MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 761 The Three Great Immortal Sects, the Imperial Palace Spirit Mine, Peeking at the Eldest Miss

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  Chapter 761 The Three Great Immortal Sects, the Imperial Palace Spirit Mine, Peeking at the Eldest Miss


  The dazzling fist burst out.

  The rock wall a hundred meters away was suddenly blasted into a bottomless hole.

  Jianfeng, above the peak.

  Luo Qingzhou was practicing the fist technique Long Er gave him with his upper body bare.

  It was cold and windy, but he was steaming hot.

  The early morning sun shed a golden radiance, falling on his sweaty body, shining brightly, and extraordinarily charming.

  Linghu Qingzhu was dressed in Tsing Yi, standing on a rock not far away, watching quietly.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Luo Qingzhou's fist is getting faster and faster, and the power of the explosion is getting bigger and bigger.

  The sea of ​​clouds in front was smashed to pieces by the exploding fist light.

  The surrounding rocks have also suffered seedlings.

  Jianfeng has a peak protection formation, and there is another master.

  So, he practiced here without any scruples or reservations, and he practiced very heartily.

  Practice boxing in the morning and absorb the vitality of the world in the afternoon.

   I took a break at noon, ate something, and then continued to practice.

  Linghu Qingzhu occasionally appeared not far away, but just stood there watching him quietly without disturbing him.

  One day is extremely short.

   In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

  Luo Qingzhou finished his work, let out a long breath of white air, and slowly opened his eyes.

  The setting sun fell in the sky, her face was red, like a girl who was about to go home but was reluctant to part with her lover.

  The snow on the peak shows no signs of melting.

  On the still green pines, covered with snow, it is especially beautiful under the slightly drunken sunset.

  Luo Qingzhou felt that the scenery at this moment was very good, so he took out the communication treasure, recorded the picture of this scene, and sent it to Sister Yue.

   And added the text: [The setting sun is infinitely beautiful, and the drunk eyes shine on the green pines]

  When we were on the boat last night, Sister Yue finally agreed to add him back as a friend.

   After a while.

  The message came back: [Is there something wrong? 】

  Luo Qingzhou said: [It's okay, I just finished practicing, and I saw the beautiful scenery here, so I took a photo and sent it to Sister Yue to watch together]

  Sister Yue: 【Oh】

  Luo Qingzhou: [Just? 】

  The other party did not reply.

  Luo Qingzhou waited for a while, then put away the summons and prepared to leave.

  When he turned around, Master Linghu was standing quietly behind him.

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Master, I'm going home."

  Linghu Qingzhu glanced at his sweaty chest, and said, "Go take a bath first."

  Luo Qingzhou said: "No, I'll just go back and wash, so as not to dirty the uncle's bath."

  Linghu Qingzhu narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think you haven't dirty it?"

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  Linghu Qingzhu looked at him, was silent for a while, and said: "The night after tomorrow, remember to come early. My soul has already advanced to the state of distraction, and then we can go out of the body practice."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  It was already dark when we went down the mountain.

  The moonlight was cold, the mountain wind howled, and the shadows of the trees on the side of the road opened their teeth and danced their claws, like ghosts showing their fangs, and made whining noises.

  In Luo Qingzhou's mind, some news that Master Linghu told him today emerged.

   "The Misty Immortal Sect, Penglai Immortal Island, and Jiutian Yaotai are all the most powerful and oldest practice sects other than Dayan..."

"Many people say that only by entering these immortal sects can they truly step into the door of cultivation... They major in the soul, but they can fly with the sword and have many magical skills, so they are called the sect of cultivating immortals... In fact, they are more powerful than us. It has existed for a longer time, and there are more masters..."

"They occupy the most cultivation resources. Most of the cultivation resources in the entire Kyushu continent are in their hands, but they are not satisfied. Although they have signed contracts with each other and cannot intervene in the affairs of various countries, they still secretly support many countries. ..."

  "Each country actually has one or several spiritual mines, as well as an army of warriors, all they need..."

"Master and uncle once said that Dayan's spiritual mine should be under the imperial palace, but the late emperor may have only told the eldest princess and a few people. Our five major sects are entitled to some...the eldest princess' body and soul dual cultivation, The rapid progress may be related to that spirit mine..."

