MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2081 The Road to Cao Cao

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Xun Yu thought hard for a long time, and finally thought of a key point.

"Since this is the case, is it because the people of Taihang Mountain have worked so hard to do such a great thing to choose someone else to be the king?"

"Of course not, he is the most sage, and people will naturally choose him as the king."

He said to Xun You like this: "So his rhetoric is ultimately for himself."

Xun You smiled: "Of course I know this, but he is the most virtuous, and his descendants may not be like this, and people in Taihang Mountains have always said that the period of the strongest motivation for being a king is only ten years, and ten years later it will be the most powerful period." You have to change people, and then take turns again, whoever has the strongest motivation and whoever does a good job will be the one."

"He also said this?" Xun Yu was shocked.

Then what is the purpose of this Taihang Mountain people working so hard?

Just to be the king for ten years?

No, it's for the sake of being famous in history, right?

Just like Confucius and Mencius.

How many descendants of Confucius and Mencius can compare with them?

But at least they are well known.

There are many emperors, but how many emperors are known to the common people?

On the contrary, everyone knows Confucius, even an old man can know the three characters of Confucius.

But if you ask who the current emperor is, I am afraid that some officials don't know, that is, officials of the gentry can know.

Xun Yu understood that what the other party wanted was fame.

That's why I became a teacher.

It dawned on him.

At the same time, I also understood why Xun You supported the Taihang Mountain people.

Because under this system, Xun You also has the opportunity to display his ambitions and become the king of a country and the dragon of China.

Who can give him such an opportunity?

Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, or the court?

It's impossible.

It can only be done here in the Taihang Mountains.

"I understand. He has drawn a big cake for you, and no prince can give it to you. He is indeed comparable to a saint. Only with the heart of a saint can he tolerate the talents of the world." Xun Yu suddenly realized.

"Haha, uncle is an uncle after all. Just look and listen to the past half a month, and you will understand how powerful Mr. Zhao is. Now you should know what it means to be invincible. Invincible." Xun You sighed.

"I didn't expect that in China, such a saint would be the great luck of the clan and our generation." Xun Yu's thoughts gradually changed.

After all, he is not the kind of rotten scholar, but a wise man.

He thought carefully about what the Taihang Mountain people did, and found that the other party could indeed help solve many fundamental problems in this world.

Such as food issues, such as turmoil issues, such as the issue of regime change...

The other party's many practices, promote all education, cultivate talents in different categories, select talents without discrimination, and let everyone open up their wisdom, let everyone reach the same idea, and then restrain those ambitious people...

"Wait, I have one more question to ask. Dayu was also highly respected back then, and he obeyed the choice of a sage, and gave it to Boyi, but in the end he was taken away by his son Qi. Boyi also thought that Qi was more suitable. Qi also gave Boyi a high status..."

"What do you want to say?" Xun You asked knowingly.

"Okay, nephew," Xun Yu deliberately joked, "You understand what I mean, and I understand what you think too."

"Haha, uncle, I think Master Zhao should have thought of this kind of thing, but he hasn't said the solution yet, or he has already said it, and we haven't realized it yet. If everyone opens up their wisdom and knows how to read and write, maybe they can solve it. This matter, after all, the rules have been set long ago, and everyone in the world knows that if someone breaks it, the people in the world will naturally attack." Xun You said.

"The so-called accusation by thousands of people ends without a disease."

"I always feel that this is not enough. Why is the emperor today afraid of the words of the scholars? Are there still few scholars who scold the emperor?" Xun Yu, as a master of logistics management, instinctively felt that he had to guarantee material and institutional guarantees.

"Then you can continue to listen and ask tomorrow."


Early the next morning, Xun You came to the school very early.

Then after cleaning up the school, he began to close his eyes and wait.

As soon as 8 o'clock arrived, Wenren came to the school.

At this time, the students were already sitting, and everyone was solemn.

Sure enough, rare things are precious, and precious things are cherished, valued, and put a lot of effort into them.

In future generations, many parents try their best to let their children learn those things, but they are desperate not to learn.

Most of the filial piety of fathers and sons is based on not doing homework...

"Master, I want to ask one thing. According to you, people are selfish in their nature to choose a ruler based on merit, and it is rare for a person to be as righteous as Master. Even if the ruler himself is a gentleman, what is the matter? How to prevent the emergence of the family world?" Xun Yu got up and asked directly.

So urgent that he didn't even raise his hand.

He is actually such a tough guy.

He looks gentle and elegant, but his bones are hard and barbaric.

"Does anyone else have different questions?" Wen Rensheng asked.

Everyone shook their heads and said, "We all have the same problem."

In fact, this question has long been wanted to be asked, but everyone is too smart, or they all have selfish motives.

They all thought that they would go up to the king first, and then go home to the world.

So I don't want to know the answer, and I don't want Master to tell me the answer.

Hearing how high a person's wisdom is, he naturally understands the reason for his family.

"Wen Ruo, what you are talking about should be the story of Dayu, Boyi, and his son Qi?"

Xun Yu directly admitted, "Yes, Master."

Wen Rensheng then asked. "Then do you know why Qi is able to take over the world?"

Xun You raised his hand and replied, "Because he relied on his father to accumulate enough land and population, and then he had enough weapons and armor. These are not comparable to Boyi who was selected from a bunch of people."

"Very good, very good, then why didn't Yao and Shun's son do the same thing?" Wen Rensheng asked again.

Everyone suddenly had a headache, yes, why didn't Yao and Shun do it?

Guan Ning suddenly said: "Because the bronze weapons were issued in the time of Dayu, but in the time of Yao and Shun, they did not exist."

"Bronze weapons?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

When they think about this issue, they are thinking about what philosophy, what avenue, and which system is wrong, which led to Qi's victory over Boyi, but they forgot the simplest material basis.

Wen Rensheng smiled at Guan Ning, it really is the tail of a dragon.

To see a problem is to be able to see the root.

"Well said, You'an, tell everyone."

"Actually, the problem is not complicated. At the time of Yao and Shun, people still relied on wood and stones as weapons, so whoever had the highest reputation and the support of the most people would have the strongest military force, because wood and stones were everywhere. As long as a sage ascends to the top, the careerist will be defeated." Guan You'an said with confidence.

He was full of spirits at this time, and he was no longer the confused and painful look of the past.

"Bronze weapons appeared at the time of Yu Dayu, and they were very expensive and rare, requiring complex workshops to make them."

"At this time, the son of Dayu, relying on his father's status, was able to obtain bronze weapons conveniently, and then armed thousands of private soldiers with bronze weapons and bronze armor."

"With this private soldier, he can defeat Boyi and his opponents."

"And he passed these things on to his family, so his family became stronger and stronger, and then he realized the family world."

"And later, during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, this model was also used. Later, in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, when the feudal lords fought for hegemony, it was still the power of one family. If several families were united, the power of the world would be suppressed."

"That's why the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats ruled the world together."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Then admire it.

In terms of learning and hard work, Xun You and others are no worse than Guan Ning.

Why can't they see this?

Because they don't have the public heart of Guan Ning, they still have the idea of ​​one family and one family name.

Xun Yu was stunned, and then said: "Since this is the case, it seems that if we want to solve the family world, we must start with weapons. We must let the people in the world, the most people, have the most convenient weapons."

"Yes." Wen Rensheng smiled.

Only with muskets + cannons did literature and art + enlightenment emerge.

It is because these two things can only be useful if there are many people.

Whoever can mobilize the most people in his country has the advantage.

The reason why Daming was finished was that instead of mobilizing the most people, he pushed the most people to his opposite.

"Then what kind of weapon can be conveniently owned by the most people? As long as everyone learns to make such a weapon, they can restrain the world." Guan Ning asked seriously.

"This is a long process, but as long as you work hard, you can see it in your lifetime." Wen Rensheng said.

"Okay, we are willing to work hard." Guan Ning nodded.

He decided to learn weapon making, armor instead...

Weapons should be made with the lowest barriers to use, the lowest learning difficulty, and the most people can make them.

Instead of armor and crossbows being strictly prohibited as before.

When everyone heard this, they always felt that there was something wrong.

It doesn't seem very right.

Can this problem be solved only by weapons?

It sounds reasonable, but it is always the opposite of their inherent cognition.

Shouldn't everyone have morality and everyone become a gentleman to solve the problems of the family and the world?

Why does everyone have to have bronze weapons and bronze armor to solve the problems of the family?

