MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 264 Two eggs caught

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Jiang He didn't care about the big man lying on the ground, he ran after Li Erdan. The rolling shutters were opened, and all the gamblers rushed out. The police force brought by Captain Liu was not enough, and he couldn't catch many people for a moment. In addition, it was dark at night, and the work was too difficult.

Li Erdan was very familiar with this place. He wandered around in the crowd, and ran into the dark alley on one side. No one noticed him in the chaos, only Jiang He followed. Li Erdan exhausted his strength and ran along this alley, scurrying in the alley.

Jiang He chased to the alley, but did not enter. Before coming, Jiang He had seen the map of this underground parking lot. He remembered that there was a piece of bungalows here. These bungalows cut the piece into small paths. The small alleys inside were intricate, twisting and turning, and there were many exits.

If you walk in, the chance of finding Li Erdan is only 30%.

Jiang He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his fingers. There are exits on all sides of the alley, but the problem is, exits and exits are not the same.

The exit near the south side is the open space above the parking lot. Li Erdan just ran away from here and will never come back. The exit on the west side is a narrow path with a stinky ditch beside the path. There are two roads on the north side and east side. There are no shops on both sides of the road on the north side, while the shops on both sides of the east side stand. It is the city that never sleeps.

Thinking of this, Jiang He stepped into the alley.

After running for an unknown time, Li Erdan looked back and saw that there was no one behind him. He leaned against the wall and gasped for a moment, then walked leisurely. To be honest, Li Erdan was really taken aback. Just now, in order to avoid chasing people, he jumped left and right in the alley, and he didn't even know where he was.

He looked left and right, determined the orientation, and then walked in one direction.

Walking out of the alley, it seems to be two worlds from the outside. Walking on the road, Li Erdan felt uncomfortable. Now that the underground casino was exposed, he didn't know where else he could go. In the casino, he can still pick up leftovers from other people's food and drink, but when he goes outside, he can't go to the trash can.

Thinking of this, Li Erdan walked forward like an eggplant beaten by frost.

The autumn wind was fierce, and Li Erdan lost the clothes he was wearing. He was wearing thin autumn clothes and was shivering from the cold. He noticed that there was a fast food restaurant not far ahead, and a man had just taken two cups of hot drinks from the window. Two cups of hot drinks were steaming, probably coffee or something.

Li Erdan thought to himself, if only he could drink a cup of hot tea.

The two passed by, and Li Erdan saw a cup of coffee appear in front of him.

"Drink coffee?" The man said to Li Erdan with a smile.

Li Erdan was tired and cold, and subconsciously took the cup of coffee. But the next moment, there was one more thing on his hand - handcuffs.

It was none other than Jiang He who handed Li Erdan this cup of coffee. When Li Erdan was still circling the alley, Jiang He walked straight out from the east side of the alley and came to this bustling street. He bought two cups of coffee not far from the entrance of the alley and waited. Sure enough, Li Erdan came out along the entrance of the alley and came to Jiang He's side.

Li Erdan was arrested.

Captain Liu is still rounding up the gamblers with the rest of the criminal police. There are too many of them. I don't know how many have escaped in the dark. It's a pity that Shao Lao only caught some of the little guys in the casino. , the higher-level people almost all escaped among the gamblers.

But Mr. Shao couldn't care about the casino at the moment, and the murder case was a big one.

"Tell me, why are you running?" Shao Lao looked at Li Erdan who was sitting in the interrogation room and said slowly.

Li Erdan yawned and said to Mr. Shao, "Can I, can I have some coffee..."

It was seven o'clock now, and the sky was already lit up. The people in the interrogation room yawned repeatedly, and the members of the task force had not slept for a long time.

Mr. Shao said to everyone, "Go back to sleep first, and wait until everyone is busy in the morning."

Several people have been tired for a day, and they can't hold on anymore.

Only Old Man Shao and Jiang He stayed, Old Man Shao looked at Jiang He and said, "Aren't you going to go back and rest?"

Jiang He had heavy dark circles under his eyes. He said, "Even if I go back, I won't be able to fall asleep. It's time for the trial of Erdan Li."

Shao Lao looked at Jiang He, but did not speak.

The three were drinking coffee together.

"Okay, Li Erdan." Shao Lao said, "I drank it too. Tell me why you ran away."

Li Erdan sighed and said, "If you said you were the police, I wouldn't have run away. I thought you were going to pay for it. You said, if I don't steal or rob, why are you arresting me?"

"Don't steal or rob?" Shao Lao looked at Li Erdan's frowning look and said, "Li Erdan, we caught you here, and we have already grasped your situation. Let me ask you, the crematorium mortuary. You stole the clothes of the corpse in the house, right? Don't say you don't know, we found it in your house in the Huang Family Pagoda."

Hearing Shao Lao's words, Li Erdan's face dropped instantly: "You guys, you all know?"

Shao Lao said: "Why did you run in the early morning three days ago?"

Li Erdan gritted his teeth and said after a while, "Since you all know that I have a necrophilia, haven't you found anything unusual about the corpse?"

Shao Lao and Jiang He looked at each other, and Shao Lao said, "You are talking about the big hole in the corpse's stomach."

"Yeah!" Li Erdan said: "It was about three o'clock that night. I was lying at home and couldn't sleep. I thought that since I couldn't sleep, why don't I go to the crematorium to see. I have, I have a little love. You all know about necrophilia. I got up and rode my bike to the crematorium and rushed to the funeral home."

"As soon as I entered the corpse refrigerator, I felt something was wrong. I found that the refrigerator had been moved." Li Erdan said while drinking coffee: "I know how many corpses there are in it, and I know how many corpses there are. Who is on the first floor. But that day I found out that the innermost floor was touched."

Li Erdan put the coffee cup aside and was a little terrified: "But, within a few hours of my departure, someone moved."

Shao Lao frowned, took a sip of coffee, and then said: "You leave work at six o'clock every day. You said that you left for a few hours. The subconscious in your words told me that after get off work, you did not go home directly, but Still near the funeral home, right? What did you see, what did you encounter?"

Li Erdan's eyes dodged a little, and he continued his words: "I opened that fan, and I saw a corpse. You know, this corpse, this corpse I have never seen before. I pulled the drawer open and the woman's face was revealed. Then came the woman's clothes, you know, the girl is very good-looking, she's wearing beautiful clothes..."

"So you took off her clothes, didn't you?" Shao Lao asked again.

"Yes." Li Erdan said, "I took off her T-shirt, but when I took off her T-shirt, you know what I saw? A big hole in my stomach, a big hole in my stomach. I felt The feel of the female corpse, she just died not long ago, I know..."

"Then what?" Shao Lao asked.

"I heard movement outside." Li Erdan's face became frightened: "In the dark, I saw a figure, a figure standing outside the corridor. The moon was very big that night, and I was absolutely right. It was a shadow. With his back to the moonlight, he was standing in the hallway door in the moonlight, looking at me, watching me motionless."

Shao Lao asked softly, "Who is that?"

"I don't know." Li Erdan said, "I'm sure he saw me too. We looked at each other for a while, and he suddenly left. My legs were all soft, and after I went out, there was no one outside. I realized Now, this body may be related to him, I'm too scared."

"Did you run away after that?" Jiang He asked, "Why?"

Li Erdan sighed and said, "There are many reasons."

"Zhai Qiang, do you know him?" Jiang He drank his coffee and asked Li Erdan.

Li Erdan nodded: "I know, how can I not know, I have been waiting for him that night."

"In other words, you admitted that you worked for five years and took most of the jewelry from most of the corpses, right?" Jiang He stared at Li Erdan, as if even a slight movement of Li Erdan could not escape Jiang He's eyes .

Li Erdan murmured for a moment, unable to say a word.

"Zhai Qiang has already said it, what else are you hiding?" Elder Shao handed down such a sentence.

Li Erdan then said: "Yes, I admit, I admit that I took a lot of jewelry. But the problem is, if I don't take those jewelry, they will eventually become dust, the dead are already dead, they don't need these things, but I Or, yes, the dead contribute to the living, right?"

"You guys made an appointment four days ago to go to Qingchun Road to trade at 8 o'clock in the evening. When Zhai Qiang arrived at 8:30 pm, you were already gone. What were you doing at 8 o'clock? Use the jewelry you stole. Where is it?" Elder Shao asked slowly.

Mentioning this matter, Li Erdan's face changed, and he said cruelly: "Since you all know everything, it is meaningless for me to hide it. After get off work that day, I and Wang Da and the others were fighting the landlord. I wasn't sure, it was already 9:40 when I looked at my watch. I hurried to Qingchun Road to dig for jewelry. As soon as I got there, I saw a car across the road, the ground was sticky, know what it is."

"I didn't know what was going on, so I just stood there and looked at it." Erdan Li said, "Then a man ran out of the woods. He said that the road was slippery in the dark and that he was driving too fast. hit a tree."

"I saw it was sticky on the ground. I didn't know what it was, so I asked him what he was doing." Li Erdan scratched his head and said, "He said he sold it into the water. The car almost rolled over just now, and its internal organs fell out. One place. I cleaned up with him and chatted a few times, during which I said that I like to eat fat sausages, and he gave me one..."

Read The Duke's Passion