MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 262 bet endlessly

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People who are addicted to gambling do not distinguish between day and night. As long as they have money, they have to gamble, delusionally thinking that they can get back what they have lost. As everyone knows, the result of doing so can only get deeper and deeper. It has always been heard that gambling wives and children have been separated and their families have gone bankrupt, but they have never heard of people who gambled away their family business.

Jiang He and Shao Lao deduced that Li Erdan, who had no ID card, probably did not leave Longcheng, but hid. Gambling is illegal, then Li Erdan can only gamble in underground casinos. Such places are generally very secluded, and most require a recommendation from an acquaintance to enter.

If Li Erdan hid in these places, it would be excusable. But the problem is that Zhai Qiang has already proved that the person who killed and removed the body was not Li Erdan, so why did Li Erdan run away?

All this is still a mystery.

Wang Da, who is in his thirties this year, is still single. He rents a house in Jianshe Road by himself and lives a single life.

Jiang He had read Wang Da's file and remembered Wang Da's home address clearly.

At 3:30 in the morning, everyone came to the door of Wang Da's house.

The knock on the door rang, and the phone rang at night. About 20 minutes later, Wang Da's tired voice came from the phone: "Who is it? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"Open the door, we have something to ask you." Shao Lao said.

After lingering for about ten minutes, the door finally opened, revealing the tired figure of Wang Da. He was wearing pajamas with a gold necklace around his neck. He rubbed his eyes, looked at the people blocking the door, and said, "What's the matter, you came here in the middle of the night, did you catch Li Erdan?"

Shao Lao shook his head and said, "I haven't found it yet, but if I want to catch Li Erdan, I need your help."

Wang Da nodded, waved his hand and said, "Then come in."

Unlike Li Erdan's filthy rental house, Wang Da's rental house is clean and tidy. The living room is spotlessly clean, and there is a TV on the TV cabinet, which looks very warm. When Jiang He was about to change his shoes, he noticed a detail. On the shoe rack, there is a pair of women's slippers.

Wang Da looked at the crowd and said, "You don't need to change your shoes. I'll clean it up another day."

Everyone came to the living room.

"I don't know what you came to see me for?" Wang Da said.

Shao Lao sat on the sofa and said to Wang Da, "Do you know about Li Erdan's gambling?"

Wang Da sat on the stool, rubbed his eyes and said, "I know."

"When did he start gambling?" Shao Lao asked again.

Wang Da thought for a while, but still closed his eyes: "It started five years ago, when he came here not long ago. Once I went to play mahjong, I called him. He won a lot in one night, and then he He often calls me to play. I only have fun occasionally, how can I take this as my main business, right?"

"But this Li Erdan, it may be that he has too few entertainment activities. Since that time, he has not come home after work every night, just find someone to play mahjong, fight landlords, and make golden flowers." Wang Da yawned and said, "He also has energy. He plays cards and mahjong all night, and fights with us during the day to win our money."

Wang Da finally opened his bloodshot eyes: "He didn't know how to play poker before, but his poker skills got better and better, and he won ten yuan and twenty yuan every day from a few of us, but this is better than what he played with others at night. No, they have to have 100 yuan a night, you say that a month's salary is 3,000, and he either wins a few days' salary every night, or loses a few days' salary."

"But then he became a little crazy." Wang Da recalled the past: "He told us one day that he lost more than a thousand in one night, and he must win it back tonight. Anyway, he was playing day by day. The big one. By the end, he can't control himself anymore."

"You are quite clear about this." Jiang He interjected abruptly.

Wang Da smiled and said, "Yeah, Li Erdan has been working with me for five years, I know what he looks like. He is getting more and more wretched and gambling more and more every day. He and we Everyone has borrowed money, I gave him a few thousand, and I really don't dare to borrow any more."

"Then do you know where he often gambles?" Shao Lao asked again.

Wang Da nodded and said, "I know, he took me there. But I said, didn't Li Erdan run away, is it in the casino?"

"Not sure." Shao Lao said.

Wang Da said in a low voice: "I do know where it is, but I can't guarantee that Li Erdan is in this casino. Besides, this casino is under surveillance. If you wear police uniforms, you won't be able to go there. Everyone will run away. Now. I suggest you, find a few more people, the casino is also in chaos, it's not easy to deal with, I'm afraid there will be too many thugs in it."

Shao Lao said: "You don't have to worry about this, just tell us where this place is."

Wang Da nodded, and then told everyone the detailed address.

Wang Da said that he had followed Li Erdan to that place. It was an abandoned parking lot in Longcheng City. This parking lot was underground, with a large enough space and relatively concealed space. Generally, it was not an acquaintance to lead the way, and it was basically impossible to find it here.

Guan Deng took out his computer and found out the structure of this underground parking lot on the intranet. There are two rolling gates in the parking lot, the front door and the back door. The front and rear doors have been closed, and only the doors will be opened at 5:00 in the morning and 12:00 in the evening. This is the established time, and most gamblers come at this time.

There are cameras on both doors. If you see that the situation is not good, you will immediately open the other door and let people leave.

In addition to the two large rolling shutters, there are also two small doors. This is the space where box elevators operate, but after the building was demolished, the two elevators were demolished, leaving two big holes straight up and down. In order to welcome individual tourists, the casino changed this place into a staircase, so that several people can get down at a time without having to open the large rolling gate.

The last time Li Erdan took Wang Da into the casino through this small door.

It is said to be a small door, but it is actually an iron plate that is laid flat on the ground. As long as you knock on the iron plate three times, someone will naturally open the door and welcome those who want to gamble in.

Wang Da added: "Don't say I said it, it's ruining people's money, you said that people who can open casinos are much more powerful than me. Just a few people beat me a few times, I can do it. Can't stand it."

"Don't worry." Shao Lao promised Wang Da: "No one knows that you said it."

"You can say that it was introduced by Li Erdan." Wang Da said: "There are all introductions by acquaintances, and I can't name them, so it is estimated that you will not be allowed in."

Shao Lao understands this truth. People who do this kind of thing naturally have to be careful. But looking at this Wang Da seems to be very familiar, it seems that he has been with Li Erdan a lot. It's just that Wang Da didn't fall into the quagmire, but Li Erdan was stuck in the quagmire and couldn't get out.

"Yuan Jun, contact the police immediately and send additional staff." Shao Lao said: "Except for Li Erdan, I am afraid that this casino will also be wiped out."

Yuan Jun nodded and went to contact Captain Liu.

Jiang He said to Wang Da, "Let me borrow your bathroom."

Wang Da said, "Oh, let's go."

But just after he finished speaking, Wang Da said again: "By the way, wait a minute, there are more personal things of mine in it, I'll sort you out first, you can bear with me a little."

With that said, Wang Da got into the toilet.

After a few minutes, Wang Da opened the toilet door and saw that he had packed some things in a black garbage bag. As he walked to the bedroom, he said to Jiang He, "Okay, let's go."

Jiang He nodded and walked into the bathroom.

Walking into the bathroom, facing Jiang He was the sink and mirror. Iron nets are nailed to the wall of the washbasin, and some cleaning supplies can be placed on it. Jiang He saw that there was a toothbrush and toothpaste in the mouthwash cup. The toothbrush was still swaying gently from side to side. It seemed that Wang Da had just moved the cup.

I turned on the faucet to wash my hands, and looked at the trash can beside me. The trash can was replaced with a brand new trash bag, and there was no trash in it. Jiang He touched his face with his hand to wake himself up a bit. Twenty hours later, Jiang He didn't even close his eyes.

Jiang He looked at himself in the mirror, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, messy hair, and rough skin. He looked very old at the age of 30. He sighed and washed his face with water again. He didn't forget to press the flush button of the toilet, and after a while, he came out of the toilet.

Wang Da was standing at the door of the bedroom, looking at the toilet.

"I won't go with you guys." Wang Da looked at Jiang He and said, "I don't want to get involved in these matters, and Li Erdan has also worked with me for so long. If he is really there, I will also Nothing to say."

Shao Lao nodded and said to Wang Da, "Then that's it."

Jiang He walked past the bedroom door, glanced inside, and saw two pillows on the bed.

"How's the situation?" Shao Lao looked at Yuan Jun and hung up the phone.

"It's arranged." Yuan Jun said: "Let's go first, they will be able to arrive later, and ambushed in front of the four gates, one is counted as one, and the other is packed."

"I just don't know if the owner of the casino is there." Shao Lao pondered for a moment and said, "For now, let's leave this alone. We'll set off immediately."

Wang Da sent everyone out the door, and Jiang He suddenly asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Wang Da was taken aback for a moment, and said, "My job and this salary, which girl do you think can like me? I want to find a partner, but I have to be able to find it."

Jiang He nodded and followed the crowd away.

Without a word, Yuan Jun drove the crowd straight to the parking lot.

An iron gate spread on the ground really appeared in front of everyone.

Several people looked at each other, Shao Lao said: "Guan Deng, you stay at the top to meet, the four of us go down."

Guandon nodded.

"Go down and be careful." Shao Lao said.

Jiang He's hand had already knocked on the iron door.

Read The Duke's Passion