MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 255

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"Shimizu-san, please explain these photos." Lawyer Murakami came to the computer to operate.

The photo appeared on the projector again.

"This is a clip I took from some videos." Lawyer Murakami said to the judge, "If necessary, I can provide the video."

"Wow." The audience was in an uproar.

The photo is in the bathroom, a pretty girl in a cosplay suit, lying on the sink, with a male cosplay behind her.

He is holding the person under him and moving.

The photo was very clear, and the male features between the girl's feet were clearly captured.

The girl is played by Qing Shuiquan.

The photos didn't stop there.

It's still the bathroom, but this time Qingshuiquan in women's clothing is surrounded by five people.

The waist was hugged and attacked, the head was also hugged and attacked, and the hands were separated and grabbed and rushed.

Photo continues.

He was lying on the aisle, and the men lined up neatly behind him, there were as many as seven to eight people.

Qing Shuiquan's lifted skirt was filled with orthographic characters.

"There are still photos. Considering personal privacy, we will not show them in court." Murakami adjusted his glasses.

Glancing at Qingshuiquan, he stood on the witness stand, trembling all over.

He turned to the judge again: "There are many videos of Qing Shui in the cosplay circle and can be found on the Internet. The testimony he provided is not supported by any evidence, and it violates common sense."

The corners of Onizuka Juanko's mouth curled up, and she looked at Shirakawa Xia opposite.

Next will be counterclaims.

After seeing Qing Shuiquan **** in the closet that night, he persuaded Qing Shuiquan to testify in court, which is not difficult to guess.

He thought it was a trump card, but he didn't know that it was just a smokescreen she deliberately released.


Lawyer Murakami has no waves in his heart, and the gap in strength is too great.

Bai Chuanxia stood up from his seat and also smiled:

"Student Qing Shui's private life is chaotic, but it doesn't mean he is lying."

"It's like Miss Juanzi is dignified and generous, but she is a pervert who attacks minors."

"Incompetent and furious." Attorney Murakami was not angry: "When I recount, I will add your words, Mr. Bai Chuan, to the list of claims."

"Hmph." Bai Chuanxia smiled: "Since I think Qing Shui's testimony is not counted, then I will apply for another witness to prove the authenticity of Qing Shuiquan's testimony."

"Allowed." The judge nodded.

"There are still witnesses?" Lawyer Murakami's eyes flashed strangely.

The back door opened again, and another teenager walked in.

His blond hair looked very dull at this moment.

"Eight men?!" Onizuka Juanko stood up abruptly from the dock.

Yanan ignored her and went straight to the witness stand.

He and Qing Shuiquan looked at each other, and said slowly:

"I can prove that everything Qing Shuiquan said is true, because I was also at home that day."

Chapter 332 Destroying Three Views

After Onizuka Hachio finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar. Everyone looked at him in unison, with doubts and bewilderment.

Immediately, he became excited, and the son broke the news that his mother, no matter what the facts were, was already a shocking big melon.

Lawyer Murakami stood up in a panic, his confidence finally disappeared:

\"Judge, my client is currently mentally unstable and I request an adjournment.\"

"I do not agree to adjourn." Bai Chuanxia stood up and said with a smile:

"Miss Juanzi, as an adult, has no history of mental illness and does not meet the preconditions for sudden mental illness. I ask the witness to continue to provide testimony."

"The two sides did not reach an agreement, and the request for adjournment was rejected." The judge said: "The witness continues."

Onizuka Hachio looked deeply at his mother, took a deep breath and said:

"Half a month ago, I saw my mother at home violating Qingshuixi, using various props on him, and forcing him to drink urine."

"Where's the evidence?" Lawyer Murakami said with a gloomy face, "Even if there is a parent-child relationship, you can't convict without evidence."

"There are props." Onizuka Hachio continued: "There are S and M props in her room, and there should be Shimizu Kei's DNA left on them."

When Lawyer Murakami heard this, his scalp felt numb, and he turned to look at "Junko Onizuka.

This beautiful actor doesn't clean the props after playing S and M.

Too careless.

Onizuka Juanko also had a puzzled look on her face, her mouth was wide open, and she frowned at Hachio.

She shook her head at Attorney Murakami, implying that there was no such evidence.

"Falsified evidence?"

Lawyer Murakami was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Bai Chuanxia again.

It is not difficult to forge evidence when Onitsuka Hachio takes refuge.

Coupled with the mother-child relationship between the two, it is the props to find the remaining Qingshuixi DNA.

Still can't be used for real hammer evidence.

Bai Chuanxia stood up suddenly, and said to the judge, "Miss Juanzi, it looks like she's not in a good state of mind. I'm applying for an adjournment."

"?" Lawyer Murakami and Juanko Onizuka frowned tightly: "Adjourn the court."

"Adjourn." The judge knocked down the gavel.

The jury leaves with regret.

