MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 778 , Super Dragon Pool! The power of the dragon!

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After hearing this, Yan Huang's eyes lit up immediately.

Immediately, he looked at Wang Teng: "Young ancestor! Is it possible that as long as you become the master of the space where the Yanlong Department resides, you can turn it into a universe and hide it in your body?"

Wang Teng smiled and nodded.

Yan Huang was overjoyed: "Please give me half a day! After I terminate the inheritance relationship with the Yanlong Department's resident, I will ask the young ancestor to collect it! In this way, my family will be able to follow you all the time!"

Fu Yang smiled and said: "Yes! At that time, you and I will be able to gather together and follow the young ancestor together!"

Hearing this, Emperor Shun hurriedly stepped forward: "Young Ancestor, my Shunlong Department is also a pseudo-universe, please accept it!"

"Young Patriarch! We, the Yulong Division, are too!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Teng smiled.

He naturally wants to collect those pseudo-cosmic spaces.

As the master of the four poles, he has to promote the Primordial Universe to the Eight Desolation Mirror to complete the system.

But now he is only in the Three Desolation Realm, five small universes away from the Eight Desolation Mirror.

The residences of the Yanlong tribe, Shunlong tribe, and Yulong tribe can just provide him with three small universes.

Besides, the more universes you get, the stronger Wang Teng will be.

The most urgent thing for him now is to improve his strength.

The acquisition of the three resident offices is also imminent.

What's more, if these three clans are stationed, the power of the dragon clan can be gathered together, which is more conducive to the revival of the dragon clan.

With this in mind, Wang Teng said, "Emperor Shun, Yu Yu, if you set off immediately and arrive at the residence of your two clans, how soon will it be?"

Emperor Shun hurriedly said: "If you don't bring others, with the speed of your subordinates, you can arrive within two days!"

Yu Yu also said: "Our Yulong Department is a little far away, and we can arrive within three days!"

Wang Teng nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath: "If I can collect the residences of your two clans, it will be of great help to my strength improvement!"

"Right now, the threat of the Emperor Luan is coming, and this deity urgently needs to improve its strength! I am afraid that the strength will not reach the goal in my heart with the Dragon Transformation Festival alone! Therefore, I urgently need you to rush back immediately and help me collect your resident space!"

Emperor Shun suddenly said, "I understand! Young Ancestor, then we... By the way, Young Ancestor, you only have one person, how can you go to two parts at the same time? What about the Hualong Festival here?"

Halfway through, Emperor Shun remembered the crux of the problem.

Yu Yu also looked at Wang Teng with a puzzled expression.

Wang Teng smiled slightly: "To collect the resident space, I don't need to go there in person, just send my clone to go there!"

As soon as these words fell, Emperor Shun's eyes lit up, and they were all overjoyed.

Immediately, Emperor Shun couldn't wait to say: "That's great! Young Ancestor, then you quickly arrange a clone and come back to Shunlong Department with me!"

"Young ancestor, you also arrange for a clone to go to the Yulong Department with me!"

Yu Yu also echoed the Tao.

"Okay! Emperor Shun, I'll let Jin Xing go with you! Yu Yu, I'll let Mu Xing go with you! Time is running out, so let's go immediately!"


Emperor Shun accepted the order gladly.

After a while, Emperor Shun fled towards the west of Xinghai together with Jin Xing.

Yu Yu and Mu Xing fled towards the south of Xinghai together.

Looking at their backs going away, Wang Teng's eyes showed anticipation.

If he gets two more small universes, his strength can be improved a lot!


The 4.77 million various source power beads he had harvested before were of great use again.

Hongmeng is a level 6 universe, unable to absorb the source force divine orb.

But those 0-level new universes can absorb the source force divine orb!

At this thought, Wang Teng's eyes showed a gleam of joy again.

"Young ancestor, are you going back to the station now?"

At this time, Yan Huang asked in a low voice.

