MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 287

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"Huh!" Huannai covered her neck with her hands, gasping for breath.

But she only took a few breaths, and immediately ran to the "strangled" Nao.

He tore off her clothes, put his hands on her chest, then lowered his head and started artificial respiration.

Now Bai Chuanxia was stunned.

Yazhikui came over: "She is dead."

"No, she didn't!" Huannai said while performing artificial respiration: "Humans will die completely after six minutes of oxygen deprivation, and she can still be saved in only three minutes. Help her take off her clothes."

Chapter 375 The Game Begins

In Bai Chuanxia's impression. Huannai is introverted, but has her own ideas and is a bit stubborn.

Today, he saw another side of this girl.

"Hold on!" Kanna clasped his hands on Nao's chest, heaved up and down a few times, then lowered his head to perform artificial respiration.

She didn't look away from Bai Chuanxia, ​​and concentrated on saving Nao.

Ya Zhikui looked at Bai Chuanxia, ​​and signaled him that the current situation is different from the script.

According to the script, Nao should go offline here. It shows that there is a danger of death at any time here, and then change the vest and put it on again.

Now it is played by Huannai into a juvenile drama.

Bai Chuanxia immediately made a mouth shape to the fox beside him.

Le Zihu was observing Huannai with great interest. Seeing the shape of his mouth, he turned his head away and didn't want to cooperate.

"Uh..." Bai Chuanxia's eyes twitched, making up his mind.

Afterwards, I must teach Le Zihu a lesson.

Bear with it now, so that Huannai must not notice the abnormality, he lowered his voice: "Fox, I can promise you one thing."

"Okay—" The fox can block Huannai's five senses, so she doesn't have to worry about being heard when she speaks. Her eyes swept over Bai Chuanxia's body, and finally her eyes fell on his lips: "Lick my fur—"

When Bai Chuanxia heard this, his face turned dark.

His seven-foot man would never accept hair licking.

After the fox finished speaking, a fluffy tail stretched out from behind, swayed twice in the air, and stretched out to his mouth.

Bai Chuanxia looked at the furry tail, hesitated for a moment, licked the fur, it's all right, and said in a negotiating tone: "Help me first..."

Le Zihu glanced at him, retracted his tail, walked behind Hannai, reached out, grabbed the back of her neck, and dragged her away from Nao.

"no, do not want!"

Huannai couldn't see the fox behind her, only thought that Bai Chuanxia was controlling her, and hurriedly shouted: "Please, she is still saved, I can feel that she is not dead yet!"

"Papa papa." Bai Chuanxia clapped his hands and applauded: "Your performance is very interesting, which is very good. The awe of life will make this game more interesting."

He stretched out his hand and made a lifting motion towards Nao: "As a reward, I will give her a new life to participate in this game."

Following his lifting movements, Nao's body on the ground seemed to be lifted up by some invisible force.

She trembled all over at first, then covered her neck with her hands, and coughed violently.

"Huh." Bai Chuanxia secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately Nao's acting skills passed the test.

Kanna watched Nao get up from the edge of death in an instant, his small mouth opened, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"This...where is this?" Nao looked around as if he had lost his memory.

Seeing Bai Chuanxia, ​​his face turned pale again in an instant, and he fell to the ground with a "plop", and backed up with his hands on the ground: "No...don't come over."

Bai Chuanxia watched Nasuka's play, and was too lazy to interact with this actor. She looked at Huannai and said, "Next, the game begins. I hope you will prove that you are worthy of the life your mother gave you during this journey."

His figure disappeared from Huannai's vision.

Le Lehu shielded her from seeing Bai Chuanxia.

Huannai looked around, and after confirming that the demon had really disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's too early to relax now. The horror here starts from this moment." Yazhikui walked to her side and stopped.

"Sorry." Huannai apologized, feeling bad about her.

During artificial respiration just now.

This woman has been standing aside watching the excitement, but she does not lend a helping hand.

But just now I learned from that mysterious man that this woman is a murderer, so she dare not express her dissatisfaction.

Kanna walked up to Nao who was trembling all over, and reached out to hold her hand: "Don't be afraid, let's find a way out together."

"Thank you...thank you." Nao seemed to have found support, and grabbed her wrist tightly.

Bai Chuanxia stood in the corner of the room, he watched Huannai's performance, and then watched the two hold each other, with a delicate mood.

This guy showed a strong side when he was in danger.

"Devils take pleasure in torturing human beings, and they will die if they are not careful." Yazhikui's face was cold, which didn't match her **** taimei outfit.

"What will happen if you die?" Huannai asked hastily.

"He will die in reality." Yazhikui sneered: "Heart paralysis, during the medical examination, it will probably be written as sudden death."

"I...I don't want to, I don't want to die!" Nao held his head in his hands, trembling all over, serving as an atmosphere group very well.

Hannai's face was also pale.

