MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2091 Lu Zhi's transformation

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After Lu Zhi kowtowed, doubts arose in his heart.

"Why didn't you see the place of military science?" He asked someone.

At this time, a student next to him laughed and said: "You really think we are stupid. Other things, you outsiders and officials, will take ten years to learn to be effective; the military science is open, and you will know our truth right away?"

"That's right, only those in Class B are qualified to learn military science."

Lu Zhi felt ashamed.

What these people are talking about is soldiers, the great affairs of the country, the place of death and life, and the way of survival.

How could it be rashly shown to outsiders?

It's like the Han army has no secrets now.

As long as you give money, outsiders can go in at will, peek into the way of using soldiers, and the secrets of soldiers, how can there be any idea of ​​​​keeping it secret?

Lu Zhi was right. It was the chaos of the Han Dynasty, the loss of secrets, the way of using troops, and the spread of weapon technology in the grasslands, which led to the disappearance of the scene of one Han fighting five Hu.

For the first time, there was a scene of Wu Huan Hua.

You must know that the population of the Three Kingdoms is so small, each family is only a few million, and they are fighting endlessly.

In fact, it is a major drawback of the loss of internal secrets.

But he quickly returned to normal.

A great Confucianism is a great Confucianism, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

For example, Zeng Guofan of later generations is the master among them.

Then he asked humbly: "Then how to get promoted to class B?"

At this time, Xun Yu came and scolded: "You don't study hard, what are you doing here?"

"Do you know that the old man you are laughing at has devoted himself to the life of your parents and grandparents?"

Everyone didn't laugh, but knelt down and apologized.

Lu Zhi quickly helped everyone up.

He knew that all the children here were very arrogant, with their nostrils upturned.

This is like those students who have received the true instruction, look down on other theories.

all the same.

At that time, all schools of thought also despised and insulted each other, and there were not a few people who drew their swords and hacked randomly.

The strategist's own internal students hacked and killed each other, it was all a contest of the strength of a country.

"It doesn't matter. Although their words are vulgar, they are telling the truth. I am reckless."

"Lu Gong wants to learn the art of war here. It is indeed a bit troublesome. You need to pass the study of thinking, the study of Tao, and then three rounds of background. Every time you have to assess and investigate..."

Xun Yu said it again.

Lu Zhi recalled that when Xun Yu told himself to support the big man, he did not reveal the military knowledge and military deployment here. Obviously, Xun Yu could not talk nonsense and was under surveillance.

If it is leaked, there must be a leak of military aircraft and death.

Since ancient times, it has been a matter in the military, and it is most likely to suffer from murder.

"Okay, I'll learn." Lu Zhi gritted his teeth.

He wanted to know how broad and profound military science is.

Because in the final analysis, soldiers decide everything.

No matter how good the front is, once the barbarians come and the prairie people come, they will be destroyed.

Soon he went to class according to the procedure.

"Why are there soldiers?"

"Soldiers are the best."

"A soldier is not the soldier of one man, but the soldier of the world."

"The king is not the king of the same surname, but the king of the people of the world."

Seeing this, Lu Zhi could easily accept it.

"Don't plunder to death from starvation, don't demolish houses to death from freezing."

"Soldiers should not harm the people."

While listening, someone suddenly pointed at Lu Zhi and said, "You old man, you led countless officers and men of the Han Dynasty to kill us yellow scarf righteous people. The crime is heinous! You should kneel down and repent before you can learn!"

Many people stared angrily.

This is not a school for scholars, no one respects Lu Zhi as a great Confucian and famous official.

Most of them are refugees and yellow scarves gathered from all over the country.

So the students here, after discovering Lu Zhi's true identity, can they have a good face?

Lu Zhi sighed.

He did command soldiers to suppress the Yellow Turbans, but he did not engage in massacres.

In other words, before he came, he offended the eunuch, was dismissed, and lost his military power because of his scholarly anger, and he fell to this point.

Huangfusong committed a massacre, and it was also for the court, and later for the sake of the people, he also asked for a one-year exemption from food.

"Okay, before, everyone was their master, but now they are all studying under the banner of the master. Everyone is for the people of the world. If they kill each other, how is it different from what happened before?" the teacher scolded in the hall.

However, if unity is said to exist, it will not become a major problem for future generations.

Therefore, all the students just suppressed their anger, and they all figured it out, and they would definitely not let this old fellow Lu Zhi pass the test.

