MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 275

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In the end, Huannai was tired from crying, and her eye circles were red:

"Actually, I probably don't like her, but I just feel that I have lost my place of refuge, so I feel lonely and lonely."

Bai Chuanxia said that he couldn't understand the delicate feelings of these women.

Huanna stood up with the panda doll in his arms, walked to Bai Chuanxia about ten centimeters away, stopped, raised his head, and met his gaze.

"Xia, I'm sorry, I can't respond to your feelings now, and I haven't completely forgotten the past."

After she finished speaking, she paused and hurriedly added:

"Of course, I don't think that Xia is not good enough. I think it would be too unfair to Xia if we just date because I think it's suitable."

"Give me some time, I think I really fell in love with Xia, then..."

A blush flashed across her face, and she turned away.

"At that time, I will take the initiative to confess to Xia."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head slightly, with a girlish shyness on her cheeks.

"..." Bai Chuanxia was stunned for two seconds, rubbing his temples, he admitted that under the current situation.

Whoever it is, will mistakenly think that he wants to pursue Huannai.

Bai Chuanxia felt that the misunderstanding could not wait any longer.

Even if it makes the relationship between the two of them very awkward, it must be cut quickly.


Bai Chuanxia took a deep breath, trying to keep his tone calm.

"Actually, during this period of time, for some reason, I have been with Aunt Ma Fei to help her solve the case."

"After we got to know each other, we felt that we were very compatible with each other."

"Wait...wait?" Huannai's expression changed from doubt at the beginning, to shock, to disbelief:

"What do you mean? You and my mother?"

She had an expression as if she heard the end of the world, behind the glasses, her beautiful eyes were wide open, staring at Bai Chuanxia.

In the next second, I will come up and fight him hard.

Bai Chuanxia took a step back and kept a distance from her, fearing that she would really come up and attack.

"Yes, Auntie Ma and I are dating, so..."

He decided to make it clear once.

Finger gestures between the two:

"In the future, I will probably be your nominal stepdad. Of course, I know it's hard to accept. We have our own opinions."

"And Auntie Ma has been lonely for so many years. Now that she sees that you have all grown up, she will also want to pursue her own life."

Bai Chuanxia looked serious, and saluted to Huannai:

"Please believe me, I will make Aunt Ma Fei happy."

"No! I don't believe it." Huannai reached out and grabbed the hem of his clothes: "You lied to me, right? Tell me, you lied to me."

Bai Chuanxia held her wrist to prevent her from tearing her clothes: "I didn't lie to you, Aunt Ma Fei is a widow, and I'm not married, so it's not that unreasonable for us to be together."

"What are you talking about!" Huanna stood up abruptly, holding his collar tightly with both hands:

"You are my first man! Now you say you are with my mother! You actually said there is nothing unreasonable about it!"

Bai Chuanxia pursed her mouth and thought to herself, I am not only with your mother.

Also played with your ex-boyfriend's back door.

Of course, it's not who plays the man in the relationship between her and Yazhikui.

"I know this matter is difficult for you to accept." Bai Chuanxia held her wrist, and it would be hard to tell if her clothes were torn by her:

"But for your mother's happiness, I hope you understand."

"No, I don't agree!" Huannai did not have the weak and resigned look just now, but unequivocally opposed it.

"I absolutely do not agree with my mother's association with you, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Ding dong."

When she refused, Bai Chuanxia suddenly heard a notification tone from her mobile phone.

This is the unique prompt sound of Huangmao APP.

"Damn, why are you here to join in the fun at this time?"

Bai Chuanxia's face darkened, and he quickly took out his mobile phone. The system task might involve punishment, so he didn't dare to delay.

Quickly open the APP, the last random task is in the column, and the random task will be displayed again.

"Mission Name: Your mother is already in my shape."

"Mission description: Within 48 hours, let Kanna see her mother, Maki Hojo, with her eyes dazed."

"Mission reward: 200 points."

"Mission penalty: -100 points."

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Bai Chuanxia cursed in his heart, wouldn't doing this kind of task at this time just add to the chaos.

Huannai saw Bai Chuanxia take out her mobile phone, her face was full of hard work: "I will never agree with you!"

After she finished speaking, she ran past Bai Chuanxia, ​​rushed to the entrance, put on her sneakers, and slammed the door away.

"Hey, I messed it up!" Bai Chuanxia covered his forehead, and quickly followed her out the door.

He thought that Kanna would object, but he didn't expect the reaction to be so strong.

