MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2103 tripping tour

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After Wen Rensheng's order, the three teenage and half-grown children, the adopted son, went to the activities.

Children at this time are different from those of future generations.

One by one, they can survive the difficult life of refugees. Without a little shrewdness, it is impossible.

After two days.

Li Da's three adopted sons took care of Wen Rensheng's orders.

This illegal thing by Wu Xunzheng is so easy to find.

Because he has no cover at all.

To tell the truth, the officials of Ming Dynasty did evil blatantly.

Who would do anything to cover up?


It's really unlucky not because of doing evil, but because of offending a bigger official.

If you offend a bigger official, no matter how much you try to cover it up, it's useless.

Because there is another trick called "holding resentment", which can kill you without evidence.

The biggest criminal evidence of this Xun Wu is blackmailing a good family.

Extremely greedy for money.

After coming to Yanghe City, in less than a year, he had already bought thirteen merchants with little background by colluding with Hu's experience.

It is extremely ugly to eat.

The average family property is between 3,000 taels and 6,000 taels.

This time, he focused on Xie Changgeng because he wanted to eat a big one.

Generally, businesses have more or less background, or rely on money to hook up a background.

The problem is that this guy, relying on the honor of patrolling, doesn't follow the rules at all, he just takes the hard way.

And many officials were also afraid that he would impeach themselves upwards, so it was better to do less than to do more, and they didn't say a word.

Anyway, this Yanghe is close to the northern border, and the trade is developed, especially the smuggling trade. These businesses, large and small, have smuggling backgrounds.

So if we really want to investigate and deal with it, none of them can escape.

And after eating these, people will follow after them.

Xiaomin is like this.

The northern border towns are bitterly cold, and the water conservancy is not good. They can't survive farming, so they can only survive by doing business.

This is the land in the northwest of Shanxi, and to the north are the tribes of Mongolia.

It was also called Beilu by the people at the time. The interior of the Mongolian tribes was very complicated. In the eyes of the Ming people, unity was the Beilu.

It would be too embarrassing for them to distinguish between Mobei, Monan, Eastern Mongolia, Western Mongolia, all kinds of Taiji and Jinong.

In fact, most officials do not know.

First of all, the northern captives are vicious, good at riding and shooting, and often attack the border.

Just a few decades ago, Da'an Khan of the Chaha tribe led 200,000 herdsmen and 30,000 armored cavalry to break through the side wall and surround the capital, shaking the world.

In fact, few officials made it clear which part of Mongolia the invaders belonged to, and only a few officials who knew the soldiers and the frontier generals who often fought against Mongolia knew the inside story.

This Wu Xun press is Laiyang and Xun Bian, but the other party didn't pay attention to the side affairs at all, but was focused on making money instead.

If Wen Rensheng's estimate was correct, the other party would have made almost 50,000 taels of silver once he came out.

It's no wonder that most of the Beijing officials who have no family background borrow money to survive and repay their debts.

This Xun Wu is fattening all at once.

And he's addicted to it.

Calculating the time, this Wu Xun is expected to return to Beijing to report on his duties in one month.

It seems that they are going to make a crazy grab.

As for choosing Xie Changgeng, it was also because the other party's backer fell.

In fact, a businessman like Xie Changgeng with a family fortune of over 10,000 is quite powerful.

Doing business for generations, and local for several generations, you will always make friends with the county magistrate, generals, a few scholars, candidates and so on.

This kind of person is not easy to move.

Don't think that there are very few Wanjia properties.

Under the background of Daming, there are definitely not many.

Now the land is only 5 taels and one mu, and the family property of 20,000 taels is 4,000 mu of land. This is definitely a middle-level landlord.

It's just that if the other party is really a powerful landlord with 4,000 acres of land, his background will definitely be even bigger.

Because of his small background, the land has long been snatched away by generals and officials.

Their desire for land is greater than their desire for silver.

Because there is often no way to buy land with silver.

Most of the good land has long been snatched away.

Palaces, eunuchs, nobles, etc.

After Wen Rensheng understood this, he went to find Governor Wang.

Governor Wang is in a good mood these days.

Relying on Wen Rensheng's ability to know people, he cleaned up his staff, directly subordinate officials, yamen servants, masters, etc...

Promoted a group of honest, hard-working personnel.

It is obvious that the atmosphere of the entire governor's yamen has changed.

He is preparing for a big event.

It is said that officials are not capable of being officials. That is a general idea, but it is still very different for each official.

Those officials with strong dispositions, shrewd and capable, high-strength methods, and vigorous energy can still suppress the officials under them, do a lot of work, and continue to be promoted as "capable officials".

