MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 291 public hearing

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Everyone surrounded the large conference room with water, and only by Wang Yedan's side formed a circle of vacuum. Director Zhang asked a few people to sit behind the desk, like a tribunal, and said to Wang Yedan, "Student Wang Yedan, we have probably already investigated Lu Ben's matter. Lu Ben's suicide is largely related to You have something to do with it, do you know that?"

Zhao Xiu said aside: "It's not to a large extent, she killed my son."

Under everyone's attention, Wang Yedan was like an animal locked up in a zoo, allowing everyone to visit. She blushed and looked very helpless: "I have already told the police about this matter, and the police all said that this matter has nothing to do with me, what do you want me to do, do you want me to be buried with Luben? ?"

Mr. Shao saw that Wang Yedan was a little excited, and he said, "Wang Yedan, don't get excited, sit down and discuss this matter. From a legal point of view, you have no responsibility at all. Different people have different moral standards. It's something you should discuss afterwards."

Wang Yedan glanced at Shao Lao, but did not speak.

Director Zhang said: "Wang Yedan, Lu Ben was with you yesterday afternoon, right? After that, Lu Ben committed suicide. This matter has something to do with you. Wait for your parents to come and discuss the right thing to do. The compensation for Luben's parents is the main reason why we called you here today."

"Why?" Wang Yedan just moved his chair and sat down. Hearing Director Zhang's words, he immediately stood up: "Why should we lose money, I'm sorry for Lu Ben's death, but I did nothing wrong in this matter, What does it have to do with me?"

At this time, Fatty stood in the crowd and said strangely: "Hmph, we killed our brother Luben, and now I don't want to pay any compensation. You hand over your lover's money for supporting you, and this matter is over, Luben was also before. I bought you a lot of things."

Hearing Fatty's words, Wang Yedan said: "Why do you talk like this? What do you mean I'm being fostered, don't spread rumors! I'll return all Luben's things that can be returned, if it wasn't for you always forcing me to accept them , I can't return it anyway, do you think I will. Even those who haven't been returned, I bought gifts and sent them back!"

"To put it bluntly, it's better to worship money." A girl said, "Don't you just despise Luben's gifts? I brought you so many gifts, but you were so disdainful that you asked me to return them. Why? I don't see you returning other people's gifts, your high-end cosmetics, those designer clothes!"

"I bought it myself! It wasn't given by anyone else!" Wang Yedan explained.

"Who would believe it?" The girl continued, "Didn't you say that your parents were in a small business, and a small business could give you so much money?"

It seems that this aggressive little girl is Zhao Xiaoyan. This Zhao Xiaoyan is about 1.5 meters tall and weighs 130. She is much shorter than Wang Yedan, but the momentum she speaks is higher than Wang Yedan. How much, it seems to be eating Wang Yedan.

"Do you think you're very lofty?" Another girl said, "Look at who in our dormitory has a good relationship with you, don't you have any points in your heart?"


Before Wang Yedan had time to refute, the man said: "What are you, we don't know you yet. We often see you in the car of those middle-aged men, we know how you got the money. We don't want to be with you, just I just don’t want to join forces, hum.”

Director Zhang nodded while listening, and said to Wang Yedan: "Student Wang Yedan, you are very beautiful, tall, with a good figure and a good face, I know that little girls of your age love vanity, but at least there should be a bottom line. .Wait, when your parents come, let's have a good talk."

"That's it." Director Zhang said: "The rest of the students, you are all good kids who care about your classmates. But as for Luben's suicide, don't spread it out. The school has already started coordinating the deletion of those videos in the circle of friends. Now, you have to take care of yourself, don’t go out and talk nonsense. Then that’s it, you go back to the dormitory first.”

The crowd nodded.

Zhang Jun said: "Uncle and aunt, Lu Ben is our good brother. We also raised some money. Although it is not much, it is also our heart. There is a thousand yuan here, you can take it."

Zhao Xiu took the red envelope, took Zhang Jun's hand and said, "I know, Lu Ben often said when he was at home that everyone in the dormitory took good care of him, thank you, thank you."

"Take care of your uncle and aunt." Zhang Jun said as he left the office with everyone.

Teacher Zhao shook his head and said, "Wang Yedan, look, Zhang Jun and the others are at the bottom of their academic performance, but they have no problem with being human. Don't you think you have done something wrong?"

Wang Yedan shook his head firmly, gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know why they say this to me, I really don't have a good relationship with the dormitory, I don't like watching TV shows, and I don't play mobile games with them very much. I’m so close, I often go home and go far away from my dorm classmates, but how can they say that about me!”

Teacher Zhao said, "You said your home is close, why haven't your parents come yet? How busy are you doing a small business, do you think your parents are entrepreneurs?"

"Okay." Shao Lao couldn't bear it any longer.

When he was in the Public Security Bureau before, Wang Yedan drove by himself, so he could drive his daughter who had just entered the second year of high school for any small business. Besides, what Wang Yedan was wearing and what he was using were all famous brands. This is really not something that a small business family can afford.

Although Zhao Xiu and Lu Wei knew that Wang Yedan had a car, they might not know the value behind it, but Mr. Zhao and Director Zhang probably didn't do any research on Wang Yedan's family.

Wang Yedan said: "I have contacted my parents. They may be late for a while. They themselves said that they are in small business, and they are really busy."

Mr. Shao handed the just-printed piece of paper recording the ID numbers of the classmates to Guan Deng, and said, "Check the family background of these people and what kind of work they do at home."

Guan Deng didn't know what Shao Lao was going to do, but he still investigated one by one.

Director Zhang looked at Zhao Xiu and Lu Wei and said, "Two parents, we are also very surprised and saddened by Lu Ben's death. Out of the school's love for Lu Ben, our department leaders, plus some With the help of the teacher, a total of 30,000 yuan was collected as compensation for your son's death."

Director Zhang said: "Speaking of what you shouldn't say, you are in your forties, and you still have the chance to have another child. In addition, we will ask for how much money Wang Yedan's family lost, and you should ask for such an arrangement. satisfy."

Lu Wei nodded, but Zhao Xiu said, "I know, but if it wasn't for this bitch, my son wouldn't die. Thirty thousand yuan is enough, that's a lot of money. I don't want her money, I There is only one request."

This was beyond everyone's expectations. At first, Shao Lao thought that Zhao Xiu was here to ask for money, but he did not expect Zhao Xiu to accept the compensation of 30,000 yuan, and did not want any money from Wang Yedan's family. Of course, Whether Wang Yedan gives or not, it is ethical, but for Wang Yedan, if Zhao Xiu only needs 30,000 yuan, then Wang Yedan may not hesitate or even alarm his parents.

"What's the request?" Director Zhang asked hurriedly, a little curious.

Zhao Xiu pointed at Wang Yedan and said, "My son is blind, I don't know why he fell in love with this fox, and my son jumped off the building because of her. But no matter what, parents are all for the happiness of their children. That's the best. Since my son likes her and even died for her, then I want her to be my son's daughter-in-law."

"To be your son's daughter-in-law?" Xu Yiman was startled and said, "Could it be that you want this girl to bury your son with you?"

Zhao Xiu shook his head and said, "Look at what the policewoman said, even if I have no culture, I know that killing is a crime. Although my son committed suicide, he has nothing to do with her, and I don't want her life. If you have any conscience, then marry my son in a ghost marriage."

"Nether marriage?" Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this ancient word.

"Yes." Zhao Xiu said: "She doesn't need to die, she just wants to marry my son. After marriage, she can do whatever she wants, and go wherever she wants, we don't care. But this is for the My son has a wish, and I only have this one request, otherwise, this matter will never end with her!"

Hearing this request, Wang Yedan's face turned pale, she pointed to Zhao Xiu and said, "Impossible, I wouldn't do such a thing, it's not my fault. I have 30,000 yuan, I I can give you 60,000 yuan, and don’t harass me from now on.”

Teacher Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Old sister, you are also a little difficult for a strong man. This is all feudal superstition. I think it is better to find a way to compromise. In this way, Wang Yedan, you are not aware of your own Wrong, why are you so ignorant, I think so, you kowtow to Lu Wei's parents twice, and you will also pay 30,000 yuan, that's it."

"No!" These were the voices of two people.

Zhao Xiu and Wang Yedan shouted at the same time.

Wang Yedan said: "I'm right, why do I kowtow to them, I have never kowtowed to my parents."

Zhao Xiu also said: "No, I don't want money, I only have one request."

Teacher Zhao shook his head and said to Wang Yedan: "You don't go down the stairs, I don't care about you, you can do it yourself, you haven't kowtowed to your parents, your parents raised you, you really caused trouble for your parents, etc. Come with your entrepreneur parents."

While speaking, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man and woman appeared at the door.

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