MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2119 Retreat

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Yi Zijia knew that the opponent's combat power was very strong.

This has long been spread throughout Daming.

Donglu has been winning.

Several times in large-scale field battles, the Ming army was completely defeated.

Not an ordinary victory, but most of them were wiped out and a lot of supplies were seized.

Yi Zijia decided to check it out for himself.

First of all, under the protection of hundreds of people, he rode his horse to three miles away from the small bridge by the river.

At this distance, you are not afraid of the enemy's surprise attack.

There are scout teams around, and then isolate the enemy.

At the same time, there are hundreds of people around him protecting him.

There are large shield spears, and matchlock guns.

If the opponent's 300 people dare to rush over, a few rounds of shooting will cause them heavy losses.

He saw 300 Jurchens camped behind the bridge.

I saw that the opponent was forming an array. First of all, 30 white armored soldiers stood at the front, and their horses were being led by their own coats behind the array.

It can be said that there are 30 white armored soldiers, which is enough to show the importance they attach to this group of people.

In general small battles, they will not dispatch white armor.

Bai Jia actually guards the dignitaries of the Eight Banners.

Generally, they are guarded by Beizi, Baylor, or Gu Shan Ezhen.

After looking at it for a while, he ordered the rear army to tow the six-pound gun over.

This infantry formation is the artillery favorite.

In this case, the Jurchens are also looking this way.

At this time, the leader of the team was a Melezhangjing named Donagu, and beside him was a Niuluzhangjing named Wu Gezhen.

Donagu is the grandson of Lao Khan. He is only 23 years old this year, and he has already commanded 300 elites.

It can be seen that among the Eight Banners, military commanders are indeed highly valued.

At this time, he was talking to Niu Luzhangjing next to him: "Wu Gezhen, where did this gang of thieves come from? Have you found out?"

Wu Gezhen shook his head and said: "The boys said that they haven't found out yet, but judging from the decoration, they should be pirates at sea, and there are also red-haired men. Their accents are very similar to those merchants from the southern barbarian land."

"Damn it, Sea Merchant? It does seem to be the case, but the question is why are they going against our Dajin Kingdom?"

"I do have an idea, they may have been ordered by King Qin."

"Didn't our Great Khan of Dajin lead people to conquer the Ming Dynasty? Their emperor issued an order to Qin Wang, maybe they came to Qin Wang."

"They King Qin are going to the capital, what are they doing behind our backs?" Donagu complained.

"I think it's because they are afraid of death, they don't dare to fight our main force, and they want to get a reward from the Emperor Ming, so they come to us to fight the autumn wind, just like the dead Mao Wenlong."

"Mao Wenlong, that's right, it should be like this. That fool was killed by their own people. If he doesn't die, Da Khan will leave five thousand more people as defense."

Wu Gezhen nodded: "Yeah, these people have a good chance to catch them. We now only have more than 10,000 soldiers guarding the rear. We thought that Mao Wenlong was gone and Dongjiang could not come to harass him, but another Nanman came! "

"By the way, speaking of the southern barbarians, Liu Quan, come here!" Donagu shouted at a Han man.

The Han man Baoyi quickly trotted over.

"Aren't you a businessman before? You know a lot. Can you see the details of this group of people?" Donagu shouted.

"Well, master, these people should be the southern barbarians. Among them, they should hire red-haired people. I heard that there are red-haired people in the south who want to trade with Da Ming, but Da Ming ignored them. , only a few red-haired people are qualified to trade." Liu Quan said.

"So that's why the red-haired man was hired. If that's the case, just give the money. If we give the money, will they betray?" Wu Gezhen said suddenly.

"This is very possible. I heard that all red-haired people are mothers if they have milk." Liu Quan said with a smile.

"Unfortunately, I didn't bring any silver with me this time, next time I will bring a few hundred catties of silver to scatter." Donagu regretted.

This Liu Quan is a Han Chinese.

He used to do business in the Land of Landing.

Later, because the business was real, the reputation was good, and the business was booming, several officials and gentry took over the shop by relying on and buying.

A family of six hanged themselves.

He couldn't hold back his breath, and floated from Denglai to Liaodong with a piece of wood in his arms.

Fortunately, he finally escaped to the land of Dajin and took refuge in Houjin.

He was really lucky, survived the period when Lao Khan crazily massacred the Han people, and finally lived to the time of Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji reused Han Chen and knew how to tap the strength of the Han people.

I understand that if Han Chen is not reused, Da Jin can only be a barbarian outside the pass.

Impossible to enter.

It is necessary to reuse the Han people and guard against the Han people.

Duo Duo robbed the wife of Fan Wencheng, his first civil servant, into the mansion, and he personally punished Duo Duo heavily.

Deprived the opponent of a full 15 bull records, and fined 1000 taels of silver.

Silver is a small matter, but 15 Niu Lu is not small.

You must know that the entire Eight Banners is 300 cattle records, and one cattle record is about 300 people.

But the one directly under the Great Khan is overstaffed, with 400 to 500 people, and the one in Little Baylor is downsized with only 200 people.

And Duoduo's Niu Lu is directly inherited from the old slave, and they are all super-compiled Niu Lu. Huang Taiji has always been jealous.

So this time, Duoduo must have been plotted against.

You must know that Azig, Dorgon, and Duoduo are three brothers. They have a huge force of 60 Niulu, occupying one-fifth of the entire Eight Banners.

At this time, 15 fines were taken away, which can be said to be traumatic.

And as soon as they entered and exited, the comparison of their strength was much worse.

In this way, Huang Taiji slowly solved the hidden dangers around him.

So when Huang Taiji was alive, Dorgon had no way to fight him.

I was completely overwhelmed and couldn't hold my head up.

After Huang Taiji's sudden death, he immediately trembled, no one was his opponent.

Ugg really thought about it and asked, "Master Donagu, what should we do now?"

"Now we just want to hold the bridge and the river, wait for the reinforcements to come, and then cross the river from the upper and lower reaches, and surround them here." Donagu said.

At this moment, Han merchant Liu Quan gritted his teeth, and suddenly said cautiously: "You two masters, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep it."

He is fighting.

Because in this case, it is likely to be beheaded.

But if he doesn't fight hard, he won't be able to take revenge in his life.

"What are you talking about, you Nikan, you coat!" Wu Gezhen lashed out with a whip, and when he hit the head, he remembered that it was Donagu's coat, and then stopped.

"Do you dare to shake the morale of the army?"

"Wait," Donagu was a general after all, and he knew that the other party didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he said, "Wait, let him explain the reason first, before it's too late to kill."

"You two masters, the villain will never dare to shake the morale of the army. Let the two masters see that they have cannons." Liu Quan said, pointing to the cannon carts being dragged by oxen and horses in the distance.

These cows and horses are still among the Jurchens Zhuangzi who robbed, and it is comfortable to raise wars with wars.

"That's right, they actually have cannons! They can drag this cannon, isn't it very slow?" Donagu was shocked.

At this time, both of them were shocked.

Jurchen has always attached great importance to firearms.

This is completely different from the late Qianlong period.

And they paid more attention to the cannon.

Because the cannon helped them win important victories, they knew very well the power of this thing against infantry.

They didn't expect the cannon to kill many enemies, but they expected it to blast away the infantry array. Once the infantry dispersed, they could rely on the bravery of the white armor and red armor to fight back and crush their opponents to death.

As for matchlock guns and the like, they didn't pay much attention to them at first, mainly because the shotguns used in the Ming Dynasty were too bad.

So they didn't pay much attention to it, but they have always attached great importance to artillery.

Because the power of the artillery is too great a threat to them.

As for weapons such as matchlock guns, they can block them with shield vehicles.

Moreover, muskets require a large number of Chinese craftsmen to make them.

The Jurchens did not have so many craftsmen at this time.

The self-made firearms and artillery did not start to have a complete artillery and firearms unit until Kong Youde and other King Sanshun defected, and they were organized separately as Wuzhenchaoha.

The degree of attention can be seen.

And now, the enemy is dragging the artillery cart over.

Moreover, the artillery was accompanied by the infantry, and the infantry was used as a cover.

It stopped just two miles away.

This distance is too far.

Ugg really understood that his cavalry could not rush to destroy the opponent's guns.

There are only 70 people in total, plus white armor, that is 100 cavalry.

And the opponent came to cover with thousands of infantry.

If they were all beggar battalion soldiers like Da Ming, they would be able to charge and capture a bunch of cannons.

But just looking at the seriousness of the other party, and those tall and strong red-haired barbarians, you know it's not easy to mess with.

They are very aware of the power of the barbarians, because they capture Sauron barbarians every day to replenish the Eight Banners. Without the supplement of the tribe in the forest, they would have been unable to fight.

Every time the barbarians are captured and supplemented, it is a time to show the relationship and background of each banner.

Those who are strong, deeply connected, and powerful are given priority to supplement and become stronger and stronger.

And the little Baylor, Beizi, the marginalized, can only wait until the end, and there are fewer and fewer people.

We can only make up for the old, weak, sick and disabled that no one wants.

Wu Ge really took a look at Donagu, and both of them felt very troubled.

The opponent's artillery has already come up. If they don't move, they will be beaten passively.

They heard that when Lao Khan was alive, he said that the artillery was powerful.

Ning Yuan failed to take it down because he had eleven red cannons.

Since then, they have never taken down any city with red cannons, mainly because of too much loss.