For example, Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Xuanda at the end of the Ming Dynasty, was able to check the farmland. Not only did he no longer need the military salary of the court, but he could also hand over more than 200,000 shi of grain, which is a real clear stream.

You must know that almost all the land at that time was divided up by the border generals, and the soldiers were reduced to tenant farmers. Except for the servants, they had no combat effectiveness at all, and they were rotten.

Moreover, they have to ask for food and salaries, which makes the court more and more burdened.

The land originally issued by the imperial court was to allow the soldiers to pay for their own food and grass, and to farm and fight by themselves.

However, the land was occupied by the generals, not only could not bear the burden on their own, but the court had to allocate more food.

Once in and out like this, the finances will immediately suffer.

And the current governor Wang, with the help of Wen Rensheng's knowledge of people, can be said to play an effect equal to 80% of Lu Xiangsheng's ability.

Why is Ming Dynasty finished?

It's just that the officialdom is rotten, rotten from top to bottom.

The same is true for side generals.

Greedy for enjoyment, being a master, how can you have the mind to fight hard?

Every time I go into battle, I want to run away when there is a headwind.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who dare to go all out.

As Wen Rensheng said, too little.

And most of them are mediocre generals. Once they escaped, the formation collapsed, and the brave general Yong Ding was killed.

Governor Wang is preparing to do one thing now, to check the farmland.

If we couldn't do it before, it was because the people under us couldn't do it and couldn't support it.

Now I have a group of capable officials in my hands.

If he can check the farmland and let him be the governor, the land tax will increase greatly, and he will be able to contribute instead of allocating military rations from the imperial court.

Then he will be able to show his talents immediately among the governors of the world.

After all, one of the most worrying things for the emperor, elders, and ministers was the provision of food and salaries for Jiubian.

If he showed this ability, even if someone wanted to suppress it with factions, it would be impossible.

After all, the food is actually handed over.

The assessment will definitely not be bad.

Otherwise, if it is spread out, it will be a reputation for suppressing good ministers.

Even Quan Huan did not dare to take this risk.

After all, the current emperor is not stupid.

And the land tax paid is real, which cannot be faked and hidden, and the grain can be handed over without allocating grain, one in and one out, which is too obvious.

This is what Governor Wang wants to do.

He couldn't do it before.

After all, there is no one under his command, how to check the land, how to determine how much the general has occupied?

Of course, his first knife will not be swung at the general, but at several palace eunuchs.

At this time, near Yanghe, there was a county king, and several eunuchs in the mansion, relying on the name of the county king, invaded more than 10,000 mu of good land.

They are all irrigated by the water from the river, the kind that guarantees the harvest in drought and flood.

This kind of land costs 10 taels or even 20 taels of silver per mu, which is by no means comparable to ordinary dry land.

Governor Wang also knew that the county king didn't care about things, and the land was taken by eunuchs.

The benefits did not fall into the palace.

There is a lot to do in this.

Offend a few eunuchs, but not the prince.

Not only will the prince not write a letter to the court, but he will also thank him.

The problem is that he needs someone to handle this matter. It is impossible for a governor like him to go to the fields to investigate this matter.

You have to have someone who is reliable, courageous enough, careful, capable, and loyal...this kind of work can be done.

And Wen Rensheng helped him to screen them out.

So he is acting.

Things are arranged one by one.

"You guys have to work hard. Dian Baozheng (sixth rank) Han Yu and Dian Shanzheng (sixth rank) Luo Xing of Yanghe Junwang invaded a large amount of official land respectively, oppressed the subordinates, and concealed the truth from the superiors. You must It is necessary to check clearly, where is the land, the quantity, the history of circulation, the person who handled it, the farm..."

He gave orders one by one.

If this matter is done well, he will have a reputation among scholars and will be used by the court.

For 10,000 mu of irrigated land in official fields, an average of 4 shi can be harvested per mu, which is 40,000 shi of grain.

You must know that the annual tax paid in the entire sx province is only 2.8 million shi.

After checking the two eunuchs, you can get 40,000 shi. One can imagine how much shock it can give the court?

And this is just the beginning.

He will continue to investigate.

For a general with soldiers at the moment, he still won't move, and he still has to take out some to appease the opponent...

These are all routines.

Eunuchs are allowed to offend nobles, but officials and generals are not allowed...

To put it bluntly, the former has a bad reputation and no military power, while the latter has a reputation and military power.

Governor Wang wants to be a capable member, not a Hai Rui.

Hai Rui could even dismount Xu Ge, and even the emperor dared to scold him, but few descendants dared to imitate him.

As soon as Governor Wang finished giving his orders, the housekeeper sent Mr. Li to see him.

He immediately asked Wenren to come in.

