MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 5 , turn around! CD has arrived!

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Before I knew it, it was already late at night.

There were beasts whining from outside the temple, but inside the temple, it seemed to be even more dangerous.

After running for a few weeks, Murong Fu suppressed his injuries and said with a smile, "What do you want to do?"

Found out by him? Wang Teng in the moonlight was slightly surprised, but he immediately restrained his expression. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted.

"That's the expression." Murong Fu smiled sinisterly, revealing his true form: "Like an ant, I already knew that you harbored misfortune, beg me for mercy, and give you a good time!"

"What are you going to do?" Wang Teng found that there was a hint of madness in his expression.

"What do I want to do? I knew for a long time that you heard the conversation in the woods and you dared to lie to me." Murong Fu said slowly with contempt in his eyes:

"Joining Xixia and marching into the Central Plains, this kind of secret can also be heard by a disciple of your little beggar gang?!" Murong Fu had a gloomy expression on his face.

Wang Teng gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: "To be a martial arts master, you actually used the people of Xixia to mutilate the Central Plains to complete your so-called great cause of restoring the country."

"Hahahaha, **** martial arts master, I want to be the emperor, no one can stop me!"

"Others, including you, are all ants. For my great cause of restoring the country, no matter how many people die, it's worth it!"

Murong Fu was completely crazy, and his hands went from top to bottom to complete the last week.

"Since you already know, I can't tolerate you. Although my poison has not been completely resolved, I only have three successes left, but killing you is enough!"

Wang Teng only felt his scalp tingling.

At this moment, Murong Fu's eyes lit up.


A terrifying spiritual pressure emanated from his eyes...

Wang Teng suddenly felt that Murong Fu's aura continued to expand, like a vast ocean, submerging and swallowing his consciousness.

He suddenly felt the world turn around.

Is this the strength of a comprehensive combat power of 850?

The next second, he was horrified to find that he couldn't even move a finger.


It was at this moment that Murong Fu shot out with a palm, a powerful energy that lifted the sand and gravel in the temple, and arrived in an instant...

Wang Teng was shocked.

At this moment, he couldn't move his body and could only resist the palm of his hand. The situation was very critical.


Murong Fu's laughter resounded in the temple.

In the blink of an eye, the palm wind came, and the powerful internal force began to pierce Wang Teng's skin...

At this moment, Wang Teng quickly opened the properties panel.

[Strengthen the mountain, activate it! 】

In only 0.0001 seconds, Wang Teng's power doubled.

He suddenly felt a violent force surged up in his body, and his muscles were shaking.


Wang Teng was unwilling to roar!

Ka Ka Ka!

The body screamed loudly!

Do not! That is the sound of the space inside the body shattering!

He actually broke free from the shackles of internal force, and his five senses became clear in an instant.

At the same moment, he avoided this palm by the wrong body, and a bloodstain was drawn on his delicate face by the sharp palm wind.

Simultaneously punched out!


A loud bang!

The heavy fist broke through the powerful palm wind, leaving a red lump in Murong Fu's palm.


Murong Fu was greatly surprised.

This little-known disciple of the Beggar Gang actually felt a sense of oppression in every move.

how can that be? !

The martial arts of ordinary beggar gang disciples are absolutely impossible to generate momentum!

This kind of situation can only be mastered by a martial arts master who has been immersed in it for decades.

Even he himself could barely touch the threshold.

Why does this kid have such a power?

There is only one possibility, his martial arts come with this kind of potential.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu's eyes are superb, this kind of martial arts, he has to decide!


Murong Fu twisted his waist and abdomen, his legs circled and flew to the top of Wang Teng's head, and his hands pressed down.

Wang Teng quickly put his palms on the sky.

At this moment, Murong Fu's eyes lit up.


The stars are moving!

When the exercise was launched, there was an invisible force that instantly distorted Wang Teng's attack.

Wang Teng suddenly felt that his strength was losing and his body lost balance.


A heavy muffled sound!

With his way, return his body!

Wang Teng was ejected by his own power...


