MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 289 verbal criticism

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From eight to nine o'clock in the morning, for students who are not preparing for exams in class, this month is a good time to sleep in. When the counselor brought Mr. Shao and others to the 618 dormitory, and knocked for ten minutes, an impatient shout came from inside: "Who, come knocking on the door early in the morning, knock knock knock, in a hurry What about reincarnation?"

"Zhang Jun, isn't it, I'm your guide, stop sleeping, look at your dormitory sleeping like dead pigs, don't study every day, don't know what to do all day, come down and open the door and get dressed ." The female guide shouted to the inside while patting the door.

After five or six minutes, a man in jeans and a coat casually opened the door and welcomed a few people in. He scratched his hair like a chicken coop and said to the female guide: " Teacher Zhao, why are you here, what's the matter?"

A few people walked into the dormitory, only to realize that there was almost no place to stay on the ground. And the red oil flows on the ground and has solidified, making people walk with a sticky piece under their feet.

Except for this one called Zhang Jun, the rest of the people were still lying on the bed. Some people sat up halfway, trying to see who was coming, and some people put the quilt over their head and continued to sleep. own feeling.

The female guide patted the door with her own hand, clacked the door, and said, "Don't talk about it, what time is it, the police are here, and Luben in your dormitory hasn't been there all night. Come back, don't you know what's going on? You are still sleeping! You can still sleep at this time!"

Hearing what the female guide said, these college students seemed to have been struck by lightning, and the carps jumped up from the bed one by one.

When Zhang Jun heard the name, he immediately said: "How can we not know, the video of Luben's suicide was circulated in our group last night, how could we not know about it."

Yuan Jun pulled a chair for Mr. Shao, shook it slightly, and let Mr. Shao sit on it.

Shao Lao looked at the person on the bed and put his clothes on himself like a restless monkey, and said to Zhang Jun: "When did Lu Ben leave the school, did he tell you where he was going? ?"

Zhang Jun slept in the lower bunk, he threw his quilt in the corner, sat on the bed and said, "There are eight people in our dormitory. Although there are many people, the eight of us are very good buddies. We didn't have class yesterday. In the afternoon, there was a girl in our class named Wang Yedan..."

"Lu Ben has been chasing her, right?" Jiang He asked.

Zhang Jun nodded and said: "Yes, anyway, as far as I know, Lu Ben has been chasing Wang Yedan, and we have given him a lot of advice. In fact, sometimes I advise brother Lu Ben not to chase Wang Yedan, because Wang Yedan is a bit of a bitch, not a good person."

"What do you mean by a bit of a bitch?" Jiang He asked.

Zhang Jun sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at the female guide, and said, "There are some things I shouldn't have said, but Wang Yedan is a girl who loves vanity. I forgot what day it was, when I took the bus, When I went back to school from where I worked, I happened to pass by the school gate when I saw Wang Yedan getting off a Buick."

"The driver was an old man in his 40s or 50s, and Wang Yedan was holding the old man's arm." Zhang Jun shook his head as he spoke: "Then that Wang Yedan kissed him on the face, and he really looked at me. …”

After a pause, a fat man sitting on the upper bunk still wearing clothes said: "Yes, Zhang Jun is right. In fact, this kind of thing happens too much in the campus. Most girls do it for money. They may all be taken care of by some old men in their forties and fifties and sleep with others. If you don’t believe it, just park your car outside the school and put some drink bottles on the roof.”

The other person had already dressed, and when he saw his red hair, he continued to say, "Yes, Fatty is right, I heard that the bottle of mineral water is 300 times, the black tea is 500, and the More expensive, then it depends on your appearance."

The female guide frowned and said, "If you don't study hard all day, how do you know these messes, don't spread rumors about your classmates."

Zhang Jun said: "In today's society, what's the use of going to school? It's not like working for others, it's just to get a diploma. We are not a rich second-generation, and we are not like those girls, who are good-looking. There is no problem with 10,000 yuan a month."

The thin bamboo pole on the bed in front of Hong Mao said: "My partner also told me, she told me that Wang Yedan didn't have a good relationship with people in the dormitory, and he didn't fit in with them, and he didn't watch TV with others, nor was he with others When I go to the restaurant to eat, I don't even know what I'm pretending to be arrogant, making myself look like some kind of eldest lady."

"Is your partner and her from the same dormitory?" Jiang He asked, "What's the name."

Thin Bamboo Pole smiled and said, "My partner is Zhao Xiaoyan, Wang Yedan's dormitory. I'm not talking nonsense, my partner saw it with his own eyes. Wang Yedan looks good, to be honest, he must be the best looking in our class. , but this good-looking person is always a little arrogant, and there are many people who give her gifts, not only Luben."

"She has a cabinet, which is basically used for storing gifts." The thin bamboo pole jumped down from the top bunk and said to a few people, "What kind of clothes, perfume, cosmetics, everything. This kind of woman is a green tea bitch. , always hanging on others. When Luben bought her gifts, she pretended not to, and when my partner brought her back, she also pretended to be angry. "

"If my partner doesn't return it to her, she will still complain about my partner." Thin Bamboo snorted coldly: "If you say irritating or not, my partner is kind enough to bring Luben's gift to her, and she will scold people. That's okay, she didn't agree to the gift, she hung Lu Ben every time, and when Lu Ben felt that there was no hope, she received a gift from Wang Yedan."

The fat man slowly got off the bed and said, "Yes, what do you mean by giving a gift back, it must be interesting to Lu Ben, otherwise why would she give a gift back. We are not stupid, we know that this Wang Yedan regards Lu Ben as a gift. Spare tire, while hooking Luben and not letting Luben leave, but not agreeing to Luben, there are many such girls online."

"Do you understand it this way?" Shao Lao looked at these people, and only said a word after a moment.

"How else can you understand?" Zhang Jun said, "That's what she meant, look at the clothes she's wearing, look at the mobile phone she's using, her family seems to be in a small business, you say a small business Yes, how much money there is in the family, and how the money came from, I don't need to tell you, everyone must know."

Shao Lao nodded and basically knew what Wang Yedan looked like in the eyes of these people. Different from what Wang Yedan described himself, in Wang Yedan's opinion, he didn't want to take advantage of Luben by giving gifts. But in the eyes of Luben and his roommates, this is an interesting performance for Luben.

Sometimes, the same thing can be quite the opposite in the eyes of different people.

Shao Lao said again: "Okay, no need to say what kind of person Wang Yedan is, let's talk about what happened to Lu Ben yesterday afternoon."

Zhang Jun nodded, and then he said, "We didn't have class yesterday. Zhao Xiaoyan, the thin bamboo pole's girlfriend, said that Wang Yedan was going out, and she said she was going home. In fact, she was going to open a room with her lover who took care of her. Lu Ben really liked her. , We think this can't keep Luben in the dark, so we told Luben about this and told him to give up."

"And then?" Jiang He asked, "Lu Ben went to find Wang Yedan?"

Zhang Jun broke his leg and said, "Yes, Lu Ben said he doesn't believe it. He said that Wang Yedan is not like a foster person, not a woman who loves vanity. My brother Lu Ben, what a stupid child , you said that if she doesn't love vanity, she will use an iPhone? A mobile phone costs more than 8,000! Will she use more than 500 cosmetics?"

"Lu Ben said he wanted to ask in person." The fat man said, "Then he left. Later, he chatted with us on QQ, saying that he was on the same bus with Wang Yedan, and said he wanted to ask Wang Yedan in person how he was doing. matter."

"Did you contact me during this time?" Jiang He said, "What time is it?"

"Around four o'clock in the afternoon." Fatty said, "It was in our dormitory group. He said he didn't know how to speak, so let us give him an idea, and we gave him a few tricks to show him and Wang Yedan. , Anyway, a girl like that, as long as she has money, she can sleep with anyone, maybe she can see through her, she will be with Luben."

Thin Bamboo Pole also sat beside Zhang Jun and said, "Yes, but we all persuaded him to go to bed, don't continue to spend it."

"I gave Lu Ben a good idea." Zhang Jun said, "Lu Ben said he was embarrassed to ask directly, so I told him, didn't Wang Yedan want to go home, then look where she got off. , if she dare not tell you where she lives at home, then she must be looking for a man."

Jiang He and Shao Lao looked at each other, but neither of them said anything.

Zhang Jun said: "Lu Ben said this method is the best, and it is very scientific and reliable. At that time, it was about six o'clock, and he said that Wang Yedan got off the bus and wanted to ask. After half an hour, he said that Wang Yedan did not Ken said where he was, and also said that he saw a hotel where he got off the bus, and Wang Yedan also seemed very anxious, as if he was looking for someone."

Fatty said, "I told him at the time that Wang Yedan must have been wrapped, so don't ask."

"And then?" Jiang He asked.

"Later we said that we bought wine and waited for him to come back to drink. He said he would calm down for a while." Thin Bamboo said: "There is no fragrant grass in the end of the world. We thought he would calm down for a while, but who knew that he received Lu Ben's parents later. , and later saw the video in the circle of friends..."