MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2095 Follow Yuan Shao's way

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Mystery Makes Me Strong Chapter 2095 Follow Yuan Shao's Way

Wen Rensheng carefully observed the formation of the enemy in front of him.

Obviously, the positive Wuhuan people are relatively wealthy.

Most of them have three horses, and some of them have two horses, just by their side.

When it is time to go out, someone will be left behind to watch over the horses.

In the heyday of the Xiongnu in the past, each cavalry was equipped with 4 horses.

During the long-distance raid, four horses drove at the same time, and only one of them was ridden.

One horse was tired and did not stop, the whole army was galloping, and the rider jumped directly from the back of one horse to the other.

This is only a very skilled cavalry can do.

But the current Wuhuan people are obviously not as rich as the Huns.

But they also brought 2 or 3 horses.

You must also have mastered the way of exchanging horse riding during the march, which can greatly increase your mobility.

Cannot be caught and killed by infantry.

But at this time, on a small hillside in the distance.

Zhang Chun, Lord Wuhuan of Liaoxi County Qiu Liju, Lord Wuhuan of Liaodong Province Su Puyan, and Lord Wuhuan of Youbeiping County Wuyan, the four were watching Wen Rensheng's formation from a distance.

"I don't believe their food can last for two months!"

"Yes, we have surrounded them. Unless they go down the river, they won't be able to escape with wings!" Su Puyan laughed.

This is the advantage of cavalry.

Although most of them are just herders on horseback, at least they can shoot arrows, throw javelins, and throw stones.

You can't expect them to fight infantry with machetes.

If they dare to issue such an order, they will fight among themselves and even flee.

Let them play ranged and they can take some casualties.

But killing at close range is absolutely impossible.

"We have to consume their bows, arrows, javelins, and fuel. If we continue to pester them, they will starve to death!" Qiu Liju also laughed.

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This is their common tactic.

It is to entangle the infantry in the Central Plains and trap them to death.

Then they started sending troops to harass.

They gathered 7 thousand-man teams with a little combat effectiveness.

Those who dare to rush to fight within 50 meters of the opponent.

Soon they let the first thousand-man team try to attack Wen Rensheng's infantry formation from the left flank.

They wielded simple slings, and large clubs, all disposable.

Their tactics are very simple, that is, approach the opponent with an arc-shaped attack route, and then turn around.

Similar to the "wheel" formation.

This hand is actually very powerful.

It is also difficult to practice.

It can only be done by the prairie cavalry team who often hunt together.

Ordinary herdsmen can't do it.

They can only wait until the enemy collapses to take advantage of it.

Soon the thousand-man team began to accelerate slowly, and then approached the infantry formation.

A cavalry team of thousands of people is quite scary.

The sound of the horse's hooves hitting the ground shook the morale very badly.

During filming, none of the actors in the phalanx dared to meet the cavalry's charge head-on.

So much so that the director had to order the cavalry to deliberately circle the formation.

If they were to rush forward, the actors would run away even though they knew they were acting.

Don't overestimate people's fear of tall horses.

Of course, horses are also afraid of sharp guns.

Unless it is a desperate situation, otherwise, it is the iron law of cavalry against infantry to form an array and not fight.

Only heavy cavalry, with armor on horses and horses, dare to charge forward.

But that is at a critical time, only at key positions, and it will not be used as a routine method.

It is only used in decisive battles.

This is the fear of beating wolves with hemp sticks.

Horses are afraid of spear formation, and spearmen are also afraid of horse rush.

Because everyone is doomed to die together.

Now, although Wen Rensheng's infantry were intimidated, with chariots surrounding them, it was difficult for horses to rush over. At most, there would be a collision-like car accident.

As long as the other party is not a fool, they won't be head-on.

So their morale is still high, and they are still carrying out the orders of the officers very steadily.

But now, the other party is obviously not a fool.

They made a great arc, and then the side approaching the infantry began to throw projectile weapons.

Stones, sticks, javelins, bows and arrows, and even burning cow dung...

It's almost useless.

Of course, when they approached, the chariot side began to projectile long before they came into range.

Arrows, crossbow bolts, javelins, spears...

Relatively speaking, it is more systematic.

Also shoots far.

Soon hundreds of horses were shot and fell.

Dozens of hapless ones were shot, dozens injured, and a dozen others hastily jumped from fallen horses.

Some people are more clever and jump directly on the horse of their companions.

Some people dodge the horseshoes.

If you are unlucky, you will be trampled to death directly.

But everyone knows each other, and they are good at equestrian skills, and try to avoid the horses that fell.