They didn't know that their previous thoughts were idealistic, and what Wen Rensheng and Guan Ning said was materialistic.

If one starts from the heart, it must be the worst defeat.

If one starts from things, it will keep rising.

This problem seems to be solved, but there is always a pimple in everyone's heart.

This was the first time they felt that Master Zhao hadn't explained a problem clearly.

Of course they don't know that there is no real answer to this question.

Because there is no fixed method to ensure that the sage is the king.

There is also no law, as long as the conditions are met, it can be guaranteed that there will be no family world.

Even Wen Rensheng's descendants seem to have solved this problem, but has it really been solved?

Once things continue to rise to the extreme, and super artificial intelligence appears, their thinking speed, thinking depth, and ability to mobilize resources far exceed humans, and human beings will be reduced to things that are not as good as livestock.

So even Wen Rensheng couldn't tell them the answer.

Everything depends on their own efforts and hard research.

Unless this is a mythical and extraordinary world, extraordinary divine power can be used to do this.

Otherwise, it depends on their good fortune.

"Old smell, you can't do it either." Xiao Huan laughed at the side.

"After all, this is not an extraordinary world. There are always things that cannot be solved by wisdom. It depends on luck and probability." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

He can live here until he is 125 years old at most, and if he gets it to the extreme, he will withdraw from this world in 140 years.

It is hard to say to what extent it can be improved in these 140 years.

And just relying on the development of technology is not enough.

Humanities must also be developed.

In short, there are many things.


"It's a big rebellion, it's completely nonsense." Cui Cheng said bitterly.

He is a family member.

He doesn't have extravagant hopes and ambitions to become a king himself, he still likes to rule the world with the emperor and get the power of enfeoffment.

So after studying for a month, he decisively ran away.

And took refuge in Cao Cao's men.

Apply the strategy he heard from San Xun to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao naturally had the heart to help the Han Dynasty at the beginning.

Ambition changes as power increases.

But the arrival of Cui Cheng and the knowledge that Cui Cheng heard from Wen Rensheng made Cao Cao's ambition sprout and grow quickly.

Because the other party pointed out a way for him to separate himself.

And Cao Cao has always had the heart to do great things and has the ambition of a hero.

This has been established since childhood.

"So, my lord, let's start from Yizhou." Cui Cheng said.

"Okay, I have peace, like a fish in water." Cao Cao said emotionally.

Cui Cheng was immediately moved.

This is the normal hero of the Han Dynasty.

Entrust the righteousness of the monarch and ministers on the outside, and bond with the flesh and blood on the inside; words must be listened to, and plans must be followed.

It's not like the people in Taihang Mountains, the king is not the king, the ministers are not the ministers, so that there is no distinction between the top and the bottom, and the noise is endless. Everyone wants to be the king, which is a mess.

Anyway, Cui Cheng was bored.

He couldn't bear the mud legs at home, and after a year they were better than him.

It is even more unbearable that the mud legs are lucky, and after giving birth to a child who knows how to be motivated and smart, he starts to outperform his children.

So he wants to pierce his shield with the spear of the Taihang Mountainman.

Follow the path of the Taihang Mountain people, so that the Taihang Mountain people have nowhere to go.

Then the master and slave began to plan. UU reading www.

The first is to buy a governor of Yizhou, and then deceive Liu Yan to go to the table, saying that he wants to change the governor of Yizhou to the governor of the state.

Both at the same time.

After all, it takes time.

Three months later, both strategies were a hit.

Because compared to playing the Yellow Turban, this is Boss Cao's strength.

You must know that his father Cao Song spent 100 million yuan to buy a Sangong Taiwei.

This is 100 million.

And it didn't take long, and it didn't make it back.

It's like spending money to listen to a sound.

Now it's just a state governor, so naturally there is no problem.

Before Cao Cao didn't buy it, it was because he didn't turn his mind around, and he kept thinking about governing the court from within the court.

I didn't want to go to the place to develop forces and then rebel.

He has the ambition to replace him, and that is after Yuan Shao is defeated.

And now, he has ambitions.

Then the family members came to Yizhou smoothly.

Then he sent a family member to cause chaos in Hanzhong and obstruct traffic.

Follow Liu Yan's example.

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion