MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2101 accumulate rapidly

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Governor Wang stared at Wen Rensheng.

He knew that there were so-called fortune-tellers in ancient times, such as Liu Bowen, the founder of the country, who was said to be able to tell people's loyalty, evil, good and evil, and Bao Zheng in folklore, who was also able to do it.

However, these are always a bit strange and chaotic, and people in orthodox Confucianism don't really believe in them.

Of course, I can't say that I don't believe it at all.

It can be seen from the scientific examination that the selection of talents should be based on the upright appearance, and those with wretched appearance are often ranked lower.

Even if they are not dismissed, they will often rank among the top three.

Whether it is a scholar or a scholar, they are all affected by this aspect.

Jinshi has a greater influence because he has to face the emperor.

He looked at it for a while before saying, "Okay, then I'll give you a try."

Then he asked the old housekeeper to call over twenty servants from the house.

He knows most of these people.

To be able to be a member of one party and a high-ranking governor, except for a few lucky people who are protected by elders, most people have special skills in knowing people and treating things.

In other words, social skills are absolutely passable.

People can see at least 70% accurate.

"Let's identify it. Our military sect will not make things difficult for you. As long as 60% of the cases are correct, I will recommend you." Governor Wang said.

Scholars can also be officials, even without fame. If someone recommends them, they can follow the path of Zuo miscellaneous officials, all the way to a high official position.

"Okay, sir, please give me some pens and paper." Wen Rensheng said confidently.

"Okay, you can use it as you like."

Wen Rensheng then took out a piece of rice paper on the table and began to write some topics.

"A little boy is holding gold in a busy market. What do you think of it? A: Rob it. B: Lie him. C: Find him..."

"Five people are doing business, making twenty-six taels of money, how to divide the money? A: Evenly. B: With merit. C: With background status."

Write down these topics one by one.

"They are illiterate, how do you write these questions?" Uncle Li Xin reminded in a low voice.

He is the governor's confidant, so he dared to speak at such a time.

After all, in the late Ming Dynasty, Shangguan was not so strict, because he wanted to gain a good reputation.

However, if you are on the Jurchen side, dare to speak small words in front of your master, you can beheaded directly.

"Just find someone to recite it."

After Wen Rensheng finished writing the topic, he ordered everyone to stand in a row.

Then he found a few book offices, and recorded the options of these people while reading the questions.

During the whole process, Governor Wang sat aside and waited patiently.

Among other things, this self-cultivation skill is strong enough, and it is said that it is generous to treat strange people, and the reputation of a virtuous corporal cannot be escaped.

There are ten questions in total.

Soon everyone finished answering.

Upon seeing this, Governor Wang shook his head slightly.

Needless to say, the answers of these people are basically the same, and they are all written according to the answers that seem to be the most correct and most applicable to the stage.

For example, in the first question, no one will write the answer to grab the child's gold, and everyone chooses C.

How does this identify good guys, bad guys, loyal ministers and treacherous ministers?

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly.

Then, on each person's corresponding answer sheet, write the evaluation of righteousness, evil, virtuous and foolishness, and hand it over to Governor Wang.

When Governor Wang took a closer look, his face turned pale with shock.

He glanced at the servants, firmly remembered a few of them, and then waved back.

Then he bowed to Wen Rensheng: "Students only know today that there are strange people out of this world!"

Li Xin was taken aback.

You must know that this is the governor of one place, and there are countless high-ranking officials in the entire Ming Dynasty!

He even bowed down to a scholar, if it gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation in Shilin!

Luckily not kneeling, otherwise it would be crazy!

"Your Excellency Governor, you are being polite. This is nothing more than what the students have gained from observing the miscellaneous knowledge of the ancients for many years." Wen Rensheng wrote lightly.

"Okay, okay, I will hire Mr. Wang to praise the painting in the army, and I will recommend him to the court in the future. In this way, I will have a bright future, and everyone will have a good chance!" Governor Wang looked excited.

To be honest, to be in his position is different from ordinary bureaucrats. He also sincerely hopes that the country will prosper and last for generations.

In this way, his family, his own reputation, and his wealth can also be extended.

It's a pity that the current court seems to be stable, but in fact there are many hidden dangers.

The land was annexed, the eastern captives were rampant, they repeatedly violated the frontier, and there was also the southwestern chieftain's rebellion. In short, the hidden dangers have been laid down.

The problem is that there are still constant wars within the imperial court. The elders of the imperial court still have not seen the hidden crisis, and still feel that the general situation is still stable now, but there are only minor hidden dangers.

