MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 751 The wind is blowing, the river is cold, and the strong men are gone...

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  Chapter 751 The wind is blowing, the river is cold, and the strong men are gone...

  It is early morning.

  The river wind at night is extremely cold.

  The lantern hanging in the corridor, with a faint light on, swayed under the cold wind, dying.

  The snow in the mountains has not melted yet.

  However, a few more snowflakes fell in the night sky.

  This night, the Qin family was sleepless all night.

  After Luo Qingzhou went to pay his respects to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he returned to his small courtyard with Second Miss Qin.

   After playing a few games of chess on the couch, the husband and wife washed up and went to bed.

  The two hugged each other, talking in a low voice under the quilt.

  Talked about the first meeting between the two, about the embarrassing things between the sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and about the details of the family in Meaux.

  Of course, we also chatted about Miss Qin.

   Regarding tomorrow's matter, neither of them said a word.

  Miss Qin Er tonight didn't seem to be sleepy at all. She chatted until the fourth watch, still in high spirits.

   "Brother Qingzhou, do you want to sleep for a while?"

   "No, I'm in good spirits."

  Miss Qin Er pressed close to him, buried her cheek in his neck, and said softly: "Wei Mo believes that everything will be fine."

   "Well, everything will be fine."

  Luo Qingzhou stroked her soft hair, with a gentle expression, and murmured.

  The two hugged each other tightly and neither spoke anymore.

  Five watch.

  Luo Qingzhou said softly: "Weimo, you sleep for a while, I should wake up."

  The girl in her arms trembled slightly, and hugged him tightly. After a while, Fang slowly let go, and said softly, "En."

  Luo Qingzhou bowed his head and kissed her forehead, without any further lingering, got up immediately.

  When he got dressed and was about to leave the room, the **** the bed sat up, with tears in her eyes, she looked at him infatuatedly and said, "Brother Qing Zhou, Wei Mo is waiting for you."

  Paused, then said: "Xiaodie, Qiu'er, Bai Ling, and sister are all waiting for you at home."

  Luo Qingzhou paused for a moment, opened the door and walked out without speaking.

  Qiu'er didn't know when, she had already got up, and was standing at the door waiting for him. Seeing him coming out, she immediately came over and squatted down, lowered her head, and gently helped him put on his shoes.

   "Young master, come back early, the maid will wait on you with Xiaodie and Zhu'er."

   Qiu'er stood up with a gentle smile on her face.

  Luo Qingzhou was startled, stretched out his hand to caress her delicate face, and said softly: "Take care of Second Miss."

  Qiu'er nodded and said, "Your servant will."

  Luo Qingzhou didn't speak any more, and went out.


  In the courtyard, the throwing knife thrown by Zhuer happened to hit the bullseye in the corner.

  Luo Qingzhou walked down the corridor and stopped beside her.

  Pearl glanced at him, immediately lowered her head nervously, and said in a trembling voice, "Gu...Guye."

  Luo Qingzhou didn't speak, and took out three throwing knives from her hand, and lightly threw them against the corner of the wall.


  Three throwing knives flew out at the same time, and hit the bull's-eye in the corner at the same time. The entire handle of the knife fell into the bull's-eye!

   "Remember to let her teach you sword intent."

   After Luo Qingzhou finished speaking, he rubbed her head and left quickly.

  Pearl stared blankly at his back.


  At this moment, the target in the corner suddenly shattered and fell to the ground.

And the three flying knives pierced into the wall behind, and there happened to be a knife mark left on the wall. At this time, the tips of the three flying knives were all pierced into it, exactly. !

  Pearl stood in the courtyard, transfixed.

  Luo Qingzhou went out, and at a glance, he saw a thin figure standing under a big tree not far away, looking at him silently.

  The cold wind blows, and the dress is slightly lifted.

  She held the sword, like a sculpture in the dark night, standing there, motionless.

   She should have been waiting here all night.

"Silly girl."

  Luo Qingzhou scolded softly, turned his head away, and said, "Let's go."

  The girl under the tree immediately followed behind him.

  The two walked towards the back door stepping on the snow, one behind the other.

   Snowflakes floated in the night sky again.

  On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, it snowed again.

  At the same time, a figure was quietly turning over from the courtyard wall, and soon came to the riverside.

  When he was about to untie the boat on the shore, a voice suddenly came from under the big tree behind him: "Where are you going?"

  Qin Chuan froze suddenly, turned around and looked.

  Under the big tree, a tall and majestic figure stood there with his hands up and down, as if he had been waiting here for a long time.


  Qin Chuan stuttered and couldn't speak.

  Qin Wenzheng looked at him majestically for a moment, sighed, and said, "Go back, your mother has been up all night and has been crying. If you are really filial, you should go back and spend more time with her."

