MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 754 Grandmaster vs. Grandmaster, beheading the emperor's head with a sword!

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  Chapter 754 Grandmaster vs. Grandmaster, beheading the emperor with a sword!


  On Luo Qingzhou's fist, purple lightning suddenly appeared.

  When the spirits on the roof were flying down, before he had time to drive the flying sword, he suddenly punched up!


  Grandmaster's fist glow, with the purple lightning that can destroy the soul, exudes a terrifying aura like thunder!

   Before those spirits could react, they made a "poof", and were beaten to pieces!

  Only the soul of Taoist Zijin quickly dodged the fist light and lightning, and suddenly a golden bowl appeared in his hand, and he yelled, "Sure!"


  A golden beam of light suddenly shot out from the golden bowl and shone on Luo Qingzhou's body, instantly freezing him in place.

   Taoist Zijin immediately turned his head and shouted anxiously: "Your Majesty, you go first!"


  Unexpectedly, just as he finished speaking, Luo Qingzhou suddenly flashed red lightning all over his body, and smashed the golden beam of light covering his body with a punch, and then turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the emperor behind him!

   Taoist Zijin's complexion changed, he flicked the dust whisk in his hand, and the dense flying swords shot out!

  However, Luo Qingzhou suddenly turned around, and his figure suddenly disappeared in front of him, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in front of his physical body.

   Seeing this scene, Taoist Zijin's soul turned pale with fright, rushed over, and screamed sharply: "Don't worry, you thief!"


  Luo Qingzhou smashed his physical head with one punch, and at any moment another punch pierced his physical chest. With a "boom", a golden fist exploded in his physical chest!

  His entire body was torn apart and turned into pieces!


   Taoist Zijin let out a miserable scream, and then roared, his eyes were about to split open, and the whisk in his hand suddenly turned into a huge sharp blade, slashing towards him!

  However, Luo Qingzhou didn't look at him more, nor did he avoid the sharp knife coming from him. With a flash of his figure, he rushed directly to the emperor who was about to escape through the back door.

   "Where is the golden corpse!"

   Taoist Zijin suddenly snarled.


  A tall figure with golden body all over suddenly flew out from the ground, blocking Luo Qingzhou's way.

   "Your Majesty, let's go!"

   Taoist Zijin immediately shouted loudly, but just after he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

  Luo Qingzhou punched the golden corpse in front of him, but a ray of spirit suddenly came out of the sword, passing through Zijin Taoist's head in an instant, and stabbing Nangongyang's back with his sword!

  Nan Gongyang suddenly threw a golden copper coin backwards, and the golden copper coin lit up with a light shield, protecting him behind him!

However, the flying sword that flew away split into nine flying swords in an instant, seven of which were intercepted by the light shield, but the remaining two flew over and pierced into Nangong with a "chi" sound. Yang's thighs!

  Nan Gongyang screamed suddenly, his legs went limp, and he fell to the ground.

When Luo Qingzhou's spirit was about to drive the two flying swords to cut off his legs, a figure suddenly passed through the wall like a ghost, and punched Nangong Yang's feet with a "boom". ground.

  The two flying swords that pierced through Nangongyang's legs lost contact with Luo Qingzhou's spirit in an instant, and fell to the ground with a wailing sound.

   Nangong Yang shouted in panic and panic: "Eunuch Li! Kill him! Kill them!"

  The white-haired old **** Li Zhong looked at the scene in front of him with a solemn expression. His gray robe was bulging, and his whole body was like a towering mountain, protecting the emperor.

  He suddenly narrowed his eyes, and punched Luo Qingzhou's soul in mid-air.


  The moment he broke the connection between the flying sword and the soul, Luo Qingzhou had already withdrawn the soul, and at the same time, the nine flying swords suddenly disappeared.

  The golden corpse standing in front of Luo Qingzhou was also directly broken by his stick, and fell to the ground.