"Of course, it may be that she is a genius. In fact, there are such people. My uncle once said that there was such a talented woman in the Misty Immortal Sect. She started to practice in her teens, and it only took a few years. , shocked the entire cultivation world..."

"Entering your current realm and starting to cultivate with the vitality of heaven and earth, it is different from the original cultivation method. Whether it is physical body cultivation or spiritual cultivation, you need to find medicinal materials and refine elixir... almost every realm, you must Need medicine..."

   "Soul cultivators, in addition to relying on their own strength, also rely on magical weapons and magic weapons. A good magic weapon is often more important than their own cultivation..."

   "So, spirit mines are very important. Spirit mines can be exchanged for pills and magic weapons, or can be exchanged for materials for making medicine pills and refining magic weapons..."

   "Master Uncle has always wanted to help you facilitate this marriage, that's why. Other sects wanted to compete for this spot, but the Eldest Princess chose you personally."

   "With your talent, you will definitely go further, so now you need to use her power and resources to continue to move forward faster..."

   "Of course, you can also find a way to join those three sects like your big sister Gong Bing. She is now majoring in the soul, and now she has traveled around, looking for medicinal materials, and is preparing to continue to make breakthroughs in alchemy..."

   "But you have too many secrets, and you have too many... worries, and you have done those things again, so it shouldn't be easy to get in..."

   "So, the day after tomorrow, you should go get married and serve her well, she should help you..."

   "Also, the night after tomorrow, remember to practice."

  Luo Qingzhou walked down the mountain while thinking about these words.

   When they came to the foot of the mountain, the familiar sound of Dongxiao suddenly came from halfway up the mountain.

  The sound of the flute sobs sadly and lingeringly.

  Back home, he took a shower, talked to Miss Qin Er for a while, and went to greet his father-in-law and mother-in-law together.

  The two elders looked very excited. Somewhere they heard the news that the emperor of Kyoto passed away and the eldest princess was enthroned. Thinking that it was just yesterday, so their eldest son might still be alive, the joy in their hearts was beyond words.

  Luo Qingzhou looked uncomfortable, and dared not tell them the truth.

"Qingzhou, early tomorrow morning, your father-in-law and your second brother will go to the capital to see the situation and find out the news about your elder brother. Since the eldest princess has ascended the throne, you must be fine. This year's Chunwei, you will definitely be the champion .In the palace examination, the eldest princess will write the questions, and the eldest princess values ​​you so much..."

   "And your elder brother, he must be fine, the eldest princess has such a good relationship with our Qin family, she will definitely let him go..."

   "By the way, your father-in-law heard at the ferry today that the eldest princess is about to get married. Maybe he will invite our family to go with him."

   "Qingzhou, you really have a good eye. You were tied to the same boat with the eldest princess early on. Now our Qin family finally guards the clouds and sees the moon, and the hardships have come."

  Song Ruyue wept with joy, rambling on non-stop.

  At first, Qin Wenzheng also talked along with a smile on his face, but suddenly fell silent.

  Luo Qingzhou and Miss Qin Er never showed a smile on their faces from the beginning to the end.

  Luo Qingzhou didn't dare to stay longer, and left alone on the pretext of going back to study.

  When the two came, they had already discussed it, and there was no way to keep this matter hidden, so Second Miss Qin decided to confess to the second elder tonight.

  Although it is cruel.

  After Luo Qingzhou left alone, he did not return to the small courtyard, but went out of the gate and came to the riverside.

  Under the big tree by the river, stood a snow-white figure in fox fur.

  Beside the snow-white figure, Xia Chan held the sword and stood there motionless.

  In the snow not far away, Bai Ling was squatting on the ground, humming a song while making a snowman in his hand.

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at the three of them and walked over.

  Xia Chan heard footsteps, turned her head and glanced at him, then turned her head away again, without saying a word.

   "I have a little donkey, I never ride it, one day I rode my uncle to the market..."

  When Luo Qingzhou walked under the big tree, Bai Ling was still squatting in the snow not far away with his back facing him, singing seriously and making a snowman.

   "Chanchan, do I sing well?"

  After Bai Ling finished singing, his face was full of pride, but when he turned around, the smile on his face froze suddenly.

Luo Qingzhou ignored her, looked at Miss Qin who was beside her, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Miss, do you have no relationship with elder brother? I heard from the second lady that you rarely see him."

  Miss Qin withdrew her gaze, looked at him, was silent for a while, and said, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

  Luo Qingzhou shrugged his shoulders, and said: "It's nothing, I just think that the eldest brother passed away, and the eldest lady should burn some papers for him last night."

  Miss Qin said indifferently: "Is it useful?"

  Luo Qingzhou was at a loss for words.

  Miss Qin looked at the river again, calmly like a wood carving without any emotion.

Luo Qingzhou was silent for a while, and said: "What the eldest lady said is that it is really useless, and she is just deceiving herself and comforting herself. But... Forget it, let's not talk about it. The second lady may have already taken brother's I have told my father-in-law and mother-in-law, do you want to accompany them?"

  Miss Qin said calmly: "A little ink is enough."

  Luo Qingzhou stood on the side, looking at her quietly. The girl's profile under the moonlight was breathtakingly beautiful, like a dream.

  For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly remembered what Master Linghu said to him in the morning.

   "I saw it, and she is really good."

  Thinking of this sentence, he subconsciously looked at the back, figure, and...


  A cold light suddenly lit up next to it!

   When his gaze gradually moved down and landed on the towering chest, a sword suddenly stabbed out from the side, and the sharp edge of the sword was just in front of his eyes, covering his sight.

  Xia Chan held the sword and stared at him with a cold and disgusted look: "Deng, Deng Tuzi."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  Bai Ling also stood up and said, "Uncle, where were you looking at my lady just now?"

Luo Qingzhou took a few steps back, avoiding the cold air from Jianfeng, and said solemnly: "Fox fur, the fox fur of the young lady seems to be made together with the fox fur of the second young lady and the mother-in-law? It's so beautiful .”

  Xia Chan still stared at him without speaking.

  Bai Ling pouted: "Hmph, my uncle is really full of lies. He was clearly peeping at Miss's lovely feet. She and Chanchan both saw it with their own eyes!"

  The corner of Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched, and he gave her a sideways glance, wondering who was full of lies! Let's not talk about the second brother!


  He subconsciously glanced under Miss Qin's skirt, and was taken aback for a moment.

  The shoes Miss Qin is wearing today seem to be the pair he gave...

  He suddenly raised his head again and looked at Bai Ling.

   Did this girl just remind him on purpose?

   "Uncle is peeping again!"

Immediately, Bai Ling cried out again, raising his small fist to encourage him: "Miss, kick uncle quickly and punish him severely! Huh, uncle is really a greedy kitten, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, unexpectedly Coveting my sister-in-law's cute little feet!"

   Immediately said again: "Chanchan, quickly knock down my uncle and let the young lady stomp on him hard! Let's stomp on him together until he cries!"

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  Miss Qin turned around and walked towards the house. There was still no other expression on her flawless face, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with her.

   "Hmph, Mrs. Se!"

  Bai Ling followed Miss Qin, holding a snowball in his hand, and when passing by him, suddenly hit him on the neck.


  The snowball landed on Luo Qingzhou's neck, smashed into pieces, and slipped into his neckline, feeling cold.

"Ha ha!"

  After Bai Ling hit him, he ran away with a smug and melodious laugh.

   But when she was the first to run into the front yard, she stopped suddenly.

  In the hall, there were bursts of weeping, some from wives, some from maids.

  The master was also sitting there, with his head bowed, silent.

  Bai Ling looked at this scene, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, he was startled, sighed softly, and murmured in a low voice: "Unfortunately, none of us can go in..."

  The Qin Mansion's cries continued until midnight.

   On the riverside in the middle of the night, flames ignited again.

  After Luo Qingzhou accompanied them to burn the paper, he helped Second Miss Qin back to the house.

  The husband and wife talked for a while on the bed, and Second Miss Qin fell asleep weakly and exhausted with tears in her eyes.

  Luo Qingzhou hugged her, and waited for a long time before Fang came out of his body and flew up to the roof.

  He decided to practice both body and soul.

  Same as before, body training during the day and soul training at night.

  Thinking of what the uncle said today, he hesitated for a moment, took out the communication certificate, and sent a message to Sister Yue: 【Are you coming tonight? I want to continue learning alchemy and weapon refining, can elder sister Yue continue to teach me? 】

  After sending it, he put away the communication treasure and flew to the river.

   At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

  A vague figure suddenly flew over from the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and it arrived in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)