MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2099 game agreement

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Wen Rensheng continued to make trouble.

Isn't it just changing the nature of the world?

Continue to unify.

Conscription, farming, combat, looking for soldiers and horses for support.

Then one city after another was captured.

The player was beaten and screamed.

"how so?"

"This??? Is it too strong? He has recruited all the awesome generals and advisors."

"Let me see, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Tai Shici, Huangfu Zhu Juan and Lu Zhi, Zhuge Pangtong + Zhou Yu... Is there any way for others to survive?"

"This must be cheating. If there is no cheating, I will quit the game on the spot."

Although they clamored, there was nothing they could do. After all, Wen Rensheng just ignored them and directly crushed them.

This is overbearing.

Run over without saying a word.

Anyway, no one knows the virtues of those players better than Wen Rensheng.

If according to the character of the players playing the game, all the walls are wronged, and all of them are made into meat stuffing, it is very practical.

Yes, it is like that.

In short, Wen Rensheng quickly leveled the entire Three Kingdoms, a total of 55 cities.

In this game, the players were crushed just after getting familiar with it.

"This game, let you play it! It's really boring, what should I do in the future?" Xiao Huan shouted while jumping on his feet.

Wen Rensheng felt that he had nothing to say, this girl was just looking for trouble.

No way, my own son, my own suffering.

"Then what do you want to play?"

"Oh, Water Margin is not interesting, so where should I go?"

"Da Ming?" Xiao Huan blinked.

At this moment, suddenly, the sky spun, and another starry sky appeared.

Many players exclaimed.

"Is the game going to be updated with a new version?"

"No way, so fast?"

"Isn't it?"

"What's the matter?"

However, above the sky, a god-man in golden armor appeared.

He has a grim face.

The whole body is full of golden light.

Incomparably majestic.

Many players were shocked.

"It looks like a big boss at first glance!"

"Is this going to evolve into a mythical version?"

"I didn't expect it, this game can still be like this?"

"This company is awesome, how can it be done like this?"

Wen Rensheng was a little speechless, these players didn't know the seriousness of the matter.

He looked directly at the golden armored **** man:

"Who are you?"

The Jinjia Shenren looked at Wen Rensheng, and said coldly: "Do you think you are strong?"

"You're ruining my world here."

"A boring guy."

"It says that everyone is equal and the people can choose their ruler. Don't you know that this is the Three Kingdoms?"

"The untouchables support the heroes, and the heroes are the first. You have done so many things, and the influence of my world in the heavens and the world has declined."

"These people are my people, and their existence is to shine for those heroes, do you understand?"

"You have committed a great crime, do you know that?"

The Jinjia Shenren asked back, and gave Wenren Sheng a look.

The golden-armored god-man, obviously, had a kind of disgust for Wen Rensheng.

It was the aloof master who wanted to hate the slaves.

Wen Rensheng couldn't be more familiar with this look.

In the face of bosses, you have to bow your knees, lower your eyebrows, and listen to their unreasonable words.

It's obviously fooling you, but you still have to pretend it's for your own good, so that you can survive in that atmosphere.

And those who don't do this will be regarded as immature, unrealistic, and bookish.

Those who really do things and have undistorted personalities will be regarded as incompatible aliens.

It's ridiculous.

A group of fools rolled into fools without knowing it.

Wen Rensheng said indifferently: "What are you? Do you think that your shining golden light means you are very powerful?"

"Only those weak guys will use this method to cover up their inner weakness."

"The more noble you appear, the more corrupt you are inside."

"Do you think the world of the Three Kingdoms is famous because of those heroes?"

"You are wrong. They have built their reputation precisely through the suffering of tens of thousands of civilians."

"The bones of the dead are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster crowing for thousands of miles. One hundred people are left behind, and the thought of it breaks people's hearts."

"Without the pariah you speak of, the so-called heroes are just a bunch of chickens and dogs."

Wen Rensheng looked up at the golden armored god.

The other party belongs to the most stubborn and exasperating kind of people.

They are condescending, dismissive of common people, always think that they are superior to others, and always think that they are the masters.

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you now!" Jinjia Shenren was furious.

Wen Rensheng's words seemed to hit his vital point.

A big hand descended directly from the starry sky.

Ascend towards the famous people and then cover down.

