MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 720 Soul-to-spirit friendship, flesh-to-body meeting

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  Chapter 720 Spirit-soul friendship, physical meeting

   It's four o'clock.

  Luo Qingzhou got out of his body and flew into the night sky. First, he carefully observed the surrounding situation.

  There is wind and snow all around, and there is no abnormality.

   It was Brother Qin, who ran to the hillside to practice boxing by himself.

   During the few days when he moved here, he kept vigil every night, and when he was bored, he practiced boxing on the hillside. Although it was hard work, he felt at ease.

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at him and flew towards the river.

  On the river surface at night, snowflakes are falling, shrouded in cold air, hazy.

   In the middle of the river, a small boat was moored there.

  At the bow of the boat, a girl in a water-green dress and shiny ornaments was sitting there looking forward to it.

The girl has a graceful figure and a beautiful appearance, with a bright red mark between her brows, and a pair of eyes that are as clear as a river; under the skirt are a pair of small and white jade feet, one of which has an ankle. A bright red rope is tied; on the red rope, there is a bell tied.

  At this time, the bell was ringing softly with her swaying snow-white feet, forming a beautiful tune with the sound of splashing water.

  Luo Qingzhou took a closer look in mid-air and found something was wrong.

   What Long Er came out today was not just a soul, but a physical body transformed from the original body!

  He was startled, thought for a moment, then suddenly turned and returned.

  Since you want to have a reunion dinner with her, you must be sincere. If you don’t leave your body, how will you eat the food she prepared? If it's just a soul, it can only be a show.

  Longer was very kind to him.

  When he was in West Lake, he not only saved him, but also helped him save Hua Gu's body without hesitation, and gave him many treasures.

  Those treasures are her dowry.

  After coming here, she has been silently helping him protect his family.

  When he had the cheek to come to her in order to make a breakthrough, she did not hesitate and was ready to sacrifice her precious virginity to help him.

  So, at the reunion dinner tonight, he must not just use his soul to perfuse her.

This girl is lonely, she has been alone in the West Lake for so long, and she came to this strange place because of him. On this night when every house is lively, she sits on a small boat in the wind and snow, listening not far away. How desolate is the sound of firecrackers everywhere?

  As Luo Qingzhou thought in his heart, he returned to the small courtyard and entered the room, fascinated.

  Miss Qin Er was softly clung to his arms, sleeping soundly.

  Luo Qingzhou lowered his head and kissed her forehead, Fang gently took out his arm, quietly got off the bed, and put on his clothes.

   After helping Second Miss Qin cover the quilt, he walked to the window, ready to leave through the window.

  But at this time, in the small courtyard outside, the sound of Zhu'er throwing the flying knife suddenly came, the force was much heavier than before, and the moment the flying knife flew out, there was a sound of piercing through the air.

   Has this girl practiced internal strength?

  Luo Qingzhou's heart moved, he quietly opened the window and looked outside.

  In the heavy snow, Zhu Er was wearing a thick padded jacket, holding a throwing knife, looking at the target in the corner of the wall in front of her.

She didn't throw the throwing knife immediately, but was adjusting her breath, and a wisp of white air was spit out from her nose and mouth. Then she closed her eyes, raised her hand and threw the flying knife, and the flying knife flew out with a "swish". It hit the bull's-eye in the corner with perfect precision, and the handle of the knife almost sank into it.

   Sure enough, I have cultivated my internal strength!

  When Luo Qingzhou saw this scene, he was secretly surprised.

   Who taught her?

  Second brother?

  Second brother can't throw knives.

  And the second brother probably wouldn't pass it on to a little maid alone, right?

  After much deliberation, there is only one person who is the most suspicious.

  Every time Zhuer saw each other, she always smiled, very happy and attentive, just like a little licking dog.

  However, he has tried many times, but he has not tested the opponent's internal strength.

  If it is really her, then she is even more unpredictable.

