MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 312

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Auntie stretched out her hand and patted the back of his hand. She turned her head to look at her with beautiful eyes: "If you have nothing to do, go and do your own business. Don't disturb my work."

"Oh, then I'll pick up Auntie later." Bai Chuanxia knew that with Auntie's 94 favorability, he would not be able to gain favorability if he continued to stay here.

He has tried new positions before, such as covering his aunt's eyes, tying her hands and feet, and pressing her on the table, or playing in other places.

But the favorability remained unchanged.

Obviously, Auntie is not the type who can conquer the mind by conquering the body.

If you want to attack a mature woman, you have to start with her daughter.

"No, Huannai only has a week off. I want to be with her." After Ma Fei finished speaking, she raised her head and showed a professional smile: "We still have a long future, can I leave this week for Huannai?"

When Bai Chuanxia heard the words, he couldn't find a reason to refuse for a while, so he could only nod his head: "That's fine, I'll come back tomorrow."

"Well, good." Concubine Ma didn't refuse, she looked down at the file.

He opens the office door.

"Due to the death of the victim, Inagawa Hanabi didn't receive a call from the police. She can no longer collect evidence and she can leave." Auntie Ma Fei said suddenly, she was still looking down at the case file without looking up.

"Okay, I got it." Bai Chuanxia agreed, he sent Inagawa Huafei in, it was a plan to relieve the mother and daughter.

It doesn't seem to have any effect now.

This is also to be expected.

If it was so easy to reconcile, the mother and daughter would not have known each other for so many years.

"We have to find a way." Bai Chuanxia closed the office door, leaving the aunt alone in the office.

If you want to completely attack the aunt, you must let the mother and daughter recognize each other.

When he came to the temporary detention room, he didn't see Inagawa Hanabi, and after questioning, he learned that she had left half an hour ago.

Bai Chuanxia also wanted to go to the Shan'an Group to find her, but just as he walked out of the police station, he saw her standing at the door.

"Why, are you reluctant to leave?"

Inagawa Huafei didn't turn her head back, she just stood where she was and didn't speak.

Bai Chuanxia stood beside her: "Auntie, she loves you very much. Your room has never been touched. She often cleans it. I think she has been waiting for you to go back one day."

"This has nothing to do with you." Inagawa Huafei showed impatience on her face, and turned her head with a disdainful expression: "What position do you have to argue with me, her boyfriend?"

"I have nothing to do with her, why do you think I will listen to a boyfriend who has no relationship with me?"

"You misunderstood." Bai Chuanxia shrugged: "Although I don't know why you have such a misplaced perception, I am not preaching to you from the standpoint of an aunt."

"What's that, friend?" Inagawa Hanahi looked at his expression as if he was watching a joke.

"No." Bai Chuanxia waved his hand: "I'm a strong man, and I can find a way to deal with the rice field team in one day, so why do you think I won't take action against Inagawa?"

"Ah?" Inagawa Huafei was taken aback for a moment, her expression was astonished, she was completely confused by Bai Chuanxia's words.

"You don't need to show such a surprised expression." Bai Chuanxia looked at her: "You don't want the Inagawa meeting your grandfather gave you to disappear in your hands."

Inagawa Hanahi's expression ranged from doubt at the beginning, to surprise, and finally to anger. She reached out and grabbed his collar: "What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. It just so happens that I'm planning to go to the Shan'an Group now. Let's go together." Bai Chuanxia let her tug on his collar and stopped a taxi by the side of the road.

Hana Inagawa could only stare at him, and finally got into a taxi.

The two soon came to the Shan'an Group.

With the previous experience, Bai Chuanxia directly took the elevator to the top floor, and knocked on the door of Matsuhayu's office.

Sitting behind her desk, she smiled when she saw two people coming in: "Xiao Xia, Hua Fei, it seems that you get along well."

"Ms. Uka." Inagawa Hanahi had a bad face, and greeted Ukayu with a respectful attitude.

"Sister Shan'an isn't here?" Bai Chuanxia only saw Matsuhayu.

"Well, the Mizuta group no longer exists, and now the other poles in Tokyo no longer pose a threat to us." Yuhua Yu smiled softly:

"She can also rest assured to find my husband's illegitimate daughter. After all, this is the main purpose of her return to the Eastern Kingdom."

After the battle last night, the arrogant Shuitian team was wiped out overnight.

With this battle, the Yamagishi Group surpassed all Yakuza organizations.

Naturally, he will not come to trouble during this time period.

"Is Xiaoxia looking for something to do with my sister?" Mu Huayou stood up from behind the desk, with a half-smile: "Anyway, you don't have anything to think about seeing your sister."

"It's about the Inagawa Society." Bai Chuanxia glanced at Inagawa Hanahi, and after he mentioned the Inagawa Society, her face turned livid.

After Yamagishi Bana left.

Yu Hana merged all the gang-related forces and industries involved in the original Yamagishi family into the Inagawa Association, and then used the remaining white industries to establish the Yamagishi Group.

Of course, Inagawa will maintain the food and clothing line for a long time.

This set of backdoor listings came down.

Inagawa will become the number one in Tokyo, at the cost of Inagawa Hanahime becoming the mascot president.

Bai Chuanxia didn't hide anything, and directly told the relationship between Inagawa Hanahi and Ma Fei's aunt to Mu Huayu.

This is not a secret in the first place, and there is a high probability that Meihuayou knows it, but she is just pretending.

"Huafei, I'm sorry." Ukayu apologized: "You also know that our Inagawa will not be his opponent, even if he made such an exaggerated request, from the standpoint of the Yamagishi family, I have no way to refuse. "

Hana Inagawa's face turned livid and she clenched her hands tightly after hearing the scandal. Of course she knew that this would be the result, but when she actually heard it, she still felt betrayed.

"However, I think the relationship between us is not just a family position." Uka looked at Bai Chuanxia with a smile and said, "As your sister, I reject the proposal to dismiss President Inagawa Hanahi."

She paused, then smiled: "If you can get her to recognize you as a father, I will, as a sister, agree to your request."

Chapter 411 Cohabitation for Seven Days

"Hey, this is too strange." Bai Chuanxia looked at Inagawa Hanahi, she also had the same expression, but compared to being dismissed directly, she at least breathed a sigh of relief.

"Because you haven't gotten to know each other well." Miao Hua held Bai Chuanxia's palm with a smile, "Xiao Xia also doesn't want to be the foster father of those devils that are broadcast on TV at eight o'clock."

She turned her head to look at Inagawa Hanabi again, held her hand, and put their palms together: "In the next seven days, please live together, give each other a chance to get to know each other again, and then discuss this Question, wouldn't it be more appropriate?"

Bai Chuanxia showed hesitation, and the aunt said that she wanted to spend time with Huannai this week, but there was no problem with the time.

He looked at Hua Fei out of the corner of his eyes, the two had known each other for a long time.

After he can't tell Hua Fei, she is a woman who puts on a bad face all day long and puts on airs.

"Mother is very sensitive." Mu Huayou leaned into his ear and said, "Of course Xia can use strong means to make her submit, but you can't fool your mother."

Bai Chuanxia was silent, of course he had considered this issue, but there was no other way.

楪花乌 leaned next to Inagawa Huafei again, and leaned into her ear: "The current influence of the Yamagishi family in Dongguo and Xiaoxia's strength are enough to protect your mother. Huafei, give yourself a chance , you also want to know, what kind of person is your mother's boyfriend?"

Inagawa Huafei frowned tightly, and finally let go.

"It seems that we have reached a consensus. For the next seven days, please get along well with each other. I will be a witness and watch over you." Mu Huayou clasped his hands together and smiled into crescent moons.

Looking at her expression, Bai Chuanxia felt that she just wanted to have fun.

Neither of them objected to the proposal.

Neither of them spoke after they came out of the Yamagishi Group.

Miao Huayou gave her seven days off, so she didn't have to worry about things in the group.

Uncle Xuanmu drove the two of them to the apartment.

After Inagawa Hanahi got into the car, she turned her head away and looked out of the window without looking at him or speaking, the atmosphere in the car was very dull.

"Uncle Xuanmu, those thugs from the paddy field team are bothering you." Bai Chuanxia took the initiative to talk. His original plan was to use Xuanmu as a bait to drag the paddy field team's experts.

He kept yelling that he couldn't beat him, that it would be dangerous.

As a result, I heard from Nao later that when she arrived, everyone had been wiped out by Xuanmu.

"Hehe." Xuanmu smiled stupidly, and touched his bald head with his hands: "I didn't expect that those young people would go up one by one. They don't attack sneakily, and they don't use guns. Nowadays, young people are very good at martial arts."

