he immediately replied: [Princess, how many of them are there? Do you know what their cultivation bases are? 】

  Xiao Meijiao: [I heard from my mother that Taoist Zijin cultivates the soul, and his Taoism is unpredictable. It is estimated that he is in the late stage of distraction. The other two hall masters, one is a dual-cultivation of soul and soul, which is the cultivation base of the late martial artist and the late stage of the refining state; the other is majoring in the cultivation of the soul, and is the cultivation base of the early stage of the distracting state... They are very old, and it is said that they have practiced for a hundred years , There will be many evil exercises. In addition, there are dozens of Jinyiwei outside, and I don’t know the specific cultivation level]

Luo Qingzhou didn't reply, and immediately returned to his fascination. When he was about to go out to look for Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue had already passed through the stone gate and flew in in a hurry, saying: "Brother, the big thing is not good, those stinky Taoist priests seem to have found you , and the surrounding underground has been blocked, we seem to be unable to get out..."

  Luo Qingzhou immediately asked: "What did you use to block it?"

  Xiaoyue said: "It's a formation, my sister's earthen treasures can't be broken."

  Luo Qingzhou made a decisive decision and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

  (end of this chapter)

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