MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2141 expose identity

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Chapter 2141 Exposure of Identity

At this time, the storyteller followed Zhang San to see Wen Rensheng.

At this moment, Wen Rensheng was holding a book and reading it in the shack.

He was lying in the shack, looking very leisurely.

The two of them looked and saw a few animal skins in the sleeping shed, which smelled a little bit like a young hunter.

There is no slight difference from ordinary prey.

Zhang San nodded, but his eyes moved slightly.

"Hey, young Orion, this time Uncle Zhang is coming to buy your Complete Book of Journey to the West, so hurry up and get it out."

As soon as the commentator finished speaking, he suddenly felt a burning heat in his chest.

It seemed that something hot was coming out.

Then he saw a dagger protruding from his chest.

"You, you... uh." Immediately, the whole person was unable to speak, the blood soaked the alveoli, and the suffocation made him lose the ability to speak.

Then it went dark, and the whole person fell over.

Wen Rensheng frowned slightly, stood up immediately, and looked at Zhang San warily.

Zhang San, who was originally calm and amiable, now had ferocious eyes.

There was ecstasy on his face.

He couldn't help but said: "Haha, it's true that the sky never stops me. I didn't expect that I would see an unprecedented human medicine in such a place waiting to die!"

Human medicine?

Wen Rensheng smiled slightly in his heart, and stepped on it.

At this time, Zhang San stretched out his hand and took out a white talisman, striking Wen Rensheng.

It's just that he never expected that a trap suddenly appeared under his feet!

He thought that the sure-fire method immediately failed!

Although his stature fell, he still tried his best to throw the talisman towards Wen Rensheng.

However, Wen Rensheng's figure flickered, like lightning and flint, and he easily dodged the talisman.

The talisman hit the shed, and then it made a clear noise before turning into fly ash.

"Damn it, if I'm a foundation-builder and have the consciousness to lock on, how can you avoid it?"

Zhang was scattered in the pit, which was five meters deep!

He complained, and then took out another talisman!

Wen Rensheng has already seen that this person has no fighting skills, not even ordinary people's martial arts.

Otherwise, it would have jumped out long ago, instead of using symbols.

He had been prepared for a long time, and when he stepped on it, a big net appeared!

A seemingly ordinary shack turned into a large net of steel wires, covering the pit!

Not only that, but a small steel cage appeared under the entire pit, which rose directly from the ground and fit perfectly with the big net!

Lock that Zhang Sanzi firmly inside.

Seeing this, Zhang San cursed: "Bastard boy, you were already prepared, you sinister villain!"

While cursing, he immediately pulled out a talisman from his body.

Wen Rensheng had already run a long way, a full 100 meters.

It's just that the opponent didn't hit him with the talisman, but hit the steel fence directly.

Wen Rensheng saw the talisman turned into an ice arrow.

This man knows that thermal expansion and contraction can destroy steel.

It's a pity, can my preparations for the past few years be in vain?

The location of this shack is outside the city, and it seems that it is not very far from the city, only more than 20 miles away.

However, it is covered by a forest.

Usually no one passes by, because there is a fierce mountain king nearby, who often robs pedestrians.

Needless to say, this king is him.

As long as money is not life.

That's enough to keep people from coming.

How did Zhang Zhang know that Wen Rensheng had already made the best preparations for this meeting.

The worst case scenario is taken into account.

Now it seems that it really appeared.

This is suspicion, to be fully prepared, not to take chances, this is the quality that any longevity person should possess, otherwise the longevity will come to an abrupt end.

But Zhang San, under the ecstasy, forgot to be cautious, thinking that he had an absolute advantage, and only if Wen Rensheng was a young mortal who didn't know the situation, would he fall into the current sad situation.

However, in truth, he is the weaker side.

In terms of combat expertise, Wen Rensheng is professional, and he is unprofessional.

At this time, Zhang San had just used a talisman to freeze it, and then used another talisman, and the raging fire appeared.

After a while of low temperature and a while of high temperature, the steel cage actually cracked.

"Boy, don't you know? This is the common sense of us cultivators. How do you, an ignorant mortal, know?" Seeing this, Zhang San laughed.

Then you have to get out of the cage, and then try to climb out of the trap.

Just the next moment, Wen Rensheng smiled and stomped his feet.

Another bigger steel cage appeared!

Cover the original cage together!