Bai Chuanxia followed with a sneer, and glanced at Inagawa Hanahi.

She rested her chin on her hands and watched a car passing by outside the window, expressionless, not knowing what she was thinking.

It's different from Kanna who inherited her mother's appearance and plump figure.

Hua Fei has a slender figure, her chest is less than a B, and she is well dressed. Unlike Mu Huayou who is expensive at first glance, she is more like a young urban beauty.

The vehicle stopped in front of an ordinary apartment building.

"Here we are." Xuan Mu smiled and signaled the two to get out of the car: "The president will trouble Brother Xia to take care of him this week, call me anytime you need something."

After he finished speaking, he greeted the two of them and drove away.

Only Hua Fei and him were left at the scene.

"Let's go." Inagawa Hanahi raised her legs and walked towards the apartment, neither looking at him nor intending to continue communicating.

"Do you live here?" Bai Chuanxia raised his head, the ordinary high-end apartment was not even as good as the one he lived in, and it was completely different from the luxury he imagined for the mafia boss.

"The economic situation in the group was not good before. I didn't like living in an old house, so I moved here." After Inagawa Hanabi walked into the apartment lobby, she skillfully checked the door:

"Later, after the Yamagishi family merged into the Inagawa Association, everyone knew that I was only a nominal president, and there was no need to worry about safety."

The two took the elevator to the twelfth floor.

Inagawa Hanabi unlocked the lock with her fingerprint, and entered the door without looking back: "Come in..."

"Okay." Bai Chuanxia followed closely. The apartment was not big, with one bedroom and one living room. When he walked into the entrance, he saw eight cardboard boxes neatly stacked together in the corner.

This kind of cardboard box is used to store items when moving. Judging from the dust on the cardboard box, it has been placed for at least half a year.

"The things I brought over when I moved, I haven't tidied them up, so I just threw them away." Inagawa Hanabi took out the slippers and handed them to him, explaining with a blank expression.

Bai Chuanxia looked at her suspiciously: "I thought you would put this kind of thing in a more euphemistic way."

"No need, I have promised to get to know each other, and I will show the most authentic side." Inagawa Hanabi's voice did not fluctuate: "How old are you?"

"One year older than your sister, and she will be 20 in two months." Bai Chuanxia put on her slippers, turned her head and had a panoramic view of the apartment, and there was a plugged-in game console in front of the TV.

It's true enough.

Maybe Matsuka Yuu's proposal is a good one.

Living together is ridiculous, but it is the most efficient way to get to know someone.

"By the way, how old are you?"

Inagawa Hanahi looked at him: "23."

After she finished speaking, the atmosphere between the two suddenly became dull.

"It's okay, I'll call you sister, you'll call me dad, we'll do our own thing." Bai Chuanxia is also an old fritter, so of course this doesn't bother him.

Inagawa Hanahi didn't refuse or agree, and just stood there.

Bai Chuanxia wanted to sit down, but there was no sofa in the living room. There was a small low table in the middle, and a quilt armchair beside it. Judging from the placement.

There is a high probability that she often sits comfortably on the quilt and plays games.

But now he can't just run and sit on the quilt.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" Bai Chuanxia felt that the apartment was already filled with embarrassment, he was like an innocent virgin who broke into the private room of an urban beauty, and he felt uncomfortable sitting anywhere.

"Sister Meihua will take over the affairs of the meeting now, and I have nothing else to do." Inagawa Huafei put her hands on her chest and leaned against the wall.

Age-matched men and women face each other awkwardly.

The name is to understand each other better, but in reality it is so embarrassing that they want to dig out three rooms and one living room.

"By the way, you're fine anyway. Let me help you organize these things. It's too strange to keep piling up like this." Bai Chuanxia pointed to the eight cardboard boxes by the wall.

"Hmm." Inagawa Hanahi continued to remain expressionless.

The carton is heavy and the plastic glue on it is torn off.

What came into view was stacks of neatly arranged books, but it was not a psychology class that fit her status as a gangster sister, but comics.

"I bought these when I was a child, and I brought them without throwing them away." Hana Inagawa opened another plastic paper bag, which was also some old things.

Bai Chuanxia picked up the manga and opened it in his hand. The style of the drawing is very old, at least ten years ago.

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