  Qin Chuan lowered his head, slowly clenched his fists, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Daddy, my child wants to..."

"wanna die?"

  Qin Wenzheng looked at him coldly and said, "You want Lao Tzu and Qin's family to have no descendants? Do you want your mother to wash her face in tears for the rest of her life?"

  Qin Chuan said with red eyes: "Baby..."

"Let's go back."

  Qin Wenzheng calmed down, lowered his head slightly, and said slowly: "At this time, no one can save your elder brother. It is very likely that your elder brother has already been killed."

As he spoke, he raised his head, looked at him lovingly and said, "Chuan'er, if you go, there will only be one more head left. Your mother, your sister, and our Qin family all need you. Your talent That's right, you can advance to the realm of a great martial artist by practicing alone. Only with you in the future can our Qin family continue. Your mother is stupid and always likes to do stupid things. Take medicine, Jianjia... also have illnesses. Everyone in the family needs your protection. If something happens to you, who will protect them in the future? Not to mention the people in the court, even a few mountain bandits, they can't deal with them..."

  Qin Chuan cried and said: "Daddy, but big brother... my son should at least go and bring back his body, otherwise, my son will have a bad conscience for the rest of his life..."

  Qin Wenzheng walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "It's okay, you go home and watch them. Daddy just go."

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Chuan suddenly trembled and looked up at him.

Qin Wenzheng looked in the direction of the capital in front of him, and said: "Daddy knows a lot of people in Kyoto, and they are also after meritorious service. He just went to ask for a corpse, and he just wanted a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. It should be fine. Even if something happens, it doesn't matter, with you at home, father and elder brother are very relieved."

  Qin Chuan knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and cried, "Daddy! Don't go, let the baby go, let the baby go..."

Qin Wenzheng stroked his head lovingly, and said: "Don't cry, get up, man, don't cry, don't kneel, stand upright, don't cry like a woman. Look at your mother. God, what else can he do besides cry? The Qin family will rely on you in the future, and of course, Qingzhou. You two brothers must protect the family well, and if you can’t, leave Dayan and live elsewhere. Heaven and Earth Big, as long as the family is there, anywhere can take root and become a home.”


  Qin Chuan hugged his legs with tears all over his face.

  Qin Wenzheng helped him up, and said: "Okay, let's go back, practice hard, and don't slack off."


"go back!"

  Qin Wenzheng's face darkened immediately. Seeing that he still refused to leave, he kicked him up and said angrily: "If you don't listen to your father, you are not filial! You are a rebellious son!"

   "Woo, Daddy..."

   "Get out! Rebellious son! Dog thing! Turtle son! Bitch! Go back to me!"

  Qin Wenzheng was furious, cursing, punching and kicking at the same time.

  Qin Chuan staggered and was pushed back, but he turned his head three times a step, crying and looking.

"go back!"

  Qin Wenzheng growled and said angrily: "If something happens to the family members, I will never let you go! You will have no face to worship the ancestors of the Qin family!"

Then he said earnestly: "Chuan'er, death is not scary. Daddy is not afraid of death. He is afraid that the Qin family will lose their incense. Your responsibility is greater than that of your father. From now on, the Qin family will rely on you. I will be your father and beg you to go back quickly." Bar."


   "Fuck you bitch, I'm going to make you kneel down, right?"

  Qin Wenzheng was furious, his eyes turned red suddenly, his knees bent, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop", swearing again.

  When Qin Chuan saw it, he was startled and terrified, and ran away in a hurry, crying loudly while rushing into the house in a hurry.

   "Dog! Nizi! You must make me kneel down! I say hello to you... bah bah bah!"

Qin Wenzheng hurriedly got up from the ground, patted the snow on his knees, and looked at his house. After looking for a long time, a look of determination suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said softly: "Ruyue, the master is leaving, take good care of him." At home, we...we will be husband and wife in the next life..."

   After speaking, he turned around and strode towards the river.

  At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice came from behind: "Master, where are you going?"

  Qin Wenzheng froze and turned his head to look.


  Before he could see the person behind him clearly, his eyes suddenly went dark, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

   Not long after, a long trail was left on the snow on the ground.

  Qin Wenzheng was paralyzed, was dragged back to the house by his collar, and was thrown on the corridor in the front yard.

   "Uuuuuu, Daddy..."

  In the dark hall, Second Brother Qin was still crying in grief.

   After a while.

  He suddenly cried: "No! I can't let Daddy go alone! I'm not filial if I do this!"

   After saying that, he suddenly rushed out of the door with tears all over his face. Just as he was about to rush out of the courtyard, his footsteps froze suddenly. He turned his head and looked at the sleeping figure lying there in the corridor...


   Fight for three chapters today



  (end of this chapter)

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