MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 298

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Speaking of which, the first time he came to Auntie's house was to explain Chinese characters to Huannai.

Things are different, and now I am about to become her adoptive father.

"That's fine, I have nothing else to do this afternoon."

"Hee hee...Thank you." Huannai was in a good mood, holding his sleeve and leading him into the room.

It wasn't the first time Bai Chuanxia came in, and it was as tidy as ever.

Huannai is wearing black pantyhose today, which is less **** and smooth than black silk, and also outlines the girl's slender legs.

Chapter 390 Loving Each Other

"Does it look good?" Huannai noticed that his gaze was on her calf.

The girl took the initiative to lift one leg, stepping on the seat, her legs spread out, and the pantyhose wrapped the pubic bone, completely outlining the shape of the girl.

The pantyhose is a bit thicker, which makes it look sexy, but not completely sexy.

"It's okay." Bai Chuanxia is not a first brother, he has seen it many times without wearing it, and he is not a fan of pantyhose.

This will also not feel shy.

What he cared about was that Huannai suddenly invited him to speak Chinese characters.

This is not like learning Chinese characters seriously.

"Hee hee." Huannai laughed, "Dad, come and teach me Chinese characters."

"Okay." The corners of Bai Chuanxia's mouth twitched. This guy called Dad, and he really didn't have any psychological pressure.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

He taught Chinese characters carefully, while guarding against Huannai's troubles.

After Huannai looked away from his face, she kept looking at the textbook seriously, with light in her eyes, and she was really immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

After experiencing the initial vigilance, Bai Chuanxia also relaxed and began to teach seriously.

After all, no one can refuse a beautiful scroll girl.

The two stayed until the sun went down.

Tachibana Meiyu came back from school, greeted Bai Chuanxia and Kanna politely, and went back to her room.

Bai Chuanxia originally thought that this little brat would cause trouble.

But the result is that after being taught a lesson by herself with the yellow hair massage technique last time, she has become extraordinarily well-behaved.

Competing for favor in front of Aunt Ma Fei like no ordinary child.

If Bai Chuanxia didn't know her true nature, she must have thought she was a good girl.

"Mom really likes you."

After Bai Chuanxia closed the book, he suddenly heard Huannai say these words abruptly. When he turned his head, he saw her smiling sweetly.

"Of course we love each other."

"Yeah." Huannai closed her eyes and leaned over.

Bai Chuanxia frowned and wanted to hide, but found that she was kissing her cheek and did not hide.

I don't understand why she came here all of a sudden.

"I will try to treat you as a father." Huannai smiled: "Although it looks weird no matter how you look at it, only parents will sacrifice for you without hesitation when they are in danger. I agree."

"Hmph." Bai Chuanxia knew that Wen Qing, a literary girl, had fallen ill again.

She was referring to the director's dream.

Bai Chuanxia committed suicide with a pistol.

But yesterday she still wanted to be dad's lover, and she asked her mom to have a threesome, and today she became dad's daughter.

Bai Chuanxia was even more worried from last night to today.

What happened between Kanna and Auntie.

Tell him straight up that something is wrong.

This anxiety lasted until the aunt came back.

"Xia." Auntie Ma took off her high-heeled shoes with her fingers hooked, and a pair of **** jade feet wrapped in black silk slipped into the indoor shoes.

"Auntie Ma, you're back." Bai Chuanxia hurried up and reached out to carry her bag.

"Yeah." Concubine Ma saw Huannai go to the kitchen, but there was no one in the entrance.

Her face came closer.

Gently kissed Bai Chuanxia's lips.

She raised her head and looked at him with a smile.

"Um, auntie." Bai Chuanxia didn't expect her auntie to be so bold: "It will be seen."

Auntie Ma concubine laughed lightly, leaned over, and pressed her face against him: "We've been dating since then."

"Uh..." Bai Chuanxia was confused.

A seductive and clingy mature woman is hard to say no to.

Aunt Ma Fei didn't intend to do anything wrong with him in the porch.

It's just that after sticking to his nose, they separated again.

"It's time to eat." Huannai came out of the kitchen with home-cooked food in his hand.

Tachibana Meiyu heard the shout and came out of the room.