  While Luo Qingzhou was thinking, the communication treasure on his body suddenly vibrated.

  He took it out and took a look, it was from Long Er: 【Master, haven’t you come yet? 】

  Luo Qingzhou immediately replied: 【Come】

  He put away the summons and looked up at the small courtyard. Zhu'er, who was standing in the small courtyard holding a throwing knife, was also looking at him with timid eyes.

  Luo Qingzhou went out directly through the window, closed the window, then walked in front of her and said, "Master, go out for a while, come back tomorrow morning, is it okay?"

  Zhu Er bit her lip, lowered her head, and said in a trembling voice, "No..."

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at her, and was about to leave when she suddenly couldn't help asking: "Gu...Guye, you...Are you going, to meet other women?"

  Luo Qingzhou stopped, looked at her for a few seconds, then suddenly stretched out his hand, took the flying knife from her hand, raised his hand, and threw the flying knife into the air.

  Zhu'er froze for a moment, then quickly looked up.

  The soul power in Luo Qingzhou's body moved, and he used the imperial object technique.

  The flying knife hovered in mid-air suddenly, then fell quickly, and when it was about to hit the ground, it turned around and flew up with a "shua", and began to circle around the entire small courtyard.


Luo Qingzhou stretched out his hand and stabbed the throwing knife into the bull's-eye in the corner with precision, then passed through the bull's-eye, turned around in the small courtyard again, and plunged into it again with a "poof". hit another bullseye.

  Pearl stayed where she was, with her eyes wide open and her mouth slightly open.

  Luo Qingzhou withdrew his soul power, looked at her and said, "Are there any questions?"

  Zhu'er froze for a moment, then woke up immediately, hurriedly shook her head and said: "No, no more..."

Luo Qingzhou glanced at her again, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, reached out and pinched her delicate face, and said, "Little Mantou, tell my aunt, who taught you the throwing knife? Who taught you the inner strength?" mentality?"

  Pearl lowered her head, her body was trembling, and her mouth was tightly shut.

  Luo Qingzhou saw that she was quite frightened, so he let go of his hand, stroked her face lightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, don't say it if you don't want to, my uncle won't eat you."

   Then he said: "No, my uncle loves to eat small steamed buns the most. When my uncle is in a bad mood and hungry, he will still eat your white, tender and chubby little steamed buns."

   After saying that, the figure flashed suddenly, and jumped out of the courtyard wall on the right without warning.

  In the snow outside the wall, there was a pair of footprints, but there was no figure.

  Luo Qingzhou lowered his head and took a closer look at the footprints. Then, he followed the footprints and walked into a flower bed in front.

  The footprints stopped abruptly in the flower bed and disappeared.

  Luo Qingzhou stood at the flower bed, looked around, and fixed his eyes on the Ling Chan Moon Palace next door.

  He stood there for a while, then Fang turned and left.

   As long as you are not an outsider.

  Since the other party wants to hide it, let her continue to hide it.

  He jumped over the courtyard wall and went out the door without a sound.

   And at this time.

  In the small courtyard, Zhu Er was standing in a daze among the snowflakes, muttering: "White and tender...chubby...does my aunt dislike her being fat? But, she is not fat at all..."

  At this time, a figure suddenly came from the courtyard wall: "Zhuer, you have come out to practice."

  Hearing this voice, Zhu'er's eyes lit up immediately, and she immediately went out from the courtyard door, and complained: "Young master has sneaked out again... Also, my young master despises me for being fat..."

  The crisp voice said: "Perhaps, it's not disgust, but covet?"


   "Let's go, let me help you see how fat you are..."


  The two left holding hands.

  The temperature along the river is even colder.

  Luo Qingzhou quickly came to the riverside, glanced at the hillside, and saw that Brother Qin didn't pay attention to this place, so he jumped into the river, and his figure flashed, and he had already skimmed the boat in the middle of the river.

