MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 249

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"I..." Bai Chuanxia wanted to apologize for the ring.

Aunt Concubine Ma suddenly moved closer and touched his lips.

"?" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback, facing the first rays of sunlight in the morning, enjoying the soft lips of a mature woman.

This time it wasn't a French kiss.

After the aunt kissed, her lips parted, and she looked into Bai Chuanxia's eyes.

"Don't forget the past, accept the reality, and move forward, this is life."

The sun shone on her fair cheeks, and the aunt seemed to be glowing.

"Let's go." After Ma Fei finished speaking, she turned around.

"Wait." Bai Chuanxia suddenly grabbed her right hand, and in her astonishment, suddenly pulled it towards her arms.

The mature woman's body was poured into her arms, very soft.

Bai Chuanxia looked down at her eyes, eyes full of aggression: "Auntie, I love you!"

Concubine Hojo looked at him blankly in his arms.

Without waiting for her to answer, Bai Chuanxia directly lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Different from her kiss just now, Bai Chuanxia's kiss was full of aggression.

Use your tongue to easily push away the aunt's lips and teeth, put it into her mouth, press against her little tongue, and feel the bumps on the tip of her tongue.

Roughness galloped in her mouth, as if to make her mouth into his own shape.

Concubine Ma was only in a daze for a moment, then opened her mouth and guided his tongue to wriggle in her mouth.

It's like guiding an ignorant teenager to find the most suitable hole and experience it for the first time in a comfortable posture.

Bai Chuanxia actually wanted to be strong, but was soon led away by her aunt.

It was a kiss, viscous, obscene.

After a long time, their lips parted, and a long silk thread stretched out from the middle, which was crystal clear in the sun.

Auntie Ma's eyes were bent into crescent moons, her lips moved closer, she stuck out her tongue, licked the lasong, and winked like silk: "After this case is over, I promise you a request."

Bai Chuanxia's eyes lit up, feeling the soft touch of his aunt's arms, and with his current strength, he used the stamina potion.

This is not to put the aunt supermarket.

Complete the hidden task on the aunt, perfect.

"Okay, then it's a deal!"

"Let's go." Concubine Hojo got up gracefully from his arms, took his right hand and interlocked her fingers.

Bai Chuanxia once again felt her aunt's slender fingers.

The original plan was to let her use her hands to help herself, and play slowly next time.

Bai Chuanxia drove her aunt home and watched her enter the villa with her graceful back.

"Haha, I finally won once."

He fumbled in his pocket and took out a ring, which was the one he threw into the sea.

I put it in my pocket last night in the dark.

"You have to apologize properly."

Bai Chuanxia stepped on the accelerator and drove to the gold shop.

Throw away Auntie's wedding ring, help her cut through the past, and make her fall in love with you.

Judging from her reaction this morning, the plan was very successful.

There are many gold shops in Dongguo.

Bai Chuanxia found one at random, and after entering the counter, handed the ring to the salesperson: "Help me see how much this ring is worth."

He intends to give his aunt a gift equal to the value of the ring.

In this way, every time she sees it, she can think of herself.

Win twice, win numb.

"Okay, sir." The salesperson took the ring and looked at it for a long time, with a gradually strange expression.

She called her colleagues to help check.

"Sorry, sir, this ring is an ornament, and it probably has more commemorative significance."

After she finished speaking, she handed back the ring.

"Commemorative significance?" Bai Chuanxia was stunned, and immediately understood that the salesperson was talking about high EQ.

Simply put, it's worthless.

"What material is this?"

"Stainless steel."


Bai Chuanxia came out of the gold shop, holding the ring in his hand and looking at it.

Seeing his aunt's affectionate look when she looked at the ring, he subconsciously thought it was a wedding ring.

Now it seems that it should be more commemorative.

"Forget it, anyway, the plan has been achieved."

Bai Chuanxia decided not to think about this, and went to investigate the case first, and then the aunt in the supermarket.

Can also complete the hidden main line.

Yanan wakes up in the hospital, and after questioning him, the case can be closed directly.

Bai Chuanxia started the car and drove to the hospital.

the other side.

After closing the door, Maki Hojo covered her face and fell into the sofa.

Ju Meiyu came out of the room in her school uniform, and looked at Concubine Ma strangely: "Mom, what's wrong with you, are you feeling well?"

"Puff." Concubine Ma suddenly laughed, sat up from the sofa, and looked at Ju Meiyu: "I just thought of something happy, whether Meiyu wants to eat ham or eggs."

"I want it~" Ju Meiyu jumped over with a smile.

