MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 282

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Bai Chuanxia looked down and saw that the girl's slender legs were wrapped in black silk, and she was wearing a pair of over-mature high-heeled shoes. Now she was moving from time to time because of her sore feet.

"You rarely wear high heels, do you?"

"Yeah." Hanna stuck out her tongue: "I usually wear sneakers, but girls occasionally fantasize about becoming mature."

"Okay, you lean on it." Bai Chuanxia stood up.

The tram continued on.

He soon discovered that Huannai had simply relied on him from the beginning, and now almost his entire body was attached to him.

After all, Huannai's **** are not small, but they are not as plump as Auntie's, but they are still bulging, and now they are all pressed against his chest.

Bai Chuanxia didn't have the nerve to stop it.

She was the one who let her rely on her, so it would be strange to say anything now.

Besides, she was just suppressing, and did not do anything out of line.

I can't say that your **** are too big, and they are pressing on me.

He raised his head again and closed his eyes.

Just like that, as the tram swayed, Kannai's **** pressed against his chest and as the computer swayed, it seemed like he was being massaged.

But only to the extent that they stick together.

Nothing happened until I got out of the car.

"Xia." Huannai suddenly turned his head, with longing on his face: "Can you be my boyfriend for two hours? I have fantasized about this scene in Yan Country, but it is indeed impossible in the future. Only today can I realize this Wish?"

"No." Bai Chuanxia's tone was straightforward, without any sloppiness: "I originally wanted to get along with you as a friend, but since you think it's inappropriate, I can use my father's identity."

Huanna was caught off guard, and the corner of his mouth twitched visibly.

"Friend or father, choose one." Bai Chuanxia smiled.

"Xia has changed a lot." Huannai didn't answer directly, and reached out to grab his sleeve: "Let's go, I will help me carry the bag later."

"Okay." Seeing that Bai Chuanxia just pulled his sleeves, he didn't refuse, after all, it's normal for a daughter to pull her father's sleeves.

You need to keep your distance, but not too hypocritical.

The two entered the mall together.

"I want to buy some summer clothes, can Xia give me a reference?" Huan Nai walked into the clothing store pulling his sleeves.

When the waitress saw the two handsome men and beauties, she immediately greeted them and said with a smile, "I can help you get what style the customer needs."

"Let me take a look—" Huannai glanced at the hanger, picked up a low-cut dress, and said to the waiter, "Can I try it on?"

"Of course, guests, please follow me." The waiter turned around and prepared to lead the way.

"Wait." Bai Chuanxia walked over directly, grabbed Huannai's arm, pointed at the dress and said, "This dress doesn't suit you, it shows too much."

"Huh?" Huanna was stunned, it was different from what she expected.

"This is our new style for this year." The waiter laughed and explained, "It's not considered sexy, besides, your girlfriend has a good figure."

"This one is not bad." Bai Chuanxia ignored the waiter, took out an all-inclusive dress from the side, and smiled as his old father said, "Huannai can try this one."

"Eh." Kannai looked at the skirt in her hand, and her plan to show her **** side was forced to end.

Chapter 368 A Small Hole

The two walked together in silence.

Kannai came out of the clothing store, keeping her head down. She guessed that Bai Chuanxia had seen her little thoughts.

He raised his hand to tie his long hair behind his ears, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he quickly concealed it.

Huannai looked up again, with a slight smile: "Xia, there is a dessert shop on the second floor. I used to come here often. I don't know if the taste has changed."

"Actually, I prefer to eat something with a stronger taste." Bai Chuanxia shrugged: "For example, fat intestines sashimi."

"Uh..." Huannai's smile froze for a moment, a picture appeared in his mind, and he lost the thought of eating sweets in an instant.

"Do you want to eat?" Bai Chuanxia turned around and asked with a smile.

"Wait...wait, let's go shopping around first." Huanna smiled reluctantly.

The two walked around on the first floor again.

Handsome men and women were shopping, and passers-by around turned their heads to look at them from time to time.

Bai Chuanxia has to admit that Huannai's figure is very suitable for dressing up with some flesh and lust.

The appearance is pure, but the chest is high and raised, and there is a pair of long black silk legs.

The combination of innocence and desire, both pure and lustful, few men can resist.

With him by his side, no one took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Bai Chuanxia didn't want the atmosphere to be too embarrassing, so she took the initiative to find topics, chatted about school matters, and kept the topics at the level of conversations with ordinary friends.

Whenever I feel that the topic is going to be ambiguous, I will take the initiative to change it.

By doing this step, he has fully expressed his position, no matter whether Huannai has small thoughts or not, he should give up.

The two strolled until noon and chose a French restaurant in the mall.

Although French.

But in fact, the environment is better, and there is a piano in the middle, which is not at all high-end, and it is more popular with young couples.

After the two were seated, under the guidance of the waiter, they ordered two steaks, and Huannai took the initiative to order wine.

"Can Xia have a drink with me?"

"Didn't you already order?" Bai Chuanxia shrugged: "But I still think girls should not drink when they are outside."

