MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2079 Regular position

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Hearing Xun You talk about Cao Cao, at this moment, Cui Cheng couldn't help but said: "Runan Yuan family's fourth and third princes, from the great-grandfather, there have been three princes from generation to generation, second only to the fifth generation and three princes of Hongnong Yang's family. Could it be that they can't learn from the Taihang Mountains?" people?"

"The Yuan family in Runan is indeed very strong, but they are intertwined among the imperial court and the scholars, and the methods of the Taihang Mountain people are educated without distinction, directly stabbing the nerves of the scholars. If they learn from the Taihang Mountain people, they will inevitably He will offend scholars." Xun You shook his head and said, "I'm sure the Yuan family will definitely not take it, and if they get Jizhou, they will definitely suppress it severely."

"If they can't get Jizhou, they have already lost their time." Xun Chen, Yuan Shao's first counselor in the early stage, suddenly shook his head and said.

Xun Yu and Xun You nodded one after another.

Cui Cheng was still a little puzzled: "Why?"

"Because the people in Taihang Mountain have 20,000 elite soldiers, and they have bought a large number of prefects near Jizhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou, and placed them in them. And the Yuan family in Runan is still laying out above the court, beyond the reach of the whip, beyond the reach of the whip. They miscalculated Yes, actually I was wrong, the future of the great man lies in the local area, not in the imperial court." Xun You admitted decisively.

Indeed, in history, Xun You planned to make a difference, trying to kill Dong Zhuo, control the capital, assist the king's order, and order the world.

I also want to go the way of Cao Cao.

It's just that he can't get through, he has no military power.

Of course not.

This is caused by personal vision and character, as well as family background.

Their family is a prestigious family, they do not make friends with rangers, and they have not been involved in military power.

And Cao Cao suppressed the Yellow Turban from the very beginning, accumulated valuable experience in leading troops, and had a lot of bravery in his family.

"Then can Cao Cao do it? After being a mere eunuch, how can he have the courage to accept such a big event?" Cui Cheng obviously didn't know Cao Cao well enough.

"When Cao Cao first became an official, he made a five-color stick and killed the uncle of the great **** Jian Shuo. One can imagine his courage. This year, when the Yellow Turban broke out, he was promoted to the riding captain and joined the army with General Huangfu. It was courageous and resourceful to defeat the Yellow Turban Army in Yingchuan, if there is anyone who can restrain the Taihang Mountain people, I can only find Cao Cao now." Xun You shook his head.

"But Cao Cao is different, isn't he lacking in foundation? He is now a riding captain and has no territory of his own." Cui Chengcheng said sincerely.

"His father is rich, very rich, even richer than the Taihang Mountain people. Of course, it's only now, and it will die in two years." Xun You said with a smile.

Xun Yu didn't say a word, the words were too vulgar, he was still a bit lofty now, and he didn't want to say it outright.

Because it will soon involve the sale of officials and nobles.

But after he handles the logistics, he won't feel clichéd, because money and food are the most real things.

Those guys who can only talk about it will know the importance after eating two meals.

"I understand. You want to join Cao Cao, tell him to go to the local government to buy officials, and then follow the Taihang Mountains to recruit troops, build a system, and absorb a large number of talents at the same time. But will Cao Cao agree? This is a blatant rebellion." Cui Cheng understood.

"Cao Cao will agree, he must have seen what happened to the Taihang Mountain people." Xun You said confidently.

Because the means of the Taihang Mountain people pointed out a way for them.

A way to copy directly without bothering to try, without bumping and going, without tossing.

If there were no people from Taihang Mountain, they would still want to save the big man, still want to mend, and still want to toss and toss.

In the end, he chose a local separatist regime to seek self-reliance.

It will take another five or six years before the transition to the era of separatist regimes.

It is now 184, of course they don't know the history, they only know that as far as the current situation is concerned, the imperial court still has troops to suppress local rebellions.

If they want to fight against the Taihang Mountain people, they have to step up to occupy the territory and copy the opponent's methods.

However, the opponent is in the mountains, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, so it is difficult for an army to conquer.

Where are they going?

"But where is Cao Cao going to start?" Cui Cheng asked again.

"Yizhou!" Xun You pointed at the map and said.

"How do we do that?"

"Change the governor to the state pastor, and use the state pastor to control the power of the army and the people."

"Ah, this is a blatant separatist regime, can your majesty agree?"

"Just tell Your Majesty that in this way, there will be no more thieves and bandits appearing in the local area, local suppression, and don't bother the court to send money to send troops, and your Majesty will agree." Xun You said confidently.

He was right, only three years later, Liu Yan made this suggestion, and the current Emperor Liu Hong actually agreed.

