MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 309

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Although she wanted to take revenge on her mother, she blushed at this moment.

Bai Chuanxia's expression was complicated, he had to admit that after being guided by his aunt, the experience was completely different, and Huannai just violently repeated bumps.

Under the control of the aunt, it seems to be massaging rhythmically.

He didn't dare to enjoy it.

Concubine Ma has no expression on her face, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

Bai Chuanxia's heart was beating violently, and his reason told him that something had happened.


In the mountain villa, there was a strong smell of blood in the air, stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground, and people who were not completely dead groaned in pain.

In the dark night, more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers were cleaning the battlefield.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Gunshots sounded from time to time, and every time the muzzle shot out sparks, it would reduce the pain of these people.

Sitting on the top of the armored vehicle, Hikashi Yamagishi leaned on a vehicle-mounted machine gun, smiling but not smiling: "He did it, and let all the elites of the paddy field team attack the manor with only pistols and machetes."

Miao Huayou looked at the corpses all over the ground, expressionless. She didn't know whether she was surprised by Bai Chuanxia's magic, or felt guilty for causing such a level of killing. She shook her head for a while: "Too many people died."

"It doesn't matter. Killing one person is a crime. When killing a hundred people silently, everyone will help us hide it." Yamagishi Hikaru licked his tongue: "The sun will still rise as usual."

Chapter 406 Completing the Mission

"Woo...wait, Mom." Huanna put his arms around Bai Chuanxia's neck, his waist was controlled by Concubine Ma, his muscles tensed, and he tightly strangled Xiaoxia.

"Auntie..." Bai Chuanxia understood that her auntie suddenly went berserk, so she spoke to comfort her first, but she held her daughter in her arms.

No matter what the posture is now, it seems very strange.

Hannai tightly strangled him, as if nitrogen gas was continuously injected into the balloon, and with a "pop", the whole thing exploded.

Under the guidance of her mother, she let out an unprecedented high-pitched scream, her body seemed to have been pulled out of bones, and she collapsed on Bai Chuanxia's body.

After the stimulating exercise just now, her fair skin was covered with beads of sweat.

The two stick together, slippery.

The nose smells sweat mixed with other smells, not unpleasant, very subtle.

Aunt Ma Fei hugged her daughter from behind and took her away from Bai Chuanxia.

After going through the madness just now, Huannai seems to have calmed down. She covered her face with her hands and was obediently put aside by her mother. Her chest rose and fell slightly, still warming the remaining warmth just now.

"Auntie, I'll find a way to get out." Bai Chuanxia faced Concubine Ma alone, feeling apprehensive in his heart.

Now that the task has been completed, he doesn't want to cause any complications.

"Hush!" Auntie Ma put a finger to her lips, and then reached out to undo the buttons of her jacket one by one.

The white shirt was rubbed tightly, and the buttons were unbuttoned, revealing white skin, a large white chest, and a black corset.

Bai Chuanxia has seen it many times, but still can't help but stare straight at it.

Auntie's chest, no matter how many times she looked at it, was extremely sexy, full of the charm of a mature woman.

"Lie down." Concubine Ma took off her hip-covering skirt and lay on top of him.

"Why don't we wait a little longer." Bai Chuanxia's eyes dodged, he noticed Huannai, the girl covered her eyes with her hands, but kept peeking through her fingers.

Really perverted enough.

"Are you worried that I'm angry?" Concubine Ma took off her **** and only wore a black lace bra: "I'm very angry, but I won't take it on you."

"I..." Bai Chuanxia was speechless for a moment.

Concubine Ma leaned down and kissed his lips, then parted her lips and looked into his eyes: "I'm sorry, because I involved you in such a thing."

When she spoke, Xiao Xia naturally let Xiao Xia enter her body.

The body was pressed against Bai Chuanxia, ​​and the chests of the two were pressed together, and they were all flattened into one piece, soft and soft, and the experience was very good.

"I know Huannai likes you." Aunt Mafei leaned close to his ear, her voice was not loud, as if blowing in his ear, her thin waist rose and fell rhythmically.

Bai Chuanxia trembled all over, and he could actually guess that with his aunt's observation skills, it was simply absurd that Huannai wanted to hide it from her.

But it's one thing to tell each other what to say, but it's another to say it out.

And Huannai will be on the side at this moment. Although the aunt's voice is low, she has no intention of hiding it.

"I won't take my anger out on you. Love needs to be maintained by both parties. We trust each other and manage our lives together, okay?"

Bai Chuanxia was stunned, was the aunt confessing, or did she deliberately tell Huannai aside.

At this time, he also knew that he could not hesitate, nodded and said: "Okay..."

"Yeah." Auntie Ma showed a satisfied smile, lowered her head, and kissed him on the lips: "No one can separate us."

Huannai stood aside, gritted her teeth, covered her eyes with her hands, and tears flowed from her eyes.

She was sobbing silently.

Xiao Xia is still in her aunt's body.

She has a good sense of rhythm and was not affected by her daughter's presence. She entered and exited rhythmically, and her muscles contracted in coordination, like a massage in a hot spring.

Bai Chuanxia put her arms around her aunt's slender waist, and felt the smoothness of her skin in her hand, and gradually understood the reason why she did this.

In addition to protecting his love, it is to make his daughter give up completely.

It's really an aunt's style, decisive enough.