"Go forward." Mi Zhikui walked ahead and led the way: "If you want to leave, you can only participate in their games."

With her leading the way.

Kanna instinctively followed behind her, holding Nao with his right hand.

Guided by Arima Ghou.

The three naturally walked into a dilapidated room.

The room is all white, like a hospital ward.

In the middle, three hospital beds are arranged in a triangle, and there are handcuffs on the beds.

Bai Chuanxia's voice sounded out of nowhere in the ward: "Mother brought you into this world, and you need to go through three stages of labor."

"And now, I will place the baby's soul in your womb. Let you experience the pain of your mother's birth. Thank you. This is a rare experience."

"Now then, please lie down on the bed."

Kannai looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice, but found nothing.

She could not hide the fear in her eyes.

I'm hesitating whether to do it or not.

Ya Zhikui was already lying on the bed first, and looked back at her: "I suggest you follow the rules of the game, so that you can survive."

"I..." Kanna still wanted to speak.

"I don't want to experience that feeling anymore." After Nao finished speaking, she lay down on the hospital bed trembling all over, as if the experience between life and death just now had cast a psychological shadow on the little girl.

Seeing that both of them were lying down on the hospital bed, Huannai was the only one left standing, so she also quickly lay down.

The moment she lay down.

The handcuffs on both sides of the hospital bed suddenly hung in the air, and there were two "clicks", tightly cuffing her wrists.

Seeing the miraculous scene, Huannai was no longer surprised, and quickly calmed down.

The next second, her abdomen suddenly sank, and there was something like a belt tied around her abdomen.

At the same time, there was a wet and slippery feeling.


Huannai screamed, thinking of the baby's soul in the mouth of the voice, feeling the slippery feeling in the abdomen, people are not good.

"The game is about to start, the rules of the first level are very simple."

Bai Chuanxia put a pregnancy experiment machine, covered it with lubricant, and tied it to Huannai's abdomen.

I don't know what company is so idle that it invented this machine.

"In the next two hours, you will feel the pain of childbirth. If you persevere, you will win."

"Of course, if you can't hold on, you can shout "I quit". That way, the pain is over and the game begins! "

"Ah!" Huannai just wanted to ask about the punishment for quitting.

A sharp pain in her abdomen interrupted her inquiry.

The facial features of the beautiful girl are twisted together.

Chapter 376 Feel the Pain

Shirakawa Natsu's goal is simple.

Eliminate Huannai's hatred for him, and accept the reality that his aunt is with him.

Seeing Huannai's appearance now, I still can't bear it.

"It hurts, it hurts!"

The scream didn't come from Kanna's mouth, but from Nao beside him.

This actor has been very active since the beginning of his participation.

Huanna clenched her teeth, and the tearing pain continuously came from her abdomen, making her expression distorted, and there was a girl screaming in her ears, which pushed the atmosphere to the climax.

She felt as if her abdomen was being torn apart.

When the mother gave birth to her, did she have to go through such pain, and how did she persevere.

"Conceiving life is a long time. At the moment when life is born, mother will give you all her love."

Bai Chuanxia narrated according to the script, walked to Nao's hospital bed, touched her head with her hand, and signaled her not to perform too vigorously: "During the process of conceiving life, your mother will experience life inconvenience, pain, injury , but this will not be a reason for the mother to hesitate."

Nao pouted, with an expression of wanting to hug her.

The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched, she must have seen the fox making intimate moves with him just now, she would be jealous.

The lines in his mouth could not stop: "In the face of her love for you, this pain becomes insignificant, huh..."

The strange sound behind was because Nao suddenly pulled him onto the hospital bed.

Fortunately, Huannai was already in so much pain that he started to lose consciousness, so he didn't notice the strangeness in Bai Chuanxia's voice.

Her mind is now full of abdominal pain.

She also knows that she is pregnant in October and that it is not easy to give birth to her, but when people are in pain, they can always empathize more.

Kanna felt as if she had become a mother, suffering the pain of being torn apart for the birth of a new life.

But she has no children, so she can't understand the kind of consciousness that is willing to endure pain for a new life.

The pain was so intense that she wanted to stop it.

Like the devil just said, yell "I quit" and it's over.

At this time, Bai Chuanxia was already pressed on the bed by Nao.


Bai Chuanxia didn't expect that he would be oppressed one day, and he couldn't break free from Nao's hands.

After a while, the two bodies were connected together.

Huannai was on the bed next to her, gritted her teeth and suppressed the screams in her throat, only groaning in pain.

It made him Mo Yan, the sense of cheating is visual.

Although Nao was having **** with him, she kept looking at Le Zihu, as if she was declaring her sovereignty.

Bai Chuanxia didn't understand why Nao was suddenly so excited.

Maybe it was because I heard about my mother and wanted to be a mother too.

Or he saw that Lezihu was teasing him with his tail just now, so he was jealous and retaliated through face-to-face NTR.

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes