MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 267

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In the next step, set the aunt as the main line target of the system.

"Xiao Xia, what are you thinking~" Nao stretched out her arms and hugged his neck from behind.

"I want to pursue Aunt Ma Fei." Bai Chuanxia didn't intend to hide it, after all, this matter cannot be hidden at all, so it's better to discuss it with Nao first.

He held Nao's arm tightly with both hands: "Nao, I can promise you any request."

Chapter 348 Death Problem

After Bai Chuanxia finished speaking, she looked up at Nao, waiting for her reaction.

He could feel his heart beating at high speed in "plop" and "plop".

Even without Aunt Ma Fei, he would have a showdown with Nao sooner or later.

Sister Youcai will be very sad knowing that he has other women, but he is confident to coax her well, and Youcai will run away from home in anger at most.

But Nao is different, Bai Chuanxia can clearly feel that kind of strong possessive desire for him from her.

Moreover, Nao is a real killer, and if he annoyed her, he could really chop him into countless pieces with a hatchet.

The two stared at each other on the sofa.

"I met her last night." Nasu jumped onto the sofa, resting her head on his shoulder: "She is a very attractive woman, does Xiaoxia really like big breasts?"

"It's not a problem of big breasts." Bai Chuanxia quickly denied that Auntie Ma's **** are not big, they are obviously very big: "I have had **** with her many times in order to obtain a healthy body."

"She has also helped me many times. Although I know it is shameless to say this, I cannot accept her being another man's woman."

"It's really despicable." Nasu turned her head, sat in his arms, and looked into his eyes: "Answer me a question, if I fall into the water with her, who will you save?"

"..." Bai Chuanxia was speechless, it was all about Gouba's death, Nao saw it somewhere.

"Come on, which one to save first~" Nao pursed her lips, acting like a baby in his arms.

"Okay, okay, save her first, and then die with you, okay?" Bai Chuanxia put his arms around her slender waist: "Anyway, I won't allow Nasu to leave me."

"You rascal~" Naxu pouted, playing in his arms: "It doesn't count~ Think again."

"No, in this life and in the next life, I will always be around Nao." Bai Chuanxia said, her hand was already inserted from her slender waist.

She was also only wearing a pair of fluffy pajama pants, which were pulled off at once, revealing the girl's fair buttocks.

"Ah~ No, don't touch me until you answer~"

She said kicking her feet.

Bai Chuanxia grabbed her two jade feet easily, and then separated them into a V shape, hugging her petite body with his arms.

Nao yelled not to touch him, his hands were already on his neck, and the two of them got up on the sofa in a sitting position.

She lay in Bai Chuanxia's arms, opened her small mouth slightly, gasped for breath, then raised her head and stuck out her tongue, letting Bai Chuanxia kiss her.

The morning sun shines on the two of them through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

In the end, the two were lying on the sofa, their bodies still connected.

Nao rested her head on his chest: "Xia, you know, it's hard for me to refuse you, because I'm different from you, you can still have Youcai, Fox, and Concubine Ma without me."

She said, closing her eyes and rubbing against his arms: "And me, without you, I have nothing, I never want to be alone again."

Bai Chuanxia hugged her a little tighter, Nasu didn't get angry with him, but this made him feel infinitely ashamed.

"I really want to go, I really want to disappear in front of you suddenly, and make you regret not cherishing me." Nao continued:

"However, I'm so reluctant, because I only have you in my heart. There are places in my world. What should I do?"

"Obviously you are by my side, but I don't feel like I can touch you."

"I'm by your side." Bai Chuanxia held her palm: "Nao, I will always be by your side, and we will always be together."

"Well, actually, I am very weak." Nao opened his eyes and looked at Bai Chuanxia with pitiful eyes: "Don't do anything that makes me sad in the future, okay?"

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia hugged her: "I promise that there will be no more women."

"Yeah." Nasu put a happy smile on his face again, and buried his face in his arms: "Then it's done."

"It's done." Bai Chuanxia hugged her tightly.

The two had another tender meeting together in the morning, and had lunch together happily.

Nao shows off her culinary skills.

Bai Chuanxia discovered that unconsciously, every dish Nao cooked was his favorite.

Only then did he realize that Nao would constantly adjust the dishes according to his usual habits, gradually becoming his favorite.

After lunch, Bai Chuanxia went out.

Nasu stood on tiptoe at the entrance, and kissed him on the cheek: "Wait for you to go home."

"Well, good." Bai Chuanxia nodded and went out.

When he came out of the apartment and was exposed to the sunlight, he felt as if he had passed away.

Have you passed Nao's level?

It shouldn't be counted, after all, Nao didn't promise him to open a harem, but he didn't mention it anymore.

Bai Chuanxia was also very helpless, what could he do.

You can't go to other women and say, I want to be with Nao, let's be ordinary friends in the future.