Wang Teng fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

But the next second, he turned over and stood up, and the injury was not serious.


Murong Fu was shocked again.

He did not expect that Wang Teng's vitality was so tenacious.

Ordinary people will be seriously injured if they are not killed by this powerful blow.

But in the blink of an eye, Wang Teng was still able to stand up and fight.


This kid is not easy!

After Murong Fu was shocked, he stared at Wang Teng with gloomy eyes.

"As long as you donate your martial arts, I will spare you!"

Hearing this, Wang Teng laughed instead of anger: "I know who you are, Murong Fu. If you are reliable, sows can climb trees."

"Since that's the case, I'll let you suffer in this world!"

Murong Fu laughed again.

The violent aura slanted out from his body, and waves of internal force tidal wave emanated from the temple.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In just a moment, Murong Fu fought Wang Teng for dozens of rounds.

In the face of enormous strength, Wang Teng was at an absolute disadvantage.

If it weren't for Lipushanxi's unique oppressive effect, Wang Teng would have been unable to resist.

It's just that the disparity in comprehensive combat power is too great. At this moment, Wang Teng is covered in blood, and his eyes are scorched by the hot blood.

He just relied on a strong will to insist that he could not fall.

At this moment, Murong Fu grinned, and slapped his palm towards his Tianling cave...

Outside the temple, the bright moon hangs high, noon

In the drowsy state, Wang Teng's panel attributes have undergone subtle changes.

[Asymmetric exchange, cooldown 00:00:00]


The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he made a voice:

"I've been waiting for it to cool down, what are you waiting for!"

"CD has arrived! Exchange!"


A white light flashed, and the gray porcelain vase in Wang Teng's arms disappeared.

That's a complete bottle of Sad Crisp Breeze!

[Asymmetric exchange activation is successful. 】

[The unequal exchange enters into a cooldown for 24 hours. 】

[This unequal exchange consumes 12 Luck Points. 】

[Friendly reminder: The luck value can be restored to the initial state over time, and the speed is 1 luck value/day. 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained the "Fighting Star Movement"! 】

"Murong Fu, your time of death has come."

"What?! Pretending to be a ghost, a disciple of the Little Beggar Gang can still turn the world upside down!" Murong Fu's face was grim, like a ghost.

Wang Teng avoided the palm wind and punched out...

Murong Fu did not dodge or evade, his eyes were full of mockery.


He used his internal power and wanted to start the Star Shift again.

He just wanted to torture Wang Teng and let him be defeated by his own power. UU Reading

But in the next second,


A powerful punch,

Directly hit his dantian!

He felt an endless pain in an instant.

I couldn't help but bend it into shrimp.

"how is this possible!"

Murong Fu was terrified.

The boy from the beggar gang in front of him can actually crack the battle.

Do not! Do not! Do not!

This is impossible, it must be caused by his own poisonous injury!

"go to hell!"

Murong Fu was completely insane, and the powerful internal force blew his sleeves.

Like cannonballs, both palms rushed towards Wang Teng's face.

At this moment, a whole bottle of Sadness and Breeze was poisoned.

Murong Fu's combat power has been reduced by 30%~

next moment,

Murong Fu was blown away by the same internal force!

The crystal teeth were mixed with blood and water, and they drew a curve in the air.

Murong Fu flew upside down, full of puzzlement in his eyes.

How is this going?

"Haha, this is the way of the other side, and the other side!"

Wang Teng was overjoyed.

In the blink of an eye, he launched the Star Shift, rebounding all of Murong Fu's damage!

With the sad and crisp breeze, it was transferred to Murong Fu's body.

At the same time as he was running his inner strength, the toxins were also frantically swallowing up the ruined body.

Immediately, Wang Teng grabbed the Xia Renjian on the ground with a sliding shovel, and rushed to Murong Fu in an instant...


The sword light flashed!

Hands up and swords down!

"Do not!"

Murong Fu shouted in horror!


Blood splattered!

Heads fall!

A generation of heroes has fallen...

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