Wang Teng nodded slightly: "Go back!"

Time was running short, and he didn't want to delay it.

Immediately, a group of people returned to the Yanlong Department mightily.

A quarter of an hour later, Yanlongbu Square.

Tens of thousands of Taoist disciples gathered around the square again.

At this moment, Wang Teng waved his hand casually, and white light flashed in the field.

Hongjun and Nuwa appeared one after another.

Before fighting against Xiao and others, Wang Teng took the two of them into the small universe to obtain the power of sacrifice.

"The powerful enemy has been killed! The two of you quickly enter the Hualong Pond and complete the Hualong Sacrifice as soon as possible! Maybe three days later, the Qing Emperor will come. At that time, I really need your help!"


After the words fell, the two turned around and stepped into the light gate, entering the superior dragon pool.

At this time, Wang Teng looked at Yan Huang: "The next step is up to you!"

"Yes~! Young Ancestor!"

Yan Huang took a deep breath, and then sacrificed the Yanlong Order again.

Next, he is going to summon the super dragon pool.

It's just that he has never summoned before, and he doesn't know if he can succeed!

Shua~! Shua~! Shua~!

With this thought in mind, Yan Huang quickly pinched the seal formula with both hands, and displayed the secret method of inheritance.

The audience looked at him one after another, and couldn't help but hold their breath.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the arena seemed a little tense.

Everyone is worried, can Yanhuang summon the super dragon pool?

That is related to the improvement of Shaozu's strength!

The first-class Longchi, but it is one grade lower than the super-class Longchi, the result is not even a star and a half!

In just a moment, Yan Huang finished pinching nine hundred and ninety-nine seals, but nothing happened.

On Yan Huang's forehead, fine beads of sweat were already appearing. I don't know if it was from anxiety or exhaustion?

Seeing this scene, Wang Teng also became a little nervous.

He naturally hopes to enter the Super Dragon Pool.


But without waiting for him to think too much, the Flame Dragon Token was finally activated, and its golden light shone instantly, illuminating the audience.


Then, an incomparably dazzling golden beam of light shot out from the Dragon Order and shrouded the test tablet.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

Immediately afterwards, the divine monument shook!

A huge purple light door slowly opened beside the divine tablet, and twelve phantoms of golden dragons emerged inside, circling and singing.


Seeing this scene, the audience was overjoyed.

There was an exclamation in the crowd.

"turned on"

"Guardian of the Twelve Ancestral Dragons! The legendary Super Grade Dragon Pond has finally appeared!"

"That's right! In the history of my Dragon Clan, no one has ever been able to enter! Young Ancestor is the first person to enter the Super Grade Dragon Pool!"

The more the disciples talked, the more excited they became.

In the arena, Yan Huang also heaved a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he looked at Wang Teng respectfully: "Young Ancestor, it's a good luck not to disgrace your life! The summoning of Super Dragon Pond was successful!"

Wang Teng also nodded with a smile: "Okay! I don't have much time, so I will enter Longchi!"

"I will send off Shaozu An respectfully!"

Yan Huang, Fu Yang and others agreed one after another.

Wang Teng didn't waste any more time, and walked towards the super dragon pond under the eyes of all the people.

Soon, he walked to the entrance of Longchi.

The twelve golden dragons stared at him coldly, looking at him unkindly.

But in the next breath, they sensed the matching information from Wang Teng, and they automatically retreated to the sides.

The previous test information will be sent to the ancestral lands to let the guardian dragon shadows in these ancestral lands know.

This time, after the Guardian Dragon Shadow reconfirmed that it was correct, he would let Wang Teng enter the Dragon Pool.


With a flash of light and shadow, Wang Teng passed through the light gate smoothly.

In the next second, he entered a huge space.

What caught his eyes was a huge spiritual pool, surrounded by fairy mist and filled with golden spiritual liquid.

Taking a closer look at the spiritual liquid, there is a special power exuding, impressively surpassing the Three Thousand Ways.