Similar to avoiding a rollover while driving.

After all, they are not modern cavalry. The distance between them is very wide, at least 5 to 6 meters away, and the speed is not too fast. They can still be avoided within a range of 30 kilometers.

In short, this round of projectiles, the Wuhuan people are still as unlucky as before.

So they immediately changed tactics.

They are no longer approaching, but watching from afar.

As long as Wen Rensheng does not move forward, they will not approach.

Everyone consumes each other.

Wen Rensheng was not in a hurry, but asked the soldiers to camp on the spot.

Anyway, their herdsmen graze nearby.

Then the cheese came in a steady stream.

The grass was definitely not enough for tens of thousands of horses, and soon more than half of the 30,000 people were evacuated to graze elsewhere.

Only more than 10,000 horses were left staring nearby, eating the stored grain.

Wen Rensheng sometimes sent his own cavalry, more than 1,000, to fight against opponents on a small scale.

Although he brought 8,000 cavalry, he didn't have that many horses. He only brought 12,000 horses, which was not enough for one man and two horses.

Moreover, the cavalry has only been trained for less than a year, and it is far from proficient.

Riding is a long-term training.

So it is impossible to fight the opponent immediately.

He still has to rely on his mature and powerful infantry to defeat his opponents.

His infantry numbered 12,000.

Of course, there are 6,000 heavy soldiers among them.

His team organization is different from ordinary feudal teams.

In an ordinary feudal army, 10,000 soldiers required 15,000 civilian husbands to carry the luggage.

And because he developed compressed dry food and chariot ordnance, he only needed 6,000 people.

Moreover, the heavy soldiers have also been trained and belong to the secondary team, so they can also fight.

This is of course based on high nutrition and high training.

Soon, under the small-scale battle, the Wuhuan people couldn't stand it anymore.

They killed more than a dozen people every day, and occasionally dozens of people died.

Many were injured.

This is terrible.

Because they have to wait for their fate when they are injured, there is no medicinal material to treat them, and they don't know how to use spirits to disinfect them.

Half a month later.

"It won't work like this!" Qiu Liju wanted to withdraw his troops.

"If you persist for another month, they will not have many arrows." Zhang Chun insisted.

"It wasn't your people who died, of course you don't feel bad!" Qiu Liju cursed.

The two sides were originally robbery gangs, how could they endure high casualties?

"You want to run, do you want to taste whether my sword is sharp?" Zhang Chun pulled out his long sword and said angrily.

Now that he calls himself the Son of Heaven, he has swollen.

"My sword is not bad!" Qiu Liju also drew out his sword!

A bunch of people immediately persuaded.

"Forget it, don't do it."

"The enemy is now, don't fight among yourself."

"Still think about how to retreat from the enemy?"

"How do we retreat from the enemy? Let's retreat directly to the depths of the grassland. I don't believe that they can keep chasing us." Qiu Liju said angrily.

"There are other people deep in the grassland, there are Xianbei and Huns. They are not easy to mess with. If they go to their territory, more people will die." Su Puyan shook his head.

"Should we continue to fight hard? I think their cavalry has already been dispatched. Recently, the scale has become larger and larger. The last time they dispatched 3,000 cavalry, we almost lost hundreds of people!" Qiu Liju was very excited. said sadly.

"Damn it, what should we do then?" Su Puyan said angrily.

At this time, they were like facing a hedgehog, and it was difficult to speak.

He didn't want to run away directly.

In that case, they will feel that they have lost too much.

This is not acceptable.

It's a big loss, that's okay.

The Horde will be doomed.

But at this moment, Wen Rensheng no longer gave them a chance.

The chariot started and headed straight for Liucheng.

If they don't want to fight decisively, they have to give up their base areas.

If they lose their base, they will be weak.

With Liucheng, Wen Rensheng will let them know what it means to kill grassland tribes by economic means.

Soon Zhang Chun decided to fight head-on.

He led the charge.

Then he escaped...

A bunch of sharp arrows were going to shoot him into a hedgehog, but he made a big turn before the battle, dodged it, and ran away with his cronies.

The other Wuhuan people also rushed away.

Wen Rensheng arrived under Liucheng smoothly.

Then came the siege, the attack.

Liucheng is actually very short, the city wall is only about four meters high, and some places are only over two meters high.

After all, the Wuhuan people are nomadic, not settled.

Ten days later, someone came to report that Zhang Chun's cronies took his head and came to receive the reward.

This is what happens when the leader collapses.

If the subordinates lose hope, they will kill you.

Wen Rensheng ordered to give the cronies according to the reward.

The reward is 500 mu of land, plus 500,000 yuan.