Anyway, military science needs to be practiced in practice, and it cannot be passed by doing the questions.

Then came the exam time.

"Examination question 1: There is a driver, you are the driver, the car is running on a street, in front of it are five rich and powerful children who ignore the government's prohibition and openly play on Zhidao Street, next to it is an alley, and in the alley there is a poor child Playing in front of your house, the horse you are driving is suddenly frightened and galloping, what should you do? Should you turn the car into the alley, or go straight ahead?"

After reading this question, Lu Zhi was stunned.

Is this a question made by people?

It is too contrary to the way of benevolence and righteousness of Confucian saints.

Who has the heart to ask such a question?

"Draw a sword and kill a horse." He thought for a while and wrote his own answer.

Then turn around and see the answers of other students.

Many people wrote "Don't change lanes, call on the children to get out of the way, or run into them if they don't get out of the way."

No one wrote about turning into an alley.

Lu Zhi understood, this is to tell everyone that a ban is a ban, and there are explanations for other options, but if you violate the ban, it is dead.

Another question: "There are five robbers, and they want to share 100 gold cakes. It is known that the five robbers are smart enough and greedy enough. To save your life, if more than half of the people agree with the distribution plan, it will pass, and if half of the people disagree, they will be killed."

"You are Bandit No. 1, how do you distribute it?"

"Attention, under the premise that the robbers hope to save their lives, get the most gold coins, and try to kill other people at the same time."

When Lu Zhi saw this topic, he thought how could he assume that the disciples of saints were robbers?

Then he thought of those greedy people who studied Confucianism.

is not that right?

It turns out that only by assuming this way can we think of a way to deal with them.

The most important thing in soldiers is how to deal with those guys who **** the blood of soldiers.

Sufficient soldiers, sufficient salaries, sufficient pensions, seemingly difficult and terrifying battlefields, the big man is still invincible.

This topic may seem trivial, but it actually has profound implications.

This is to tell myself that there is a connection among the blood absorbers, and they must do a good job in the distribution of benefits before they can do it.

For example, the most commonly used method of distributing soldiers' salaries is that there are only 8 adults in a song, and 10 adults will be reported.

As for the inspection, find some beggars to make up for it.

Anyway, you can't watch here every day, can you?

This is an invulnerable trick.

At least Lu Zhi couldn't figure out how to crack it for the time being.

This is still good, I heard that some are only three adults.

With such a team, the imperial court thought you had 10 people, and if you set strategic goals in battle, how can you be undefeated?

Therefore, a general must know how many soldiers he has.

But the imperial court didn't know, so they thought you had so many soldiers but didn't dare to move, this is deceiving the emperor.

Lu Zhi reconsidered this question, and finally he gave an answer after careful weighing.

He recruited two other people and gave them an equal share, so he gave (34, 33, 33, 0, 0).

Undoubtedly wrong.

He didn't realize it until the exam was over and he heard the teacher's explanation.

It can also be assumed that.

"We have to think from the back to the front, such as thinking about the idea of ​​​​the fifth robber first."

"He has the best position: his own life is absolutely safe."

"There is also the most disadvantaged position: his distribution rights are at the end, and it is easy to not get a gold pie."

"So his priority choice is, no matter what the plan is, I am against it, and when it's the fourth's turn, he also opposes it, so that the fourth will die."

At this time, some students objected: "Teacher, there are only two people left in the end, so number 5 is against, and number 4 can also draw a knife to kill each other. Before, it was because half of the people disagreed and had the upper hand, so the killing rule can be Execution, now there are only two people left, and they have no advantage over each other."

"This student said it very well, so this topic adds a setting, there is a trap, and everyone is trapped in a trap in advance. As long as half of the people press the button, the trap will be triggered." The teacher laughed.

The classmate nodded.

"In this way, the No. 4 bandit's idea is very simple. He must guarantee the distribution plan of the first three people. If someone passes it, he must give priority to saving his life."

"No matter whose plan it is, Bandit No. 4 must agree."

In short, listening to Lu Zhi only felt a headache...

Only then did he understand what it means to be famous and logic.

These things have profoundly revealed how to prevent soldiers from sucking blood, and how to design methods delicately to prevent soldiers from being unable to eat.

Too complex, too sophisticated.

He didn't know that the real design was more troublesome than this.

However these are useless.