   There were more and more guards rushing in from windows and doors, and some guards even broke through the wall to come in. Xia Chan seemed to be unable to resist.


  Luo Qingzhou's flying sword flew out again, and suddenly turned into nine flying swords, forming a sword array with lightning connected in the middle, and flew towards the guards!

  Suddenly there were dense flying swords and thunderbolts around Xia Chan, and the guards who rushed in instantly fell to the ground.

   "Cultivation of both body and soul! The master of the body, the distraction of the soul..."

  The white-haired old **** looked at the young man in front of him, and the expression on his face suddenly became a little complicated.

  Nangong Yang's face was distorted in pain, he gritted his teeth and said: "Eunuch Li! Kill him! Kill this little bastard!"


  On Luo Qingzhou's double fists, the accumulated thunder and lightning became thicker and thicker, and in the Danhai inside his body, internal force rushed towards his fists like a tide.

  The wind around Li Zhong turned into a thin shield. Behind him, a phantom of a mountain appeared, and on his fists, two golden swirls lit up!

  Just as the two masters were about to attack, a sharp voice suddenly came from the side: "Little beast! If you don't stop, the old master will cut off your elder brother's head with one sword!"

  The soul of the Zijin Taoist, holding a sword, suddenly lay across the back of Qin Lang's neck, with a ferocious expression on his face.

His physical body was destroyed, and now his soul is weak, and he no longer has the strength of the late stage of distraction state, and the magic weapon on his body can't exert any power. The most powerful Tongtian tripod was stolen, and his indestructible golden corpse, He was beaten with a stick and fell to the ground...

  So, he can only use this trick.

  Grandmaster battles, life and death are often in an instant, as long as the opponent's state of mind is disturbed, and the opponent is in a trance for a moment, then it may be fatal.

  Looking at this scene, Li Zhong frowned slightly.

   And Nangong Yang, who was sitting paralyzed behind him, was still screaming bitterly: "Kill him! Kill this little bastard!"

  The sword in Zijin Taoist's hand suddenly cut off one of Qin Lang's shoulders with a "shua", and said fiercely, "Little beast! You ruined the body of the old Taoist. Today, you don't want to leave here!"

  The thunderbolt on Luo Qingzhou's fists was still rapidly accumulating energy, and he looked at the person under his sword calmly.

Qin Lang trembled all over his body, slowly raised his head, looked at him with cloudy eyes, his pupils seemed to be brightened suddenly, a smile appeared on his rotten cheeks, and he said in a trembling voice: "Qing Zhou...Brother I am very fortunate that you have become a member of our Qin family... I am also very fortunate that I finally got to know you today... I just realized today that nothing is as important as my family... Take care of them and yourself... Brother, I am sorry... "

After finishing speaking, he suddenly had a ferocious face, his whole body trembled violently, and then he roared suddenly, his neck twisted back with a "click", and then his whole rotting body suddenly swelled up, and with a "bang", it exploded into a cloud of blood mist !

   Taoist Zijin was stunned for a moment, before he could react, Luo Qingzhou had already let out a low growl, and punched him suddenly!

  The terrifying aura instantly locked his entire soul, making him unable to move.

  He was scared out of his wits and shouted anxiously: "Senior Li! Help me!"

  The moment Luo Qingzhou punched, Li Zhong's fist also hit him!

   However, Luo Qingzhou directly ignored his fist, smashed Zijin Taoist's protective mask with one punch, and grabbed his neck!


  With a golden vortex fist, Li Zhong smashed heavily on Luo Qingzhou's body.

  The fist of this old grandmaster is terrifyingly powerful!

  Luo Qingzhou grabbed Taoist Zijin's neck, was thrown flying directly, hit the pillar behind him heavily, broke the thick pillar, and hit the wall behind again, Fang stopped.

  He fell to the ground, the blood in his body surged, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, still pinching Taoist Zijin's soul in his hand.

