MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2138 The end of the 1st world

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Chapter 2138 The First World Ends

Over the years, Wen Rensheng has accumulated only seven hundred taels of scattered silver, which is stored in a hole five meters deep under the bed of the house. Water can be seen five meters deep, and it is stored and sealed in clay pots.

Check and store only once every three months.

The thieves would have to dig for a long time even if they wanted to dig, and people would have already arrived by then.

It's not much different from the number of one thousand taels.

The main reason is that he has never used any special means to save money, which is completely the most conventional and most suitable means of accumulating wealth in this world.

Work hard, save money, live in the world, and build good relationships.

Of course, the biggest advantage is that Wen Rensheng knows some medical skills, he himself will not get sick, and the two children are still young, and they are not sick either.

A guard captain earns 200 taels of silver per year, but he also needs to buy various medicinal meals and meat to maintain his external strength, which consumes a lot.

It would be nice to save 50 taels a year.

It is very difficult to accumulate one thousand taels of silver after more than ten years.

Even if you can earn some extra money, even eating, drinking, and various consumptions will cost you money.

When encountering some accidents, it takes a lot.

For example, following the ceremony, such as spending money to avoid disasters if something important happens.

Just like a few years ago, the king of the imperial court was going to celebrate his birthday, and all counties and towns had to pay tribute to the birthday outline.

The poor people were spared.

This is the order of Xianmen, and the poor can be exempted from certain taxes.

This can be regarded as Xianmen creating a halo of justice for themselves, and the effect is that the loyalty of the beginner disciples +5.

Wealthy families and middle-class families are unavoidable.

Everyone wants out.

So Wen Rensheng paid a total of thirty taels of silver.

This is not a small number.

The equivalent of half a year of savings is gone.

Now he will not engage in various inventions and creations, nor will he mess around with various things to get rich, such as business reforms, the more innovations, the more dangerous they are.

To do it step by step, the risks encountered are also within the scope of his response.

For example, if he invents and creates and makes a profit of ten thousand taels of silver, the opponent he will encounter must be a big family in a county, hundreds of servants, and a bunch of masters of external skills.

But if he is just the captain of the guard with an annual income of 200 taels, the big family will not trouble him unless there is an accident.

There was another incident recently. The third son of the Liu family left his relationship. After years of hard work, the third son was going to the next county to become a county lieutenant.

The third son wanted to take him there as his subordinate.

As a benefit of bringing it over, it will give him a secret book of internal energy.

It is the guard captain who has served the Liu family for three generations. The inner qi cheats are the same as those learned in the Qingshan Martial Art Museum, but only the first six levels, not the last three levels.

This Wen Rensheng has been in this world for twenty years, not to mention cultivating immortals, he hasn't even touched the gate of martial arts.

This is the real Gou Dao.

As for other Goudao, the foundation will be established in three or ten years.

In real life, according to their behavior style, they would have died long ago.

The name is Gou, written as Lang.

A wise man like Wen Rensheng can see through everything and not toss about.

Slowly accumulate strength with an annual growth rate of 5%.

The main purpose is to collect information and surrounding geographical information, so as to leave here before the big danger comes.

Develop good habits in normal times, and try to eliminate all dangers, ranging from small septic tanks to large houses, and middle to night safety, there is a plan.

Just like this time, Wen Rensheng didn't even think about it, so he decided not to go, giving up this opportunity.

He passed the opportunity on to another nursing captain.

The reason is also very simple, there must be risks in going to other places.

To integrate into the local area, it is necessary to fight and conflict with local forces.

The third son didn't take it seriously, the main reason was that he wanted to protect the master, and his loyalty was commendable.

Anyway, there is a method of inner qi, so don't send people to it.

Sure enough, another captain of the nursing home decided to go with him.

Because the other party is 45 years old, after 50, there is no hope of success in switching to inner qi.

After three months.

News came that the third son had offended the local gentry in the next county.

Then his hospital captain competed with others and was defeated by the opponent.

Then the county lieutenant he obtained by spending money to run away with connections could not sit still and could only become a puppet. Anyway, the benefits were to be handed over to others, so he could only get a salary and be able to ask for personal favors.

Don't even think about intervening in all the benefits.

If you don't make it right, you won't be able to do it for the next term.

Officials can be hereditary, and if they do well, they can die forever.

In addition to the county magistrate, the county magistrate is also an official, and there are also instructions and master books. Normally, the county lieutenant is also an official.

