MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 11 , the blind box! Ranking and Rewards!

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The three looked at each other with incredible expressions in their eyes.

"Looks like this, it's really possible that it's Wang Teng..."

"Yeah, he should have been alone just now, and he happened to be a loner."

"No wonder he has to be willing to join us, so he is so strong!"

"Alas! If I knew Wang Teng was so powerful, we had to let her join us no matter what!"

They couldn't help but discuss, with annoyed expressions on their faces.

Yi Qingchen also had a complicated look in his eyes.

At the same time, a new prompt sounded in everyone's mind.

[Announcement: In the world of Tianlong Babu, someone has risen to level 3, and the level list is officially opened! 】

[In this world ranking, only the top 100 can enter the list. 】

"Huh? The world has opened the ranking list!"

"The competition is fierce, only the top 100 can enter the list!"

"Someone has risen to level 3 and activated the level list."

"This level 3 powerhouse, wouldn't it be Wang Teng?"

The woman in the long skirt said in shock.

When the words fell, the three of Yi Qingchen quickly called out the light curtain, and the red scroll at the top was the ranking list...

After they saw the list, they were all stunned.

Although Wang Teng's level and ranking are very high, he is still level 2. It is impossible for him to have the combat effectiveness of a punch!

Could it be that the Lone Ranger is someone else?

At the other end, Wang Teng was heading towards the red wolf smoke.

He also received the World Bulletin.

The moment he heard the announcement, he was also curious, and his mind suddenly moved, and a screen of light appeared in his pupils.

At the top of the light curtain, there was indeed a red scroll.

He swept over there, the red scroll automatically stretched out, and a brand new leaderboard came into view.

[The world of Tianlong Babu, ranking list. 】

[First Place: Liu Erlong, Level 3]

[Second place: Zhao Li, Level 2]

[Third Place: Qi Dong, Level 2]

[Fourth place: Zhou Qing, level 2]

[Fifth place: Shi Yu, level 2]

[Sixth Place: Yang Jian, Level 2]

[Seventh Place: Civil and Military, Level 2]

[Eleventh place: Wang Teng]

"I didn't even make it to the top ten!"

Wang Teng murmured in his heart, this time, the hidden boss who entered Tianlong Babu was not the only one.

Thinking of this, he entered the chat channel.

There has been a lot of chatter here.

"Wow! Big boss Liu Erlong has risen to level 3. It's really amazing!"

"Unbelievable! I'm only level 1 (15/100) now, and I'm still a long way from level 2, but Liu Erlong has already risen to level 3!"

"I didn't expect that there were so many big bosses. There are 25 people who have been promoted to level 2 alone. They are amazing!"

"Survival of the fittest! I envy them! In this world, I finally don't have to worry anymore!"

At this moment, the cold mechanical voice sounded again in everyone's mind.

[Announcement: The Tianlong Babu World, the junior level leaderboard rewards are now announced. 】

[The first person to reach level 10 will be rewarded with a golden blind box. 】

[The second person who reaches level 10 will be rewarded with a silver blind box. 】

[The third person who reaches level 10 will be rewarded with a bronze blind box. 】

[The fourth to tenth people who reach level 10 will be rewarded with 10 points of free attribute. 】

[The eleventh to one hundredth who reach level 10 will be rewarded with 5 points of free attribute. 】

[Blind box: Rank leaderboard reward items, opening the blind box will get a lot of money. 】

[Blind boxes are in order of quality: black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, emerald, diamond, and extraordinary. 】

[When the blind box is opened, there is a 0.01% probability of triggering a special event and being promoted to a unique treasure chest. 】

[Unique treasure chests: Black Iron Treasure Mirror, Red Copper Treasure Box, Mithril Treasure Box, Red Treasure Box, Black Treasure Drawer, Jade Immortal Box, Immortal God Box, Extraordinary Secret Treasure. 】

[Hint: As long as you reach level 10, the blind box reward will be issued immediately without waiting for settlement. 】

As soon as this news came out, the entire chat room was boiling.

"I'm going! The top 100 who reach level 10 will be rewarded!"

"The reward for the first place turned out to be a golden blind box. I don't know what amazing items can be opened!"

"And as long as you reach level 10, you can give out rewards, this is a real thing!"

"Roll up your sleeves and work hard!"

"Upgrade! I want to upgrade!"

"I'm going to struggle too! Try my best to get into the top 100!"

"Hahaha! I want to get into the top three and get the blind box reward!"

At this moment, in the chat channel, everyone cheered and was full of energy.

A rank competition came suddenly!

Seeing this, Wang Teng was a little anxious.

In just one and a half days of work, there are ten people who are ahead of him.

That Liu Erlong, I don't know where he is, actually rose to the third level.

He has to speed up.

Before, he spent a lot of time on Murong Fu, but he didn't kill the enemy very much.

Now, he is going to break into the Western Summer Camp alone.

First place!

Golden Blind Box!

He's set!

Thinking of this, he quit the chat channel and ran along the road towards the red wolf smoke.

When he was about to walk out of the woods, he suddenly sensed that a group of people were approaching fast!


"This breath... the visitor is not good!"

Wang Teng's face turned cold.

He shuttled around the edge of the woods and ran wildly along the road, but he still caught the attention of others.

Wang Teng tidied up his clothes and gradually slowed down.

There were four figures in the distance, three men and one woman.

After seeing Wang Teng's figure, the coquettish woman nodded, and the other three slowed down, with expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

"Giggle, Brother Yu believes me right, I found this kid!"

"Haha... It seems that Sister Lin Feng's divination talent is really effective, and she found it so quickly."

"Brother Yu, I think this kid has a good sword. Give it to me later! I'm short of a weapon right now."

"Hehe, don't worry, as long as I get this reward from the acting system on him, I will be more confident in competing for the first place in the ranking list! You can share the rest of his body as you like!"

The man called Brother Yu licked his lips and looked at Wang Teng with a hint of teasing and sarcasm in his eyes.

The other three were overjoyed, with expectant expressions on their faces.

In their opinion, Wang Teng has long been the fish on the chopping board. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Their boss is someone at the top of the ranking list.

Moreover, their boss, the awakened C-level superhuman talent, doubles the attributes when activated, and the combat power soars.

The strength is definitely higher than Wang Teng.

There are two things that make them so conceited.

The first is the strength of their boss. With the boss's fighting power, they surrounded the Xixia cavalry and never missed a beat.

But now, they saw Wang Teng running wild in ragged clothes, mistaking it for lack of strength, and rushing to escape.

This also verifies that Wang Teng only got the first reward for killing an elite-level character by relying on luck.

Now, they want Wang Teng to spit out all the rewards!

Therefore, everyone was mocking, looking at Wang Teng like a dead man.

Startled at a glance!

A black ripple appeared in Wang Teng's eyes.

[Name: Shi Yu. 】

[Level: Level 2 (185/200)]

[Talent: ? ? ? 】

[Martial Arts: ? ? ? 】

[Comprehensive combat power: ? ? ? (Affected by astrology, the player's combat power cannot be checked temporarily)]

Seeing this data, Wang Teng couldn't help taking a long breath.

It turned out to be Shi Yu, who ranked fifth in the ranking rankings!

This is much more difficult to deal with than the Xixia cavalry, and the opponent has a total of four people.

But people don't offend me, and I don't offend anyone.

These four people are also four kinds of talents.

Kill them, maybe you can extract a good talent!

Besides, what he lacks is actual combat experience.

Right now, these four people are his best whetstones.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng roared with fighting intent, ready to give it a go...

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