However, Wen Rensheng looked fearless at all.

He just blew.

"It's over, that??? It's over!"

"Yeah, that big palm is too scary, it's a fairy trick."

"It's strange, I'm obviously playing historical hegemony, how did it become a fairy trick?"

Many players looked up there.

Although they failed, they did not die.

Just being held in prison.

Everyone saw this scene at this time.

I saw the giant palm pressing down from the sky like the palm of the Tathagata.

Wen Rensheng must be beaten to pieces.

"Father, run quickly." Xiao Huan yelled, with a worried face, "I'll block it. Anyway, I can't die."

Wen Rensheng was a little relieved.

Sure enough, this cub was not raised in vain.

That's not bad.

At least have the heart.

It seems to be well educated.

People's hearts are mostly fleshy, as long as they are not spoiled and let the other party know what is good or bad, they will not be biased.

"Okay, he can't help me, I've seen through the truth of this world a long time ago." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

With that said, he let out another breath.

I saw a white brilliance, straight into the sky.

Scatter that golden giant palm directly.

"Ah, it turns out that all of this is false."

"Yes, he can't kill us."

"Wait a minute, I didn't understand." Xiao Huan asked suspiciously.

"You'll understand later."

But at this time, Jinjia Shenren was very angry.

He stared at Wen Rensheng coldly: "Very well, since you insist on your reasoning, let's take a gamble."

"It's a gamble." Wen Rensheng said flatly.

"You rely on your civilians, I rely on my heroes, let's choose an overhead world, no one needs any power beyond the world, nor any knowledge beyond the world, only limited to the same level of this world, supervise each other, see Whoever wins in the end loses!" Jinjia Shenren laughed.

"Yes." Wen Rensheng nodded.

"You're doomed. Your way of working in the world is useless. A single hero can provide the world with the resources to run the world for countless years, but hundreds of millions of nameless civilians are useless." Jin Jia The godman sneered.

"Is that so, let's wait and see." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

"You must lose."



This is a frontier fort.

There are merchants, civilian households, military households, and scholars.

Wen Rensheng has already settled in this military castle.

Now he is a young man in the merchant.

He is 15 years old.

At the same time, he also saw the golden armored god.

The other party did not end in person, but chose a player.

That player was reincarnated into a tribe of barbarians outside the pass and became the legitimate son of the leader of the tribe.

According to the method of that golden-armored god-man, both parties can see each other's progress.

This can also be regarded as a real-time slap in the face.

If you can't see each other, in that case, the D match will not be fun.

It's as if the d game can't see the progress, so it's almost not exciting.

Wen Rensheng agrees with the other party's statement, this guy is really well versed in human psychology.

Although his lofty attitude makes people disgusted, but ability is ability, and he is indeed a formidable enemy.

But compared with him, the opponent will definitely lose.

Because he is ancient and modern, both inside and outside, with unparalleled wisdom.

He sorted out the memories in his mind, and found that this place was similar to the era 20 years before the death of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, most of them are still empty, and many names of people and places are different from history.

But the specific operation logic, social development level, and human geography are basically the same.

Fortunately, Wen Rensheng had been involved in the ancient world several times before.

I just walked through the ancient Three Kingdoms.

It's just that it was turned on and hung up before.

Either open the power hang, or open the knowledge hang.

But this time, both sides are not allowed to cheat, and can only use the most ordinary power, the power allowed by this era, so each has to rely on its own ability.

It's just that one depends on heroes, and the other depends on ordinary people.

How wise is he?

At a glance, he could see the path that the golden-armored god-man was going to take.

Barbarians outside the pass.

All are slaves, only the head of the family and his sons are masters.

This is without a doubt the path of a hero.

Others can only passively obey their brutal orders.

Everything is done with the strictest measures, from the inside out, from top to bottom, in strict slavery.

The subordinate must absolutely obey the superior, a slave is a slave, and a master is a master.

The rules are strict and cruel.

But there are clear rewards and punishments.

Absolutely not forgiving.

The subordinates do not have any ability to disobey their masters. Even if they are discussing strategies and military affairs, it is only the business of those noble masters. The servants below only have the right to make suggestions, not to make decisions, and they must always pay attention to their identities.

In short, this is the darkest, most closed, harshest and harshest slavery system in ancient history.