The four of them had dinner together.

The atmosphere was joyous.

Bai Chuanxia glanced at Huannai from time to time, he still cared about what she said suddenly in the afternoon.

Before he figured it out, it made him feel uneasy.

As a result, after the whole meal, Huannai didn't do anything wrong, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary like sticking out his feet under the dining table.

Of course, with the pantyhose she's wearing today.

Even if you stretch your feet, it's almost like wearing socks. She's not an aunt, and she can't do it without that skill.

Bai Chuanxia finally finished his dinner without any risk.

Kanna cleaned up the dishes.

Aunt Ma Fei entered the room with him.

as usual.

Aunt Concubine Ma picked up the file to check, and Bai Chuanxia came over to help her massage.

"I called home last night." Ma Fei looked at the file and said suddenly.

"Ah?" Bai Chuanxia went to Aunt Ma's house once.

Knowing that she was strongly opposed by her father because her first-married husband had a gangster background, and her relationship with her family has always been bad.

So she hardly ever went back.

Bai Chuanxia didn't know why her aunt suddenly mentioned this directly.

"I told them that I plan to marry you." After Ma Fei finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at him with a smile.

"Ah?" Bai Chuanxia was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't figure out what was going on right now.

Aunt Ma's favorability, he only opened it once before he came back.

It's as high as 92 points, but it seems almost meaningless for her to decide to marry herself.

Of course Bai Chuanxia knew that at this time, he must not show any hesitation, and his face was full of surprise: "That's great..."

Although this gratitude is deliberate, it also accounts for 70% sincerity.

"But why?" Bai Chuanxia asked.

"I also think this is an incredible thing." Aunt Ma Fei put down the document in her hand, put one hand on Bai Chuanxia's cheek, her eyes were full of tenderness:

"I even want to open the phone book, call people all over the world, and tell them I want to marry you."

Bai Chuanxia's face turned red immediately.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he blushed.

But at this moment, I was really touched by my aunt, as if my body was wrapped in tenderness.

But with the last bit of reason left in him, he quickly noticed the time in his aunt's mouth.

last night.

That is, my aunt followed me and saw Huanna kissing me at night.

Bai Chuanxia could guess.

Aunt Ma Fei must have deliberately talked a lot about family affection on the phone for Huannai to hear.

No wonder Huannai suddenly accepted the identity of his father today.

He originally thought that his aunt would get angry when seeing Huannai kissing him, so he chose to go to Mizhikui first to avoid the limelight.

In the end, it was purely because I was thinking too much, and the auntie took her daughter's psychology into a tight grip.

At this time, all actions are superfluous.

Bai Chuanxia wrapped her hands around her aunt's slender waist, and the two looked at each other.

No matter how many hugs.

Auntie's body is mature and attractive.

"Ding dong!"

His phone suddenly rang.

Bai Chuanxia shuddered, he was familiar with the ringtone, it was the notification sound of the Huangmao app refreshing a new mission.

This is not the time to look at your phone.

Auntie has pulled down her corset.

Guiding him to rest on his black silk thigh to the sky, bowing slightly, letting his chest press down on his face.

In addition to the motherly smile on the face, there is also the unique charm of mature women.

Yu hand caressed the waistband of his trousers.

Chapter 391

Bai Chuanxia wanted to take his mobile phone to check the task content.

But he bit his aunt's chest in his mouth, and the belt of his trousers was also untied by his aunt's jade hand.

At this time, it is too inappropriate to take a mobile phone.

"You can use more force." Concubine Ma has motherhood in her eyes, and the charm of mature women in her smile, the two are combined together.

Bai Chuanxia couldn't stand her aunt's expression the most.

Tasks or something, leave it aside.

Touching the upper aunt's chest with his hand, he bit down hard.

Aunt Ma Fei's body is as creamy as fat, satisfying all his fantasies about mature women.

Her fingers are dexterous, and with Bai Chuanxia's gnawing strength, she completely grasps Xiaoxia in the palm of her hand.

not long...

Aunt Ma Fei raised her hand, stuck out her tongue, and licked her palm.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chuanxia's heart beat faster, and he got up from his aunt's arms and held it to her lips.

Read The Duke's Passion