MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 293

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She propped her hands on the bed, looking at him with a half-smile.

It's written on your face, you continue to make up, and I listen.

"Eh." Bai Chuanxia didn't know what to say for a while.

"Huh—" Nao smiled, and moved her face closer.

Before Bai Chuanxia had time to react, his lips were kissed.

Nasu didn't stick out her tongue, she closed her eyes, and after touching his lips, she opened her eyes and separated them, looking into his eyes: "You, after such a long time, you really haven't made any progress."

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia was embarrassed, this time Nao didn't have the usual girlishness, instead she looked like an older big sister.

There is tenderness, love and affection in her eyes.

"I want to be a bad man, but I can't make up my mind. A good man can't do it. He likes to be brave, has strong self-esteem, is sullen, jealous, awkward, and has double standards."

"Um." Bai Chuanxia frowned in embarrassment, Nao's evaluation was really sharp.

Nao looked at him with a smile in his eyes, and put his hand over his head, their faces were pressed together.

"I am the only one who can accompany Xia Jun forever."

"En." Bai Chuanxia also knew that he had to cooperate at this time, and nodded in agreement.

But Nao parted her face, and the tenderness on her face disappeared in an instant.

The temperament has returned from a mature sister to a young girl, and her face is cold.

"He's still angry—"

"I will love Nao well." Bai Chuanxia knew that it was useless to talk about love in front of Nao, so she leaned over and hugged the girl's petite body.

"Idiot, it's not so easy if you want to perfunctory." Nao put her hands on his chest.

Bai Chuanxia smiled, pulled her over forcefully, kissed her collarbone, and continued to kiss her up.

"Don't try to get away with it—" Nao put his arms around his head, blushing on his face.

Bai Chuanxia had already thrown her down on the bed.

Xiao Xia went in easily.

Obviously, Nao had already made preparations.

Shirakawa Natsu likes to have **** with Nao very much.

Her figure is the most petite, the most girlish.

Especially after obtaining the body of the tauren, he returned to the strongest state of 18.

Every time he can put his arms around the girl's slender waist, looking at Xiaoxia, he has a violent beauty of bullying the girl.

Nao's resistance soon only stayed on the lips.

The body has begun to match his rhythm.

Shirakawa took a deep breath, and Nao was obviously angry, but she just wanted to get his comfort.

She really wanted to resist, because of the difference in strength between the two, she put him into various poses every minute.

Today, Nao just wants to be treated roughly like a little girl.



When Aunt Ma Fei came home from get off work.

I found that the food at home has been prepared, the room has been cleaned, and the shoe cabinets are usually messy, but they are also neatly arranged.

"Mom, welcome back." Huannai came out of the kitchen and greeted warmly.

"Yeah." Concubine Ma smiled, and put on her shoes, doubts arose in her heart, what stimulated her daughter.

As a mother, it is very gratifying to see her daughter is sensible.

But the speed of change is quite frightening.

She was worried about what happened to her daughter.

"Mom, come and taste it. This is the dish I learned in Yanguo. It is much more authentic than the Chinese cuisine on the street." Huannai rushed up and hugged her mother's hand.

Sadness flashed in her eyes, she made her mother lose someone she liked.

You must treat your mother well in the future.

Bai Chuanxia's voice and smile appeared in her mind.

"Jun Xia, I will take good care of my mother, so you can go at ease."

At this time, footsteps sounded at the door.

It was only then that Huannai noticed that when her mother came back, she hadn't closed the door and was wondering.

Bai Chuanxia came in with a plastic bag in his hand, and handed the car keys to Concubine Ma: "Auntie, the car is parked."

"Ah?! Ghost!"

Kanna let out a deafening scream.

"Ah?" Concubine Ma reached out to pick up the key, and was startled by her daughter's scream. The car key fell on the ground, and she looked at her daughter, becoming worried.

Too bad, my daughter really has a mental problem.

Bai Chuanxia also looked puzzled, spread her hands, and looked at Huannai with a strange expression.

It took Kannai a few minutes to come back to his senses, and looked at Bei Chuanqiu with a complicated expression: "Holding...Sorry, I had a terrible dream. In the dream, something unexpected happened to you."

"Is it the dream that scared you this morning?" Concubine Ma frowned. Her daughter has been in shock all day, which made her very worried about her daughter's mental state.

"Well, yes, Mr. Xia, did you have a strange dream again last night?" When Huannai spoke, he kept staring at Bai Chuanxia regardless of his mother's strange gaze.

Trying to see clues from his face.

Bai Chuanxia was obviously stunned for a second, a strange flash flashed in his eyes, and the next second turned into a smile: "Sorry, I slept well last night."

Aunt Concubine Ma's gaze swept between the two, with a puzzled look on her face.

Kanna did not continue this topic.

The three of them returned to the dining table, and together with Tachibana Meiyu, the four of them had dinner together, and the atmosphere at the dining table was very quiet.

after dinner...

Concubine Ma and Bai Chuanxia went back to the room together.