"In the future, you don't need to communicate. I have known your uncle for many years, and I also regard you as a nephew."

"Thank you uncle." Wen Rensheng said directly.

Anyway, he was fighting with each other, and he didn't care about the verbal title.

As long as he is not allowed to kneel down and recognize his godfather.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng told Wu Xun that he would grab one last fortune before Lin left.

"This Wu Zhengfu is full of morality and righteousness, but he is so greedy in private." Governor Wang said disdainfully.

"At the beginning of the year, I had some quarrels with him. General Liu ran away when he saw Kou. I impeached this general for his ineffectiveness in fighting, but he saved him."

"Afterwards, Uncle Wei found out that this general gave Wu Zhengfu 1,200 taels of silver."

"It's really ridiculous. It's no wonder that the generals feared the enemy like a tiger and ran away easily for the sake of silver to corrupt the military law."

Wen Rensheng nodded.

The Jurchen's strong combat effectiveness has a lot to do with the strict military discipline in the early days.

He has just risen from hard work, and still maintains a simple style.

The military discipline is strict, if you run away when you see the enemy, you will be beheaded.

Even the son of the leader is no exception.

This caused everyone to fight first.

As for why the opponent can maintain this kind of military discipline, it is naturally because of the harsh conditions and strong enemies all around.

If one or two are loose, there will be a danger of subversion.

This is also the so-called born in sorrow and die in peace.

It's not the Jurchen's racial characteristics. When they start to enjoy it and live a better life, they will soon be reduced to the powerless Baqi masters.

When going to battle, you have to ask someone to fight for you.

He was beaten by the peasant army and fled in embarrassment.

Seeing a thief and fleeing is the upper courage, hearing the wind and fleeing is the middle courage, misunderstood and fleeing is the inferior courage.

It perfectly replicated the characteristics of the Ming army that their ancestors defeated back then.

So, don't tell anyone.

Life is too good, and there is a lack of modern training system, so it is natural that military discipline is loose.

Even if one or two generals are different, it will not change the general trend.

These two will only affect a part, and in the end they will be surrounded and wiped out by the majority of the Jurchens.

Others are more intimidated.

"Uncle, the 1,200 taels is indeed a lot of money. No wonder the Wu patrol will protect him. But in this way, the general will choose to flee instead of fighting when he encounters danger in the future. Anyway, if something happens, he can be exonerated by spending money , their fate is their own." Wen Rensheng continued.

"That's right, this Mrs. Wu Zheng deserves to die. It's a pity that he has quite a lot of support in the court. Even if he was impeached for my uncle, he was not trusted by the cabinet. What can I do?" Governor Wang sighed.

Wen Rensheng smiled.

This is the internal bureaucratic relationship of Ming Dynasty.

Internal friction with each other.

Find a backer for each other.

Not by reason and discipline, but by factions and silver.

If it goes on like this, how can you be undefeated?

He still needs to find another way if he wants to settle this Wu patrol.

"Since that's the case, it's better to leave it to the students, and keep it within a few days, so that this patrol can stay shameless." Wen Rensheng said.

"What do you want?"

"Just look at it."

Five days later.

More than a dozen men who had been ruined by this Wu Xun came to the capital, and held a large banner with the words "wronged" at various scholars' guild halls...

Naturally, someone will arrange food, lodging and travel expenses behind him.

In short, they were all promoted by Wenren, and they were ready to die.

Another person directly crashed into a certain guild hall.

Almost killed.

They cried out to the scholars who came to Beijing to take the exam that Wu Xunyan blackmailed the good people and forced the gentry...

This thing is getting bigger...

How did Wu Xun know that someone could still play this hand?

These people didn't go to the Yamen to file a complaint, but went to the various halls where scholars and scholars gathered to appeal for grievances?

This set down.

No matter how important Wu Xun is in the court, what he has to do at this time is to cut him off.

Because his reputation as a tour press is not good, it is useless.

No member of the public will believe that a patrol with a bad reputation can uphold justice. There is justice in impeachment.

The emperor would not believe it either.

Not long after, the imperial court issued an edict to dismiss Wu Xun and return to Beijing for questioning.

There were no removal arrests.

The imperial court will not arrest a patrolman just because a few ordinary people complained about their grievances.

If it came to the Qing Dynasty, these small people would be beheaded instead.

That is to say, at the end of Ming Dynasty, the emperor was soft, and the ministers were also soft, because they were afraid that their reputation would be too bad.

However, when they earn money by themselves, oppress the people, and annex the land, they are not afraid of them.

They are not afraid of a few ordinary people making trouble, what they are afraid of is that Shilin's reputation will be ruined.

Read The Duke's Passion