MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 2 Murder happened

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An Jinzhong turned his head to look at Jiang He, his eyes clearly questioned "How did you know there was a murder, are you the murderer".

In fact, it is not difficult to guess, the expression of the little policeman when he came in has completely betrayed him. The sweat on his forehead, the hand gripping the doorknob tightly, his slightly trembling shoulders, and the tone of voice when he spoke, made Jiang He's mind immediately come up with the idea of ​​a murder.

Jiang He was unmoved by An Jinzhong's suspicious gaze, and quickly asked, "Where did the murder happen? Was the victim male or female? Was it suicide or homicide? Has the murderer been exposed? If there is a murderer, how was the victim killed? What is the murderer's tool?"

A series of quick and intensive questions made the little policeman bewildered, and he almost thought the man in front of him was his leader.

In Jiang He's eyes, An Jinzhong saw the incomparable enthusiasm, which made An Jinzhong mumble. Along the way, An Jinzhong saw Jiang He with an expressionless and icy expression on his face, and his eyes were icy like a robot, but when he heard of a murder case, the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

"No, what are you messing around with?" An Jinzhong finally said, "How is the situation now?"

The little policeman glanced at Jiang He, scratched his head and replied, "The current situation is still unclear. The informant is a junior high school student returning home from school. He lives in 602, Unit 3, District A, Dongchang Community. When he came home from school, he found There was a red liquid flowing out from under the security door of the 601 resident, accompanied by a **** smell."

While talking, the two walked out, and the little policeman said: "Then the property was alerted. After knocking on the door to no avail, the property security broke open the door. They found a body near the entrance, so they immediately called the police. No one else has entered the scene yet, and the Criminal Police Squadron of Yuzhou District Public Security Bureau is ready to leave, let us go over to protect the scene first."

Although Jiang He is not a police officer, Jiang He is very familiar with this procedure.

The police station is the police station of the Public Security Bureau. Unless it is a larger police station, most of the police stations do not have a criminal police team. Therefore, when encountering a murder case, the police at the nearest police station will go to protect the scene and appease the masses first.

The Public Security Bureau of each district will send a squadron of criminal police to investigate. If there is a problem, the Municipal Public Security Bureau will send a squad of criminal police to investigate. If it is a case that shocks the whole province, the Provincial Public Security Department will send a squad of criminal police. Come. If the case is bigger and shocks the whole country, then the Ministry of Public Security will directly send a criminal police corps or simply set up a special investigation team to select the top criminal police in the country to solve the case.

The reason why Jang He is so aware of this is because Jang He had taken the police recruitment examination for five consecutive years before he was 28 years old. The thing that made Jang He puzzled was that in the annual local police recruitment examination, Jang He took the examination for five consecutive years. Couldn't even pass the written test.

And Jiang He had no idea where the problem was.

Until Jiang He was twenty-eight years old, due to age restrictions, he could no longer take the police exam.

"Let's go, you're going to die, come with me." An Jinzhong shouted as he got into a police car.

An Jinzhong started the car, but at this time, a person got into the car. This person was none other than Jiang He.

A policeman next to him frowned, and his tone was displeased: "What are you doing, go down!"

Jiang He had no intention of getting off the bus.

The policeman said: "If something didn't happen, believe it or not, I'll detain you, get out, you're mentally ill."

Jiang He was pushed through the gate of the police station by two policemen, but he didn't show any embarrassment at all. He watched the police cars whistle past, scratching his messy hair with his hands, thoughtfully.

During the period when Jiang He was thrown out, An Jinzhong did not speak. At this moment, there are some contradictions in his heart. Naturally, it is impossible to bring a person who does not know where to come out of the police, not to mention this person is sloppy, and is a mental patient who fights with a pig.

On the other hand, given Jiang He's ability to analyze so much information just by looking at a person's appearance, at least none of the detectives in the Yuzhou District Bureau could do it. This made An Jinzhong feel a little bit of admiration and doubt for Jiang He, and at the same time made An Jinzhong more curious about Jiang He.

But his curiosity about Jiang He was quickly replaced by the nervousness and vague excitement about the murder. Although he was not as obvious as Jiang He's performance, as a police officer, there was always something indescribable when faced with a murder. Feel. Which police officer has never imagined the scene of ripping off the cocoon, finding out the facts of the case, and arresting the criminal?

No one spoke in the car, only the crisp sound of the siren was heard.

Dongchang Community is located in the south of Yuzhou District, Longcheng City, belonging to the old-fashioned community. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and it looked like an oven outside. If someone accidentally broke an egg on the ground at this moment, when he picked it up, it would have become a fried egg. However, the hot weather did not stop the residents from being curious. There were even residents from other communities who came here especially. They all crowded outside the third unit and looked up together, like a group of believers who were holding some kind of ceremony.