Bai Chuanxia took the initiative to walk up to lawyer Murakami and Juanko Onizuka, and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you in the mediation room."

After speaking, he led Yanan and Quan to leave.

Lawyer Murakami looked at Onizuka Juanko: "I need to know whether what he said is true, but don't worry, even if there is physical evidence, it is only indirect evidence and cannot be used for conviction."

"No." Onizuka Juanko shook her head: "There was no such thing from the beginning."

"Hmm." Lawyer Murakami nodded, "Then what is his purpose?"

At first, he thought that Bai Chuanxia was just a layman.

But this time, he didn't dare to underestimate him anymore.

"Go to the mediation room first." Attorney Murakami finally decided to go and have a look first.

There are many court mediation rooms.

There is a table in the middle, with a row of chairs on either side.

When Lawyer Murakami and Juanzi pushed the door, Bai Chuanxia was already sitting there, and raised his hand to greet them warmly: "Come and sit down."

Yanan and Izumi sat beside him, with their heads down, not daring to look at Juanzi.

Sitting next to her was another valiant mature woman.

Onizuka Juanko glanced at her son and slaves coldly, pulled out her chair and sat down without saying a word.

After Mr. Murakami sat down, he immediately said, "Mr. Bai Chuan, do you know what crime is forging evidence?"

"The settlement fee of 200 million yen, I cancel the lawsuit." Bai Chuanxia ignored Murakami and looked at Juanzi:

"The existing evidence does not convict you, but it is enough for our police to issue a search warrant. You don't want those things to be found."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring straight at Juanko Onizuka.

Onizuka Juanko was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly looked at Hachio, her face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Mr. Bai Chuan, are you threatening my client?" Lawyer Murakami frowned.

"Okay, I agree to a settlement." Onitsuka Juanko suddenly said.

"Ah?" Lawyer Murakami turned his head and looked at her in disbelief, as if we were about to fight, but you voted.

"Let's leave it at that. This matter has already caused a huge loss to my reputation. I don't want to continue to entangle myself." After Onizuka Juanko finished speaking, she looked at Lawyer Murakami: "Let's make a settlement and agree to his request."

Doubt flashed across Lawyer Murakami's eyes, he took a deep look at Bai Chuanxia, ​​and nodded with reluctance in his eyes: "Okay!"

Before leaving, Onizuka Juanko looked at Hachio with complicated eyes: "You really look like him."

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back.

With the cooperation of Onizuka Juanko, the whole matter came to an end with a pre-court settlement.

Since minors were involved in the case, the specific verdict has not been made public.

Even so, due to the presence of the jury, Onizuka Juanko's family affairs have become the most popular nowadays.

The settlement money will be credited to the account on the same day, which is extremely efficient.

Bai Chuanxia, ​​Aunt Ma Fei, Eight Men, Quan, four people are in a tea restaurant.

"This is 200 million settlement funds, you keep it safe."

Bai Chuanxia handed a check to Yanan.

"Thanks.. Thank you!"

Onizuka Hachio bowed deeply to him.

Bai Chuanxia waved his hand: "No, this is just your supplement. You have severed the relationship between mother and child. You already have to rely on yourself. Do you have any plans in the future?"

"I plan to leave with Quan, there are too many misunderstandings between us." Eight men held Quan's hand, and the two looked at each other with friendship in their eyes:

"Go to a place where no one knows us and start over."

"Okay, I wish you happiness." The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched, no matter how many times he saw two men holding hands, it always felt weird.

"Thank you very much." Hachio and Izumi bowed deeply to him, held hands, clasped fingers, and left together.

Watching the two leave their backs.

Concubine Ma withdrew her gaze and asked with great interest, "What's going on?"

"So Auntie doesn't know?" Bai Chuanxia smiled, and took out a photo from his pocket: "This is a photo of the two when they were junior high school students."

In the photo, two ordinary teenagers stand together.

"Ba Nan had a girlfriend in junior high school, but was NTRed by Huang Mao."

"During this period, Quan has been by his side to comfort him. I guess Quan has realized that he likes Hachio at this time."

"Hachio dyed his hair yellow when he entered high school."

"He and Quan pretended to be the bully and the bullied. Probably Yanan consciously imitated that NTR with his yellow hair. This kind of psychology is very common."

"He also made a new girlfriend, Teak, but after he was NTRed by Huang Mao, he had psychological problems, so his girlfriend has always been a virgin."

"After seeing that Yanan has a girlfriend, Quan regards the second dimension as a place to escape this relationship."

"Soon to be targeted by Yuko Kimura, she took Quan as her hunting target and asked him to cosplay women's clothing."

"Izumi is Shou, who was developed by Yuko Kimura and trained by her to become a hot weapon."

"But the two claimed to be a couple."

"Seeing that Izumi has a girlfriend, Hachio couldn't accept such a result, so he took the initiative to pursue Yuko Kimura."

Chapter 333 Let's Date

Read The Duke's Passion