Instead of letting her daughter have fantasies, it is better to simply cut off, leaving no room for fantasies.

And my aunt doesn't do anything.

Even though Xiao Xia was still in her daughter's body just now, she is serving very hard now, and said that there will be no jealousy.

"Then it's an agreement." Seeing this, Bai Chuanxia nodded, stood up from the ground, and patted his aunt's buttocks.

The two are also very familiar with each other.

The aunt gave him a sideways look, got up from him, supported her hands, and lay on the ground with her legs spread.

Bai Chuanxia put his arms around her slender waist, he liked this position very much, he could see clearly when he lowered his head.

Huannai suffered a heavy blow at the side.

She didn't want to hear it, but the two of them seemed to have no limit to their physical strength. It was fine at first, with only some collision sounds.

Gradually, she heard her mother moaning, getting louder.

It was like some kind of magic sound, constantly drilled into her mind.

She wanted them to keep their voices down, but she had no position.

Opening his fingers, he saw Bai Chuanxia holding his mother's head with both hands, it must have gone down his throat.

Kanna could only continue to close her eyes and remain silent.

Bai Chuanxia was also quite surprised. Today, the auntie seemed to let go of it completely, and she acted obscenely, as if deliberately showing it to her daughter.

For the first time, he experienced the fighting power of a tauren body.

I will take a break when I am tired, but after being teased by my aunt, I will continue again.

Until the sound of footsteps outside the door.

Xiao Xia was right behind her aunt, she was encouraged and vomited directly.

"Get dressed quickly."

Bai Chuanxia exclaimed.

Huannai didn't pretend to be dizzy, she stood up from the ground, picked up a side of clothes and put them on her body.

The footsteps outside the door were not fast, and they even knocked on the door when they entered.

"Come in." Aunt Concubine Ma frowned. He didn't expect the robber to be so polite.

The secret room door was pushed open.

Mu Huayou stood at the door in a lady's suit, her nose moved, as if she could smell a strange smell in the air.

Except for Huannai blushing, no one else was unusual.

"You are the police officer Ma Fei." Miao Huayou walked over in high heels and offered her hand: "We received a call that there was civil strife in the paddy field team and they were killing each other. Let's come and take a look."

"Thank you very much, I was captured by them." Aunt Ma Fei also extended her hand.

The so-called come and see, this is purely an excuse and I don't bother to find it.

"To what extent will they kill each other?" Aunt Ma Fei asked.

"After tonight, there will be no paddy field team." Yuhua Yu smiled and lowered her voice: "I have deleted the video, and no one has seen it."

"Thank you." Concubine Ma breathed a sigh of relief, and was not surprised that Miao Huayou helped her: "I'll go back first, if Miss Miao Huayou has something to do, you can come to the police station to find me."

On behalf of the Yamagishi group, Shirakawa Natsu went to Mizuta Yuki.

I think the real purpose of coming to Muhuayu is to save Bai Chuanxia.

Concubine Ma doesn't want to get involved in the underworld.

Moreover, she was instinctively wary of Miaohuayou, and consciously told her that the woman in front of her was dangerous.

Bai Chuanxia looked at Huannai who was in a daze, now he is going to his aunt's house, something will happen.

Chapter 407 The Transparent World

Concubine Ma refused to be escorted by Miao Huayou, and took a taxi on the street to go home. Huannai kept her head down the whole time, expressionless.

When I was in the closed space just now, I was affected by the environment. Although I was ashamed to do it, but between life and death, the sense of shame was not strong.

Now there is no danger to life.

Ethics emerge again.

In front of the mother with the foster father, in front of the daughter with the husband.

These pictures are in my mind, and I can't shake them off.

"Xia, give me some time." When Auntie Ma got out of the car at home, she held down Bai Chuanxia's wrist and signaled him not to get out of the car.

Her eyes are complicated.

"Well, I'll go back first." Bai Chuanxia looked through the car window, saw Huanna get off the car, and walked straight home with a blank expression.

After what happened just now, the aunt may want to have a good talk with her daughter.

Although they are not real father and daughter, they did what they did.

Auntie didn't want him to get involved.

Now if he really wants to get off the car with him, he doesn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." The aunt leaned over, kissed his lips lightly in a burst of light fragrance, and then backed out of the car door, waving goodbye to him.

The driver cast envious eyes: "Guest, do you want to get off?"

"Let's go." Bai Chuanxia reported the address of the apartment, and still believed that his aunt would handle it well.

It is thanks to Nao's help to solve the Mizuta group and order under the guise of Mizuta Yuki.

Bai Chuanxia deeply realized this time that Nao's so-called killer is only a part-time job, and the destructive power caused by spies is really not comparable to that of a killer.

There is also Uncle Xuanmu, who directly killed through the masters around Mizuta Yuki, resulting in the plan being implemented more smoothly than expected.

But thinking of the agreement between Nao and him.

There was another headache, licking, feet and so on, it was disgusting to think about it.

After returning home, Kanna took off her clothes and went to the bathroom.

"Huh la la." The sound of flushing water hit her fair skin, fell to the ground again, and was flushed into the sewer.

The hot water washed away the fatigue from her body.

She doesn't mind having **** with Bai Chuanxia, ​​but the picture of her mother lying on Bai Chuanxia's body is still lingering in her mind.

Read The Duke's Passion