  Long'er was sitting on the bow of the boat, holding a communication certificate, dangling his snow-white feet under his skirt boredly, when he saw him appearing suddenly, he was surprised and happy at once, and quickly got up and said, "Young master, you finally...huh?"

   is the son's breath, just...

  Long'er opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at the figure in front of him.

  Wearing a Confucian robe, tall and tall, with a handsome face and gentle manners, but his body exudes the aura of a warrior, and at the same time, exudes a warm aura that only the flesh can have...

   "Young master, you..."

   "Since I want to come to accompany you to have a reunion dinner, I naturally have to come completely. If I am just a soul, how can I accompany you to eat?"

  Luo Qingzhou said with a smile on his face.


  Long Er's eyes suddenly fogged up, and then he threw himself into his arms, hugged him tightly, and sobbed, "Young Master treats Long Er so kindly... Long Er, Long Er wants to... want to mate with Young Master now..."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

   "Young master, how are you?"

   "Ahem, let's have a reunion dinner."

   "When the mating is over, go to have a reunion dinner."

   "Don't, wait until the reunion dinner is over, and then... cough cough, Longer, don't say this word in the future, and tonight is a reunion day, so it's not good to do other things."

   "Okay... Long Er listens to the young master..."

  At this moment, a cold shout suddenly came from the riverside: "Monster! How bold! What are you doing sneakily on the boat? Do you want to come to the shore to do evil? Take your life!"

  Luo Qingzhou turned his head and saw that Second Brother Qin was standing on the shore with his fists clenched and glaring.

  A light shield lit up on Long Er's body, covering the two of them inside, isolating the river outside, and exuding a warm breath at the same time.

  By the river, Qin Chuan clenched his fists, his robe fluttered, and snorted coldly: "It's so bad that I scare him away with just a few words. It seems that there is no threat."

  After speaking, he stood by the river for a while, then turned and left, and continued to practice boxing in the open space.

   "Master, your second brother is so stupid..."

  Long Er took Luo Qingzhou to sneak in the river, and couldn't help laughing and complaining.

  Although Luo Qingzhou also felt that the second brother was a bit naive, he would not speak ill of him behind his back.

  When he first entered the Qin Mansion, he was humble and had nothing. When the second brother saw him for the first time, he was very polite and nice to him. He also taught him the Ben Leiquan to exercise his body. He really regarded him as a relative.

   "Second brother focuses on practicing martial arts, and doesn't know much about other things, so he looks a little not very smart."

  Luo Qingzhou explained.

Long Er looked understanding, and said: "Oh, it seems that you can't focus on practicing martial arts, you should be like a young master, in addition to practicing martial arts, you should also study, in addition to studying, you have to mess around everywhere, so that you can become smart, right? "

  Luo Qingzhou froze, and said, "Long'er, did Sister Yue say anything to you last night?"

  Long Er shook his head and said, "No, my sister doesn't like to talk."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Didn't you say a word?"

  Long Er said: "Well, I didn't say a word, my sister is so cold, Long Er was too scared to speak."

  Luo Qingzhou was silent for a while, and asked: "Do you know if she has been practicing recently?"

  Long'er shook his head and said, "Long'er doesn't know."

  Luo Qingzhou didn't speak again.

  Long'er led him quickly through the underground passage and into the resplendent Dragon Palace.

   "My lord, Longer is going to prepare the dishes. You can stay here for a while, or go to see the flower bone girl. Longer will be here soon."

   After Long Er explained, he left in a hurry.

  Luo Qingzhou thought about it, went to the nearby Crystal Palace, and came to the ice coffin.

  Huagu's body was still lying quietly in the ice coffin, wearing a bright red dress, with a gentle expression on his face, as if he was asleep.

  Luo Qingzhou stood in front of the ice coffin, looked at it quietly for a while, took out the little Firefox from the storage ring, and stared into its eyes.

  Unfortunately, at this moment, little Firefox's body is not controlled by Huagu.