The opponent's cannon had a long range, was powerful, and did not explode. With one shot, more than a dozen white and red armors who charged bravely were killed. Who could bear it?

Breaking a city can't make up for the loss.

But now the opponent's artillery can go forward with the army, and it seems that it is not the tattered Flang machine gun of the Ming army.

That kind of small gun can be defended with a shield car.

Moreover, the morale of the Ming army was low. They used cavalry to shake off, and the opponent opened fire a hundred steps away, and the effect was very poor.

Then the infantry came up, and they were often about to flee.

Now if you want to deal with the opponent's artillery, you can only rely on cavalry.

Because artillery is very ineffective against cavalry.

The artillery firing speed of these days is slow, and it takes a long time to reload after firing a shot. It must be protected by infantry and cavalry.

But the two only had 100 cavalry on hand, and the opponent's artillery, next to each cannon, was protected by two teams. One team had about 150 people, and two teams had 300 people.

And the array is strict.

Long spears, large shields, and red-haired matchlock guns.

At this point, the cavalry can't break the formation.

If you force the impact, you will definitely lose a lot.

"What should we do now?"

"The only way is to quickly hide in the trench and use the trench to fight the enemy's artillery." Wu Gezhen said.

"Yes, what you said is very reasonable. We should use trenches to fight. Unfortunately, we came in a hurry and didn't have time to dig trenches." Donagu shook his head.

Wu Gezhen gave a suggestion: "Then we must withdraw immediately. The opponent's mobility is too poor. We quickly retreat to the next dangerous place, and then recruit nearby coats to quickly dig trenches to fight against the enemy's artillery."

"If the enemy artillery comes, we will hide in the trench."

"Very well, let's do it like this." Donagu then said to Liu Quan,

"You slave did a good job. I just reminded you of your merits. Later, I will tell Gu Shanerzhen to carry the flag for you and enter the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty."

"Thank you, master, thank you, master." Liu Quan immediately knelt down and kowtowed heavily.

He thought in his heart that he could take revenge.

Just wait, next time I will follow the Great Khan to conquer the damned Ming Dynasty and kill all the officials who robbed my shop!

All the women are dedicated to the masters!

The small ones are used as small coatings!

There was a ruthless look in his eyes.

Donagu looked at him with satisfaction.

What the Great Khan said is correct, we must make good use of the contradictions among the Han people, and use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son to win a complete victory.

It has to be said that the current Jurchen era is an era in which talents come forth in large numbers, and many of them take the overall situation into consideration, because they know that as long as Daming is defeated, there will be plenty of flesh.

Immediately, Donacourt ordered the standard bearers to blow the horn quickly, and then their entire team of 300 people re-arranged, and the rear team became the front team.

And Wu Gezhen and Donagu personally cut off the heir.

This keeps the front retreat from turning into a rout.

If it was the Ming army, the retreat would mean that the chief general and his servants would flee first.

That's not retreat, that's death.

Because he discovered the opponent's artillery, Donagu quickly retreated ahead of schedule.

This retreat is permitted by the Jurchen military law.

Because the enemy is too strong to waste precious troops.

If it was in the era of old slaves, he would definitely be whipped, and he might even be beheaded.

But Huang Taiji will distinguish between the right and the wrong, and will not be so cruel and decisive.

In other words, Huang Taiji's prestige and influence were not enough for him to take such brutal measures against the Eight Banners.

But he dealt with the Han people with the same brutality, and even brought greater disasters to the Han people because he was more cunning.

Because he is good at using the contradictions among the Han people to kill the Han people.

Later, it was the scum and traitors among the Han people who killed more. After all, the Jurchen Eight Banners have only 80,000 soldiers in total.

Seeing his opponent fleeing, Yi Zijia immediately ordered the team to speed up.

Soon the vanguard's team of 2,000 rushed to the bridge, then occupied the bridge deck, and quickly crossed the bridge.

But he soon discovered the mobility gap.

Because his team walked five miles, and the opponent's infantry and cavalry withdrew ten miles before his eyes.

The gap is a bit big.

Because one-third of the opponent is cavalry, and there is also an armored horse.

With such a gap in mobility, although he has many soldiers and generals, he just can't keep the opponent.

Because his infantry have to carry large shields, UU reading www. still wears the top three and runs too slowly.

If you want to pursue it, you have to drop your shield and armor.

At this time, it can also be seen why Che Ying is not suitable to appear in this place.

Because this place is full of undeveloped mountains and forests.

The terrain is also very uneven.

Unlike grasslands, car camps are not suitable for entering mountains and forests.

And the most important thing is that the mobility of the car battalion is far inferior to that of the cavalry.

In addition, this thing is expensive, and it will kill you to maintain the wheels at one time, which is not suitable for the current border town.

The price of a cart ranges from 20 taels of silver to as much as 40 taels of silver.

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