Not too much, but not too little.

The key is to enjoy it with peace of mind.

Then came the broken city.

The Wuhuan people are not good at defending the city at all.

After killing and injuring some people, they dispersed.

At this time, they have not yet formed the powerful Wuhuan people that Cao Cao will face more than ten years later.

Ten years, for a force, the gap is huge.

Now they are still in the battle cohesion period.

After several rebellions, they tempered their combat effectiveness and trained a group of Wuhuan people who dared to fight.

But now, Wen Rensheng directly interrupted their upward momentum.

"On the grassland, you can raise sheep and engage in wool spinning."

Then Wen Rensheng started to set up a wool spinning factory nearby.

It is cold in the north, especially in winter, and it is necessary to keep warm.

Many people are short of clothes.

Food, clothing, housing, and transportation are all in the first place.

Because it is easy to be frozen to death in the wild in winter.

With good clothes, you can go out to work and earn money in winter.

That's 3 to 4 extra months of working time a year.

It can also be cultivated in winter, such as greenhouse farming.

Even if there is no greenhouse, with sweaters, we can expand to Liaodong, and we can plant one season a year.

Relying on wool spinning, Wen Rensheng successfully brought the Wuhuan tribe into the Taihang Economic Zone economically.

Tribal people rely on wool in exchange for food, wine, salt, ironware...

Then came under economic control.

If the economy is controlled, it is impossible to break away from the control of force.

Wen Rensheng began to develop a fixed territory and a fixed alliance flag system.

It is forbidden for grassland tribes to nomad at will. They must graze in fixed places, raise sheep, and plant grass in turn to prevent grassland degradation. At the same time, teach and study the Four Books and Five Classics, and first learn the human ethics of parents and children...

As for the large population, what should I do if the pastures cannot afford it?

Pull out of the sea as a sailor overseas...

In short, after this combination of fists, the Wuhuan people have become ordinary woolen factory workers...

It is no longer a political, economic and military organization.


this day.

Xiao Huan finds Wen Rensheng.

"Old Wen, I think you can push flat. Look at me when I play the game. I always plan carefully and choose measures carefully at the beginning. After hitting a few cities, I can push flat with unscrupulous troops. gone."

"Pingtui? That's right, let's start." Wen Rensheng looked at his economy and soldiers.

The economy has developed, and there are 50,000 elite soldiers.

After the cavalry incorporated the Wuhuan people, they already had 20,000 fine cavalry and 40,000 horses.

And it is constantly replenished.

Then the flags began.

"The king of the world, the people of the world choose him."

"The sky is dead, Taixing should stand!"

"Aged in **, the world will be prosperous."

It's pretty much the same thing anyway.

The first wave is to occupy Youzhou and Jizhou.

It was almost occupied.

Now it's just a matter of name.

In fact, many tyrants have long known that the Taihang Mountain people are rebelling, but they didn't do it blatantly before.

Now there was Zhang Chun who claimed to be a rebellion by the Son of Heaven before, and now there is a rebellion in Taihang Mountain.

That's about the same.

Gongsun Zan sent troops to attack.

The battle was over.

Gongsun Zan was beaten and fled in embarrassment.

It would take a lot of effort for him to fight a Wuhuan, but he still wants to fight Wen Rensheng?

It's ridiculous.

Soon the entire Youzhou and Jizhou were captured.

Then uniformly implement the measure of Wen Rensheng in the Taihang Mountains. UU Reading

Did not go south.

Instead, it developed steadily for another year.

Stabilize the population, create jobs, distribute food, so that refugees can have food, cloth to wear, and houses to live in.

50,000 soldiers and horses, expanded to 100,000 standing troops.

Then he fought with Huangfusong from the Northern Expedition.

Huangfusong's Han army was not defeated.

But lost a few games.

It's hard to win.

He wanted to go deep into Jizhou to hack and kill, but was trapped by the cavalry's entanglement attack, and there was no chance to go deep into the hinterland.

This is the advantage of cavalry, which can be used for strategic defense to prevent the enemy from driving straight in. The presence of cavalry gives you a strategic advantage.

There is no way for the other party to go deep, and if they are not careful, they will cut off the way back and besieged on all sides.

However, the emperor was repeatedly stimulated and died.

Huangfusong was recalled to Luoyang by the general.

Huangfusong had no choice but to fight and retreat. He lost half of the 30,000 soldiers and horses, and then retreated to the south bank of the Yellow River.

Wen Rensheng went to occupy Bingzhou and Qingzhou.

In short, it copied Yuan Shao's Hebei strategy.

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