However, in terms of efficiency, it is still much better than Daming, which is already close to the world and has begun to sprout culture and business.

Daming was already rotten to the bone.

Wen Rensheng is fully aware of all causes, all root causes, and all symptoms.

Now he is going to struggle out through the civilian road.

How should the common people go?

Just as he was thinking, someone walked into the room.

It is a middle-aged man, he is the uncle of this young man.

He said to the boy: "Hao'er, follow Uncle Wei to visit Lord Futai."

Wen Rensheng was slightly taken aback.

In the Ming Dynasty, in order to unify the power of affairs and military power and facilitate the handling of important affairs of one or several provinces, governors and governors appeared.

What started out as a temporary setting later became permanent.

Bit height weight.

It can manage both civil and military matters.

This is also to deal with the endless stream of thieves.

This is actually similar to the idea of ​​changing the governor of the state to the governor of the state at the end of the Han Dynasty.

It's all the same.

In order to deal with the big threat of thieves, it is necessary to concentrate financial, material and human resources.

If the militia and the army are separated and hinder each other like before, they are waiting to be overthrown by bandits.

However, in this way, the governor and the governor also began to have the ability to separate their regimes, and there was a possibility that the tail would not be lost.

At the beginning of the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was okay, but later the fact that there was a separatist regime: the manifestation was that the emperor had ordered the leaders of the army not to move.

However, compared with the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the late Ming Dynasty was still very good.

It is still possible to order the killing of the powerful governor or even the governor who made mistakes. This is the evolution of the system.

However, for the generals, deputy generals and generals who directly hold the military power, they are often lenient.

Just like Yuan Chonghuan was killed, Zu Dashou fled back to the original place, but there was nothing he could do.

The reason is actually very simple: both the governor and the governor-general are agents of civil servants, and civil servants act as agents, and they have no local foundation and have not yet had time to form a separate regime.

And the general soldiers are often rooted in one place long ago, so the so-called various generals are called this.

If the imperial court doesn't want to push back and make the finances worse, then it's best to deal with the general soldiers and generals who make mistakes lightly.

Of course, it also depends on the situation. Those generals with little power can still be caught and sent to prison.


If the emperor at the end of the Han Dynasty still had this authority, he would die of laughter.

The emperor at the end of the Han Dynasty couldn't even keep his concubine in the harem.

This is the most typical.

At the end of Ming Dynasty, until the last day, no minister dared to covet the emperor's concubine.

This is the evolution of imperial power and the perfection of ethics.

It can be said that Wen Rensheng fully understood why Confucianism was so successful.

It does support the imperial power too much.

This is why the emperor clearly wanted to change the prince, but in order to get the support of Confucianism after his death, he still reluctantly changed.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wen Rensheng followed his uncle in this body—Li Xin, his son, and took the greeting card to the governor's door.

The reason why a single person can enter the house of a high official like the governor.

The reason is simple: Li Xin is the governor's staff, or master.

This time when I go home, I will take Li Hao to take up the post.

It is impossible for a dignified governor to use Jinshi as his staff.

And today Li Xin brought his nephew Li Hao together to get to know officials from various places, so as to open up the way for future career.

Now Li Hao is already a scholar. UU Reading

A 15-year-old scholar is amazing.

Li Xin married multiple concubines, but still had no heirs. He always raised this nephew as his son. In the future, it will be up to Li Hao to visit the grave and burn incense.

Therefore, no effort is spared in the cultivation of my nephew.

Even if he doesn't seek an official, he is willing to work as a staff member in order to lay the foundation for his nephew.

It's just that Wen Rensheng knew that the other party's painstaking efforts were completely in vain.

Because in 20 years, the world will be turned upside down.

The favors and foundations laid at this time will be useless in the future.

Of course, in terms of usefulness, there can be some.

That is, when you surrender and become a slave, you can be looked at by others.

But that's all.

Afterwards, the two of them got into the carriage all the way, took five servants with them, and left Lingru Castle.

Go all the way south.

After walking for two days, I finally came to Yanghe City.

At this time, the governor's yamen was in Yanghe city.

The governor has a high position and authority, and has the responsibility of supervising military affairs.

The seven surrounding towns all listen to his arrangements.

Read The Duke's Passion