MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2130 crazy coating

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Mangurtai couldn't help being very thankful. Fortunately, these 10-meter-long snakes can't learn how to draw bows and shoot arrows like humans.

Otherwise, it will be even more fatal.

Mangurtai soon cheered up, because he found that the monster seemed to be full again, began to rest, and stopped moving again.

This allowed him to continue ordering the catapult to throw more evenly.

Prevent monsters from breaking out from places where the flames are weak.

He was in no hurry to light the fire.

There must be enough oil to stick on the opponent's body and under the body.

The other party has many eyes, but they just stare at them blankly, as if they don't know what they want to do.

He didn't know that there was a storm in the monster's mind at this moment.

The young man's consciousness has become very weak, it cannot be said that it has become weak, but his consciousness cannot control such a huge body.

The action and survival of this huge body depend more on the instinct of autonomic nerves in its body.

After the young man these days, he has begun to wake up.

It can be said that the IQ of being a human being has been restored.

He has sensed the danger.

Although he didn't know what kerosene was, he could smell the bad smell.

And the opponent just released a rocket.

And those uniform snakes are controlled by young people.

It's just that young people can control so much.

Now his consciousness is too weak, he can't control such a huge body.

He can only control a very small part.

Otherwise, he is invincible.

Such a huge body is absolutely invincible in this age when firearms are not yet developed.

Seeing this, the young man began to try his best to move the big ship monster.

However, other parts are full because they are full, want to digest, and want to rest.

The body instinctively opposes moving.

It's like a lazy person who wants to sleep and knows it's time to get up.

The young man had no choice but to choose to control some snakes to defend against the strange jars thrown by the opponent.

After a long time, when the kerosene was thrown, Mangurtai finally ordered: "Light it up!"

The white armors immediately fired rockets, and the fire suddenly blazed.

Everyone raised their eyes and saw that the big ship monster in the flames was indifferent at first.

But the flames rose too quickly.

After all, it is Menghuo oil.

In a split second, it exploded!

The big ship monster in the middle of the flame suddenly began to struggle violently.

The first ones to react are the poisonous snakes on their bodies, one by one desperately spitting out their venom to extinguish the fire, but the burning characteristics of the fierce fire oil determine that it will not be easily extinguished by the venom and liquid.

Unless they're carbon dioxide or something.

A large amount of tissue fluid also oozes from the skin of the big ship monster, green, blue and white.

Like foam, trying to put out the fire.

However, the fire burned more and more fiercely, burning the poisonous snakes one by one to "hiss" and scream, which was quite tragic.

But in Jurchen's ears, it was the drumbeat of victory.

They all cheered.

"Hahaha, these **** monsters, they are finally dead!"

"It's still Lord Baylor who is amazing."

"The master is still wise."

Everyone complimented Mang Gurtai one after another.

Laughing at that one, in their eyes, it was indeed Lord Baylor who was so powerful that he found the weakness of the monster so quickly, and burned the monster to death.

But not long after, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the monster struggled desperately, struggling desperately, and began to emit a foul smell.

Everyone retreated quickly.

The stench began to spread.

This monster looks like it's about to die, won't it burst open?

After all, burning bamboo will burst.

They are very experienced.

Sure enough, when the monster's skin was completely burned, its skin suddenly cracked completely.

Everyone thought it was burnt and cracked, and they were even happier.

However, a shrewd hunter saw something was wrong.

Because he saw a small monster inside suddenly ejected from it!

And it was ejected to a distance of four or five hundred meters in one breath.

Anyone who's ever grown soybeans knows that this catapult is a means of seed reproduction.

Then there were many more of these little monsters, popping up one after another!

Mang Gurtai was shocked when he saw this scene.

He never thought that the other party had such a way to escape!

"This is a tail-docked escape!"

"No, hurry up and kill these little monsters!"

However, the speed of the little monster is much faster.

Its speed can catch up with the speed of ordinary people running.

And the endurance is very strong.

At the same time, the little monster is also guarded by two or three poisonous snakes.

In addition, the aggressiveness has become very strong.

