MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2070 master-slave set

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The latest website: The chariot can also carry materials and supplies.

The car battalion method is very conducive to the survival of soldiers.

Especially for recruits, having a psychological support on the battlefield is a huge advantage.

When the recruits are defending the city, they can display nearly half of the combat power of the veterans.

But in field battles, the recruits will often display negative double combat effectiveness, that is, they will be delayed, not only unable to win.

They will also collapse because of fear, and then bring the veterans to collapse... This is a common thing.

The cavalry rotates to look for fighters, and they often check who is in the recruit formation and choose recruits to break through.

Surrounded by chariots, recruits can display 50% of their combat effectiveness by relying on chariots.

Wen Rensheng went to Zhang's blacksmith and carpenter shop to build chariots.

I know this is Youzhou.

Youzhou is multi-plain, and the cavalry is king.

Use wood and iron to build chariots, throwing javelins, and throwing axes.

As for the bow and crossbow, it is too difficult.

It takes more than two or three years to make a good bow.

Crossbow processing technology is more difficult.

It only takes half a day to throw a gun, and a lot can be made.

It can also be recycled.

Although it is more laborious, it is more suitable for recruits, as everyone throws together.

Under Wen Rensheng's instruction, the carpenter's shop and blacksmith's shop in the Zhangjia Manor were combined to make ten chariots first.

50 people, 5 people in one car.

The beginning is to train the push-pull chariots, and quickly put the chariots in a row and form a circle.

Although rudimentary, it allows soldiers to get familiar with it quickly.

And relying on the chariot, there is a sense of security.

At least half of the opponent's bows and arrows and horses were destroyed.

And the chariot can also be superimposed and optimized, with two layers up and down, the upper layer contains obstacles, and the lower layer contains long guns and shooting holes.

Of course, if you shoot a gun, you look around first, and then throw it.

Just like practicing javelin throwing.

It's just that during the practice process, the risk factor is high, so you have to be very careful.

After such practice, under Wen Rensheng's training and arrangement, his eldest brother, fourth brother, and father all joined the team, serving as military law officers and managing logistics.

Under the combination of kindness and strength, the 50 people in this village were soon completely taken care of by Wen Rensheng.

It can be said that unless the officers and soldiers stepped forward, they would dare to fight against other teams of local tyrants and rogues with the same number.

That's not bad.

And everyone also has a wooden armor. It is said that it is a wooden armor, so it is better to call it a "bamboo armor".

Before Wen Rensheng made wooden armor in his own home, the wood he used was because he could not find moso bamboo.

But Zhang Fei Manor can buy bamboo.

Bamboo has excellent toughness and plasticity, and it has a certain hardness after removing water.

It was also one of the standard armors in ancient times.

It's better than paper armor.

And with armor and without armor, that is two combat powers.

As for Zhang Fei and Wen Rensheng, of course they spent a lot of money to buy iron armor, with a layer of leather armor on the outside, wearing double armor.

Three-layer armor, only Zhang Sanye can wear it, but because he has to practice horse fighting, it is still rare to wear three-layer armor, and infantry only use three-layer armor when they charge into battle.

These 50 are young and strong, with rich nutrition, scientific training, and complete armor.

It can be said that Wen Rensheng trained for heavy infantry.

The standard to emulate is the outstanding representative of Jurchen heavy infantry in later generations, Bai Yala, three-layer armor, double powerful attack and defense, and is a benchmark for infantry in the cold weapon era.

The addition of heavy infantry and car battalions ensured survivability and greatly improved morale.

It's just that with the strength of the army, the prosperity of the industry, and the prosperity of the manor surnamed Zhang, a hidden danger also appeared...

What hidden danger, that is the master-slave problem.

Now Wen Rensheng is nominally taking refuge under Zhang Fei's family as a banker.

Of course, this was because bandits were rampant these days, so even if he wanted to seek refuge with a famous leader far away, it would be unreliable.

At this time, Wen Rensheng did not have any fixed position, and Zhang Fei did not have any official position.

And Zhang Fei did not go to buy an official.

The question is, now that they have force, who should they listen to?

Zhang Fei didn't care about this issue, or he didn't think about it at all.

But his manor housekeeper began to feel uneasy.

After several trials and tribulations, it was found that these soldiers only knew about Rensheng, but not about Zhang Fei.

Only Zhang Fei Manor is a place to supply food, grass, mules and horses.

Think of Zhang Fei as a food and grass officer...

In the eyes of the housekeeper, how could this work?

Hired with my family's money, my family's food and grass are eaten, but I can't do anything about it...

What kind of reason is this?

He also thought about it, Zhao San is indeed a great talent, and the few ideas he came up with made the output of the manor increase several times.

The brewed wine is also more delicious and spicy, and has been sold to the grasslands by foreign merchants.

It's sold out every time.

But because of this, the housekeeper didn't want his prosperous family business to fall into the hands of outsiders.

So he went to Zhang Fei.

When I came to the main hall, I saw Zhang Fei drinking with some heroes.