Taoist Zijin was startled and horrified, knowing that only the young man in front of him could save his life at this time, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Mr. Luo, spare your life! As long as you spare the old Tao, the old Tao... the old Tao will give you a peerless magic weapon! Tongtian Cauldron ! Have you heard of Tongtian Ding? That is the treasure of my Zijin temple, as long as you let the old way go..."

  Luo Qingzhou grabbed his right shoulder, and with a "chi" sound, he tore his entire shoulder off.

   Taoist Zijin suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Luo Qingzhou grabbed his left shoulder again, looked at him and said, "Is it the Tongtian Cauldron? What a coincidence, I also have one. I remember that night, the Zijin Temple was full of flames, screaming constantly... I set fire to the temple, and put it on fire. You killed all the tops and bottoms of the Zijin Temple, and then destroyed your large protective formation and took away a small black cauldron..."

   "Ah—you bastard! So you are this little bastard!"

   Before he could finish speaking, Taoist Zijin suddenly contorted his face, struggled all over his body and roared sharply, opening his mouth wide, as if he wanted to pounce on him and bite him!


  Luo Qingzhou suddenly tore off his other shoulder, then grabbed his head with one hand and his body with the other, and with a light pull, his entire soul was torn in half!


  A shrill scream resounded throughout the palace!


  The fist that shone with purple lightning directly hit his shattered soul!

  The master of the Zijin Temple, who was so famous all over the world, disappeared in an instant like this, and turned into nothing!

  At the door, window, and collapsed walls, there were still soldiers from the Imperial Forest rushing in shouting, but with the cooperation of Xia Chan's swordsmanship and Luo Qingzhou's sword formation, the ground was soon full of corpses, and no one took a step forward.

  Luo Qingzhou wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the emperor whose legs had been pierced by flying swords, and was sitting slumped on the ground, his face was pale and frightened, and then he walked over.

Li Zhongru stood there with golden swirls shining in his fists. He looked at him with complicated eyes, and suddenly he couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Let's go now, there's still time... With your age and talent, no matter where you go , will become the most dazzling existence. As long as you don't hurt His Majesty, this old man will never make things difficult for you."

Speaking of this, he looked at the pool of black concoction on the ground, and said in an old and authentic tone: "What your majesty did was indeed wrong...but he is the emperor, the king of all the people of Dayan. Man, you must not kill"

  He suddenly changed his face, held his breath, closed all the pores of his body, looked at him in disbelief and said, " poisoned?"


  Luo Qingzhou walked up to him with lightning flashing on his fist.

   "You... you are a master... how can you... what kind of poison is this? I have long been immune to all poisons, how could..."

  The golden vortexes on Li Zhong's fists suddenly became larger and smaller, the breath in his body also began to become disordered, and his face began to turn pale.


  Luo Qingzhou punched him.

at the same time.

  Nangong Huoyue, who was wearing a scarlet gown, hurried over with someone, but was blocked outside the gate of Yongyan Palace.

  The gatekeeper was a tall, simple-looking young general who bowed his head and respectfully said: "Your Highness, Your Majesty ordered that you are not allowed to enter today."

  Nangong Huoyue raised her head, looked at the broken roof of the palace, felt the fluctuation of the powerful aura inside, and said coldly: "There is a fight inside? Can't you see it?"

  The guard bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty has an order. No matter what happens inside, the general must stay here today. Without His Majesty's order, no one can enter."

  Paused, he said again: "Your Highness, don't worry, the head of state and the imperial army are inside, the top ten guards are also inside, and the master of Zijin Temple, Eunuch Li has also gone, your majesty will be fine."


   At this moment, there was a loud noise, earth-shattering!

  The entire majestic palace, suddenly the walls shattered, the roof collapsed, and it was crumbling.

  The ground shook!

  Two terrifying waves of air collided fiercely, spreading towards the surroundings, like huge waves, turbulent and terrifying, and instantly tore down the surrounding courtyard walls.