"I prepared a hundred steel cages, let's see how many talismans you have." Wen Rensheng said with a smile.

What thermal expansion and contraction, can he not know?

"Impossible!" Zhang San was taken aback.

He held the steel fence with all his strength, and under the force, the steel fence only moved slightly, but there was no possibility of deformation.

"Damn it!" As he said that, he took off his clothes, and unexpectedly thought of a way to use them to twist the fence.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

Stepped on another place.

Then, on the wall of the pit, several bamboo pipes suddenly appeared!

The bamboo pipe then spewed out smoke!

" wicked person!" Zhang San was smoked out of shape without even cursing a few words.

Quickly took out another talisman, this time a gust of wind appeared, blowing away the fireworks.

Ice, fire, wind, Wen Rensheng was thinking about it.

It seems that this person doesn't know any physical skills, only talismans.

That's right, this is the same as many civilian logistics personnel, who will also use a pistol, and basically will not learn assassination melee skills.

The opponent's aptitude is poor, and the cultivation of longevity is not enough. How can there be time to learn the method of fighting?

Using simple and convenient symbols is the best way to meet your needs.

Wen Rensheng already knew what this guy was capable of.

The other party was just as he had inquired.

The second level of Qi Refining is basically similar to an ordinary long-lived old man.

The biggest means is to have spiritual power, you can use all kinds of magical low-level symbols.

Intermediate and high-level ones will not work, and more spiritual power is needed.

The principle of using this talisman is similar to the machinery in the previous life. The spiritual power is fuel, and the lines on the talisman are mechanical parts. If fuel is poured into it, the parts will be able to run and emit power.

If these talismans hit yourself directly.

If you block it yourself, you will definitely die.

This is the same as that bullet. For ordinary martial arts masters, it is equivalent to a dimensionality reduction strike.

Even if you have a hundred years of internal strength like yourself, you can only avoid it by dodging.

His combat skills have long been honed to the full level, and he can find flaws through the opponent's eye movements, shoulders, and gestures.

And Zhang San was full of flaws just now.

From eyes to movements, it has long been exposed.

What's more, in order to silence the story, the other party killed the storyteller first, and even gave himself a warning time.

Literally an amateur in combat.

It's just that Wen Rensheng doesn't know how many talismans the other party has.

But not too much.

It will be consumed slowly.

Anyway, Wen Rensheng would never approach each other easily.

At this time, Zhang San also gave up using the talisman, but thought of other ways.

He doesn't seem desperate.

Obviously, in his opinion, he still feels that he is a cultivator of immortals, and it is impossible to lose to an ordinary hunter who has no knowledge and just made a lot of traps in advance.

Suddenly, Wen Rensheng asked, "Why do you say I'm a human drug?"

Zhang San's eyes rolled, he didn't know what he was thinking, and finally said: "I said you are a human medicine because I have a secret method, and I can see that you are full of vitality and continuous."

"It's like the ancient pine and cypress tree, which can have a lifespan of three to five thousand years!"

Sure enough.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised.

He has long known that cultivators are different from ordinary people.

How can ordinary people see people?

But cultivators are different.

Some divination methods may be effective.

It is no surprise to see this.

"If you are used as medicine, at least I can live another 1,000 years. Do you think you are a human medicine?"

Wen Rensheng understood that this must be the vigorous vitality brought to him by the Seed of Longevity.

In fact, ordinary people can see a thing or two about a person's vitality.

Over forty still looks like twenty or thirty.

Fifty years old and still has black hair.

"You are only at the second level of Qi Refining, can you have this ability to see through my vitality?" Wen Rensheng asked, "Your secret method can do this kind of thing?"

"Hahaha, if you want to know, then let me go." Zhang San said.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Wen Rensheng wanted to laugh.

"Damn it, I should have been more cautious just now!" Zhang San regretted.

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

The other party didn't know it at all, and when the other party showed greedy eyes, there was no chance.

And unless one has been practicing, it is very difficult to control one's eyes.

Amateurs should not challenge the jobs of professionals.

Wen Rensheng has specialized in combat for more than a hundred years.

He didn't live in the city for nothing.

"Okay, I can actually let you live." Wen Rensheng continued.

"What conditions do you have?"

"You have to give me the immortal method you cultivated, and if I succeed in cultivating, I will let you go."

"You need to swear, swear to the way of heaven." Zhang San said suddenly.