The housekeeper waited for a while, Zhang Fei said impatiently: "You old man, what's the matter here, tell me quickly?"

The housekeeper glanced at everyone: "Master, please let these good guys stay away for a while."

"Speak up if you have something to say, why can't my old Zhang tell others?" Zhang Fei said impatiently.

"Okay, master, it's Mr. Zhao San from our village. How can I say that the people he recruited for training only listen to his orders now. They don't listen to my housekeeper. This is clearly anti-customer-oriented." The butler said helplessly.

"What should I do? Mr. Zhao has already said something beforehand. This team is trained according to military law. Naturally, it only listens to the orders of one person. If it listens to many people, it is like a snake with many heads. How can it march and fight?" Zhang Fei still has military skills. talented.

Of course, this has something to do with his friendship with heroes and frequent fights.

Many combat skills are self-taught.

Many rangers have mastered the method of military formation after several years of experience.

For example, Liu Bang was also a ranger in his early years. Before he commanded the army to fight, he never went to any serious art of war school, nor did he have a teacher.

"But, this soldier was obviously recruited with our Zhang family's money, and the food was also provided by Zhuangzi." The housekeeper said distressedly.

"Hey, you old man, you are really unhappy. Mr. Zhao is so talented. Even if I donate all the family property, I am afraid that Mr. will not accept it, but you feel heartbroken for this mere property. It is really embarrassing to Zhang Fei! Hurry up! Get lost!" Zhang Fei scolded directly.

The butler looked aggrieved...

On the side, the heroes clamored one after another: "What a generous Mr. Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang is so proud! I will offer Mr. Zhang a glass of wine!"

"That's right, mere property is nothing, we will seek immediate conferment in the future!"

The housekeeper had no choice but to walk away in despair.

To be honest, if he was a housekeeper greedy for money such as Lu Bu and Zhang Kai, he would definitely be convinced by this statement.

However, Zhang Fei's character setting is to donate money with righteousness, and people who look up to him don't care if they donate their wealth directly.

Of course, he will also leave some for his family.

Zhang Fei didn't take it seriously and continued drinking.


But the housekeeper's words soon spread to Wen Rensheng's ears.

Zhao Er was very worried: "Third brother, no, the head of the village, will this make Master Zhang unhappy?"

"Hehe, Master Zhang is a hero, so why would he care about the people in this village, not to mention that he learned the art of war from me, which can command tens of thousands of people." Wen Rensheng laughed.

Zhao Er was thoughtful.

Anyway, he just wanted to kill the housekeeper.

How dare you sow discord.

Sure enough, villains are indispensable next to the monarch.

To be honest, before Wen Rensheng really liked these family properties.

But now that he has cultivated this group of people, he doesn't care about this family business anymore.

Bandits are everywhere now.

With his current car battalion + heavy infantry, it is easy to capture several docks.

He can already sit and charge.

You must know that Zhuojun is also a large commercial county.

Many businessmen passed by here to sell horses on the grassland.

For example, why did Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping support Liu Bei?

It is because Liu Bei occupies this place, which is equivalent to a land household. They support Liu Bei for the safety of the commercial road.

When Liu Bei drifted to another place, these two big businessmen no longer appeared.

But this matter still needs to be resolved.

Set the name of master and slave, so that you can do things better in the future.

And Wen Rensheng already had a chance.

This opportunity was precisely given by the housekeeper who didn't know how to advance or retreat.

So Wen Rensheng came to Zhang Fei's residence.

"Brother Zhang, I have been here for many days. Recently, I heard someone say that I have the intention of doves occupying the magpie's nest. The melon fields and plums are under the people's words. If this is the case, I am willing to go elsewhere. But before I leave, I am willing to do it for you." Brother, I will train two more people, just to see that I have a little bit of advice these days, and brother Xu will take away the existing people. After all, I have been training with them these days, and I have already been like brothers.

Wen Rensheng's series of words continued, and Zhang Fei was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, who is gossiping here?" Zhang Fei was furious, "Sir, a great talent in ancient and modern times, is comparable to Guan Zhong. I have always treated him like a teacher, and he taught me how to make achievements. How can I, Zhang Fei, care about a mere manor? "

"If you don't give up, Zhang Fei is willing to worship you as a teacher, and this mere manor will serve as a gift of apprenticeship. I'll see who dares to talk too much!"

Well, this is Mr. Zhang's character.

If he can grow so big, it is because of his boldness and love to make friends.

But if anyone thinks that Mr. Zhang is a fool, an upside-down, and a dog-licker, he is very wrong.

He is rough and fine.

The housekeeper is petty.

After these days, he has long seen that Wenren Sheng is not just someone in the pool, he is definitely a top strategist and general.

Whether it is military training or breeding, everything is unique.

It is a blessing for such a person to get a day's guidance.

What's more, you can still worship him as a teacher?

That is to say, now that the troubled times are approaching, the other party only takes shelter temporarily in order to make a living.

Can old Zhang seize this opportunity?

So Zhang Fei was never stupid.