After all, the most important place of wealth in the entire Jiangnan is still peaceful through singing and dancing, and there is basically no civil unrest.

This gave them an illusion that the south of the Yangtze River was stable and the food in the capital was sufficient, so there would be no major problems.

But an illusion is an illusion.

They don't know that the erosion in a few places is like pustules on the human body. As it becomes more serious, it will spread to the whole body and eventually lead to death.

However, when the pustule was first formed, the person was still very strong and healthy. Who would have thought that such a healthy person would die suddenly after only one or two years?

This is the image characteristic of the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Before the extinction, there were no signs of extinction in the Jiangnan, Guangdong, and Guangxi. However, the pustules had become too big to be cut.

Governor Wang also felt that there were some problems, but he also felt that the problem was not very big.

However, if Li Hao's ability is used to govern the world, why worry about the world being unstable?

Why do you worry about the East captives invading the border?

"Thank you, sir." Wen Rensheng smiled and agreed without hesitation.

With the governor as his backer, he can reach a scale of ten thousand taels in business, that is, the annual profit can reach ten thousand taels.

Ten thousand taels a year, a servant is about 2 taels a month, 24 taels a year, 10,000 taels can support nearly 500 servants.

Of course, the consumption of ordnance, rations, cloth, etc. must also be counted. Conscientious generals will pay for them. Of course, the loyalty and combat power of servants are also high. If there is no conscience, they will be directly deducted from the monthly salary. reduce.

But in any case, it is a hundred times better than the battalion soldiers who are often in arrears with their monthly salaries and can't even eat enough.

These days, an ordinary farmer in the north can only harvest five to seven taels of silver a year, and is unable to make ends meet, often on the verge of bankruptcy.

A servant is equivalent to four times the income of ordinary farmers, as long as they are paid enough, it is enough for them to work hard.

At least it can only collapse when there is a military law team and the battle damage reaches 20%.

And the sons of the soldiers, even if they can be wiped out, they will also **** the master to escape.

It is impossible for Wen Rensheng to use the modern training methods of later generations, but only the technology and knowledge of this era.

So he can only follow the family law.

However, there is a big problem with the servant's method, that is, the number cannot be increased.

Moreover, relying on personal bravery alone cannot reach the level of fighting in battle.

And Wen Rensheng understands that Donglu has more than 20,000 soldiers and more than 60,000 soldiers, and he can fight after the formation.

In this way, it seems that the imperial court can dispatch more than 100,000 soldiers and horses at a time, but each general can only use his servants, and the servants are no more than one thousand, or even two thousand.

Every time you really face an opponent, you have one or two thousand people who can fight, and against 20,000 soldiers, when you are fighting, other generals are still watching, conserving their strength, or even running away...

If it goes on like this, it will be no wonder that they are undefeated.

The method of family members is the method that generals have to adopt in order to maintain their status and combat effectiveness in the case of the financial collapse of the imperial court.

And there is another advantage to doing this, it can be a soldier, because these servants are raised by the general himself by occupying the farmland.

It is beyond the control of civil servants.

The military salary given by the civil servants is the rated amount given, but it is used by the generals, generals, lieutenants, and generals to support their few servants.

And to change the place of guarding, the generals also have to take their servants to take office.

It is impossible for the imperial court to prohibit it. If it is prohibited, the generals will be powerless to fight. It would be meaningless for the imperial court to change the place of guarding, and they are repeatedly defeated by foreign captives.

The imperial court can only allow soldiers to be generals, and then use literature to control martial arts, and control size to maintain combat effectiveness.

Wen Rensheng thought about it, and then got the appointment of Governor Wang.

Then he got the preferential treatment of a house in the governor's mansion.

That is to say, all day long, they have the opportunity to meet with the governor and praise military aircraft and civil affairs.

The power in this is equivalent to that of the cabinet to the emperor.

This is something his uncle Li Xin couldn't do.

"The blue is better than the blue, you are indeed my Li family's thousand-mile steed." Li Xin praised after being assigned.

"Uncle, I appreciate the prize, but it's just a small test."

Early the next morning.

Governor Wang ordered all officials, big and small, to gather in the yamen under his jurisdiction, and asked Wen Rensheng to use his method to identify them one by one.

After Wen Rensheng recognized it, he wrote a comment.

At the beginning, everyone didn't know what they were going to do.

They didn't wake up until Governor Wang began to investigate and deal with several officials with military power and military law.

For a moment, everyone hated and feared Wen Rensheng.

Wen Rensheng also took the opportunity to propose to hire some guards for himself.

Governor Wang naturally agreed.

He also understands how scary and hateful this ability is.

