MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 12 Unspeakable

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Wang Chao's words were full of envy and a bit of helplessness. After so many years of experience, Wang Chao understood that there is indeed a gap between people and that some things cannot be achieved by hard work alone. Einstein learned calculus without a teacher when he was a teenager, but many people still don't understand it after systematic study.

This is the gap between people.

The Jiang He standing in front of Wang Chao gave Wang Chao such a feeling. Wang Chao knew that no matter how hard he tried, he could only do it step by step. He couldn't get so much information and analyze a probability just by relying on his eyes like Jiang He.

And Wang Chao is also very strange, if there is such a powerful person, why should he succumb to a small police station. If Jiang He can come to the Interpol team, he will definitely shine in this team. He might even be able to become a powerful detective like that expert in the future. All this was not a dream for Jiang He.

But at this moment, Wang Chao didn't know that Jiang He had taken the police recruitment examination in the city and the province for several years in a row, but Jiang He could not even pass the written test, and no one told Jiang He what the problem was. Jiang He had no way of knowing, but he was not disappointed or discouraged.

This may be due to the fact that Jiang He has always been a very rational person without too many emotional fluctuations. If he cannot become a policeman, then he will solve the case in a different way. Jiang He has never had too many expectations for his future, and does not pursue life. , Don't die deliberately, just do what you do every day you live.

And Jiang He's mind is now full of the master Wang Chao's words, who can understand human nature and see through people's hearts? If Jiang He's memory and observation ability is 100%, then when it comes to judging other people's hearts, Jiang He's score is minus 100.

Therefore, inquiring about work is what Jiang He is the worst at, because Jiang He has no idea what the other person's words are in the end. Jiang He could only judge based on the degree of tears and eyebrows, but Jiang He had done experiments in this area, and most of these conclusions were wrong.

So this task can only be done by Wang Chao. Wang Chao assessed Li Weiyi's words in three categories: one is true, the other is false, and the other is difficult to distinguish between true and false. After this distinction is made, Jiang He can begin to analyze the information.

And Li Weiyi never wanted to see Jiang He, so Jiang He had to write down the questions he wanted to ask and let Wang Chao ask them.

A crucial question is whether Li Weiyi had **** with He Huijuan before or during work hours. And when Wang Chao raised this question, Li Weiyi's expression was very rich. Wang Chao had no way to describe his expression for a while.

It is a tinge of anger in doubt, and a little sadness in anger.

After seeing such an expression, Wang Chao admired the expert even more. It is really not an easy task to see through a person's heart.

And this question was no less than the one Jiang He had asked before, which made Li Weiyi feel very uncomfortable.

Li Weiyi said, "How long has it been since I came to the Public Security Bureau from my house? Instead of going out to catch the murderer, you kept asking me this and that. It's been five or six hours. Even my wife and I I haven't seen my mother's body, what are you doing!"

While pouring a glass of water for Li Weiyi, Wang Chao reassured Li Weiyi: "Mr. Li, don't get excited, just drink and calm down. The reason why we want to ask you so many questions is precisely because we want to find this as soon as possible. Who is the murderer? You must hope that we can find out who the murderer is as soon as possible, so I hope you will cooperate."

Li Weiyi nodded.

"Death is great, so don't hide anything. Did you have **** with your wife today?" Wang Chao asked again.

"No." Li Weiyi was firm.

Looking at the small note in his hand, Wang Chao couldn't help scolding Jiang He inwardly. What kind of questions were written here, and to whom, if he were asked that, he would probably be angry. However, Jiang He instructed Wang Chao to ask these questions. If he knew the answers, it would play a decisive role in the case.

Wang Chao is like an "enthusiastic" aunt of the neighborhood committee, and his tone is full of kindness: "You see that we are about the same age, it is not an exaggeration for me to call you Brother Li, Brother Li, I have a question, I have to ask You, why have you been married for five years and you still don't have a child?"

Li Weiyi looked at Wang Chao, took a sip of water, and said, "There is no special reason, it's just that I don't want children. This is a private matter of our family, so it's not the police's turn to trouble them, right?"

Wang Chao could obviously see that Li Weiyi was suppressing the anger in his heart.

But Wang Chao continued to ask: "If I want to speculate, it's that He Huijuan doesn't like you. I found someone to investigate before, and you and He Huijuan got together through a blind date. His parents are more satisfied with you, but He Huijuan is not at all. I don't like you. And you understand this, so after marriage, you have always been very kind to He Huijuan. "

Li Weiyi did not speak.

