MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2112 1 way promotion

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"This battle must be won!" Commander Zhou Ming and Yu Datao were very happy to see this scene.

Almost in unison.

Wen Rensheng nodded.

Now it seems that the red-haired man is really at the end of his rope, and there is nothing he can do.

I saw flames and howling everywhere in the port.

Voices, cannons, lights, oil, fire, all in chaos.

Life and death, iron and fire, blood and flesh, all mixed together.

A chaotic and noisy picture.

It's almost like a big sporting event.

Wen Rensheng looked at a large ship.

I saw that the big ship had exploded and caught fire.

The seven or eight water ghosts below are fleeing from it.

One guy was very lucky, and the bamboo tube dynamite directly blew up the opponent's gunpowder barrel, causing a big explosion.

The big ship has capsized, and it won't be long before it sinks, forming a terrible sea vortex.

At that time, everyone around was dead.

No matter how good your water skills are, no matter how strong you are, you can never resist the pull of the water.

Wen Rensheng's eyesight is very good, holding a bought binoculars, with the help of a huge firelight, he clearly saw a water ghost swimming in the direction it came from, both panicked and excited.

In order to speed up, he has abandoned everything on his body.

Snorkeling is fast, but it consumes too much, so he still chooses the form of breaststroke to escape when he is tired.

The whole person stretched and retracted, and his legs kicked back desperately.

From time to time, there were some stray lead pellets, arrows, and even wood falling around him.

Every time the water wave rises, it represents a passing death.

What is that water ghost thinking at this time?

He has an immature face, probably around 20 years old.

If you can come back successfully this time.

The bounty alone is at least 200 taels.

They knew about the heavy reward that Wen Rensheng mentioned, and it was usually this price, which was similar to that of Xiandeng Breaking the City.

After all, this is destroying a big ship.

A large ship costs at least 50,000 taels of silver.

This reward is relatively not too high.

But for him, he can buy 30 acres of land in the south of the Yangtze River.

There is no shortage of water in the land in the south of the Yangtze River, and 30 mu is a well-off home.

You can marry a gentle Jiangnan woman, and farm and farm every day.

He was paddling desperately, the waves on both sides kept rushing.

"Come on, Liu Er!" Someone shouted from a fast boat.

The man also held out a penny.

Under Wen Rensheng's gaze, Liu Er grabbed Penny.

He knew what they were talking about by looking at their lips. It was a local dialect, but Wen Rensheng could understand it too.

After all, this is not a technology and concept that is beyond the times, and he will master it as soon as he learns it.

"I saved your life, and I get half of your reward." The man said impatiently to Liu Er.

"I'll give you five taels at most." Liu Er gritted his teeth, grabbed the penny, and was about to climb onto the boat.

At this time, the military judge on board was nervously scanning the surroundings, checking and recording the achievements of the water ghosts.

It is also the source of their morale and motivation.

Otherwise, I will blow up the ship desperately, no one will prove that I did it, I am a fool, I am going to blow it up?

Without a reward of 200 taels, who would be willing to take such a big risk?

"It's only 5 taels, no, at least 50 taels." The two bargained.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised to see this.

Although he selected all loyal and brave men, everyone still has selfishness, especially when the great merit is completed, it is inevitable to grab the merit.

Seeing that there was going to be internal strife because of the reward, fortunately, the military judge arranged by Wen Rensheng played a role.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and save him!" Military Judge A shouted.

That person reluctantly rescued Liu Er.

Wen Rensheng read it again. Liu Er was very lucky. After being rescued, the military judge hurriedly told the Clippers to turn around and leave.

The big ship has lost its attack power, but there are still forts on the shore.

Now under the light of the fire, the figure of the navy of the Ming army is very clear.

As the big ship burned more and more vigorously, it was equal to a flare.

The attack of the fort is also becoming more and more accurate.

Some Clippers have been smashed.

People fell into the water and yelled.

There are also some Clippers who are not reconciled, they want to play bigger.

That is the big ship that captured the enemy.

Under a Galen ship, ten fast ships surrounded it.

Then there is jumping gangs, chopping with knives and axes.

The opponent fired a round of matchlock guns, and then picked up a sword and slashed at each other.

However, the soldiers on the Clippers accounted for an absolute majority.

In this kind of close combat at sea, there are huge advantages in having more people.

What's more, because they are big ships, they pay attention to naval guns, not the small Frangler cannons.

If there is that kind of small cannon, there is still the power to resist.

At this time, it was at a disadvantage.

Soon the large ship was captured.

The sailors and captain jumped into the water to escape.

However, it is a pity that the captives are useless, because the people sent there do not know how to operate this kind of Western-style galleon, and in the end they can only **** the gold and silver coins inside, and finally burn them with fire.

On the contrary, there are not small gains, at least thousands of taels of gold and silver are obtained, and there is no melee battle for nothing.

More and more people jumped into the water and began to swim to the shore.

Because most of the Galen ships are already on fire.

The sound of the guns also became less and less loud.

Many people had no choice but to flee, otherwise they would be burned alive.

One after another they fled like dumplings.

And the artillery on the shore also began to shoot desperately.

It's just that during this kind of shooting, there were often accidental injuries, either hitting the big ship or hitting the red-haired sailor who fell into the water, causing them to scream and curse.

In short, after a whole night of noise, Wen Rensheng ordered all the ships to choose to retreat until it was almost dawn and fought for more than three hours.

At dawn, the cannons on the other side's shore were too accurate.

The loss would have been too great then.

The ship withdrew four or five miles away from the port.

Re-anchor at a distance, rest, replenish.

Then there's the bounty.

One after another, the cash boxes were opened.

Of the 100 water ghosts who went there, 54 rushed forward bravely, and 28 came back.

Ten of the forty-six people paddling were killed by artillery fire.

Wen Rensheng directly ordered that the thirty-six people who were stranded be beheaded on the spot.

For the 28 raiders who returned, the rewards ranged from 200 to 500 taels of silver according to the degree of damage to the ship.

Just this suddenly paid out tens of thousands of taels of silver.

As for what they seized, all of them were distributed among themselves.

With one hand being ruthless and the other hand being rewarding, everyone was excited and silent at the same time.

This is the only way to deal with the huge army, the killing machine.

Blindly playing with tenderness is something that feudal teams don't like at all. You are soft, on the battlefield, before danger, they will flee, anyway, they will not die if they run away.

Why was Donglu able to defeat Ming Dynasty many times?

To a large extent, it is the strict military discipline, beheading those who retreat, and beheading when encountering the enemy.

Of course, this is also based on the fact that they can get heavy rewards through plundering.

If there is only military discipline and no heavy rewards, then riots will happen, just like Kong Youde's Wuqiao Mutiny.

Others also have their own rewards.

All in all, the crowd cheered.

"We burned and blew up five of their big ships, and only one survived by the fort, and it couldn't break the waves. We can besiege them with peace of mind in the future." Zhou Ming said with a smile.

"That's right, we still have more than 10,000 people, and there are at most 500 soldiers on the opposite side. They are definitely not our opponents."

At daybreak, after the enemy had lost the mobile artillery of the Galen ships, they chose to land far from the fort's artillery.

About 7 miles away.

Then the siege began.

3,000 people came ashore for the first time.

Approach the opponent's fortress from both left and right directions.

It's just that this approach creates new problems.

The opponent relied on the shooting of the red cannon and the shooting of the musket on the fortress, and it was difficult for the soldiers to approach.

It fell apart after a few rounds of beating.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Damn it, even though you were brave in battle at sea, why did you become a soft-footed shrimp when you landed?" Yu Datao said angrily.

He was about to order the beheading of the scattered soldiers.

Wen Rensheng stopped it.

"We can't blame them. This is different from before. It has been said before. This time, they can only be beaten passively. They have to walk from 4 miles away to within 200 steps before they can launch an attack. Such a long distance, the opponent's cannon To be able to play more than ten rounds is simply unbearable."

"Then what should we do?"

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "We can only dig trenches to stop their charge."

"Then we will surround the fort in all directions, and a long siege will do."

"The other party's supplies are limited. Their island is too small, and they don't have enough food at all. They will surrender in three or four months at most."

Everyone nodded.

The opponent has red cannons, musket defenses, and a fortress, which is really difficult to break through.

Not to mention their Ming army, even with the peak combat power of this era, it is difficult for Man Qing armored men to break through this kind of fortress.

Because the loss is too great.

Those soldiers still had a good idea of ​​whether the battle could be won or not. If they couldn't push through, of course they would break up.

In fact, to defeat this kind of fortress, Wen Rensheng knew a tactic.

That is to use different trench digging techniques, use zigzag trenches, and spend a lot of time, more than 6 months, to dig the trenches under the opponent's city wall.

Make the opponent's cannon useless and enter the dead end of the cannon's shooting.