  Even the people standing at the door were blown up by this terrifying air wave, and their clothes were flapping.

  The guard almost couldn't stand upright, and his face suddenly changed.

  Nangong Huoyue lifted Xipao suddenly, kicked him in the stomach with a "bang", kicked him flying out, and then the red shadow flashed and flew in.

  Yuewu Yueying and dozens of female guards with swords hanging from their waists all followed in a flash.

  Nangong Huoyue walked quickly in the wind and snow, looking at the crumbling palace with debris flying in front of her, feeling suspicious.

   Didn’t Mr. Luo enter the palace? Who else? How could there be such a big commotion?

  There are so many masters in the palace, and Eunuch Li is here, can't you still win the other party?


Just as her figure flashed and rushed to the door, the wall in the corridor suddenly shattered and opened, and then a figure flew out from inside, and fell in front of her in embarrassment, spitting out a mouthful of blood from her mouth. .

  Nangong Huoyue looked down and was shocked, unbelievable: "Li...Li Zhong?"

  At this time, Li Zhong, his clothes were scorched black, his body was ripped apart, his white hair was also stained with blood, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

  The majestic master turned into such a miserable appearance in such a short period of time?

  Who is in it?

  Nangong Huoyue suddenly felt frightened and her face turned pale.

  Seeing her coming, Li Zhong coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood, and hurriedly said in a trembling voice, "His Royal Highness, hurry... Come in, Your Majesty is... in danger..."

Hearing this, Nangong Huoyue was about to rush in, but suddenly paused again, but after hesitating for a few breaths, a scarlet flame mark suddenly ignited between her brows, a red light flashed in her hand, and a flame appeared The gun, then wrapped in flames, rushed in!

  In the room, Luo Qingzhou was already standing in front of Nangongyang covered in bruises.

  Nan Gongyang shrank in the corner, his face pale, trembling, screaming in horror: "You can't kill me! You can't kill me! I'm the emperor! I'm the emperor of Great Yan!"

Suddenly, a sword appeared in Luo Qingzhou's hand, and then he grabbed his hair, dragged him into the pool of black concoction, pressed him to kneel there, and then pressed the sword against the On his neck, he said calmly: "Hold your head down, let me hurry up, and you should hurry up too."

Nangong Yang knelt tremblingly in the concoction and Qin Lang's exploding flesh, and suddenly cried out in horror: "Luo Qing, please forgive me, please forgive me... I am still young, I don't want to die yet... As long as you forgive me , I promise you everything, I can give you everything... By the way! Don't you have a good relationship with Huang Jie? Don't you admire her very much and want to be loyal to her? I promise you, as long as you forgive me Zhen, I will let her marry you and let her serve you with all her heart... Woo, Luo Qing, I really don't want to die..."

  Luo Qingzhou remained calm, the sword in his hand cut his neck, and when he was about to continue cutting down, he suddenly raised his head slowly and looked towards the door.

  The rest of the Imperial Forest Army were trembling outside the door, not daring to come in.

  At the door, at some unknown time, the long princess in a red gown and long hair was standing there silently holding a spear.

   Between her eyebrows, a scarlet and charming flame ignited.

  But the expression on her face at this moment is extremely complicated, her hand holding the spear is trembling slightly...

  At this moment, it seemed that all the voices stopped abruptly, as if all the movements were frozen there.

  Even the air seemed to freeze suddenly.

  The crumbling hall suddenly became deathly silent.

   "Sister Huang! Sister Huang! Save me! Come and save me!"

  Suddenly seeing her, Nangong Yang was surprised and delighted at the same time, as if he had grasped the straw to save his life, he hurriedly cried and shouted.

  Luo Qingzhou was quiet for a moment, then suddenly raised his sword and cut it into his neck.

   I've tried my best, but I really can't finish writing this episode... It's almost midnight, and I have to go to work tomorrow, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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