MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2066 missing files

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"But we must go home."

"Yes, I have a wife and children at home," said an astronaut.

"Yes, those who are not married will not be allowed to go to heaven."


"I'm afraid you'll seek refuge with aliens."

Everyone was helpless.

It is said that most people here have wives and children, how many of them can leave their children and not go back?

Maybe someone.

But many of them are at least reluctant.

After all, they are astronauts, they are the top of the top, and naturally their wives are also very good.

They are not married by chance, they are all sincerely in love.

Sun Wukong couldn't help laughing when he heard this:

"You guys are so stupid, wives and children and practicing Taoism are in the way. Have you heard the story of Donghua Shangxian Lu Dongbin?"

"He just failed in the exam, and then went to the fairy cave to rest for one night. After returning home, his wife died and his son was old, and then he saw through the world of mortals and became a monk to practice."

"I advise you, find a wife and have a baby here, and settle down here."

Zhu Bajie also said: "Yeah, stop tossing, tossing and tossing, you are not as good as my old pig."

Tang Seng said angrily: "You two inhuman idiots, these benefactors miss their wives and children, that's a matter of benevolence and righteousness, how can you persuade them to give up?"

"This is not what a monk should say."

"Don't say that."

"Yes, yes, master, let's not talk about it." Sun Wukong shook his head and said.

At this time, an astronaut said: "Master Klulu told us before that if we want to go home, we must find the mystery of this world, just like finding out the mystery of the animal hospital before."

"But how can we find out the mysteries of this world now? Lord Kelulu kindly told us last time at the animal hospital."

"This time, can you tell us again?"

"Impossible. If you could tell us the mystery of Journey to the West, you wouldn't remind us to find out the mystery before leaving. Instead, you would tell us the mystery of this world and let us leave," said one person.

Wen Rensheng nodded.

That's right, it seems that they are not stupid.

"Then how do we find the mysteries of this world? This is Journey to the West. Heaven, earth, people, gods and ghosts, the Three Realms are so vast, where do we find them?"

Everyone asked questions like this, and then looked at the three of Monkey King in unison.

Yes, if we want to talk about the mystery of Journey to the West, it must be concentrated on Monkey King, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Drifting Monk.

Drifting has not yet appeared.

"There is another way. Let's go to cultivate immortals first. After cultivating to this Daluo Jinxian, then the mysteries of this world will be opened to us."

Zhu Bajie laughed when he heard it: "Haha, that monkey has been cultivating for hundreds of years, and he has eaten so many elixir and fruits, but now he is just a Taiyi Sanshu, not in the right stream. You still want to practice Daluo, really Thinking too much."

Everyone was hit by Zhu Bajie, and suddenly lost confidence.

Yes, Sun Wukong's abilities are so powerful, he still can't make Daluo.

Sun Wukong's origin is so awesome, the origin of the Lingming Stone Monkey, and he has eaten so many elixir and fruits, and he was personally taught by the Bodhi Patriarch.

The combination of so many advantages is a Taiyi scattered number, and if they want to ascend to Daluo, it is male plus male.

"Don't be discouraged, everyone. Let's make a plan and do it step by step. One day we will be able to find out the mysteries of this world."

"I have confidence, but in the process, our wife died, what should we do when the child is old?" Another astronaut worried.

At this time, the Baixing man who came earlier said: "We can go back with our eyes closed. We will help you take care of your wives and children. Hurry up and give us the address and token."

"Go away, we don't need your care."

"That's right. It's yours to take care of and take care of. We don't dare to take care of you like this."

"no no no!"

Everyone refused with one voice.

"A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart. Don't regret it."

Amidst the uproar, Tang Seng rested here for another two days.

Then hit the road again.

There were only two astronauts who followed them on the road, one was Berenger, and the other was He Shan.

They decided to continue walking with Tang Seng and his disciples.

The others all decided to stay in Dongzhou City to cultivate immortality.

After all, the construction here is similar to that of a modern city, or even better.

After all, this is the city of cultivating immortals.

Those who stayed were shrewd enough to make two-handed plans.

After cultivating immortality, if one can find out the mysteries of the world, it is best to return to Baixing. If one cannot find the mysteries, at least one can become a fairy here and live a few hundred years longer.