"I'm worried about Huannai." Concubine Ma held Xiao Xia, licked her eyes lightly with the tip of her tongue, with a worried look on her face: "She has been behaving strangely since she came back today."

"Probably the rebellious period." Bai Chuanxia replied casually, playing with her aunt's black silk long legs.

"Huh!" Concubine Ma bit Xiao Xia, teeth hard.

"Ah, it hurts!" Bai Chuanxia's expression became serious: "I see, Auntie is busy with work, I will take care of Huannai's matter."

Of course he knew what was going on with Huannai, but now his mind was full of things about Yamagishi Hokka.

"Okay." Hearing his promise, Concubine Ma smiled, let go of her hands, and got up from him.

"Uh, auntie?" Bai Chuanxia had a weird expression, it was only halfway there, and it was sex.

Concubine Ma put a finger on his forehead, and said with a smile: "After dealing with Huannai's affairs, you can use the posture you like."

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia felt a little regretful, and he also knew about Huannai's weird behavior today.

He has to take full responsibility, and the aunt is willing to cooperate, and he can do some more outrageous poses, and he is also willing.

"I'm going to talk to her."

Bai Chuanxia got up from the bed and put on his clothes again.

Ending the Huannai incident earlier can avoid long nights and dreams.

"Wait for you—" Concubine Ma lay on her side on the bed, her posture was charming, her black silk jade feet brushed across his thigh, which made Xiao Xia excited.

Bai Chuanxia finally got out of her aunt's room.

The light in the living room has been turned off, and there is no figure of Huannai.

He walked to Huannai's room and raised his hand to knock on the door, but found that the door was not closed.

The next second, the door opened, and a hand was stretched out, dragging him into the room.

"Go to hell!"

Holding a utility knife in his hand, Huannai stabbed at him.

Chapter 384 Is the adopted daughter

"Damn it!" Bai Chuanxia saw the utility knife being stabbed, and dodged sideways: "Huannai, you're crazy!"

"Bastard, who told you to die on your own, have you ever thought about my feelings!" Huanna swung a utility knife in his hand, and almost scratched Bai Chuanxia several times.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand at all!" Bai Chuanxia denied, and hurriedly avoided, extremely embarrassed.

"If you keep hiding, I'll tell mom about stabbing you into my ass!" Huannai approached step by step.

"Nonsense, obviously you sat up by yourself." Bai Chuanxia was stunned in the middle of speaking.

Huannai also stopped waving the utility knife and threw it on the table.

He raised his head and looked at him coldly.

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia shrugged awkwardly: "Well, I still don't know what happened."

"Bastard." Huanna cursed in a low voice, stared at Bai Chuanxia, ​​stood still, then walked in front of him, and rubbed into his arms.

"Do you think it's great to commit suicide? What if I can't come out?"

"In that case, it is impossible for me to shoot you." Bai Chuanxia shrugged helplessly: "After all, in terms of identity, I am your adoptive father."

Huannai suddenly raised her head, her face serious: "I'm not wearing underwear now."

She lifted her collar with one finger.

Expose the girl's bulge below.

Bai Chuanxia instinctively looked down.

"Unscrupulous bastard!" Huannai raised his elbow and slammed it on the bridge of his nose: "I called my father-in-law, and my eyeballs almost popped out."

Bai Chuanxia received an elbow on the bridge of the nose, shouted "it hurts", covered his face and backed away, and finally sat on the bed.

Huannai also came over, sat down beside him, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"What is our relationship?"

"Father and daughter." Bai Chuanxia replied without thinking.

"When you **** your daughter, I didn't see you stabbing lightly." Huannai replied with her eyes closed.

"Relationships need to be adjusted." Bai Chuanxia replied, this literary girl became eccentric and unexpectedly bold.

"So before I get married, will I keep my lover relationship with you?" Huannai continued to ask: "If my mother can accept it, we can live together as three of us."

"Uh." Bai Chuanxia was taken aback for a moment, and the image of Aunt Ma Fei and Huanna overlapping each other appeared in his mind.

While hesitating, he saw Huannai raised his head, with a cold expression, reaching for the utility knife.

"Ahem." Bai Chuanxia coughed dryly twice: "I am your adoptive father, so I will naturally keep a distance from you."

"Hmph." Huannai snorted coldly, and leaned on his shoulder again.

The room fell silent.

"Thank you." Huannai said suddenly, his eyes gradually becoming complicated.

She's been through life and death and knows the horrors in between.

Otherwise, he would not choose to pretend to be asleep in the end and give up the gun to Bai Chuanxia.

"Say something stupid." Bai Chuanxia made a fuss with her just now, in order to dispel the hesitation and anxiety in her heart.

"I don't know what I should do now?" Huannai covered her cheeks with her hands: "It's hard for me to regard you as my adoptive father, after all, so many things happened between us."

"Then think about it slowly." Bai Chuanxia shrugged: "There is still such a long time in the future."

Read The Duke's Passion