"Okay~" Concubine Hojo was obviously in a good mood, and walked into the kitchen humming a little song.

As soon as Bai Chuanxia arrived at the hospital, he saw a familiar figure, Qingshuixi's girlfriend Yuko Kimura.

Why is she here?

Chapter 324 This is an apology

"Why is she here?" Bai Chuanxia leaned against the wall at the corner when he saw her, and looked at her sideways.

Yuko Kimura is wearing a sweater and jeans today.

Her figure cannot be compared with that of a plump wife like Juanzi, but overall she is young and beautiful, and she is a little beauty.

Bai Chuanxia originally predicted that she was threatened by eight men, who would take him home and humiliate her.

Not only went to a couple hotel to open a room, but also used S and M props at home, these are the testimony provided by Juanzi.

Juanzi has no reason to perjure.

Bai Chuanxia followed behind her, with the concealment skills brought by the intermediate yellow-haired photography.

It's easy to avoid the girl's perspective.

He watched Yuko Kimura walk into the eight men's ward.

"Good guy, what the **** is this?" Bai Chuanxia stroked his chin, lowered his head and walked past the ward.

Yanan leaned on the hospital bed and had already woken up. He turned his head away, as if he didn't want to see Yuko Kimura.

And Yuko Kimura was sitting beside his hospital bed, with her back to the window, unable to see her expression.

From this composition, he couldn't see why. He looked around and saw a nurse on duty at the aisle.

He walked up to the little nurse: "Hello, when did the eight men wake up?"

"Ah, who are you?" The little nurse glanced at him vigilantly. Ba Nan is the son of Juanzi. As an actor, paparazzi will come to inquire about the news from time to time.

Bai Chuanxia took out his ID from his pocket: "I'm a policeman, and I'm investigating eight men's suicide cases."

"Oh, it's Mr. Police." The little nurse's eyes lit up, and the handsome policeman with blond hair and a hearty smile was full of lethal attributes for girls:

"Mr. Hachio woke up around six o'clock last night."

"Six o'clock?" Bai Chuanxia frowned slightly, and the overall timeline of last night took shape in his mind.

Juanzi made an appointment with him at around eight o'clock last night.

Contact Qingshuixi in the closet again.

That is to say, as soon as Ba Nan woke up, Juanzi couldn't wait to ask Qingshuixi to go home to play adult games.

She played Qingshuixi at home for a while, but she was probably not satisfied, so she called him to come over and hid Qingshuixi in the closet.

He planned to let Qingshuixi come out after he did it.

This way she could have a threesome, and she didn't seem to care who had **** with whom.

This can be regarded as an alternative way to celebrate his son's awakening.

Judging from her behavior, she should do such things in her daily life.

Qingshuixi was tuned like that, but it couldn't be done in a short while.

So she and Qingshuixi maintained a master-slave relationship for quite a long time.

"Sorry, please take me to the monitoring room." Bai Chuanxia smiled, his smile was very hearty, and it was very lethal to young girls and experienced wives.

"Okay." The little nurse just hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Cooperating with the police investigation, she is still such a handsome policeman, she has no reason to refuse.

The little nurse brought Bai Chuanxia to the monitoring room.

Every room in the hospital is equipped with surveillance cameras, and Yanan's room is no exception.

Bai Chuanxia quickly found the corresponding monitoring.

The camera was facing the hospital bed, presenting Hachio and Yuko Kimura on the screen.

It was different from Bai Chuanxia's expectation.

Yuko Kimura frowned and talked to Yao, but Yao just turned his head away and closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to communicate with her.

"Strange, what kind of subtle atmosphere is this?" Bai Chuanxia frowned, the relationship between the two of them was not at all like the relationship between Huangmao and being trained.

On the contrary, Yuko Kimura is more like the strong side.

The hospital's monitoring is not very clear, and Bai Chuanxia can only roughly see the facial expressions of the two.

Yuko Kimura was saying something angrily, but Hachio still ignored her.

It was like this for ten minutes.

Yuko Kimura left after leaving a word.

There were only eight men lying alone on the hospital bed in the room.

Bai Chuanxia looked at it for a while, but found nothing new, and planned to leave.

On the monitor, Yanan suddenly covered his face with his hands, and soon tears flowed from between his fingers, dripping down his cheeks onto the pillow of the hospital bed.

Poor and miserable.

His yellow hair looked overshadowed.

"What the hell." The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched, wondering why Yanan looked more like a sufferer.

What exactly did he go through to cry like this just after he was rescued from the life and death line.

Read The Duke's Passion