It can be said that in the face of reality, many people give up their wives and children by default.

Tang Seng shook his head slightly.

"All living beings are suffering, and everyone is helpless."

"Hmph, it's clear that they are calculating the gains and losses, but forget the true feelings, a group of hypocritical people, my grandson doesn't like it." Sun Wukong said contemptuously.

"Monkey, before they followed you, you disliked being burdensome, and now you dislike them for not following, aren't you as hypocritical?" Zhu Bajie took the opportunity to mock.

He can't beat Sun Wukong, so can't he just make a deal with his mouth?

Anyway, with Tang Seng around, Monkey King can't beat himself so hard.

"You idiot, you have forgotten that the animal hospital incident will happen later, what should we do? We don't know how to solve the problem. Without supernatural powers, we can't match their brains. But the master said It's over." Sun Wu was in a panic, and stepped forward to rub Zhu Bajie's handsome face into a pig's head.

"Hey, I've had a hard time walking, and you still want to make my handsome face look like this, I'm not leaving!" Zhu Bajie looked in the mirror, feeling very depressed.

"Okay, Bajie, don't say any more, I'm going to vomit as a teacher." Tang Seng sighed.

While the three of them were talking, suddenly the giant three-legged bird flew over again.

Wen Rensheng naturally knew that it was the planetary will of the Great Bear Constellation.

The purpose of getting into the world of Journey to the West is to devour the concept of Journey to the West.

Originally it was just an insignificant sci-fi world, but now it wants to eat the hot big ip world, Wen Rensheng also wants to know, how does it do this?

After flying over this time, it didn't talk nonsense, it was another silver-white vortex, trapping everyone in it.

It's very similar to Zhen Yuanzi's tricks of the universe.

So Tang Seng and his disciples, three people and one horse, as well as Bei Lang and He Shan, were involved again.

Sun Wukong was still saying in mid-air: "Sure enough, the master is right. Did you see Bajie? Fortunately, we have these two people with us. I hope the situation will not be too difficult. Otherwise, we will have to do it."

Obviously, only Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie heard this, and no one else could hear it.

Of course, Wen Rensheng does not belong to other series, he is here with thoughts and consciousness.

The last time Wen Rensheng became a giant tree was to lure the will of the planet of the Great Bear Constellation to come out, this time, the other party did not need him to lure it, and came out on its own initiative.

He naturally sat on the wall and watched.

The next moment, Tang Seng and his disciples, as well as Bereng and He Shan, appeared directly in a police station.

In the police station, there is the former Sergeant Huabao.

"Very well, you are here again, why are there so few people this time?" Sergeant Huabao seemed not surprised by their sudden appearance and disappearance.

From Wen Rensheng's point of view, it was like a task NPC.

"What's the matter?" Bereng saw that the three of them, Monkey King, were chanting scriptures again.

He had no choice but to take the initiative to step forward. The biggest advantage of people with a force is to take the initiative, take the initiative, or take the initiative.

Do everything proactively. For better or worse, they don't like nerds there, they like social nerds.

Sports star, social star, the most powerful person in high school.

"The matter this time is very simple," Sergeant Hua Bao looked at him, and then said, "I just want you to distinguish these three people."

"Which one of them told a lie?"

Bereng looked ahead and saw the three people, one was a little white rabbit, one was an old hen with yellow flowers, and one was a **** dog.

The **** dog didn't seem to be awake yet, his eyes were squinted, and his face was innocent.

Who am I and where am I?

Didn't I sleep in the kennel in the yard?

Why did you come here?

Wen Rensheng was very surprised, he actually heard the innocent voice of this **** dog...


This black dog is definitely not ordinary.

And the old hen was hugging the ball there, looking very honest.

The little white rabbit is also very poor.

Well, this is a more honest contest.

But Wenren can rule out a wrong answer when he rises up.

Just need to choose the answer between the rabbit and the chicken.

Bereng asked again: "You want to ask who is lying, I need to know what is going on now?"

Huabao smiled and said, "The situation is very simple. Someone stole a confidential document. Now the three of them are all suspects because they are the only ones who appeared at the scene of the theft. We searched everywhere but couldn't find that document. "

"Their identities and statements are as follows:"

"The rabbit is a cleaner. It said I didn't steal it. It was just cleaning in the office."