"Huh? This power is..."

As soon as he sensed the special power, Wang Teng's eyes lit up.

He currently only knows two kinds of power above the Three Thousand Ways.

One is the power of the sky.

The other is the power of four poles.

Now, he has discovered the third kind, which is the special power contained in this spirit pool.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

At this moment, the familiar mechanical sound came to remind...

[Hint: You discovered the power of the Heavenly Dragon in the Super Dragon Pool! 】

[The Power of Heavenly Dragon: The power of rules that surpasses the Three Thousand Ways is only contained in the Super Dragon Pool! 】

Hearing this, Wang Teng's eyes lit up.

No wonder, the dragon clan was once the elder of the source world.

Being able to master the power of rules above the Three Thousand Ways, one can crush all races and transcend the world.

Similarly, such power also threatens the rule of the thirty-three days.

Having said that, if he can obtain the power of the celestial dragon, he can try to superimpose the power of the celestial dragon and the power of the four poles to increase the power of the rules.

Thinking about his four-level power of four poles, its power can only be compared to the weakest first-grade power of Zhitian.

This shows that the power of the four poles is slightly weaker than the power of Zhitian.

If he gains the power of the Heavenly Dragon again, it may be possible to narrow this gap!

But how to obtain the power of the heavenly dragon?

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

As soon as an idea came to his mind, the familiar sound of Heavenly Dao machinery came from Wang Teng's sea of ​​consciousness...

[Hint: After completing the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice in the Super Dragon Pool, you have a 3% chance of mastering the power of the Heavenly Dragon! 】

Wang Teng's eyes lit up.

It turns out that as long as the Dragon Transformation Festival is completed, there is hope to master the power of the Heavenly Dragon!

It's a pity that the success rate is only 3%!

This probability is too low!

It can be seen from this that it was extremely rare for the Dragon Clan to master the power of the Heavenly Dragon back then.

Not all dragon disciples are qualified to master, it depends on their potential and talent!

He didn't think so much anymore, so he tried it first to see if he could wake up.

Mastering the power of rules beyond the Three Thousand Ways is the only way to become a new way of heaven!

The more types you master, the easier it is to become Heavenly Dao.

With this in mind, Wang Teng didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped into the Super Dragon Pool.

As soon as he stepped into Longchi, he was surrounded by countless warm liquids.

Immediately afterwards, countless warm forces penetrated into Wang Teng's body along the skin and pores.

Waves of itchy sensations came from his legs immediately, making him extremely happy physically and mentally.

At the same time, countless special powers seeped into his blood.

The mechanical sound of Heaven's Path also followed...

[Hint: You are soaking in a super dragon pool! 】

[The power of your bloodline has been activated a little, and the combat power +100 stars! 】

[The power of your bloodline has been activated a little, and the combat power +100 stars! 】

Wang Teng's eyes lit up.

The power of the bloodline is indeed being activated!

At this moment, he can skyrocket 100-star combat power every once in a while, which is really awesome.

At the same time, he also clearly sensed that with the activation of blood power, the rank of dragon blood has a tendency to increase.

As everyone said, completing the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice will not only increase combat power, but also increase the rank of the bloodline!

With this in mind, Wang Teng no longer hesitated, and his whole body got into Hualongchi.

Immediately, his whole body was wrapped in a warm and moist liquid, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

The continuous improvement of that kind of combat power also made him feel happy and extremely comfortable.

It's just that this time, whether he can obtain the power of the heavenly dragon is still unknown.

In this way, Wang Teng started the Dragon Transformation Festival.

At the same moment, on the outside square.

All the disciples were in the square, waiting silently.

They were expecting in their hearts that Wang Teng had finished the Dragon Transformation Festival.

At this moment, Yan Huang breathed a sigh of relief.

Shaozu has entered the Super Dragon Pool, his mission is considered complete.

Immediately, he bowed his hands to Huo Xing.

"Young Ancestor, my subordinates are going to dissolve the inheritance relationship with Yanlong's residence, and I have to leave for a while!"

Huo Xing nodded slightly: "Go!"

"Yes~! Young Ancestor!"

Yan Huang quickly took orders and left.

Looking at Yan Huang's leaving back, Huo Xing's eyes showed anticipation.

He naturally hopes that he can collect the Yanlong space as soon as possible to improve the strength of the body.

After all, a powerful enemy is coming, so Huo Xing is inevitably a little anxious!

Just like that, after Yan Huang left.

Huo Xing, Fu Yang and others continued to stay in the square, waiting for the disciples who entered Hualongchi to come out.

At the same time, something was happening in the headquarters of the Eighth Heavenly Domain.

At this time, in the headquarters of the Eighth Tianyu, in the living room of a temple.

Two peerless powerhouses were chatting leisurely while sipping spirit tea.

In the hall, the fragrant mist is lingering, and the rays of the sun are self-generated.

The strong man sitting on the purple wood cloud bed is dressed in white clothes and white hair, but he looks like a young man with a refined demeanor.

This person's name is Bai Peng, a junior powerhouse of the Supreme Realm, a first-rank sky master, and the northern patrol angel of the eighth heaven.

The other man was majestic, with a middle-aged face, dressed in a golden robe, and had an unruly demeanor.

This person's name is Wan Ren, a junior powerhouse of the Supreme Realm, a first-rank Heaven Holder, and the Western Patrolling Angel of the Eighth Heaven Realm.

In one sky domain, there are domain masters, deputy domain masters, and five party patrol angels.

These positions must be held by those who are in charge of the sky, and the authority is extremely great.

At the moment, the two are chatting.

Wan Ren asked casually: "Bai Peng, how far has your research on the power of the Heavenly Dragon progressed?"

Bai Peng took a sip of spiritual tea leisurely, and said slowly: "After years of research, I found that the power of the dragon can be born after the bloodline of the dragon race reaches the fifteenth rank!"

Wan Ren was astonished: "Fifteenth rank? Hiss~! This standard is extremely high!"

Bai Peng smiled slightly: "Naturally extremely high! At the peak of the Dragon Clan, plus the Dragon Ancestor, only four people mastered the power of the Heavenly Dragon. How can this power be so easy to master?"

"My current goal is to extract a few drops of fifteenth-order dragon blood from the bodies of dragon disciples! Unfortunately, I can only extract a dozen drops of fourteenth-order dragon blood, which is one step away from fifteenth-order!"

Wan Ren was surprised: "Last time you killed tens of billions of dragon disciples, and the blood essence of these disciples did not purify a single drop of fifteenth-order dragon blood?"

Bai Peng smiled wryly: "How can it be so easy to extract fifteenth-order dragon blood? Speaking of which, I didn't kill all the tens of billions of dragon disciples, and left tens of thousands of people as seeds for them to reproduce. I will continue to provide dragon blood!"

Wan Ren's eyes lit up: "That's a good idea! Raise those remnants of the Dragon Clan and treat them as blood slaves! This Yaolong tribe will end up miserable!"

Bai Peng smiled indifferently: "These remnants of the dragon clan deserve to die! I spare their lives and raise them in captivity, which is already the greatest gift to them!"

Wan Ren smiled and said, "My brother is right! However, if you wait for the Yaolong tribe to regenerate the population, and then extract blood to refine it, the efficiency will be a bit slow."

"As far as I know, the two juniors, Luan Yi and Xiao, are going to the Seventh Heaven Realm this time to clean up the remnants of the Dragon Clan!"

"You can contact them and let them leave tens of billions of dragon disciples to provide you with blood! This is much faster than the efficiency of your captivity!"

Bai Peng's eyes lit up: "Yes! This method is good! Then... um? This..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Peng felt something, and took out a communication jade talisman.

After reading the content of the jade talisman, his expression changed slightly...