  However, he still looked into its eyes and said softly: "Hua Gu, Happy New Year."

   After midnight, it is indeed a new year.

  Thinking of this, he put away the little firefox, took out the communication treasure, and sent New Year greetings to everyone on it.

  【Senior, Happy New Year! After the Chinese New Year is over, I will go to find you and tell you a story]

  Zhu Yan quickly replied to the message: [Boy, the storytelling is fake, it’s true to let the king’s blood come out]

  Luo Qingzhou didn't reply.

  【Princess, happy new year, love you forever】

  【Master, happy new year, I wish you eternal youth and beauty forever! I wish the Ling Xiaozong will continue to pass on from generation to generation]

  【Master, Happy New Year! Tomorrow I will greet you, and I will ask you for a favor by the way, to practice with me, it is just a simple practice]

  【Xiaoyue, happy new year, thank you for helping me all the time, I wish you happiness forever】

  【Girl Liuli, Happy New Year, I wish you a happy journey】

  【Sister Yue, Happy New Year】

   When sending a message to Sister Yue, he hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say, so he just said "Happy New Year".

  But for Sister Yue, this New Year, without her husband and family, living with her younger sister, shouldn’t be happy.

  Master Uncle replied first: [Happy New Year, I can practice with you, but you also have to practice with me, not just practice]

  The corner of Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched: [But the energy in my body is too strong, Master will faint]

  Zhuzhu: [I like it]

  Just these three words left Luo Qingzhou completely speechless.

  Xiaoyue also sent a message: [Brother, Happy New Year. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, my sister can't wait]

  Luo Qingzhou was puzzled: 【Can't wait for what? 】

  Xiaoyue: [Chinese New Year]

  Luo Qingzhou: 【Oh, go to bed early】

  Xiaoyue: [Well, brother, you should go to bed early too, you have to get up early tomorrow morning. My sister will have a good dream tonight, dreaming that I will be with my brother forever, dreaming that my brother will love my sister every day]

  Luo Qingzhou didn't know how to reply, so he didn't reply again.

  At this time, Long Er's voice suddenly came from the door: "My lord, come and eat quickly, Long Er has a surprise for you."

  Luo Qingzhou put away the communication treasure, turned around and looked at her and said, "What surprise?"

  Long Er said with a smile: "Young Master, you will know when you go. It is really a surprise. You will be very happy to see it."

Luo Qingzhou was puzzled, and followed her out of the Crystal Palace, his eyes suddenly fell on her slender figure, and the pair of snow-white and beautiful jade feet under her skirt, and couldn't help saying: "Longer, you have transformed into a flesh body!" , will it be uncomfortable?"

  Long Er said: "Of course not, except for the decrease in strength, everything else is very comfortable."

   As she said that, she turned her head and smiled again: "Do you like Longer's body, Master?"

  Luo Qingzhou paused, nodded and said, "I like it."

  At this time, the two entered the side hall where they had dinner.

  A seductive fragrance permeates the entire palace.

  There are all kinds of delicious dishes on the table, as well as several jugs of fine wine, bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses, all made of crystal, with exquisite patterns carved on them.

  Luo Qingzhou only glanced at it, then suddenly turned to the window next to him.

  A familiar figure, bathed in the white moonlight, stood quietly and coldly in front of the window, staring at the illusory beauty outside the window in a daze.

  Although the figure was cold and quiet, it immediately gave him an extremely warm feeling of intimacy.

   "My lord, sister has been waiting for you for a long time."

   Sorry, I was writing last night, but I suddenly received a call and went back to my hometown.

   There are many relatives in the family, and they have all come back in the past few days. Many cousins, brothers and sisters have not seen each other for a long time.

   Although I brought a notebook, there are so many people that I can’t code quietly. Therefore, during the Chinese New Year, I can only keep updating as much as possible, maybe only once a day.

   Of course, if there is time, I will try my best to make two updates.



  (end of this chapter)

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