MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 309 whereabouts of the dog

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Several people dozed off in the city bureau, until about five o'clock in the morning, news finally came from Captain Liu. Through a joint investigation with the criminal police in Yuzhou City, Captain Liu finally figured out the ins and outs of these dogs. According to the investigation, these dogs were purchased from the dog market in Yuzhou City through official channels.

The name of the buyer surprised several people.

"You mean that the person who bought those dogs was Zhang Zong?" Shao Lao looked at the name on the document and was really surprised.

"Yes." Captain Liu nodded: "That is the result of the investigation by the Yuzhou City police. The documents are all complete, but the boss said that the man was wearing black clothes, a black hat and a black mask, but he couldn't see his face clearly. But they didn't have any doubts, many people in the winter are dressed like this."

"Criminal consultant dress." Shao Lao said: "What about the time?"

"It was not long after the video came out." Captain Liu said, "It was about seven or eight days ago."

"Seven or eight days ago." Elder Shao touched his chin.

"According to several bosses at the dog market at the time, this man in black has picked a lot of dogs in the dog market." Captain Liu sat down and drank two sips of the hot tea prepared for him by Mr. Shao: " This person has picked a lot of dogs, all of them are big, well-built adult dogs."

"Adult dog?" Jiang He asked.

Captain Liu nodded: "The bosses in the dog market are actually quite incomprehensible. They say that from the perspective of the market, the kind of puppies that are just born are the easiest to sell. The puppies have just arrived. In this world, it is the cutest and easiest time to recognize the owner, after all, when everyone buys a dog, they want to buy a blank piece of paper, not a dog that has been seen in the market.”

Xu Yiman laughed suddenly, and she said, "Buy the newly born puppy home and let it leave her mother. When she opened her eyes, she saw a human being, and finally abandoned it for various reasons."

Captain Liu sighed: "Any pet is just a plaything for people. People have domesticated pets, and pets also depend on people. Compared with those wild animals, at least they have no worries about eating and drinking during the years they have been raised, which can be regarded as a two-way choice. Come on. But it is true that no one wants adult dogs, so almost all the dog dealers in the dog market sell adult dogs to that person, there are about 20 dogs in total."

"By the way, there is one more thing." Captain Liu said: "I have contacted Zhang Zong's wife. After Zhang Xixi was bitten by a dog, she stayed in the hospital for a week for observation, and then went directly to her parents' house to live in. Zhang Zong's wife said that apart from the few days he was hospitalized, Zhang Zong accompanied his mother and his wife. After he was discharged from the hospital, Zhang Zong did not go back to his parents' house with his wife, but lived in the Peony Community by himself, and we haven't been in touch for a while."

"Zhang Zong is indeed missing." Shao Laoyi slapped the table and said, "Basically, it is certain that Zhang Zong must have been taken away by the criminal consultant. The criminal consultant wants these dogs, I am afraid there is no purpose. Captain Liu, more than 20 dogs, locked together with such a big target, haven't you found it yet?"

Captain Liu shook his head: "It's hard to find. I'm afraid these dogs have been put on sticks and can't make a sound. Otherwise, there are more than 20 dogs together, how could there be no sound."

"This place must be far away from the city." Jiang He suddenly said, "When the dog truck drove into Jing'an District, it was never seen in the surveillance. But the crime consultant couldn't change the car in the middle of it, he wanted to It's not an easy task to move twenty dogs, he must have even hid the car."

"Underground garage, an abandoned underground garage is the best place to hide these dogs." Jiang He patted the table.

Shao Laomo~ stopped holding the teacup, he suddenly stood up, and said to the crowd: "Do you remember that in the previous case, we didn't find Li Erdan's whereabouts for a long time, and finally found him hiding In an underground garage converted into a casino. After being seized by the police, the underground casino was once again an abandoned garage.”

"Since the crime consultant knows about Li Erdan, he will naturally know about the underground parking lot, so he immediately asks the police from the nearby police station to take a look." Mr. Shao said seriously.

Captain Liu drank the tea in the paper cup: "I'll do it right away, but it's just early morning, I'm afraid they're going home to sleep, so I'll get in touch."

Before Captain Liu walked out the door, he heard his cell phone ring, and it was the voice of WeChat. Then, several people's cell phones rang.

"Not good." Shao Lao said, "Let's start right away."

Xu Yiman took out her mobile phone, and she naturally received the WeChat message on her mobile phone. That WeChat was not sent by someone else, it was sent by a criminal consultant, just like the previous routine:

In the dark background, a mask that almost merges with the background appears in the video, still in the tone that seems to be indifferent: "Hello friends, we are also old acquaintances. Before, we There was a vote, and the result of the vote was that Wang Yedan needed to die, and you all saw it."

"This time, of course, I voted." A face with blood and tears was like a black hole, as if to **** everything in: "Everyone should have seen a video half a month ago, the party Zhang Zong was working in the Peony Community. Killed a pet dog in front of the owner, causing the owner to faint from excessive sadness."

"It's still the old rules, should Zhang Zong be damned?" The crime consultant's voice was very lazy: "You can reply yes, you can reply no, or give up participation. Until seven o'clock today, I will count all the results. One side. Zhang Zong's life and death are in everyone's hands, remember to delete the record after replying, no one will know your choice, and no one will know who received the WeChat video."

"It's about to dawn."

Video is over.

Jiang He glanced at his phone: "It's already six o'clock, there's only one hour left."

"At this time, people who are supposed to go to work and go to class have to get up." Shao Lao said: "Many people will participate in this vote, but we all know that the specific results of the vote will not be announced, and no one knows how many. People make the choice to kill, and I only know one thing, from the beginning, the crime advisors didn't intend to keep these people alive."

"Guan Deng, how far is it from that underground casino, and how long will it take?" Shao Lao asked.

Guan Deng raised a finger, exactly an hour.

The winter morning came late, and the six o'clock sun had not yet appeared in the northern city. Two cars galloped on the already flowing road, accompanied by the sound of high-pitched sirens, breaking the silence in the darkness.

"Where's the police at the police station? Have you arrived yet?" Mr. Shao said to Captain Liu.

Captain Liu shook his head: "Like us, they also need time..."

"Time is Zhang Zong's life." Shao Lao sighed, "I hope we didn't make a mistake."

Zhang Zong woke up from a coma. He rubbed his head, trying to figure out the situation. He remembered that he had just passed the person in black just a moment ago, and at this moment, he appeared in this dark environment. Zhang Zong stood up slowly, the ground was pitch black as far as the eye could see, and he could feel that this place must be very big.

He was a little scared and touched his body, only to find that he was actually naked.

"What the **** happened?" Zhang Zong looked at himself, and the horror spread little by little in his heart.

My clothes are gone, the wallet inside the clothes, and the mobile phone are all gone.

"Could I be robbed?" Zhang Zong thought to himself.

The room was pitch-dark without a trace of light. He was not familiar with this place, so he didn't dare to walk too fast. He heard a small voice coming from a distance, but he couldn't hear it clearly. He walked forward along the sound, but heard his stomach growl. Zhang Zong was a little puzzled. He remembered that he had only eaten a big bowl of knife-cut noodles, so why was he hungry again?

While rubbing his stomach, he walked towards the voice. The most urgent task now is to figure out where he is and how to leave. He listened to the faint sound and walked forward. He didn't know what happened, what happened to his daughter, and what happened to his wife.

He touched a door, a little overjoyed, and then he pulled the door open.

There was still darkness behind the door, but it was different from the previous darkness. Zhang Zong could clearly feel that in such darkness, something clearly existed.

He didn't dare to move, until he saw that in front of the darkness, two green lights suddenly flashed, followed by four, six, eight, until his eyes were densely packed with green light. dots.

The panting sound of "huhu" came from in front of him, and the previous voices came from here.

"What, what." Zhang Zong muttered as he stepped back.

At this moment, the things in the room rushed out like an arrow from the string, throwing Zhang Zong to the ground. The stench came from these things, Zhang Zong felt that his whole body was being bitten, and he heard those animals' calls: "Wang Wang Wang."

Zhang Zong kept struggling, but in the dark, there seemed to be more and more dogs, and he finally knew why he had no clothes to wear.

More and more dogs fell on Zhang Zong, and Zhang Zong suddenly remembered the dog that was skinned by himself. I am afraid that today, he will be swallowed alive by these dogs. Zhang Zong gave up the struggle. He felt very desperate. If he did it again, he would still do these things for his daughter.

"It's just ahead." A few people got out of the car, Yuan Jun said quickly: "Captain Liu, bring your tools, the entrance is likely to be locked again."

"Did you hear that?" Jiang He suddenly stood still and said decisively, "The dog is barking."

Several people looked at each other, and Shao Lao shouted: "You go right now!"

Read The Duke's Passion