The demise of the Han Dynasty is inevitable, but when it will perish is accidental.

This measure has obviously accelerated the demise. If it is not agreed, it may be delayed for another 20 years, waiting for the local powerful forces to grow to the point where the imperial army cannot be restrained in the eradication of bandits.

But this promise is tantamount to moving the wrong knife for himself.

That's why the last imperial court was often like this. The measures taken to solve a problem actually accelerated their own demise.

This is determined by human nature.

Human nature wants to save itself, just like swimming and drowning. The more you struggle, the faster you will die, but if you do nothing, you will die.

In order to win a little bit of self-help, he kept struggling.

The later Ming and Qing Dynasties perfectly replicated this point.

Just like in the late Ming Dynasty, what is the way to do nothing?

It is to give up outside the customs, run to the south of the Yangtze River, and cut off those burdens in the north.

Don't add any three salaries, just guard the south of the Yangtze River, and leave Jiangbei to the peasant army and the Qing army.

At that time, the economic center of gravity had already shifted to Jiangnan. As long as Jiangnan could work together under one emperor and not mess around with itself, it could still be held.

Let alone prolonging the lifespan by 100 years, as long as the emperor doesn't think about making troubles, there is a high probability that it will not be a problem.

But who can make such a decision?

Someone can make a decision, but the entanglement of many forces prevents this decision from being carried out.

It has to be forced by external force.

Another example is the end of the Qing Dynasty, when the imperial examination was suspended and a new army was established, and finally he buried himself.

At this moment, Cui Cheng was also stunned.

"Brother Xun is a talented man. It's like seeing the sun through the clouds. Yes, he's just enjoying himself and passing by. As long as he can avoid trouble, he will agree to it. It will be more convenient. But who should write the letter?"

"A prestigious clan will do."


"Youzhou Liu Yan." Xun You said directly.

"It's Taishou Liu, no, it should be Governor Liu, it's strange, why do I feel something is wrong." Cui Cheng had an uncomfortable feeling in his mind.

It's as if someone in modern times told you that you can go to the sky by stepping on the left foot and the right foot.

"In short, when I look at him, I also saw the problem of the Han Dynasty early, and I want to solve it from the local area, and then take the road of Guangwu."

"Then can't he follow the methods of the Taihang Mountain people?"

"He's too old."

Cui Cheng understood.

He couldn't help but admire deeply.

This Xun family is too powerful.

The Xun family wins the world.

In the end, he couldn't help but said: "So, your family is going to fully support Captain Cao?"

At this time, he also brought honorific words to Cao Cao.

Even chatting in a dark room.

"No, I'm going to the Taihang Mountain people." Xun Chen said.

"Well, if there are three caves, then I will go too."

"Go together, after all we still have to learn and use it."

The four laughed.

As the real elite among scholars, they are not afraid to compete with those poor and humble people.

Moreover, poor and lowly people also want to become members of aristocratic families in the future.

Who would not pass on the glory and wealth to the family, but to outsiders?


Half a month later.

The four of them came together to the Taihang Mountains, a barren-level wind-brand cottage.

Now the cottage is divided into four levels, the heaven and earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is prehistoric.

In each level, the order is arranged according to "sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, thunder and lightning".

Of course these were not done by Wen Rensheng, but by Xiao Huan.

According to her words, anyway, the opening game is over, so it's time to make a fuss.

Xun You looked up, and saw that the cottage had a well-organized layout, steep mountains and rocks, many sentry posts, and most of them had bows, crossbows and rolling stones.

And the place to enter is often flanked by two sides, or even three sides.

If someone came to attack, the attacker would be extremely miserable.

Because you can't push in those regular siege engines.

For example, cloud ladders, siege vehicles, and cloud vehicles with various protections, don't even think about it.

There is only one way for the army to enter.

Want to enter from other places, only a small group of people go over the mountains.

The opponent can easily shoot and kill as long as a hundred people.

You can't wear iron armor when you climb a mountain, because it's too heavy to climb.

There is no iron armor, the opponent has iron armor, the two sides shoot at each other, and one side is condescending, how to fight?

Soldiers will refuse to attack if they just look at it.

Therefore, mountain warfare has always been difficult.

Not to mention that the Han Dynasty at this time is the mountain warfare in the modern world. Unless you have no scruples and completely abandon everything, the cost is far greater than the gain.

It took several years for the Ming Dynasty to quell some chieftain rebellions.

Let alone the Han Dynasty.

That's why Xun You said that the Taihang Mountain people have gained momentum.

It is impossible for the imperial court to conquer successfully.

Unless the opponent takes the initiative to rebel and attack, it will attract conquest.

As soon as the four of them came in, they were led to register their names, places of origin, ages, and they had to press their fingerprints to make a simple record of their facial features.

Just judging from this link, they were shocked.

Because it requires a lot of manpower.

Why is it that the support of the family is indispensable for the princes to fight, because these days, scholars are indispensable if they want to rule the place, manage logistics, and population.

Only the family can provide these people, without which you cannot take root.

It is expected that the poor can only do coolies and cannot do these things.

But now, it is too difficult for a mere cottage to complete the registration.

However, they soon discovered that the people in charge of registration were also opportunistic.

"My name is Xun Yu." When it was Xun Yu's turn, the other party finally revealed his secret.

"Will you write it for me?" As he spoke, the other party took out a bamboo slip.

Xun Yu wrote to the other party.

"Gou or." The registrant is a young man, copying it out solemnly.

"You, you, are Xun Yu, not this." Xun Yu was a very gentle and refined person, but it was the first time in his life that he got angry.

Xun You couldn't even get angry with him.

"It's all the same, I can just add pinyin, why don't your parents have a simple name, such as Xun Er or something like that." The young man said with a headache.

"Pinyin? Is it phonetic notation?" Xun Yu naturally knew the method of phonetic notation.

The Fanqie method is to use one Chinese character or phonetic symbol to represent "sound", and another Chinese character or phonetic symbol to represent "rhyme" and "tune", and put them together into the pronunciation of the character to be marked.

The other party's pinyin should be the same, but it looks simpler.

No wonder this Taihang Mountain native was able to train so many junior scholars in just ten months.

"Haha, uncle, don't worry about this boy, let's sign up for the class quickly to be serious."

"How can we not care about it? This name is the foundation of one's life. If the name is not right, it will not be right. If the name is wrong, everything will be wrong." Xun Yu is very serious.

Of course, what he said is correct, the name is wrong, how will he accumulate fame in the future?

"Okay, okay, I'll write it again." The young man had no choice but to copy it again on the bamboo slips.

"You all have two copies, one for you and one for me. If someone pretends to be you in the future, you can use this to identify yourself. If you lose it, come here and ask me to make a replacement." The young man said.

The four nodded solemnly.

They all understand that this simple sentence actually contains the great meaning of "Jianhu Qimin".

If you can find an individual, you can enlist the population, collect taxes, and then go out to fight.

It's not comparable to stream thieves.

They have long known the strength of the Taihang Mountain people from various rumors and information.

But seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

Then, under the leadership of another young man, they took their identity bamboo slips and went to handle their own grain books.

"Food book?"

"Yes, everyone has rations, don't buy more, don't hoard, and sell the excess to the general." The young man said proudly.

"Ah..." The four were shocked, and then their eyes lit up.

In this way, it will not be able to solve the problem that the poor have no food to eat, and the rich are too fat to eat like big fat pigs.

There were many obese people among the rich and noble in the Han Dynasty, such as Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shu.

And this food base can control the population.

Every time you go to buy food, it is equivalent to re-registering with the government.

It is impossible for those who escape in this way to hide.

"Wait, if this is the case, how can those who have a lot of fields give up and give up their food?" Cui Cheng hurriedly asked the young man.

The young man proudly said: "If you don't take it out, our sword is very sharp."

"If you have food, you must have a sword. Without a sword, you can't protect the food. This is what the sage Master said repeatedly. UU Reading" the young man said proudly.

"Wait, it's easy for non-farmers to say that they have to buy food; but those farmers, after the autumn harvest, hid a large amount of food by themselves. Are you going to do right with countless farmers?" Xun Chen immediately realized that there was a big problem. .

"Naturally, there is no need for this. Our general will collect 30% of the grain, and then sell it to everyone at a par price, that is, no matter the year of disaster or famine, and the price will basically remain the same throughout the year. Whether you are a farmer or not, you can buy it without delay. Moreover, farmers can also sell grain to the general at a low price, and the general will pay for the storage.”

"Isn't this Changping Warehouse? It's only because of the strong opposition and the help of officials that it survives in name only." Xun You shook his head and said.

"That's right, that's why the general asked everyone to learn to write, and everyone can write secret letters, so those villains can be restrained." The young man said proudly.

Everyone nodded slightly, that's why.

In this way, it can indeed restrain the arrogance.

In fact, they are powerful themselves, but they also understand that if they want to achieve supremacy, they must restrain the powerful.

That's the contradiction, so they're doomed to fail, dynasties are doomed to cycle.

The enlightened among the tyrants cannot restrain themselves, so they can only restrain themselves by violence of the peasants, clean up the land, and raise Gu again.

It's that simple.

(end of this chapter)

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