MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 287 return my son

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"Where is my son?" Zhao Xiu's hand moved from Captain Liu's arm to Lao Shao's.

Shao Lao patted Zhao Xiu's hand lightly. He saw that Zhao Xiu's cracked hand was full of calluses, which were a pair of hands that had been through vicissitudes of life. According to the information, the middle-aged couple's job is farming.

"Come with me." Shao Lao glanced at Wang Yedan.

Wang Yedan took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Zhao Xiu, asking her to wipe her tears.

"Thank you girl." Zhao Xiu took the pack of tissues, but didn't take out one. She clutched the pack tightly and followed Mr. Shao forward.

"Wang Yedan doesn't need to go." Shao Lao said: "Captain Liu, take her to make a confession."

I came out of the hall of the Public Security Bureau and came to a quiet corner of the yard. In that house, it was the place where the bodies were temporarily stored. Walking through the long dark corridor, at the end of the corridor, that is the morgue of the Longcheng Public Security Bureau. Xu Yiman pushed open the door of the morgue, and with a "pop" sound, the pale cold light came on.

It was here that Xu Yiman dissected the corpse.

On the cold iron bed, under the white cloth was the outline of the corpse. Xu Yiman walked slowly under the iron bed and looked at Lu Ben's parents. Zhao Xiu was holding onto Shao Lao's arm tightly, even causing Shao Lao to feel some pain. And Lu Ben's father, Lu Wei, also gritted his teeth and grabbed the edge of the iron bed to exert force.

Xu Yiman came to open the white cloth, and a half-sunk head appeared in front of everyone.

"This is your son, right?" Yuan Jun asked.

There were no words, only crying, but that was the answer.

"My son, how did my son die?" Luo Wei's eyes were red, but his tears did not fall. He grabbed the edge of the iron bed with both hands, and his voice sounded like a red-hot wire stuck into the water, "hissing" As if the throat was torn.

"The preliminary inference is suicide." Shao Lao said softly: "But the specific situation needs to be investigated."

"It was suicide." Luo Wei said suddenly: "But there must be a reason. He couldn't commit suicide without any reason."

Shao Lao looked at Luo Wei and said, "It will take at least three hours to come here from Shizhao Village, but we informed you that you have arrived in less than an hour, which means that you are in Longcheng. What happened? , why are you in Dragon City?"

Luo Wei took out an old version of Nokia from his pocket, he called up a text message, handed it to Mr. Shao, and said, "A few hours ago, Lu Ben sent me a message, he He said let's take care of ourselves in the future, he has to go first. At that time, we didn't know what it meant, but we also thought there was something wrong with it. We hurriedly called and got through, but no one answered, so we hurried to the dragon. City."

Zhao Xiu continued: "We contacted my son's college classmates on the way, and they all said that my son went out with a female classmate in the afternoon and never came back. My son's roommate called him, He didn't answer either, and we were about to call the girl."

Lu Wei said, "Just when I was going to find that girl, you guys called and said that my son had an accident."

Zhao Xiu took Shao Lao's hand and said, "You find the girl immediately. My son went out with that girl in the afternoon and committed suicide at night. It must be the girl's fault. My son lived in his twenties. , I've never seen him before, how can I go out with that girl to find me, I must find it."

Shao Lao patted Zhao Xiu's hand, comforting her while thinking.

In fact, Zhao Xiu said it well. Wang Yedan took the initiative to come to the Public Security Bureau today and said those words to the police. It can be seen that Wang Yedan attaches great importance to this matter, and Wang Yedan's guilt can also be seen. But if what Wang Yedan said is true, then Wang Yedan is not responsible. As an adult, Lu Ben has been able to control his behavior. Wang Yedan's words are not the direct cause of his death.

Otherwise, if you want to go deeper, most people in the world have said similar angry words, then everyone can't avoid it.

But judging from the current situation, to investigate the reason behind Lu Ben's death, I am afraid it is inseparable from this Wang Yedan. Even if I don't say it now, I will say it soon. After thinking for a while, Shao Lao said to the two middle-aged men: "From the current clues, Lu Wei did commit suicide."

"Before your son committed suicide, he was indeed with a girl. It was the girl who brought you a pack of tissues just now, because your son was chasing her, but she didn't want to, so she said something more serious to your son, This may make your son feel a little down." Shao Lao looked at Zhao Xiu.

Hearing Shao Lao's words, Zhao Xiu was a little excited: "It's this girl who made my son commit suicide. You must catch her and shoot her."

Shao Lao shook his head and said: "As an adult, your son should be responsible for his actions. Besides, they separated in the evening, your son committed suicide at night, and there are still four hours or so between them. , and in this four-hour period, that's what we need to investigate."

"What happened in these four hours is the direct cause of his death, not a word from the girl."

Shao Lao's words were rather obscure, and he didn't mention a word about the criminal consultant behind him. But Shao Lao also understood that during these four hours, when the members of the task force were investigating Li Erdan's body at Li Erdan's house, the crime consultant at this time should be with Lu Ben.

"Don't worry, although your son committed suicide, we will definitely investigate the reason behind it." Jiang He also said.

"No." Zhao Xiu said, and was about to take Shao Lao outside: "It must be that woman who killed my son. She was the one who seduced my son and made her die."

Shao Lao was unmoved, Yuan Jun pulled Zhao Xiu away.

Jiang He asked, "Your reaction is a bit too much. If she commits suicide because of what you said, will we also shoot you?"

Jiang He's words were a bit icy, even a little unhuman, but this was what Jiang He wanted to ask the most, and this Zhao Xiu's reaction was indeed a bit over the top.

Zhao Xiu said: "It turns out that my son spends very little money, and he usually saves it. But since he told me that he likes a girl and is going to chase people, we give him three extra a month. Hundred yuan, let him buy something for the girls, nowadays little girls like gifts."

Zhao Xiu frowned, gritted her teeth and said, "But, it's been over a year, three hundred yuan a month, I don't know how much I bought for that girl, but that girl just wouldn't agree to my boy. .My kid also told me, what snacks, cosmetics, are all given to her, do you think this little girl is shameless?"

"Buy things for her for 300 yuan a month, let's just say, that's a lot of money, right?" Zhao Xiu said viciously: "Little girl, what can't you buy for 300 yuan a month, clothes, cosmetics, and some snacks? Yes, my son is good enough to her, but she just doesn't agree and always hangs my son, she is a bitch!"

Hearing Zhao Xiu's words, Xu Yiman had a headache. When different people look at something, the class must be different. It's not anyone's fault, but forcing others to agree with her opinion is her fault. For Wang Yedan, 300 yuan a month might be just the money to go out for a meal, but to Zhao Xiu, 300 yuan seems like an astronomical figure.

"Auntie, don't say that. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. This is not something you can force." Xu Yiman said.

Zhao Xiu seems to have finally seen Xu Yiman, she said to Xu Yiman: "Look, you are also a girl, you said, three hundred a month is not much, you are all students, how can you spend so much money You don't think she looks very good-looking, her **** is not big enough to have children, and she doesn't look down on my son."

Xu Yiman was a little helpless, she said, "Is your son an only child?"

"Yes." Zhao Xiu's tears haven't dried yet.

"The daughter of someone else's family is also an only child. Naturally, it is impossible for parents to treat their own children badly. In fact, to be honest, 300 yuan is really not much for her." Xu Yiman said.

"A girl, sooner or later, is the stuff of someone else's family, and it's all paid for. What do you spend so much money on, can a girl inherit the family? My family doesn't have a house in the village, so what does she despise? My son's death is She did it, no, I must have an explanation with her!"

Shao Lao knew that such a conversation was meaningless, so he could only say: "No matter what you want in the future, you can sue her. Then you can take your son's body away."

Having said this, Zhao Xiu looked at Lu Ben's body and couldn't help crying again.

After half an hour, the two men eased a little, and Shao Lao took Zhao Xiu out the door.

Walking into the yard, just in time to catch up with Wang Yedan walking out of another building.

Zhao Xiu saw the girl who had just handed her the tissue, still holding the unopened package of tissue in her hand. She rushed towards Wang Yedan, but her bloated body was extremely flexible, and within a few breaths, Zhao Xiu rushed to Wang Yedan's side.

She threw the tissue to the ground, grabbed Wang Yedan's hair, and pulled Wang Yedan over. Wang Yedan was unprepared, staggered under his feet, and finally fell to the ground.

Zhao Xiu straddled Wang Yedan diagonally, pressing Wang Yedan firmly, she pulled Wang Yedan's hair and shouted: "You bitch, return my son, you bitch, return my son !"