Wen Rensheng's comprehension ability is definitely not comparable to those people.

He saw something wrong at a glance, so he didn't go.

It will take two generations for Liu Da's family to expand their influence to the next county.

Their biggest relationship in the next county is that the third son's wife's natal family is in the next county, and it is a big family of Ma.

Obviously this is not enough.

Then he also sent his two godsons, Wen Er to learn literature, and Wen San to learn martial arts.

Learn literature from yourself, and go to be the accountant of Liu's restaurant.

Those who learn martial arts personally teach him some basic training methods. The martial arts learned from the martial arts gym will cost money to learn and cannot be taught privately.

Unless you don't want to live in this county, so be it.

After learning, it cannot be passed on privately.

This is the iron rule.

Martial arts rely on this to make a living, and they cannot allow people to teach others after they have learned it.

Then Wen Rensheng wanted to marry them a wife, have children, and inherit their surname.

In fact, these days, people pay more attention to surnames rather than blood relationship.

To put it bluntly, it is to pay attention to whether it is written on the genealogy after a hundred years, and to burn incense for myself.

Wen Rensheng doesn't marry a wife himself, but marry his children.

These two children are more traditional children.

Anyway, ordinary people, if it's not about not being able to support the elderly, they still have to take their reputation into account, that is, they can get by with face, and they won't be too filial or disobedient.

Besides, Wen Rensheng is not an ordinary person.

Five years later, Wen Rensheng finally accumulated enough silver, reaching one thousand taels of silver.

Of course, you can't learn internal qi just by relying on one thousand taels, because you need to supplement a lot of medicinal materials, and you need to start small.

So he didn't plan to practice right away.

Instead, keep saving money.

After saving enough money, I found out that the price of the inner qi cheats in Qingshan Martial Art Museum had been reduced to 500 taels.

And it is said that several real estates are also listed on the Yaman for consignment.

Afterwards, Wen Shengsheng realized that there was a problem.

He should be running away.

Why the price cut?

There are many reasons for the price reduction, but the biggest possibility is that there is a big problem with the martial arts gym itself, so they want to sell it cheaply.

Under what circumstances will they need a lot of silver?

That's when there are some major crises.

The simplest, for example, war is coming.

So they started selling houses.

Those who are well-informed will naturally have many people dealing with fixed assets at home.

Then go to buy food and buy weapons.

Are those cheats weapons? Cheats are not weapons, they are methods of making weapons.

Obviously, when the war comes, this method of making weapons will take a long time.

It is still necessary to quickly convert it into silver, which is safer and more efficient.

At this time, Wen Rensheng found the third senior brother again to inquire about the news.

"May I ask why the Qingshan Martial Arts Center lowered the price of the inner qi cheat book?"

"Well," said the third senior brother, looking around, "actually, it's because our master took a fancy to a book of immortality, yes, a book of immortality."

"But that fairy method came from an old handyman disciple who returned to his hometown. He wrote it himself and used it for health preservation. In order to live a luxurious life in his hometown, he needs two hundred thousand taels of silver to buy it."

"So, the master is going to sell the inner qi cheats at a low price. After all, he wants to practice immortality in the future."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he thought of the curator of Qingshan Martial Arts, who was over 60 years old.

At this age, can you still practice immortality?

Is it reasonable to want to save two hundred thousand taels of silver to buy it?

"A book of fairy arts? But isn't the fairy art monopolized by the immortal sect? Isn't the immortal art written by the handyman disciple also copied from the inner method of the immortal sect?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

He has inquired a lot about the news over the years.

The third brother said again: "What they monopolize is their own secret technique. The fairy technique written by this handyman disciple is just his own creation, and it is not a high-level stuff. I heard that this fairy technique has another advantage. Then It is to be able to roughly identify the quality of children's qualifications in advance, which means that this can reduce the cost of Xianmen's testing of children's qualifications."

"It will also save many families from drowning potentially gifted children in vain."

"Oh, I understand, but if this is the case, then this kind of fairy art should be distributed to rich families for free." Wen Rensheng asked.

In this way, the rich family can find out which child is qualified in advance, and then either buy it or befriend it, and those who have a grudge will naturally destroy the family... The premise is that the fairy sect does not know, otherwise, they will be the ones who destroy the family.

So the priority is to resolve it as the best policy.

"Well, what you said makes sense, brother." The third brother frowned when he heard it, "Anyway, the master explained it to me in this way, and I don't think it makes sense. Maybe there is something else in it?"