No one wants to be judged as adulterous by others.

Even loyal ministers don't like being judged.

Although among scholars, everyone takes pleasure in criticizing others.

Everyone seeks to gain a good reputation.

Even the elders in the court have to be wary of Shi Linzhong's evaluation.

Wen Rensheng did not search through Yaren, but came to a place where refugees gathered at a corner outside the city, and found three families with half-children, that is, 13-15-year-old children.

Make them your own servants.

I found a house in the city, rented it out with the silver that others gave me these days, and then housed them.

He became a popular person in the eyes of the governor, and the tribute from others is quite a lot every day.

Those subordinate officials all gave gifts one after another.

There are five taels less, and one hundred taels more, which is a lot.

Added up, in just a few days of hard work, more than 900 taels of silver have been accumulated.

From this we can see how good it is to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

The accumulation of funds is fast.

Even a county magistrate needs to accumulate this money for a year.

These three families are naturally grateful, that is called a simple.

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly.

The three families are Xie's, Zhou's, and Luo's, and now they are all changed to Li's surname.

Wen Rensheng also adopted the boy from the three families as his adopted son and took his surname.

Although he is only 15 years old, what's the matter?

the same.

They are all from the land of northern Shaanxi, bankrupt households, fled here, begging for work for a living.

Thanks to the end of the Ming Dynasty, the guide system was already corrupted, and households were still able to escape.

The main reason is that officials are lazy, and it is better to have one thing less than one thing more.

Otherwise, how many troubles will there be in the process of investigating and punishing them one by one and sending them back to their places of origin?

If you want to repatriate, you have to give food. If you don’t give food, let the yamen servants repatriate hundreds or dozens of people.

Some people did this kind of thing at the beginning, but when there was a lot of trouble, there were not many officials to do it, so the refugees also wandered around.

Officials are also muddling along, as long as there are not too many refugees, they are basically allowed to work as beggars outside the city.

Of course, entering the city is still not acceptable, unless you find a relationship in the city.

"All you have to do is to eat and drink well. I will be of great use to you in the future. As long as you work hard, you will have a good end in the future."

"Thank you foster father." The three boys knelt down and kowtowed.

"Well, Li Da, this is 25 taels of food and vegetables for this month. It is guaranteed to be a meat for 3 days, and you have to eat every day. If you don't have enough, you can come to me to get it." Wen Rensheng said, and gave out 25 taels of silver.

"Thank you foster father." Li Da hurriedly held it with both hands.

25 taels. These days, the price of rice is not expensive. Five renminbi is one stone, and one tael is equal to ten renminbi.

That is to say, if you can buy 50 shi of rice, one person can eat 1 catty of rice a day. Of course, this is based on low-to-medium-intensity labor.

1 catty of rice can steam 3 catties of rice.

But people these days lack oil, water and protein, so they eat a lot of carbohydrates.

In this case, one person can eat 30 catties of rice per month, and three people can eat one stone of grain, and 50 stones of rice can feed 150 people for one month.

There are 20 people in all three of them.

In other words, 25 taels of silver was enough for the three of them to eat well.

Can they not sell their lives just for this?

Of course, Wen Rensheng knows that this kind of loyalty can only be guaranteed for 5 years. After 5 years, as the contrast decreases and the memory of the famine is forgotten, they will start to feel inadequate.

However, their nature and character have been finalized, unless they are tempted by great power and wealth, they will not do too much.

However, as time goes by, if you encounter temptation, there will be no guarantee.

Even the Jurchens with strict military laws, from being strong to sweeping the Ming army, the Dashun army, and the Guanning cavalry (1644), and finally being pushed back by Wu Sangui from Yunnan to Hubei (1673), UU Reading www. uukanshu. com The Eight Banners completely lost their combat effectiveness, and could only rely on the Green Battalion of the Han Army to suppress the rebellion, and only 30 years passed in the middle.

In 30 years, a group of sturdy, cold-weapon troops at the peak of East Asia can quickly degenerate into veteran soldiers of the Eight Banners.

The reason is simple, 30 years is exactly 2 generations updated.

The first generation of veterans died of old age, the second generation enjoys it, and the third generation continues to enjoy it. What fighting power can they have?

The ancestors fought in arrays, trekked hard, and lived in fishing and hunting, which has long been forgotten.

Only a little battle memory.

Wen Rensheng understands this very well, so in order to maintain the vitality and loyalty of the organization, it must be constantly updated.

Continually contrasting and rising, people have goals.

Those who have passed by will be transferred from their posts to do repetitive work, and they cannot do leading and pioneering work.

He is very clear about these things.

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