Wang Chao continued: "But, the more you treat He Huijuan, the more serious He Huijuan becomes. She doesn't let you touch her, she dislikes you for being old-fashioned, she dislikes you for being old-fashioned, and she dislikes you for making too little money. There are criticisms about this, but He Huijuan said it well after all, so you have been enduring it all the time."

Li Weiyi clenched the water cup in his hand tightly.

Wang Chao could feel that Li Weiyi's anger was gradually increasing, and the more he reacted like this, the more Wang Chao knew that it spoke to Li Weiyi's heart.

Wang Chao continued: "Since you have answered the question, I should also tell you something. According to the autopsy results, your wife He Huijuan had sexual behavior before her death. According to our forensic doctor's conclusion , The sexual behavior happened within an hour or two before He Huijuan's death, and He Huijuan showed no sign of resistance."

Li Weiyi was still holding the cup tightly, and Wang Chao could even see the trembling of Li Weiyi's muscles.

Jiang He's problem was gone, but Wang Chao felt that this was an opportunity, an opportunity for Li Weiyi to say something.

So Wang Chao went on to say: "You know what it means to have no signs of resistance, that is to say, if it wasn't for you, then your wife probably put a green hat on you. Are you aware of this, your woman? If you don't let you touch it, you still have to make money to support her, is this a great shame?"

"Did you go home at noon today?" Wang Chao's tone increased.

There was a bang in the office.

This is the sound of the water glass slamming on the wooden table.

And then, the cup was torn apart, and the tea washed the glass scum to the ground. The broken glass shards cut Li Weiyi's hand, and the blood mixed with the tea became a kind of brown mixed liquid, which was dripping down the edge of the table at this moment. Li Weiyi's eyes widened, and his lips trembled.

Wang Chao didn't expect Li Weiyi's sudden action, he looked at Li Weiyi's eyes, it was a look that could kill.

Hearing the sound of glass breaking, the detective outside hurried to the conference room, for fear that something bad might happen.

Wang Chao knew that as long as he was excited again, Li Weiyi in front of him would explain it.

He said, "You killed your wife and your mother!"

At this time, quite a few criminal policemen had already poured into the conference room, including Jiang He and Xu Yiman. And when these people first came in, they heard Wang Chao's words: "You killed your wife and mother!"

The scene was silent, and everyone was waiting for Li Weiyi's answer.

Li Weiyi's hands still held the broken cup tightly, and the sharp glass pierced deeply into Li Weiyi's palm. But Li Weiyi didn't even blink his eyes, as if this palm was not his. The blood is gurgling, and the tea leaves are like small boats, fluttering in the red ocean.

Li Weiyi laughed haha, his eyes were red and his whole body was trembling: "Yes, I did it, I did it. That bitch, I just want to kill her. I did everything, and I killed her. I killed my own mother, I killed my own wife. Now, I am going to kill myself!"

Saying that, Li Weiyi lifted the piece of glass and stabbed it towards her neck. If he was stabbed this time, it was inevitable that the aorta would bleed, so Li Weiyi would basically be unable to save his life.

It could be said that time was too late, and at this moment, Jiang He almost jumped up without hesitation.

When Li Weiyi lifted the piece of debris, Jiang He's mind analyzed two possibilities at this time: First, Li Weiyi had a 70% chance of committing suicide; second, Li Weiyi had a 100% chance of committing suicide. 30 in 10 chance of killing someone.

Before Li Weiyi said "I'm going to kill myself", Jiang He's brain had already transmitted this data to his body.

So Jiang He rushed out.

It turned out that Jiang He made the right choice.

Jiang He slammed into Li Weiyi's body, the glass shards slid across Jiang He's arm, and the two of them tumbled to the ground.

Li Weiyi still wanted to turn over and continue to seek death, but at this time the criminal police around him had already reacted. In fact, as criminal police officers, there was no one who was slow to respond, but they only started to act after Li Weiyi finished speaking. In just one second, Jiang He had already analyzed Li Weiyi's next move.

That's talent.

Wang Chao looked at Jiang He's injury, only a long cut was made by the glass, not deep, but the pain was certain. But he saw that Jiang He turned a blind eye to his wounds and was very calm, just like Li Weiyi just now.

Wang Chao looked at Li Weiyi and scolded: "Good boy, so you really did it. You want to commit suicide after killing someone? There is no door, so you are handcuffed and locked in the interrogation room!"

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