When a normal person hears that his mother is dating a friend, although he can't accept it for a while, it's mostly just awkward.

For Huannai's big reaction, there is a high probability that she originally thought that Bai Chuanxia wanted to chase her.

This psychological gap made her unable to accept the reality.

Huannai ran to the side of the road and took a taxi.

Bai Chuanxia memorized the license plate, turned around and opened the door of the Corolla, sat in the driver's seat, and dialed the number of Auntie.

"Sorry, I told Huannai about us, she was very emotional, and now I'm driving after her."

The phone was silent for a while.

"Huannai looks weak since she was a child, but in fact she has always insisted on her own. Xiaoxia, Huannai's safety is up to you."

"I know, auntie." Bai Chuanxia nodded.

Auntie behaved very calmly, it seems that she had expected this result long ago.

"It's troublesome!" Bai Chuanxia felt bald.

It's a **** mission.

Chapter 360 My Boyfriend

Bai Chuanxia drove the Corolla speeding on the street.

Dongguk taxis are very slow.

He has the anti-reconnaissance ability improved by the yellow hair photography (intermediate level), and it is not too easy to track the taxi silently.

The street scene quickly skipped on both sides of the window.

Bai Chuanxia looked at the driving route, the corners of his mouth twitched, he was too familiar with this road.

Half an hour later, the taxi pulled up in front of a fight club.

Huannai got off the car, stood in front of the club and looked around, but didn't go in in the end, and took out his mobile phone to enter information.

Then he sat on a wooden chair by the side of the road, with his legs together and his head bowed.

She sat there for almost ten minutes.

At the gate of the fighting club, a tall and slender Zhongfa Yujie came out.

"..." Bai Chuanxia rubbed his brows, good guy, this Huannai, he originally thought that after going through that incident.

She and Ya Zhikui have been inseparable from each other forever.

As a result, the first one was found now.

Bai Chuanxia leaned against a big tree by the side of the road, using the trunk to cover her figure.

He looked sideways at the two of them.

Yazhikui was dressed in a simple sportswear with a tall white sports bra. Her chest was only C, but Bai Chuanxia had seen the most erect women.

The abdomen is exposed under the bra, and the abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen.

Seeing her coming, Huannai forced a smile, then lowered her head again.

Yazhikui didn't sit down, but stood beside her and talked to her.

The tree trunk where Bai Chuanxia was located was five meters away from them. The body of the tauren gave him a significant increase in various values, but it did not exceed the human limit.

At this distance, he couldn't hear what the two of them said.

Of course, you can use the transparent world to approach, but you can't hear anything for 10 seconds, and you need to consider the time of coming and going.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Bai Chuanxia frowned, making quick calculations in his mind.

System tasks are required within 48 hours.

Let Kanna see her mother Hojo Maki with her own eyes, and her eyes are lost.

Although the aunt let go.

But it's too whimsical to want her to do it with her in front of her daughter.

However, if the mission fails, 100 points will be deducted.

With his current 78 points, it's not enough to deduct. Who knows what will happen after the deduction is negative.

Besides, judging from Huannai's performance.

She doesn't plan to go back at all, and the task time is only 48 hours.

"It's very difficult."

Bai Chuanxia made a conclusion for the task.

After Kanna and Minoku talked for nearly ten minutes, Kanna got up, followed Minoko, and entered the fight club together.

"Huannai, this guy, doesn't really intend to stay by Yazukuchi's side, does he?"

Bai Chuanxia was numb, just in the room, Kanna also said that he knew that he actually didn't like Mi Zhikuu.

As a result, as soon as there was trouble, the first one ran.

But if you think about it carefully, it also fits her personality.

In the past, every time she had a conflict with Mi Zhikui, she would come to him for comfort.

But this time it was replaced by Miyuki.

"Send a message to Mizuki."

Bai Chuanxia took out his mobile phone, and saw Yazhikui with his hands in his pockets, walking out of the fight club again.

She went straight to the tree trunk where Bai Chuanxia was.

Stretching out his hand to support the tree trunk, he looked at him with a half-smile: "It seems that you have encountered some troubles."

"Uh, okay." Bai Chuanxia put away his phone, "How do you know I'm here?"

"I can smell your scent." Miyuki pointed to his nose.

"Damn, you're too sensitive." Bai Chuanxia was surprised, pointed at the wooden chair, and pointed at the tree trunk where he was.

The distance between the two is 5 meters.

Read The Duke's Passion