It sprays venom when someone gets close.

Several scouts who were on guard in the distance rode over and wanted to hack them to death.

It can be said that their courage is very high.

If it was the Ming army, unless they were servants, they would have already fled away.

However, those poisonous snakes quickly sprayed out a mouthful of venom and sprayed it on them.

The next moment they were dead instantly.

This is a powerful white-armored scout cavalry!

Mang Gurtai felt distressed when he saw it.

Someone suddenly understood, and immediately went around and shot them with a bow and arrow.

In the end, they were nimbly dodged by the little monsters.

They have many eyes, and they only come into play at this time.

Mang Gurtai suddenly felt his head was as big as a bucket.

He felt that he might have made a huge mistake!

The problem is that it is impossible for him to stop now.

And burning the opponent to death with fire is also the most normal idea.

It's very normal to think that such a big monster is all meat, so it doesn't need to be burned, so is it still stabbed with a gun?

But the reality is that the fire forced this monster into many little monsters.

The difficulty of killing has more than increased tenfold.

what to do?

Mang Gurtai reacted quickly, and he said: "The cavalry is dispatched immediately to kill these monsters!"

"Leave no one alive!"

"Be careful to avoid the venom, and trick them to shoot before killing them!"


Soon, more than 2,000 cavalry pursued separately.

And this big monster sprayed out a total of hundreds of mobs.

Not too much either.

In the end, the big monster rolled and ran around with flames, as if it was creating a chance for the little monsters to escape.

With such a big pillar of fire, everyone would naturally shy away.

No one wanted to hold back or put out the fire.

And each little monster is about the size of a tiger, with a body length of more than two meters and a height of nearly one meter.

It weighs about four to five hundred catties, six to seven hundred catties.

These are hundreds of tigers who are not afraid of death!

And their opponents are thousands of elite Jurchen cavalry.

The people rode horses, opened bows and shot arrows.

Hunted in groups of ten.

At first these monsters dared to attack them, but soon these little monsters chose to run away.

Because they soon discovered that even one or two cavalrymen could be killed.

But will be killed by others.

The Jurchen cavalry were indeed brave.

It can be said that they can withstand more than 70% casualties without collapsing.

This is the will of the group in the early ascent stage.

Of course, after 30 years, two generations have enjoyed it, and it will be over immediately.

However, the Jurchen cavalry were not having a good time, even if they chased and intercepted them, as these little monsters got into the ruins of many buildings in the city, they began to feel powerless.

These are the ruins they burned, and they also killed people.

If they don't burn down these houses, don't kill those people.

They can easily find these monsters by driving a large number of people as bait.

But now they can only drive the coats who followed the infantry into the ruins.

Let them blast this monster out, or lure it out.

Once the little monsters came out, they hunted down those monsters with strong bows and heavy arrows.

It's just that the effect of doing so is obviously very low.

Mangurtai has realized that as long as any monster is let go, they will become the super monster just now in the future.

They can keep growing, and they don't grow like humans, and they don't grow taller after reaching a certain level.

They're not like tigers, they're not like wild boars.

As long as they start growing, they seem to keep growing.

At least Mangurtai had never heard of a monster tens of meters long.

This is his ignorance.

After all, they are not from the sea.

There is a big whale in the sea, which is revered by the fishermen as the Sea Dragon King.

It weighs 220 tons and has a body length of 33 meters. It is considered to be the largest animal known to have lived on earth.

In fact, this monster can only grow to the size of a blue whale.

It's just that Manggurtai didn't know this.

He didn't know why such a huge body wouldn't be crushed.

He didn't understand until the monster burned for three days and three nights and was completely burned up.

It turns out that this monster is full of densely packed bones, and these bones are actually made of steel!

"Get rich!"

"Master Baylor, this is all fine steel, it's a hundred-year-old steel!"

The servants were overjoyed when they took a knife to slash.

You must know that this fine steel is more rare than gold and silver in the eyes of their Jurchens.

A catty of stainless steel and a catty of silver is not an exaggeration.

Because it represents a weapon.