He continues to play the staid old father role.

"But I want to drink because of Xia." Huannai took the initiative to look at him: "But don't misunderstand Xia, it's not because of liking or other emotions, it's simply because my mother was taken away, and she is still in my house. Putting on that exaggerated pose in front of you."

When Huannai spoke, anger flashed in his eyes.

From his tone of voice, Bai Chuanxia felt the mood swings, which was completely different from the smirk when he was shopping just now.

This is her real emotion.

"I don't want to apologize." Bai Chuanxia shook his head: "In that case, let you quickly understand the other side of my aunt besides the mother. I don't think she should continue to wrong herself for the sake of being a mother."

"Including in front of me, spreading my mother's legs, pointing the female private parts to me, and then punching my mother's back from behind?"

Huannai stared fixedly at Bai Chuanxia, ​​her pretty cheeks darkened.

"I admit, the method is a bit radical." Bai Chuanxia nodded.

No matter from which angle you look at it, it is too much to insult your biological mother in front of your daughter.

"So, what are you going to do when you're talking to me about this now?"

He could vaguely feel it.

Kanna's original plan was to make the atmosphere ambiguous, and the purpose was unknown.

But now that it is difficult to implement, it is already planned to have a showdown.

That's great.

"Guest, here is the steak and red wine you ordered." The waitress came up and put the plate in her hand on the table.

He poured wine for the goblets in front of the two of them.

"Please enjoy......"

"Thank you, huh?" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback.

"Guest, what do you need?" The waitress noticed that he was unusual.

"No, I'm sorry." Bai Chuanxia smiled instantly, watched the waitress leave, turned to look at Huanna, doubts flashed in her eyes.

In just a moment, a little foot stretched out.

Even through the pants, he could still feel that the little foot was wrapped in stockings, which belonged to Huannai.

This is considered a reserved item in restaurants.

But now that Huannai is still inquiring about the crime, this foot is stretched out very confusingly.

"The steak is good." Huanna worked straight, cut out a small piece of steak and put it into his mouth.

"Well, eat as much as you like." With a calm expression, Bai Chuanxia also began to cut the steak, with his feet spread out on the table.

Let her do it if she wants.

Anyway, she has no beriberi.

It was she who moved on her own, without any effort.

Obviously, Huannai is not very proficient, although he has separated his toes and turned them into a clamping posture.

But it's just a simple swipe up and down.

Unlike Aunt Ma Fei, who knows how to point, rotate, and stroke with fingertips from various angles, and is more flexible than hands.

Bai Chuanxia didn't move, this time it was Huannai who was stunned.

She masturbated for a while, her feet were probably sore, and she wanted to leave.

At this time, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her little black silk feet under the dining table.

Huannai's face was surprised, he smoked twice, but couldn't pull it out.

Bai Chuanxia raised his head and looked at her: "Why don't you tell me what you want to do?"

Huannai's eyes were a little flustered, and he forced himself to calm down: "I was generating electricity last night."


This time it was Bai Chuanxia who was stunned.

Huannai has always been a relatively introverted type, and he actually talked about such a topic with him in public.

"I've become very strange." Huannai covered his forehead with his hand: "That kind of picture keeps appearing in my mind, as if the person in your arms is me, I think I'm probably broken."

She raised her head again and looked at Bai Chuanxia seriously: "Xia, I think I'm probably a pervert."

"Well, it's actually nothing." Bai Chuanxia finished eating the steak with one hand and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief: "Everyone has their own XP, which is normal."

"I want to make sure of one thing, can Xia help me?" Driver Huannai said, "I want to know if I'm really a pervert. Compared with things like this, I can't find anyone else."

When she spoke, her face was flushed, and she felt her feet were being held, and she was masturbating rhythmically.

It doesn't feel good to lose the initiative and become someone else's toy.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean too." Bai Chuanxia nodded in agreement.

"Ah?" Huannai was stunned again, she still didn't say what, what did he mean, why was the answer completely different from what she imagined.

The next second, she felt a strange feeling coming from the sole of her foot.

Huannai had a somewhat innocent face, and she blushed immediately after "swiping".

Originally, it didn't feel much to rub against the pants.

But now, there is only an ultra-thin layer of black silk separating them.

There is a constant hardness and burning sensation in the soles of the feet.

She instinctively wanted to hold her feet back, but her little feet were firmly held by one hand, struggling only added to the other's fun.

"Xia..." Huannai tried hard to keep her voice from trembling, and forced a smile: "I said, it's not this kind of trial."

The next second, she suddenly felt a small hole in the stockings being torn open in the sole of her foot.

Chapter 369 Father-Daughter Relationship

"Wait...wait, Xia, don't..." Panic and pleading flashed in Huannai's eyes.

After trying to break free to no avail, the confidence just now disappeared from her face.

"Why not?" Bai Chuanxia didn't stop, looked at her, and said in a flat voice, "Huannai, those tricks are not suitable for you, maybe we should change to a more honest way of speaking."

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