Just like in the novel, or in the history, Zhang Fei and his big family ended well in the end. Although he himself was killed by the general because of his temper, the family survived the crisis of destroying the country safely and smoothly.

It can be seen that he has a long-term vision.

If he didn't have a long-term vision, he wouldn't have ruined his family and invested in Liu Bei. In the end, he became a relative of the emperor and a big family from a local tyrant who became a marquis and general.

Wen Rensheng also laughed.

He already knew that Zhang Fei had a long-term vision, so when he said this, he knew that Zhang Fei would worship under him.

As for why I know so much at such a young age?

No need to explain, "There are leftovers in the wild", four words are enough.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that because of the current recommendation system and the system of buying officials, many great talents are not allowed to be appointed.

Guo Jia is an example.

He is also young, is not from a family, and has not been in any official position, so he assists Cao Cao to dominate the north.

"Could it be that Master Zhao looks down on me, Zhang Fei, and I, Zhang Fei, are sincere, and I'm going to Taoyuan to hold a teacher worship banquet today, and I ask Master Zhao to make it happen." Zhang Fei directly knelt down on the ground.

Well, this is a great gift.

"Uh, sages please hurry up." Wen Rensheng is not hypocritical, as long as everyone knows it in their hearts. What's more, although Zhang Fei is irritable, he absolutely respects his teacher.

Respect for scholars is not for nothing.

Besides, he is also a qualified fighter.

Zhang Fei can't be handsome, but he is very good as a general.

Someone can restrain him, and he can play an excellent role.

It is a good helper for opening up wasteland in the early stage, no, the premise map.

It will be restricted later on.

Zhang Fei cannot be allowed to guard one side alone.

Later, under the witness of many heroes, Zhang Fei personally worshiped Zhao Shan as his teacher.

The two sides forged a mentor-student relationship.

This was very important in ancient times.

But it is much more binding than the foster father.

Why is Lu Bu's reputation bad?

It is because he killed two adoptive fathers.

It's not just that he's going back and forth.

Liu Bei also moved around, and finally betrayed Liu Zhang, but he didn't have a bad reputation if he didn't kill his immediate boss.

The butler was helpless.

But Wen Rensheng didn't blame him, instead let him serve as the manager of an important wine shop in the county, which is equivalent to a separate party.

For a while, everyone in the manor was amazed.

So, relying on the righteous title of master and apprentice, after confirming the master and servant in the small group of Zhangjia Manor, Wen Rensheng was ready to develop his own group quickly.

"Father, why do you always become other people's teachers? Do you have teacher addiction?" Xiao Huan said angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you still have the ability to cheat?" Wen Rensheng asked casually.

"I can show my head and help you see the situation within five kilometers around. I can't do other things. This world is too strong to be pried." Xiao Huan said helplessly.

"That's not bad, it's equivalent to having a super scout, but are you reliable? Don't get me wrong." Wen Rensheng worried again.

"It's definitely not wrong, I saw it with my heart." Xiao Huan said.

"Okay, after I train another ten villages and try to gather 500 people, I will start to clean up the local law and order in Zhuo County and start formal military training." Wen Rensheng said.

It has been six years since Guanghe, and another year is the Yellow Turban Uprising.

In this case, three months of rapid training will allow recruits to initially enter the battlefield.

In fact, the training time of the officers and soldiers is not long.

And because there is not enough food, there will be no high-intensity training.

But Wen Rensheng can train elite soldiers.

After all, with the financial resources of Zhang Fei Manor, coupled with the recent growth rate, it can still support 500 highly trained soldiers.

It happened that there were a lot of refugees.

It is easy for Wen Rensheng to recruit soldiers.

Soon nine more troops were recruited, and five of them were given to Zhang Fei to lead.

The chiefs of Jiutun were all promoted from the first village with the best performance.

Then he firmly grasped the strength of Shitun.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the teacher Wen Rensheng treated Zhang Fei very kindly.

There are 500 people in one song, and now Wen Rensheng can call himself the director of the song.

It's just that it doesn't work now, and it can only be covered up by Xiangyong and manor guards.

But the county magistrate is too lazy to take care of it, because the current county magistrate only knows how to search for money.

Because according to today's government decree, UU Reading has to spend money if he wants to take office, and he also needs to spend money if he wants to be promoted.

The current county magistrate has not yet paid off the installment loan of the buyer.

Wen Rensheng just ordered someone to pay a sum of city defense fees, and the other party turned a blind eye.

After all, there are a lot of local big clans who raise servants and guards.

Mi Zhu gave Liu Bei thousands of people at one time, and his family's servants and diners were measured in five figures, and there were tens of thousands.

Liu Bei also gave generous rewards, but because of the limitations of the times and vision, he was extremely generous in terms of remuneration, but he was idle in politics.

It didn't show the opponent's true ability: to increase the power of Shu Han with the power of business and economy.

And Zhuge Liang's own management power is strong enough, and Mi Zhu is not needed, so such a logistics talent was wasted.

(end of this chapter)

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