"The old hen is a clerk in the office. It said that I didn't steal it either. I was just dozing off."

"The last is this **** dog. Its identity is a security guard, but it says it doesn't know anything. It doesn't understand what happened at all."

The **** dog immediately barked, with a miserable expression on his face.

"Oh, it looks innocent at first glance." Bereng pointed at the **** dog and said.

This is his intuition.

The **** dog wagged its tail, still in a daze.

Hua Bao asked: "Well, it seems that you ruled out one option, so who is lying about the remaining two?"

"I think, when the file was lost, the hen was sleeping and the rabbit was cleaning..."

Bereng thought of this, and suddenly realized a question: "Wait a minute, hen, when the rabbit was cleaning the office, did it affect your sleep?"

"Hen, have you seen what the rabbit is doing?"

The hen patiently recalled: "I heard the sound of cleaning, but I didn't open my eyes because I just stayed up late and worked overtime and was too sleepy."

At this time, Bereng asked again: "Big black dog, **** dog, did you see anything?"

The **** dog barked a few times and seemed unable to speak.

Huabao smiled and said, "Let me translate. He said, I was just nervous and didn't see anything. However, I heard the sound of a hen laying an egg, which seemed to be the sound of 'clack clack'."

Bereng immediately grasped the breakthrough: "It turns out that the hen laid an egg when she was sleeping."

"Hen, didn't you say you were sleeping? Then how could you lay eggs?"

The hen wondered: "It may have fallen down by accident when I was sleeping."

Bereng smiled and said, "Now the question is, where did your eggs go?"

Suddenly, the rabbit said: "By the way, the hen must have stolen it. It must have hidden the secret document in its egg and wanted to take the document away through the egg. It will return the egg that came down, so we say The egg was nowhere to be found, so it was the one who stole the documents."

I have to say that the rabbit's statement does have some truth and logic.

The problem is that there is no evidence.

"The missing egg must be found to prove everything." Braun affirmed.

"Do we have to find evidence? Can't we use logic?" Hua Bao laughed.

"Evidence must be found, relying on logic alone, there will be endless counter-logic, no matter how you say it is possible." Bereng insisted.

He couldn't understand how harmful it would be to rely on confessions alone.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in the a force, just because the jurors believed in a certain person, the criminal was released.

Until they kill again.

was caught.

But at this time, the hen hurriedly defended herself: "I don't know anything, I don't even know that the egg is lost."

"Can you help me and get my eggs back?" the hen asked worriedly.

When Bereng saw this, he already knew it.

At this time, Zhu Bajie couldn't help but said: "You are stupid, the eggs must be..."

Before Bajie finished speaking, one of his ears disappeared...

"Ah! What's going on? Bajie's ears!" Tang Seng said in surprise.

Then Tang Seng lost one of his noses.

As a result, the two handsome men in the sutra learning group became people with lack of facial features.

Sun Wukong shook his head.

Can't speak.

Wen Rensheng understood that in this small dungeon, if monk Tang and his disciples said anything other than chanting scriptures, they would lose an organ.

This is a kind of engulfment.

Seeing this scene, Bereng was surprised for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

He cannot panic. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As long as Tang Seng and his disciples recover their supernatural powers after going out, the cure is very simple.

I heard that Guanyin Bodhisattva has a cure.

Bereng quickly said: "The hen is sleeping. If it puts the egg back, it will definitely be seen by the rabbit, but the rabbit didn't say it the first time. It has to wait until the black dog mentions the egg before blaming the hen." chicken."

"Obviously, the egg dropped by the hen was stolen by the rabbit and used as a prop to store the confidential documents. As for how to store it, it should be to make a small hole, drink the egg, put it in the document, and then return the egg back the same way."

"The file is inside the hen!"

As soon as Bereng's voice fell, the rabbit sat on the ground slumped.

"It's not like that, it's just that the hen directs and acts on her own."

"Then why didn't you say it at the beginning? You are a cleaner, and you are in the office all the time, so you can see any movement."

Rabbit has nothing to say.

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