MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 269

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"Want to hurry up?" Aunt Ma Fei asked gently.

"It's...not bad." Bai Chuanxia took a deep breath. His physical strength is not bad now, but it's not bad to stand still and let his aunt operate his body.

"When you feel uncomfortable, you can say it." Concubine Ma didn't move much, but was very gentle, like a mother's touch.

She controlled the rhythm and cooperated with the opening and closing of muscles, completely controlling Bai Chuanxia's body.

A few minutes later, the two embraced each other.

Concubine Ma leaned close to his ear, her voice was very soft: \"Xiao Xia hurt me.\"

"Sorry, I..." Bai Chuanxia was embarrassed, he didn't move the whole time, and he didn't know why he apologized.

"Don't move, I'll do it." Concubine Ma smiled, her movements were gentle, she cleaned the rest, and took him by the hand into the bathroom:

"Come take a shower~"

"Mm." Bai Chuanxia looked at Aunt Ma Fei busy, feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

Now it's not a matter of attacking Auntie, I'm about to be attacked by her.

Before twelve o'clock, increase the favorability by five points.

In the end how to complete.

Chapter 351 Failed to score points

"Good boy." Auntie Ma poured the shower gel into the palm of her hand, kneaded it together to create foam, then gently stroked Bai Chuanxia's back, rubbing it rhythmically.

Just for a while, apply a layer of shower gel to his back.

"Auntie, I'll just come directly." Bai Chuanxia enjoyed the gentle movement of his aunt's palm, and even had to say a few words of greeting when he wanted to refuse.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Concubine Ma carried the foam of the shower gel in her palm, from his back, all the way down through the armpit, carefully daubing every inch of his body.

"No, it's very comfortable." Bai Chuanxia smiled awkwardly: "I don't do anything, isn't it too good?"

It's true that the two are dating.

It still doesn't feel real.

Now that he enjoys his aunt's service with peace of mind, he feels uneasy.

According to the original plan.

He wanted to serve his aunt, so as to increase his favorability.

But after entering the bathroom, he naturally became the enjoying party.

"So it's like this~" Aunt Ma Fei smiled, stretched out her hand to guide him to turn around, and the two became sitting facing each other.

Bai Chuanxia looked directly at his aunt's figure.


For no reason, he turned his head away like a little boy.

Auntie Ma took one of his hands and put it on her chest, with a smile in the corner of her eyes: "I feel too busy, just rub it for me. I'm a little tired after today's day."

She pulled Bai Chuanxia closer, and their bodies were almost touching.

Auntie can continue to extend her hands to Bai Chuanxia's back, and clean up the areas that were not smeared just now.

Bai Chuanxia was stunned to see such an operation.

Enjoy the aunt cleaning her body, and play with the aunt's body while having nothing to do with her hands.

This is too good.

"Come on, open your legs." Concubine Ma caressed his thigh with her palm, and naturally supported it with her hand, signaling him to change his position.

"Ah?" Bai Chuanxia was puzzled.

"Stand up." Concubine Ma motioned him to stand up from the plastic chair without waiting for him to think.

Holding his waist with both hands, he motioned for him to turn around.

Bai Chuanxia did as he did, and after getting up, he spread his legs, turned around, leaned forward, and turned into a posture of raising his hips slightly.

He soon found out that something was wrong.

Why does this posture feel inexplicably familiar.

Concubine Ma sat on the plastic chair, with natural movements, and re-sprayed the shower gel, her face was between his feet, and she held it up with one hand, rubbing the shower gel back and forth.

"Auntie, why don't you change your position." Bai Chuanxia felt ashamed.

He was also thinking about how to quickly gain 5 favorability points.

When he came back to his senses, he had already been put into this shameful pose.

"Aren't you very energetic?" Auntie rubbed one hand rhythmically, with a smile in her tone: "I called my mother so hard last time, but now my mother is bathing her son, why is she so shy?"

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia knew that she was definitely tricked by her aunt.

How can a mother rub her son like this.

He also wanted to gain some initiative through language.

Aunt Ma Fei leaned over from behind him, sticking out her tongue on the tips of his feet.

"Damn it." Bai Chuanxia exclaimed, he didn't like this position, but it was too comfortable.

ten minutes later.

Aunt Ma Fei let out a "grunt" from her throat, swallowed it, and licked her lips.

Hold the applicator in one hand and rub gently with the other.

Let him enjoy the massage while enjoying the hot water rinse.

"Huh..." Bai Chuan Xia Chang let out a breath.

No, you must not be led by the aunt, he must take the initiative, and he must increase his favorability.

"Okay~" Aunt Ma Fei patted his buttocks: "Cleaned up."

She pointed the nozzle at herself.

Let the water droplets draw water marks on the fair skin.

"Auntie, let me help you." Bai Chuanxia hastily grabbed the nozzle. He has rich experience in actual combat these days.

Make the aunt comfortable, don't need to add 5 points at a time, add two or three points, it should be no problem.

Auntie Ma's charming eyes swept over him, as if she could see through his thoughts, with a smile on her lips: "Okay~ Do you need me to stand up?"

"No, I'll do it myself." Bai Chuanxia stretched out his hand.

Just like my aunt did just now, rub the shower gel in the palm of my hand and rub it. After foaming, stroke my aunt's armpit with the palm of my hand.

All the way down her waist, carefully spray the bubbles produced by the shower gel on every inch of her skin.

His hand went all the way down the abdomen, pressing the gap, stroking rhythmically.

"Hmm." Auntie Ma concubine closed her eyes, opened her mouth slightly, and exhaled.

"There is drama!" Bai Chuan Xia Yixi, the aunt is very good at it, but she is also easy to get into the mood.

Now the aunt's **** little mouth is biting her lip, which is very cute.

Now he is helping his aunt take a bath, and he is not in a hurry, stroking his fingers in the most gentle way.

At the same time, watching her expression, when she frowns slightly, it will be heavier, otherwise looser.

Auntie Ma's body gradually leaned towards him, and her sitting posture began to deform.

"I can add points!"

Bai Chuanxia is very sure, after all, no woman would reject a man who is willing to serve her selflessly.

At this moment, he is like a pianist.

Aunt Concubine Ma is just a piano for him to play and do.

Under the rhythmic tapping of his fingers.

Soon it was completely wrapped up by the aunt.

The waves of the beach beat on the beach, gradually washing away everything.

"Hoo. Hoo..."

After taking a few deep breaths, Aunt Ma Fei returned to her usual graceful appearance, holding a bath towel in her hand: "Xiao Xia, let me dry you up."

"I'll do it myself." Bai Chuanxia replied casually.

While wearing a bathrobe, she sneakily took out her phone with trembling fingers.

At this moment, when the lottery drawing came into his mind, he felt nervous.

Favorability: 75.

Bai Chuanxia's eyes went dark, good guy, after working so hard for a quarter of an hour, his fingers were about to cramp, but his favorability didn't increase at all.

Auntie's expression is obviously very comfortable.

Still, for mature women, these are not important.

"Xiao Xia, I'm going back to my room." Aunt Ma Fei was wearing a bathrobe and looked at him with a smile.

"Together." Bai Chuanxia took back the phone, only encountered a little setback, but could not defeat him: "Auntie, let me give you a massage."

He also has a trump card.

Tauren body combined with yellow hair massage.

The combination of the two can exert terrifying power.

It's hard to conquer auntie, but it shouldn't be a big problem if you increase your favorability by 5 points.

"Xiao Xia, I still have some work to do." Auntie Concubine Ma walked towards the room with a doting tone.

Bai Chuanxia felt that the aunt's eyes at this time seemed to be looking at a child whose mother asked to play with her.

"It's okay, Auntie, you work, I'll give you a massage, I'm pretty good at it."

After hesitating, Auntie Ma Fei nodded and tapped his forehead lightly with her finger: "When I'm working, don't mess around."

"Of course." Bai Chuanxia held his aunt's hand, and the two returned to the room together.

This is not the first time.

Aunt Concubine Ma put a stack of files on the bed, her eyes blamed: "Can I just lie on my stomach?"

Chapter 352 Taking the initiative

"Bai Chuanxia, ​​have confidence in yourself!" Bai Chuanxia secretly encouraged herself, rubbing her hands together, and rehearsed the yellow hair massage technique in her mind.

Aunt Concubine Ma was lying on the bed, with glasses hanging on the bridge of her nose, and spread out the case file in front of her.

All her attention was focused on the file, and she didn't pay attention to Bai Chuanxia behind her.

"Five points of favorability." Bai Chuanxia murmured in his heart, put his hands on his aunt's back, put his thumbs on her spine, and rotated clockwise.

The yellow-haired massage technique is activated.

As if entering a certain mysterious state, the mature and graceful body underneath is no longer a woman, but a prop for displaying skills.

Aunt Concubine Ma turned over a page of the dossier, feeling a sense of comfort coming from her back.

She frowned beautifully and agreed to let Bai Chuanxia massage without any expectations.

After all, a mature body is at the mercy of a young man with full of vigor.

If you think about it, you know what you will do.

Concubine Ma just hoped that he would intervene more lightly and not affect her work too much.


Concubine Ma opened her lips and let out a gasp. She admitted that she felt a little comfortable.

Bai Chuanxia immediately felt that his aunt was strange.

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