The police car drove in, and the crowd consciously gave way.

An Jinzhong went all the way, and several community security guards greeted him.

"My name is An Jinzhong, what do you call them?" An Jinzhong asked while looking at the enthusiastic crowd around him.

"Call me Lao Gao." The captain of the security is a dark-skinned man, he doesn't talk nonsense: "Our security guards are watching from above, you hurry up, the two donkeys are timid and almost **** their pants. now..."

The old-fashioned six-story building did not have an elevator. An Jinzhong took the policemen from the police station in three steps and two steps, and hurried up the stairs.

There is only one security guard standing on the sixth floor at the moment, which seems to be the second donkey that Lao Gao said.

An Jinzhong is a little funny and a little annoying: "Aren't you afraid, why let him watch it alone."

Lao Gao leaned into An Jinzhong's ear and said, "No one else can hide. Who wants to watch the dead here, bad luck!"


A taxi driver pulled Jiang He out of the car, who wanted to pay for the fare with a dead pig.

At this moment, Jiang He was 100 meters away from the police station. He just wanted to forcefully get into a taxi, but was driven down by the taxi driver. Jiang He didn't have a penny on him. The only thing he was worth was this 140-pound pork.

According to the current market price, the price of a pound of pork is about 25 yuan. And this pig dragged by Jiang He, even if the internal organs are thrown away, it will cost 2,500 yuan in terms of 100 catties. It will cost about 100 yuan to go to Dongchang Community. About 100 yuan, selling it at a price lower than the market price of 5 yuan, the profit is at least 1,500 yuan.

So Jiang He couldn't figure it out, this was obviously a profitable business, why would the taxi drivers refuse him one after another.

Then, Jiang He saw a white truck approaching. The back of the truck was playing and singing. Listening to this cheerful tune, it seemed like something happy. The dead pig blocked the way of the truck, and the truck driver stopped: "Hey, let's go, let's go."

Jiang He looked at the driver and said, "Take me to Dongchang Community, this pig is for you."

The driver didn't say the word "go away", and a forty-year-old man in the co-pilot said, "Forget it, it's all fate, I'm a butcher, and I can see that this pig has not been gone for a long time. Brother Lai A few, carry them up together, and slip them away."

Jiang He got into the trunk.

A suona master whispered: "What's the matter? When people die, they don't all play mourning songs. The song "Blowing Yangchun" tells the old man to walk briskly. Now he has brought up a dead pig. When will it arrive?"

"When will this arrive?"

An Jinzhong looked at his watch. Twenty minutes had passed since he protected the scene, and the police squadron hadn't arrived yet.

While waiting for the criminal police to arrive, An Jinzhong had a brief understanding of the resident's situation.

The head of the household is Li Weiyi, a male, 30 years old this year, and Li Weiyi's wife, He Huijuan, 26 years old this year. Li Weiyi and He Huijuan have been married for five years and have no children yet.

After Li Weiyi's father died three years ago, Li Weiyi took over his mother from his hometown to live there. During the past three years, Li Weiyi and his wife lived together with Li Weiyi's mother, Wu Guifeng.

An Jinzhong had already called Li Weiyi, but only called Li Weiyi back, and did not tell Li Weiyi what happened. And the reason why An Jinzhong didn't tell Li Weiyi what happened is because even any tough guy with strong bones might not be able to bear it after learning the news.

There were two bodies in the house.

Standing outside the door, you can see a corpse leaning against the shoe cabinet at the entrance, with its back facing the wooden door. Older buildings do not have security doors, so there are no raised thresholds. And it was the blood of this corpse that flowed out along the crack of the door, forming a pool of smaller bloodstains outside.

The other corpse was in the bedroom, to be exact, on the bed in the bedroom.

The abdomen of the corpse was **** and bloody, and the whole bed was filled with blood, and the blood stained the white bed sheet and quilt with the bloodiest color in the world. Below the lower abdomen of the corpse, it was covered with a quilt, and the other quilt was pulled down under the bed.

Like Sleeping Beauty, she was lying on the bed with her eyes closed.

Both corpses were female corpses. The corpse near the entrance was about fifty or sixty years old, and the one on the bed was about twenty or thirty years old.

After a property comparison, the identities of the deceased were determined, namely Wu Guifeng and He Huijuan.

The two most important women in my life died at the same time, and no man could bear it.

And this is the reason why An Jinzhong did not tell Li Weiyi the actual situation.

There is not much An Jinzhong can do, which is a small thing.

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