"Anyway, when I asked the master, the master didn't tell me."

"He told me not to inquire."

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he felt that there were many problems in it.

Obviously, he was about to run away.

As for the matter of running, as a dog, one must prepare in advance.

And it just so happened that he was already prepared.

He has inquired about places ranging from hundreds of miles to thousands of miles away, and even traveled by himself.

Of course, they all left after confirming safety through the businessmen coming and going.

Will not take those unfamiliar routes.

He also has acquaintances in some places, and even bought a small real estate.

He first asked someone to inquire about the situation in the neighboring county, and found that the price of the internal qi cheat book had not been reduced.

It just so happened that his two children were not married yet, so he arranged it later.

"Children, because my father is going to live in the next county, someone hired me to be an old coach there. I am planning to retire there, and I can't be the team leader all the time."

"Then Dad, there will be no problems with Mr. Liu's family, right?" Wen Er worried.

"No problem, I've made an agreement with Mr. Liu. I have a health problem, so I can't be the captain, so I chose to resign. He even gave me a sum of money for retirement."

Wen Rensheng has kept the Liu family from being thieves and thieves all these years.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng did everything very calmly.

A month later, he bought the secret book and the corresponding medicinal materials for cultivation, and brought the big lobster and two children to the next county to settle down.

Here he already has property.

It is a three-entry small courtyard worth 15 taels.

In ancient times, houses in most county towns were worthless. After all, there were no school districts in most places in ancient times.

The most valuable ones are the shops in the downtown area.

There is also irrigated land that can produce food.

After settling down in the county next door, he asked about the martial arts gym here again.

It was discovered that their inner qi secret book was sold for 1,110 taels of silver, which was even more expensive than before.

This shows that there is definitely a problem in Qingshan Martial Arts.


Two months later, he heard that there was a big fight in the former Qingshan County.

The owner of Qingshan Martial Arts School, carrying a lot of money and important belongings with him, was attacked by a group of people from the Demon Sect when he left the county town in the middle of the night.

It turned out that the owner of the Qingshan Pavilion once offended a member of the Demon Sect when he went to the capital.

So the demon came back to take revenge on him.

Sure enough, he ran away when something happened.

Wen Rensheng thought it was really not new.

However, the efficiency of this magic gate is also low, and it took so long to come here.

Give Qingshan Martial Arts time to run away and sell the money.

No, maybe it was calculated, but it just didn't happen for a long time, and he didn't make a move until the other party had sold the money.

So when you take revenge, you can get rich by the way.

Let the opponent vomit blood.

Wen Rensheng's hometown was not affected.

However, Liu Da's family was also kidnapped by people from the Scattered Demon Sect, and lost at least ten thousand taels of silver.

This is not considered a muscle injury, but also a bleeding.

Because this is cash.

Liu Da's family is not too many, more shops and farm houses.

If Wen Rensheng continued to stay there, there was a high probability that there would be no problem.

The people in the Demon Sect only robbed money and didn't kill anyone.

But if you encounter a guard, you must do it.

Wen Rensheng didn't regret this, this is the essence of Gou Dao, if the wind is wrong, he will retreat immediately.

Find out the safe retreat route in advance, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and various safe houses.

Always be ready to run.

This time, he ran to the next county to settle down.

Then he thought about it and decided to choose a safer job.

What business?

As he said to the children before, he became an instructor, teaching the guarding skills of some big families.

They are all practicing kung fu outside, and they don't compete with the local martial arts gym for food.

Because what he teaches is the most superficial kung fu and doesn't involve too much.

He now has the inner qi secret book, and after he is ready to practice it, he will go to the mountain to live.

In the mountains and plains of mortals, with his current mastery of outside martial arts, he can already resist many dangers.

He started to practice.

Five years have passed, ten years have passed.

By the time he was 60 years old, he had already mastered the secrets of internal energy.

At this time, he has been practicing for more than 20 years.

The two children he adopted had already grown up and were also married and had children.

Have their own business.

Then he left home with the big lobster, saying that he was going into the mountains to find herbs for the children.

Then never come back.

The news that came back again was to hate the Northwest.

The two children begged Orion to search in the mountains, and found his clothes and supplies from a mountain temple, as well as a bone of the same height.

They cried a lot and took the bones back for burial.

Relying on the real estate bank left by Wen Rensheng and still being capable, the two children settled down and lived like this.

But in their eyes, Dad Wen and someone just left and became the name on the spiritual seat, loving father**...

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