"It still doesn't work. Cultivation requires aptitude. No matter how vigorous your vitality is, it has nothing to do with cultivation. A pine tree can live for 3,000 years, which is not as good as ordinary people." Zhang San shook his head and said, "You have to change one condition, that is I will give you the cultivation method of immortality, and you will let me go."

"Then I also want you to swear that it must be a complete immortal law without any legacy or error. You can't do anything with it. You must tell me all the details when you cultivated the immortal law. It must be guaranteed. What I found Among the people, those who are qualified can successfully cultivate it." Wen Rensheng continued.

"Okay, I can swear it."

Wen Rensheng suddenly felt that although he encountered the worst situation, the heavenly way of this world could provide a platform of trust, saving himself a lot of effort.

Then Zhang San swears to the sky that he will... If there is any falsehood, any deceit, he will be struck by thunder and the road will be cut off.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng thought about it, and then made an oath.

"Okay, I'll tell you now, let me go quickly." Zhang San said.

Wen Rensheng would not believe him that easily.

After all, the way of heaven in this world does exist.

He had inquired about this, and most people would not dare to swear casually.

The greatest grace that the king of the imperial court bestows on his subjects is to take the law of heaven as his oath, unless they rebel against each other, they will share wealth and honor.

In the tens of thousands of years, only three or four courtiers got such an oath.

Similar to the relationship between monarch and ministers like Liu Bei and Zhuge.

"I practice Changchun Gong."

"But I only have the cultivation method of the first three layers."

"Look for the wood energy of heaven and earth, absorb the inspiration of all things. Develop the awareness of wisdom, and feel the prehistoric universe..."

As usual, a bunch of prefaces are very grand, followed by the specific operation method.

Look for wooded areas.

Then spit and spit to guide.

Of course Wen Rensheng can't practice by himself.

He believes that the other party will definitely plant some hidden dangers in it.

Even if the other party speaks out completely, even if there is no difference, but the environment is different, the location and time are different, it will be different.

As long as you do the same experiment, it is difficult to get the same results as the textbook.

Data are often pieced together.

This is still a scientific experiment without any concealment, let alone the other party's immortal method?

Wen Rensheng locked the other party here and built a village on it.

Then feed daily.

He went to find other people to practice.

Sure enough, there are people who can practice.

But five years later, a few people who were able to practice grew vegetation nodules all over their bodies, and they hated the Northwest.

Sure enough, there is a problem.

Wen Rensheng threw the man directly in front of Zhang San and cut off his food for a month.

The other party didn't even have a Bigu Pill, and he was so hungry that he was pale and emaciated, and kept saying that there was no problem with the immortal technique, but it depended on one's luck, and this problem would happen to 80% of people who could practice.

If you want to avoid it, you have to take pills.

And he didn't say that.

Just like when a person is born, there is also a high probability of dying.

There are still great difficulties in growing let alone practicing exercises that go against the sky?

"Then why didn't you say it? Didn't you swear?"

"Among the oaths I made, as long as I roughly abide by them, and don't say anything about them, there will be no major hindrances. Anyway, my path has been cut off, and God will punish me for this, not my life." Zhang San said desperately.

He found that he couldn't play against the young Orion in front of him at all.

The other party has one hundred and eight thousand minds.

"Sure enough, I knew you wouldn't be kind enough to tell me everything."

"Fortunately, I've been prepared. Now you continue to talk about what else you haven't said."

"If you don't tell me, then continue to be hungry. Anyway, let me tell you, I will not practice until someone succeeds in cultivation. As long as no one succeeds in cultivation, then you should continue to be hungry."

"Anyway, I will live for thousands of years according to what you said, so I don't care. You should believe that I will not kill you, because I just need to boil you to death normally, and I will not violate my oath to kill you. Of course You have already broken your oath, so I won't let you go." Wen Ren Sheng said lightly.

"Okay, let me say, let me say..." Then the casual cultivator, suffering from hunger and cold, thoroughly stated all the hurdles of cultivation.

Will Wen Rensheng believe him?

of course not.

During these years, he was looking for other casual cultivators.

Finally found someone similar to Zhang San.

Similarly, those people also discovered the characteristics of Wen Rensheng.

Then he followed suit and arrested them as well...

Well, here comes the worst.

But Wen Rensheng was not afraid.

He has an infinite lifespan, just take it easy. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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