With weapons, you can continue to grab silver.

Can be made into armor, sharp swords, sharp heavy arrows...

"Very good, with these fine steels, there will be no loss this time." Mangurtai also felt relieved.

He was also a little worried that Daishan would sue when he returned.

After Manggurtai had people collect these refined steel skeletons, he wanted to retreat.

It's just that he was just about to retreat.

Those little tiger-like monsters were staring at him.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they began to sneak up on them.

The other party's eyes can see very clearly at night.

And they were out of luck.

Most people are night blind.

His soldiers could hold very little ground.

A large number of coats, as well as a large number of Mongols, have become the targets of these monsters.

Now the offensive and defensive trend has changed like this.

When the monster was incomparably huge, a monster that seemed so powerful was burned to death by him.

However, when the monsters turned into hundreds of small monsters like tigers, his returning team of more than 100,000 people turned into giants instead!

This is really ironic.

Feng Shui turns.

In fact, Manggurtai had a chance to win.

Just start digging a super deep hole.

Immobilize the monster first, and then kill the core of the monster.

If that's the case, the monster lost the consciousness of a young man, and even if it split into countless little monsters, it didn't have the consciousness to actively attack him.

Yes, the little monsters that hunted and killed him now were driven by young people.

The other party communicates through a special sound wave, telling them that this is food.

So driven by their predation instinct, they attacked those young men who were coated and captured, as well as those servants of the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty.

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And at this moment, with the consciousness of the young man, he really wanted to thank this barbarian chief.

Because the other party gave him a chance to get out of that big body.

If the opponent does not burn the monster with fire, it will not separate until the monster feels dangerous.

He could only be trapped on this monster.

Always struggle with those unwanted and confusing memories.

His intelligence as a human being cannot be fully utilized.

But now he can actively control the entire body.

Although small, it is capable.

Mobility is also strong.

Tigers are good at bursting out, and their stamina is not strong, but they are much stronger than humans.

What's more, he still has human wisdom, and he can also drive and lure hundreds of the same tiger monsters.

Now he has gone through the initial confusion and fear, and stepped out of the novice chaos.

He's back to his senses now.

This recovery allows him to understand what his future food is.

That is, he wants to live a good life, as long as possible.

There is only the concept of survival in his mind, other than that, no one can let him die.

He's already died once.

And he won't go back to eating fresh ones.

He just hunts and kills each other.

Then when it rots, he will eat the rotting corpse.

In this way, the brains of those rotting corpses are already broken, or if you don’t eat your brains, you don’t have to worry about being disturbed by those memories.

He made a rule for himself to only eat corpses that had been dead for seven days.

If that's the case, the brain is completely broken.

Mangurtai never knew what kind of monster he unleashed.

An evil **** quickly grew up amidst the cruelty and evil of human beings.

Without the massacres of the Jurchens, it would never have grown like this.

And, an even greater horror occurred.

On the way back to Mangurtai.

During the repeated sneak attacks and hunting by monsters, one night, bombings and screams occurred in the coating camp.

This is the worst fear of any leader.

none of them.

It is more terrible than the enemy.

Because the enemy can still make you surrender.

Ying Xiao will not.

And the death is extremely aggrieved.

The coats, although they don't have any armor stomachs on their bodies, they don't have any weapons.

But on this night, they were insane. They ignored all kinds of swords and swords, and even suffered three swords, just to grab each other or bite each other.

Tens of thousands of coated minions are crazy. UU reading

They frantically attacked the Eight Banners masters who used to be aloof.

Pick up wooden sticks, stones, and shovels at will, and chop and smash at the Eight Banners masters.

The Eight Banners cavalry had no choice but to retreat in the middle of the night.

Because they can't shoot arrows to suppress in this kind of black light and blind fire.

One is invisible, and the other is that it is easy to accidentally injure your own people.

They had no choice but to retreat.

Those crazy wrappers had a crazy night.

It will be restored tomorrow morning.

After counting, a total of 20,000 people died, not only the coats, but also the young and strong slaves who were looted.

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