Only when information technology is developed, relatively speaking, can it be alleviated.

And only understanding these logics can't solve the root cause, but it can alleviate it.

This is enough.

Because fighting is never about making yourself perfect, but just being better than the opponent is enough.

It's so hard to be perfect.

Then the study of thinking passed.

Originally, Lu Zhi became an official for the sake of all the people in the world.

He doesn't seek fame or fortune.

His obsession with the big man is not as deep as Xun Yu.

Then there is Taoism.

Then he began to learn the way of soldiers.

Let the soldiers understand why they are fighting, and let the generals understand that only when the soldiers themselves understand the meaning of the battle from the bottom of their hearts can the battle be won decisively.

Only then can we hold on.

Instead of breaking down as soon as something happens.

Soldiers will be afraid of death, but when they understand that retreating, their family members will be massacred and tortured, they will die crying, and they will come back to reunite when they collapse.

This is why soldiers are often able to defend the city, but not field battles.

The meaning of defending the city can be understood at a glance: if the city is broken, your family members will be slaughtered and looted.

It's that simple.

Therefore, when defending the city, a group of ordinary people who have never been trained can resist elite trained soldiers for dozens of days or months until they run out of ammunition and food.

This year is even several years.

But going out to fight is different.

"During the field battle, soldiers would think, I have to save my life so that I can go home and take care of my parents and children."

"Unless the imperial court and generals let the soldiers understand that even if he dies, his family will still have good compensation and rewards."

"What is the meaning of victory in the field to the soldiers? It is not enough to have rewards and punishments. We must also tell the soldiers that the victory is to drive away foreign enemies and prevent them from interfering with our production, so that our people can carry out economic activities smoothly. Parents and family members can live in peace of mind.”

"Guarding is the biggest motivation. When you invade others, you always have the idea of ​​saving your life even if you fail."

"No one is a fool. Simply aggressing others will gain nothing, and it will only benefit the generals, with side merit."

"Then what should we do if we want to open up the land?"

"Tell the soldiers that the land is opened up to resettle the people in their hometown, and the land is distributed to the soldiers, so that they know why they are fighting."

Lu Zhi was dumbfounded.

Well, this Taihang Mountain people really have a set.

Anyway, just two sentences:

What the Taihang Mountain people said is right.

If not, go back and read the first sentence again.

The study of Taoism, Lu Zhi also successfully passed the test.

Finally came three rounds of background checks.

Lu Vegetation investigated clearly.

Born in a poor family, he was eager to learn when he was young, and became a famous person in the country by virtue of his studies.

A typical generation of self-struggle.

But he has a lot of official experience.

"What do you think of the Han Dynasty?"

"What do you think of the current emperor?"

"What do you think of the next emperor?"

"When do you think the Han Dynasty will perish?"

Lu Zhi was really poked in the heart.

Fortunately, he has adapted.

"Han inherited Qin, united people's hearts, brought together ethnic groups, and made great achievements."

"Today's emperor is intelligent, but has no perseverance. He is greedy for fun and money."

"The next generation of emperors is not a human subject. UU Kanshu" wrote here, and he erased it again.

Re-write: "The next generation of emperor should be Liu Bian, the eldest son of the emperor. He is smart and eager to learn, and he should be a good..."

Erase and rewrite again.

"Liu Bian was young, had no experience in the world, no practical learning, and no important ministers to teach him from scratch. He was doomed to be unable to be a good emperor, and was manipulated and fooled by his relatives, eunuchs, and scholars."

"If His Majesty can focus on cultivating it today, maybe it will be good..."

Erase again: "No, unless you come here to learn from scratch, it will be difficult to correct any shortcomings."

After studying here, he realized how ridiculous the idea of ​​revitalizing the Han Dynasty was.

One by one is not a cure for the symptoms but not the root cause, or there is a lack of system regulations, and there is no strong organization to implement and clean up.

And the rise of another dynasty was only because the refugees were all killed, and most of the powerful and powerful were also wiped out. The social system was able to function again, the land was vacated again, taxes were collected again, and troops could be concentrated to expand and fight abroad.

It's just such a simple, crude, ridiculous and despicable reason.

Compared with the Taihang Mountain people who are so broad, profound, meticulous and organized, and deal with them simultaneously by scholars, farmers, businessmen and soldiers, it is like a child playing with mud.

After he wrote his thoughts, it finally passed.