MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 11 how to choose

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At the same time, Meilong Building, Skywalk Club, project center.

Zhao Han is running back and forth with Xu Yunshuang and Wu Shanshan, going to Team Leader Hu to verify the information, calling the Dongshui Inspection Department, and fetching data from a third-party company, so he is very busy.

As an afternoon passed, her record book was already densely packed.

Under Xu Yunshuang's guidance, she quickly mastered many recording skills.

For example, the obtained evidence and testimony are graded according to their credibility and marked with different symbols.

The physical evidence collected at the scene and other related venues, as well as the third-party data obtained, such as communication company call records, video surveillance videos... are relatively reliable evidence. And the least credible, of course, is the unauthenticated confession of the person involved in the incident.

In this way, when she is thinking, she can be targeted, and she can know which speculations are supported by evidence and are more reliable, and which speculations are just brainstorming.

The whole incident began to take shape.

In a small conference room, the three women were summarizing data.

"Xiaohan, talk about it first, the teacher will test you tomorrow." Xu Yunshuang encouraged.

"Well, today's refereeing incident on July 5 is directly related to a wife murder case that occurred in Room 703, Building 8, Tiantong Huiyuan, West District of the city on June 21. The husband borrowed the ball because his wife held the ball. A large number of short-term high-interest foreign debts were mortgaged, and even the housebook was mortgaged. After finding out, he killed his wife in a rage. Judge He Sancai had close online contact with the victim from June 6 to June 14. On June 15th, I met in an Internet cafe box and had close contact offline."

"Here is a small detail. In the on-site information provided by Team Leader Hu for the first time, He Sancai confessed on the spot, 'his wife Liu Fangfang', but what makes people terrifying is that his wife is actually Wang Qingyue, and Liu Fangfang is the upper The name of the victim of a case, that is, the murderer's wife!" Zhao Han's face flashed a trace of fear.

If there was no sorting and verification in the afternoon, she really hadn't noticed this detail. Thinking of the mutation that happened to He Sancai when Wen Rensheng asked He Sancai at that time, she had a terrible guess.

"What are you surprised? It seems that your memory is not very good," Wu Shanshan said lightly sarcastically, "When He Sancai and Liu Fangfang contacted each other online, they had already called each other 'husband and wife' intimately within a few days. When he was caught, he was emotional and influenced by the power of a different species, which would confuse the names of the two, which is not uncommon."

Hearing this, Zhao Han stuck out his tongue and continued: "The wife murder case is also not simple. The reason why the victim Liu Fangfang was able to know He Sancai on the Internet is because she also sent a consultation on the Internet, how to bet the victory and get one The mysterious link, and then joined the mysterious website that He Sancai registered, the two were brought together by this website."

"Liu Fangfang is an artist in a game company. She usually uses her office computer to dribble on the Internet, rather than her mobile phone and home computer. That's why her husband never found out."

"About this mysterious website, it can't be opened now. We only got a network link. It is speculated that this website was closed when He Sancai's mobile phone data was destroyed."

"According to the information obtained by the Inspectorate Division, of the 24 murders in the Western District this month, after verification, 21 of them are related to this mysterious website. The Inspector Division has been investigating this mysterious website. website, which was suddenly shut down after the referee incident."

"The full name of the website is 'Daao Sincerity Test Online'. The operating mode inside is that registrants have to answer a series of sincere words. After a period of time, they will send a solution to the problems encountered by the registrants."

Having said that, Zhao Han closed the record book and said with a puzzled expression: "Sister Xu, Sister Wu, I don't understand, there have been so many suspicious cases, why did they not come to the club for help until the referee incident happened? Ask Teacher Wenren to give them tactical guidance."

"Xiaohan, in your opinion, what is the reason for this?" Xu Yunshuang twisted the tip of her silver hair again and asked softly.

"Hmph, it must be because they don't want the teacher to intervene in advance for the sake of face, just like those idiots in the anime who are always slow, blindly rejecting the help of famous detectives." Zhao Han said as a matter of course.

Wu Shanshan sneers, "Idiot!"

"Okay, Shan Shan, she is only a 17-year-old child after all." Xu Yunshuang smiled.

"Then let's not let her go... To save us troubles in the future. The inspectorate is our cornerstone and guard. Without their presence, we would be unable to move an inch," Wu Shanshan suddenly became serious and stared into Zhao Han's eyes. "Remember it for me, put aside all your boring two-dimensional thoughts, this is the real world, you must learn to respect others, cooperate with others, cooperate with others, and don't add difficulties to yourself for no reason, because it is likely to be born with The difference to death!"

Zhao Han instinctively shrank his head, but fortunately this time, the terrifying dark fog did not appear on the other side.

She thought angrily, it's really a double standard, why didn't you think of this principle when you were making things difficult for me? Well, this must be because he is too kind and seen by this guy, so he dares to be so unscrupulous.

Mr. Zhou said that just because I am a good person, do you dare to point a gun at me?

"Okay, everyone has come slowly from this stage," Xu Yunshuang explained patiently in a rounded tone, "Actually, the gentlemen of the Inspection Department don't want to startle the snakes. Teacher Wenren's reputation is very big in the mysterious world. If He was involved, and the enemy often chose to withdraw, such as the sudden shutdown of that mysterious website, which should have something to do with it."

"This is a mysterious world, which is completely different from the world of ordinary people. The murderers in the ordinary world are completely incapable of confronting them head-on. They only have two means of hiding and escaping, and they are very limited. Once exposed, it is the moment of the end."

"The black hands of the mysterious world, they have high mobility, strong hiding ability, and often good combat power. Once they find that the danger is too great, they will quickly move to hide in impossible places. After the situation subsides, they will come back and choose a target to commit the crime. There are often cases where the perpetrator of a mysterious case will commit the crime again after many years."

"In order to deal with this situation, the Inspectorate Division has always been slowly pulling the strings, deploying nets on all sides, in order to hit a hit. Aces like Mr. Wen Ren will only be mobilized when the net is finally closed. This time, it was because of the impact. To the public, it will be used in advance.”

"You know how to cherish life, which is good. But reality is not a cartoon without casualties. Sometimes, in order to avoid greater casualties, you must make certain sacrifices."

Zhao Han vaguely understood, UU reading www. bowed his head slightly and said sadly: "But I still have a hard time accepting it."

"So everyone must work hard to improve themselves. If we become stronger, we can have more strength to fight against the shadows in the darkness," Xu Yunshuang encouraged, and then sighed, "If there is divination or prophecy, etc. It's good to have a different species, but unfortunately it's too rare to be distributed in our city."

When Zhao Han heard this, his face froze, and he felt very embarrassed.

She knew very well that if she showed her true abilities, it should be of great help to this incident.

However, once it is revealed, her alien type is in great danger of being exposed.

Wu Shanshan is right, the real world is not a two-dimensional animation. None of these shrewd guys are blind, and it is not like watching a primary school student die every day like in the animation, but only a few people can find it.

It was only then that she understood why some forums were saying that, in fact, it's the best kind of emotion, because it's the easiest to hide, unless you do it yourself or have ulterior motives.

And she is just a little chick now. If she shows up, she has almost no self-protection power. An ordinary person may beat her to death or subdue her.

No wonder the aliens reminded themselves to get close to Wen Rensheng, because it is safest to be around the other party. If they can follow them 24 hours a day, they will almost have a free expert-level bodyguard...

Judging from the previous understanding and the actual contact today, the other party is a patriot and a good person.

There is nothing wrong with the foreshadowing of the alien species.

Unconsciously, she seemed to be stunned for a long time.

What made her strange was that neither Wu Shanshan nor Xu Yunshuang did not urge her, and seemed to be waiting for her to make some decision.

Read The Duke's Passion