MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 254 fluorescent blood

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Hearing Zhai Qiang's words, several people's hearts were mixed for a while, and they didn't know what to say. Unexpectedly, Zhai Qiang went to ask for the debt three nights ago, Li Erdan's debt not only did not come back, but he saw with his own eyes that someone was digging up the internal organs of the corpse. This is coincidental enough, but also tragic enough.

Zhai Qiang's words don't seem to be fake. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he must not know the details of digging out the internal organs of the corpse and stuffing the sponge. Of course, Zhai Qiang seems to regard the white sponge as a drug. Zhai Qiang had met Li Erdan, so he could be sure that the person in front of him was not Li Erdan.

Then the murderer who took out the corpse was not Li Erdan, nor was Li Erdan the murderer. But if Li Erdan was not the murderer, nor was he the one who took out the guts of the corpse, where did Li Erdan get the human intestines? Why did Li Erdan run away? What was he afraid of?

Things became confusing. It seems that if you want to know why Li Erdan ran away, you must arrest Li Erdan.

"When did you see that person, what time was it in the evening?" Shao Lao looked at Zhai Qiang and said.

Zhai Qiang has said everything that should be said at the moment, so there is nothing to hide. When Shao Lao said something, he naturally replied: "I can't determine the specific time, it should be around nine o'clock in the evening. At that time, I made an appointment with Li Erdan at eight o'clock, but when I went, it was already half past eight."

"You said it's not my fate, I knew I wouldn't take this business." Zhai Qiang just slumped on the ground and said slowly: "You said that you didn't want the money back, and people almost explained it. Outside. But I touched my conscience and spoke, and I definitely didn't see that person clearly."

Shao Lao nodded, sat on the chair again, and asked, "He is about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a light blue sportswear, is this a set?"

"One set!" Zhai Qiang nodded and said: "It is a set, it should be Adidas, a brand product. I think it should be real, not fake."

Jiang He agreed with this very much, because from the wounds on the corpse, the wounds were very neat, and it could be seen that the murderer was a careful person, and should also be a relatively wealthy person. On the other hand, Li Erdan is purely a sloppy person. Just by looking at the furnishings in Li Erdan's house, you can see that Li Erdan doesn't know what hygiene means at all, and his chances of killing people are very small.

Jiang He was thinking here, now that he can explain whose blood is in the bathroom, not Zhu Liang's blood, but actually Li Erdan's own blood. Listening to what Zhai Qiang said, they beat Li Erdan, blood all over the floor, and then almost drowned Li Erdan with water, the water just washed away the blood.

What Jiang He couldn't explain was what happened to that person's large intestine.

"You really didn't see your face clearly?" Shao Lao asked again.

Zhai Qiang shook his head and said, "I really didn't see my face clearly."

"What other details, think about it carefully." Shao Lao said.

Zhai Qiang saw several of them looking at him with serious faces, thinking that he was a sheep in the tiger's mouth. These few kept asking questions, but they didn't kill him directly. Logically, he saw their faces. should get started. Zhai Qiang didn't know what the origins of these people were, so he could only speak truthfully.

"Details." Zhai Qiang scratched his head and said, "By the way, I seem to remember that there was a tree next to them, and there was a bottle hanging on the tree. That scene was so scary, it was more scary than any horror movie I've ever seen. Even more terrifying. That's all I remember, and then I ran away."

Zhai Qiang still had lingering fears when he recalled the previous scene: "I ran so hard at that time that I couldn't tell the direction, I only remembered that I ran towards the depths of the woods, I didn't dare to use my mobile phone to illuminate, I only Run forward by the moonlight. I saw yellow paper all over the ground, and I seem to have seen something bright red, I don’t know what it is.”

"Are you sure?" Shao Lao said, looking at the glass ballast all over the floor.

Zhai Qiang raised his right hand and stretched out three fingers: "I swear, I saw this. After that, I ran out of the woods, reached that road, that contained road, and took a taxi home."

It seems that Zhai Qiang really has nothing to say, Shao Lao looked around the crowd and said, "Since there is nothing to say, let's go."

"Where are you going?" Zhai Qiang broke out in a cold sweat by Shao Lao's words.

"Public Security Bureau." Shao Lao said.

Zhai Qiang slumped on the ground and said, "You guys, are you really the police?"

"Nonsense!" Yuan Jun said from the side: "Didn't I tell you all from the beginning?"

Zhai Qiang finally stood up from the ground and said, "You said it earlier, this, this scared my legs. I have never felt so kind to a police comrade in my life, really... "

Xu Yiman inspected the internal organs in the city bureau, and the inspection results came out soon.

The intestines found in Li Erdan's house are indeed human, and the organs found in the Big Spoon Restaurant are indeed human internal organs. After testing, it was found that these organs belonged to the same person and were Zhu Liang's internal organs.

Xu Yiman said: "But these internal organs do not constitute all of a person's internal organs, and some smaller internal organs have not been found. The forensic doctor has determined that all internal organs and even meat in the cafeteria have been tested, and there are no omissions. Then only There are two possibilities, one is that the internal organs are not there, and the second is that the internal organs have been eaten by people."

Hearing Xu Yiman's words, Yuan Jun said, "My dear, fortunately we met Aunt Zhao and Sister Fatty before we had time to eat, otherwise we would have eaten this offal meal. I don't know about the female workers in the sponge factory. No matter what you think, it is estimated that you will never eat offal in this life."

Indeed, in addition to organs such as the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, etc., there are also some relatively small organs in the human body. These organs may have been cut by a large spoon and made into visceral rice and eaten by people. in.

The blood brought back from Li Erdan's house has also found its identity, and naturally it is Li Erdan's own blood. This also shows that what Zhai Qiang said is really good.

Captain Liu was responsible for making notes for Zhai Qiang, while the rest of the people found a restaurant to eat.

"Order a few dishes." Shao Lao said: "We will go to the crematorium at night to look for the body."

Xu Yiman nodded and said, "I have prepared the luminol reagent, which is in the toolbox."

"Several, let's order some special dishes." The proprietress of the restaurant was very polite: "Our fat intestines, hot kidney flowers, and fried pork liver are all good..."

After eating a big meal without meat dishes, several people waited for it to get dark.

Shao Lao sat outside the Public Security Bureau, smoking a cigarette and watching the sunset, Jiang He sat next to Shao Lao.

"Wang Chao's matter..." Jiang He sighed and took the initiative to ask.

This was beyond Shao Lao's expectations. Jiang He in the past would never ask these questions, and he replied, "Everything is arranged, Wang Chao's matter is over."

Jiang He lowered his head and said, "But Wang Qingmei, I always thought this matter was very strange."

Shao Lao patted Jiang He's shoulder lightly and changed the subject calmly: "Wang Chao's affairs are naturally arranged above, we still have to focus on this case now. Do you think this case may have something to do with a criminal consultant? Is it?"

Jiang He was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's an unwise choice to use the same method for a short period of time, and Wei Demian is already dead, I think he will have a rest period. But I think he will soon be able to recover. We will continue to attack us. Wei Demian's last wish is to see you suffer."

Jiang He looked at Elder Shao.

Mr. Shao crushed the cigarette **** under his feet and said, "Man has experienced many things in his life, so many things have come to pass. Living is the process of gradually feeling pain. When you are young, say goodbye to yourself. Friends, say goodbye to your parents in middle age, and finally say goodbye to your wife."

"We live our whole lives to feel the parting of life and death." Shao Lao held his head and said to Jiang He, "But this is the true meaning of life, when we see it through, when will we truly understand why we say we die for the sake of death. to understand why we should live.”

Jiang He still couldn't understand Shao Lao's words, but Jiang He already understood why so many people said that Shao Lao was the most powerful detective.

A powerful criminal policeman is not only able to catch criminals, but more importantly, he will tell people how to live.

The setting sun was slowly falling from the west, leaving only the red glowing fiery clouds on the horizon, which looked beautiful.

"Let's go." Shao Lao said.

Yuan Jun drove the crowd to Qingchun Road to find the abandoned body. Judging from the situation described by Zhai Qiang, the murderer was taking out the body at that time, that is to say, the murderer had not hidden the body in the funeral home. That is to say, the murderer hid the body in the funeral home when he knew that he had been exposed.

So the murderer knows that he has been exposed, will he still commit the crime? If the crime is committed, where will the body be hidden?

When Shao Lao was thinking about these questions, he came to the middle of Qingchun Road. The loess is still in the middle of the road at the moment, and there is no trace of being touched.

Yuan Jun parked the car on the side of the road.

Several people got out of the car, Xu Yiman said, "Turn off the lights, I'm going to spray the reagent."

Yuan Jun turned off the lights, and the road in Qingchun suddenly became dark.

Xu Yiman took out the reagent from his toolbox and sprayed it along the loess. After a while, I saw a bright blue light on the road, and the blue turned purple.

"This is blood." Xu Yiman said, spraying in a circle, and for a moment, a blue-purple bright light appeared on the side of the road.

"Follow the blood." Xu Yiman said.

Jiang He and the others followed the blue fluorescent road until they reached the depths of the field, where the bloodstains disappeared.

Jiang He lowered his body, looked at the turning loess and said, "The loess has traces of turning, so the corpse should be underneath!"

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