It is easy to enter the dead corner of the cannon, send troops through the trenches to shoot at each other under the city, and use more soldiers for the opponent to consume.

It's just that he can't say this kind of tactic.

This was already 18th century trench tactics against forts and cannon.

But now they use the long-term blockade method is the best.


Soon the red-haired man inside tried to break out again.

I want to use the only large ship to evacuate the old, weak, women and children, and reduce the loss of food and fresh water.

Breaking through is naturally a failure.

The only large ship was also captured.

This time they didn't burn.

The sailors above surrendered.

Because they also saw that there was no way to win this time.

The opponent has too many people, too many ships, and too many supplies.

One after another, grain ships and ships came from land.

But the people in the fort still didn't give up.

They also chose the middle of the night, wanting to make a surprise attack, and want to crush the Ming army by night raids.

In short, it is necessary to show one's strength. In this case, there will be a good result in the negotiation.

It's just that Wen Rensheng had planned a long time ago. He dug a deep trench and then used the excavated soil to build a high fortress.

This kind of siege tactics, Man Qing will also.

So not ahead of the curve at all.

When the opponent attacked at night, he fell directly into the ditch and was stoned to death by the defenders on the mound in front of him.

12,000 people, just take turns to be stationed.

That's the benefit of having a lot of people.

You can rely on manpower to offset the opponent's strength advantage.

And they also used their own large number of firearms to attack the incoming red-haired men.

As a result, the red-haired people not only failed to raid successfully, but also lost dozens of people.

This has greatly reduced their defensive success rate.

The three Galen ships that escaped tried to break in to deliver supplies.

Then they were besieged by the Clippers.

They found out in time that they couldn't do it, and chose to escape again. Because it was full sail and in a hurry, the hit rate was too poor, and they only damaged a clipper in the middle.

Moreover, it is heard that there are many baggage ships, and there are enough planks and iron nails with them.

The Clippers that are damaged these days are also being repaired quickly.

This is the benefit of the 17th century. As long as the keel and important parts of the wooden ship are not damaged, and other parts are broken, it is enough to directly repair it with wooden planks.

Just bring a few carpenters along.

It is absolutely impossible to replace this with an ironclad warship.

The maintenance personnel on board can only use spare parts to repair some minor problems.

The damage suffered during the battle can often only be repaired in an emergency, and it can only be fought again after returning to the shipyard for thorough repairs.

The last fleet bought by the Qing Dynasty did not have the ability to repair itself, which resulted in the inability to attack after an attack.

The reason is here, it can only be played once.

Industrialization cannot be bought, it is a whole system.

Only two months have passed.

The red-haired man put forward a negotiation request.

They couldn't take it anymore.

This loss is much bigger than their historical losses.

So they quickly chose to compromise.

After all, they are still merchants in essence, colonists under the corporate system, and trade profits are the most important thing.

Rather than face and territory.

If it is a country with a dynasty, face and territory may be more important.

Even if you lose money, you will have to lose money for decades before you can give up the land.

They won't do it.

They chose to back down to Dongfan Island and give up Pengdao again.

And compensated 120,000 taels of silver.

Of course, they also get a benefit, that is, there is an annual trade quota of 800 tons of raw silk, and the trading place is located in Qingshi Port.

This is the land of Jianfu.

This is also Wen Rensheng's suggestion to Governor Wang. If there is no appeasement, the matter will not subside quickly.

The imperial court is troubled at this time, if it is too ink stained, neither the emperor nor the court elders will be happy.

So Governor Wang made great contributions to regaining overseas lost land.

The court's own navy was used, which made the civil servants and generals very happy.

Play the imperial court together.

The rewards came down quickly.

"Wang Yizi, the governor of Jianfu, was promoted to the Minister of the Ministry of War, UU Reading Jiazhi Shaoyin..."

The waiter is very heavy.

The next step is the Minister of the Ministry of War. When he arrives at the Minister, he may join the cabinet, or send a place, and governor several provinces.

Of course Wen Rensheng knew very well that these were all false.

Only military power is real.

The governor and governor without soldiers, p is not counted.

If Chongzhen said that he would go to prison, he would go to prison, and Zuo Liangyu, a warlord who did many evils, fled before the battle, and had many military exploits, was helpless for a moody monarch like Chongzhen.

And Wen Rensheng also rose all the way, and was recommended as a soldier in Jianfu.

This is his real position, and his official rank has indeed been promoted to the fifth rank of the inspector.

Under normal circumstances, if a Juren achieves the fifth rank, he is almost at the top.

Read The Duke's Passion