What he can do is stop adding more women, and then find a way to make them accept each other with the existing evil fate.

Police Department, Department Chief's Office.

Aunt Concubine Ma sat at the desk in a uniform and sorted out the documents. After reviewing the documents, she put down the file and turned to look at Baichuanxia with a strange expression.

"Strange, why are you so honest today?"

"No way, I've always behaved well." Bai Chuanxia stood behind her and massaged her shoulders.

The current task is to attack Auntie. He has just introduced Auntie into the main task.

Concubine Hojo has a favorability score of 74.

He was a little disappointed when he saw his aunt's affection for him. He thought that his aunt's affection for him was at least 90 points, but it turned out to be 74.

Bai Chuanxia didn't care about it, anyway, the points on the main line were useless, so it was better to use them as a favorability detector.

Anyway, empty is empty.

He felt a little ashamed of his aunt now, after all, Nao ran to her house late at night yesterday to meet her.

Although Nao didn't explain the detailed process, it was impossible to be friendly.

As a result, my aunt didn't mention what happened yesterday.

"Mom, what do you want me to do?" Bai Chuanxia let go of his hand after massaging.

"Hmph, don't use strange names." Concubine Ma gave him a white look, then turned to continue to check the file.

Bai Chuanxia sneaked a glance at the Huangmao app, and his favorability jumped from 74 to 84 in an instant.

This is also the result of his experiment just now. Just like the last time he completed the conquest mission on the hotel bed, when he called her mother, his favorability would instantly increase.

However, this kind of favorability increases and decreases quickly, and will soon return to the true favorability of 74.

Bai Chuanxia seems to have figured out the influence of her aunt through the Huangmao app, and she is particularly easily aroused by motherhood.

What kind of attribute is this, so good to be a mother?

"Don't stay in my office all the time." Seeing him staring blankly, Concubine Ma casually said, "I feel that someone is watching me recently, so go find it if you have nothing to do."

"Ah, surveillance!" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback, "Seriously?"

Chapter 349 Concubine Ma's Strategy

"Yes." Concubine Ma closed the case file, turned her head to look at him, and blinked her charming eyes:

"Or tied me up in the middle of the night when I was sleeping soundly, and did whatever they wanted on my body, do you want to see the marks left?"

Bai Chuanxia smiled awkwardly, he knew that the aunt was referring to Nao.

What Auntie said about doing whatever she wanted was probably Nao's prank.

"I'm going out to find the surveillance guy. If Auntie wants to eat, I'll buy it for you."

He knew that it was because his aunt thought he was annoying and asked him to go out for a meeting.

"Pork Chop Rice." Aunt Ma Fei smiled, lowered her head and continued to read the file, and did not continue to struggle with the issue of being kidnapped last night.

"Okay, I'll come back at 6 o'clock." Bai Chuanxia rolled his eyes.

Now that the two are in a relationship, they have to find a way to have intimacy with their aunt before going out.

Concubine Ma glanced at his expression out of the corner of her eye, chuckled lightly, and stood up.

Sexy lips touched him.

Bai Chuanxia felt his aunt stick out her tongue, licked his lips lightly, and immediately separated.

Moist and soft.

Concubine Ma had a smile in her eyes: "Is your girlfriend's lips sweet?"

"Sweet." Bai Chuanxia nodded quickly.

"Behave well, you can taste it when you come back tonight~" Aunt Ma Fei smiled and pushed him out of the office.

Bai Chuanxia was thrown out by his aunt just like that.

Gave a verbal quest to find a watcher.

Bai Chuanxia felt that it was more like a parent casually finding a reason to dismiss a child who disturbed her work.



This feeling of awkwardness is everywhere with my aunt.

The weather outside the police station was fine, and Bai Chuanxia stood on the side of the road and basked in the sun for a while.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a silver Corolla parked around the corner across the street.

Shirakawa Xia Neng noticed the car.

Because ten minutes ago, there was also a black car parked there.

From the position of the car window, the police station can just be monitored.

Changing cars now is like watching someone on shift.

He has yellow hair photography and instinctively felt that would be a very good surveillance position.

"Is someone really watching?"

Bai Chuanxia just had this idea and threw it out of his mind.

The probability is too small.

Serious monitoring will not be in the position of clocking in at work.

He's been spinning around a few times.


He returned to the office with pork chop rice.

He has formulated the "Auntie Raiders Plan" for his aunt.

Today's goal is very clear, to stay by Auntie's side and go home with her.

Get her used to being in and out of her house on her own.

Seeing him coming in, Auntie Ma raised her head and smiled: "Thank you."

"Hurry up and eat." Bai Chuanxia tore open the lunch box, he had no clue about pursuing his aunt.

"Tea or coffee?" Concubine Ma stood up, picked up the teacup and brewed it next to the water purifier.

"Tea is fine." Bai Chuanxia was grilling rice while watching his aunt busy in the office.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes