MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 313 new clues

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The two rings that could be distinguished from one another at a glance were not a pair of rings, which was a clue left by the consultant on purpose. Just like the last car of pet dogs, it must be closely related to the next deceased. But what exactly is this connection? This requires members of the task force to find it.

Jiang He took this ring off the finger of Zhang Zong's corpse and put it in the evidence bag.

Mr. Shao comforted Zhang Zong's wife and said, "Prepare for the funeral. After signing the signature, the body will be transported back. The murderer will continue to commit crimes, and there may be another deceased. I know it will take some time for you to get used to it. You think, you can be alone with your husband for a while, and someone else will come to tell you what to do next."

Saying that, Mr. Shao winked at everyone, motioned everyone to go out, and gave Zhang Zong's wife a time to be alone with Zhang Zong. It wasn't until everyone walked far away that they heard faint crying coming from the laboratory. Voice.

Yuan Jun looked a little impatient, he scratched his head for a while, and sighed from time to time.

Shao Lao looked at Yuan Jun and said, "If you have something to say, just say it, don't hold it in your heart."

Hearing Mr. Shao's initiative to ask, Yuan Jun said, "I'm very irritable right now. You said that the first-generation crime consultant Wei Demian has died, which was a good thing. But since Wei Demian's death, the second On behalf of this unknown criminal consultant, he didn't even hide, and walked forward pulling our noses."

"The problem is that we still don't know what he's going to do." Yuan Jun was a little annoyed, he said: "Do we want to follow him and watch him kill someone for a lifetime? Even the one who wants to destroy the world and let mankind evolve again. Wei Demian has never done this before, does he plan to kill him like this?"

Shao Lao shook his head: "No, since Shi Huacheng established the Tianyu sect, this sect did not exist only for killing people, they have higher demands. Just like Wei Demian of the Tianyu sect, he longed for it. Bring the world into a state of chaos, so that all people can kill each other like savages, evolving through killing and grief."

"I'll take you off." Yuan Jun took out the car keys and said to several people.

"No need." Xu Yiman said, "I drive by myself."

"No need." Jiang He said, "I will sleep here at night. I want to chat with Mr. Shao."

Yuan Jun looked at Guan Deng: "Brother Guan, you didn't say a word along the way, you won't refuse me at this time, go, get in the car, I'll take you home."

Having said that, he couldn't help Guan Deng's statement, Yuan Jun directly pulled Guan and boarded the car.

"Guan Deng, you said that we are acquaintances. We eat together every day, and sometimes sleep together. You said that we have been together for so long. I haven't heard a complete sentence from you. Say something?" Yuan Jun started the car and said to Guan Deng, who had his head bowed in the back seat.


"I know you have social phobia, and we are not outsiders. Mr. Shao also knows our situation. You can see that I am not a professional, but I said in the book, what are all the phobias, what is in your heart? Diseases, they all develop from childhood."


Yuan Jun didn't look at Guan Deng, he just said: "You don't talk if you look at me, then I'll tell you about myself. You say I'm not lucky. My parents died within a few years of my military service. They Ah, they are all traditional farmers, get married late, and give birth to me late. In a village like ours, when a person has a child at the age of forty, it is all ridiculed."

"I remember when I was a child, the parents of children my age were all in their twenties, only my father was forty and my mother was thirty. The family had no money. When my father married my mother, the family didn't even have a bicycle. .But they have never treated me badly. Although the family is poor, they cut out their mouths for me to eat."

"You should understand what I mean. It's not the literal understanding. They gave me all the best. I've never been out of the mountains before, and I don't have any friends to play with me. I'm a latecomer. It was only when I suddenly realized this, but they were gone."

"When I arrived, my monitor told me that the illiteracy rate is only 5%, and my parents belong to that 5%. What do they both do every day? After returning from the fields, day after day, year after year, except for more wrinkles on their faces, darker skin, and more bent waists, they have basically remained the same in their entire lives.”

"I sometimes close my eyes and think, from when I was five to when I was twenty-five, they were the same, and they never changed. Sometimes I also think, if I were to be like that for the rest of my life. In the past, I could go crazy, but my parents did it. I couldn't understand for a while why other people's parents were like that, why my parents were like this."

"My mother is not in good health when she is married. I heard that she has some kind of lung disease. In fact, it sounds ridiculous. If it wasn't for this, my mother might not have married my poor father. We didn't get along for a long time."

"When I was very young, my parents sent me to the city to study. They were illiterate, but they told me that only reading was my only life. We didn't spend much time together. Before I joined the army, I was only on Saturdays. Will go back to the village from the city. My mother is a nagging, always talking a lot, my father is not very talkative, every time he just asks me to pack the money and don’t lose it.”

"We've never had what the city people call heart-to-heart exchanges, and I don't know what they're thinking. They've suffered all their lives, and they can't get anywhere when they get old."

"When I was in the army, my mother was very ill, and they didn't tell me, for fear that I would be distracted in the army. It wasn't until my father died two years later that he told me that my mother's illness was actually curable. , 50,000 yuan, but how can my family have so much money? I just arrived in the army, and I have no savings. My mother said, it’s not bad to live fifty or sixty in this lifetime, even if cured, it’s not too much. What's the difference in living for so many years?"

"I don't even know when my mother died. Finally, when my father also fell ill, he asked the neighbor to call me and let me go home to see him one last time. When I was watching a movie, I watched the protagonist's relatives. When he died, he was screaming and crying."

"I couldn't shed a single tear at that time, because I didn't know what to do, I forgot how to cry. My father told me about my mother, told me that there was ten thousand yuan under the bed at home, and told me Who would help me to collect the food at home and tell me how much they should be sold for in the end. Then he left without saying anything other than money and land."

"I only took a few days off, and after hurriedly burying my father and mother together, I returned to the army with the 10,000 yuan, and did whatever I needed to do, as if nothing had happened. Until the army's death A simulation. Before this simulation, we were asked to write a suicide note to our family. It is normal for soldiers to sacrifice. But when I looked at the paper and didn't know who to write it for, I realized later that I had no relatives. already."

"I comforted myself again, even if I wrote it myself, my parents couldn't read and couldn't read."

Guan Deng listened silently, without saying a word or raising his head.

Yuan Jun glanced at him through the rearview mirror and continued: "I've never said these words to anyone, sometimes I really want to talk to someone, but when I look around, I feel a little embarrassed to say it. If you don't say it, you will be panicked. Looking around, maybe only you are the most suitable. I know you will never say it, and I don't have to be shy in front of you. "

After speaking, Yuan Jun sighed again: "I don't know what happened to you, and I don't know how this social phobia came about. After all, I'm different from you, and no one can empathize with anyone. But I know if Even a friend who can't tell the deepest secrets in his heart can't stand it. Maybe the army has trained my steely will so that I can face death calmly, but you are different."

"I hope that one day, you can say what you want to say without having to hide everything in your heart." Yuan Jun said seriously.

Guan Deng just nodded lightly and said nothing. When he got out of the car, he looked up at the sky. It was dark and it seemed that it would snow soon.

"It might be snowing." Shao Lao looked at Jiang He again and asked, "What do you have to say to me?"

Jiang He pondered for a moment: "I don't have a clue now, but I know that what a crime consultant thinks is definitely not as simple as killing a few people. Any action a person makes has a purpose behind it, which is reflected in all kinds of small details. , I think the mask he wears seems to have a story."

"Of course." Elder Shao said as he walked forward, "Of course there is a story. I met that mask 20 years ago. The owner of that mask is Wei Demian's most proud disciple. , the guy from 20 years ago is more brutal and **** than him, and that guy can do anything to achieve his goals."

"Then what about this one now?" Jiang He asked.

Old Shao knew that Jiang He was referring to the current advisor, and he said, "This is more mysterious and cunning. In short, you are right, his purpose is far from that. In fact, at the beginning, Shi Huacheng established that sect just to pass the It's just **** means to save my daughter's life. It's just that when a sect has developed to a certain level, it is naturally impossible to maintain the original intention. After the Tianyu sect was destroyed by my own hands, the people who escaped were divided into two factions. , a faction like Wei Demian refuses to interrupt his research."

"What about the other faction?" Jiang He asked.

"The other faction also disappeared twenty years ago, and that's already another long story." Elder Shao looked at the stars in the sky and seemed to point.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes