MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2143 Network longevity

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Chapter 2143 Network Longevity

Is he just a supporting role?

The big lobster is the protagonist.

Wen Rensheng thought about it casually.

Well, no one is the main character in real life.

Bad luck, the main character and the supporting characters will all die.

He carefully felt the movement outside.

As for time calculation, the sun is no longer visible. He used an hourglass before, and then he used a heartbeat.

Then simply use the molting time of the big lobster.

This guy sheds his skin every ten years, and he has to assist himself every time.

This makes it easy to calculate time.

In the cave, there is a faint light, which is the light radiated from the decay of radioactive elements in the rock layer.

Some mosses rely on it and the moisture in the air to grow tenaciously.

Wen Rensheng looked at the moss, and couldn't help sighing in his mind, life is really tenacious.

As long as there is a little light and water, they can work hard to reproduce.

As long as the general environment is not so hopeless, life can survive.

Anyway, Wen Rensheng thinks so.

It's amazing.

Wen Rensheng continued to stay in the cave.

10 years have passed, 20 years have passed, 30 years have passed.

Finally, after he ate the sixth boiled egg, he finally broke through the foundation establishment.

Then my mind cools down.

The whole body is also cleaned.

Wait, can you break through foundation building by eating boiled eggs?

Suddenly Wen Rensheng felt that there was something wrong with his mind.

That's not a boiled egg, it should be called Zhujidan, right?

That's right.

Wen Rensheng suddenly realized a big problem.

He may have been out of contact with people for a long time, and now he has become a little crazy.

Sure enough, living alone for a long time will cause psychological problems.

He thought of the white-haired girl he had seen before, because the white-haired girl lived in the mountains for a long time, because of the lack of salt, her hair was all white, and she was also demented.

Later, as I got in touch with more people, I gradually became normal.

Then Wen Rensheng realized that he could live forever.

But you have to be in touch with people.

Without contact with people, his rationality cannot be maintained.

He is also relatively strong, because he has lived a single life for about one or two hundred years.

Know that this is different from the previous life.

In his previous life, at least he still had the internet.

It is possible to connect with people through the Internet. Even if it is a house, it will be fine for thirty or forty years.

It really doesn't work now.

He is still quite strong, and he has lived alone for hundreds of years before he had any problems.

People, really, are fragile.

Human psychology is really subtle.

He felt that it was not too late to wake up.

After all, he only occasionally thinks a little wrong.

lead to confusion.

How could he mistake it for boiled eggs?

It must be the netizens who misled him in his previous life.

Anyway, he has already established the foundation.

You can continue to practice every day.

Cultivation is still very slow.

But slow to slow, but the skill is very solid, and the operation is also very proficient.

And after building the foundation, he can learn a passive skill that restrains vitality that he got from a casual cultivator before.

This skill can restrain vitality.

The full name is Turtle Breathing Technique.

In fact, it is similar to hibernation.

It can make people restrain their vitality and live for more than ten years.

But the price is that you have to sleep a lot every day, and living that little time is actually a loss.

Generally, it is used when the old monks of the family want to deter others.

After learning it, people at the same level should not be able to see their true vitality.

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng began to practice the turtle breath technique.

It took ten years to practice successfully.

He restrained his vitality, and then he asked the big lobster:

"Can you still feel my vitality now?"

Big Lobster wrote on the wall: "I can't perceive it anymore, I only see a normal practitioner."

"Well, that's about the same. It seems that we can go out next time."

Afterwards, Wen Rensheng continued to sense the movement outside.

Finally, after a hundred years, he sensed it for a long time, and found that there was indeed no major movement outside.

Only then did the big lobster go out first.

After the big lobster came out, it went back quickly.

"Nothing to do today, you can play cards."

Seeing this, Wen Rensheng suddenly realized, yes, he can find another long-lived lobster to play Dou Dizhu, and find two more to play mahjong.

Five people can play football, six people...

Then he followed out.

Then I saw that the mountains outside were gone.

Good fellow, it has only been more than two hundred years, and this mountain has been lost by the vicissitudes of life.

It seems needless to say, this is the golden elixir catastrophe.

Then he went down the mountain with the big lobster.

After going down the mountain, we came to the nearest county town.

As a result, he found that only a small half of the city wall remained in the county seat.

There are shacks all around.

Inside the half of the city wall, the people in the city are looking for wild vegetables hard, and some people have planted some land and opened up some wasteland.

It's obviously a difficult recovery period right now.

Sure enough, the people in Xing suffered and died, and the people died.

So it's better to be happy.

He looked around and asked an old man at random.

"Old man, what happened to you in the past few decades?"

The old man looked at him and said, "Little gentleman, your accent sounds like a local. Don't you know what's going on here?"

"Oh, I went to other places before, and I just came back recently." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"It's actually very simple. My grandfather told me that two gods passed by us and fought for a magic medicine. As a result, half of our county was wiped out on the spot."

"At that time, Lord City Lord, half of the City Lord's Mansion was here, and there were many rich and noble families, all of which disappeared on the spot."

"But we are not having a good time, where would we fight without them."

"We went to ask the immortal to stop, but the immortal didn't even look at us."

Wen Rensheng shook his head.

He gets it.

It seems that this is some spiritual grass and elixir for these mortals, Jindan usually doesn't care.

Because it is too much trouble to find.

But when life and death are between them, they start to go crazy, so any hope is not let go.

How about calling it the Great Tribulation of Golden Core?

"What happened to those two immortals?"

"I heard that after the two immortals fought a battle, an old immortal finally came and captured the two immortals who were both wounded."

This old fairy must have gone to Nascent Soul.

Yuanying seizes the house back and forth three times and can live for 9000 years.

They can bear it.

And in the last 9,000 years, it will not survive anyway.

No matter how much you take medicine, it will be useless, because there will be thunder from the sky.

Rather than being crazy, it's better to reincarnate early, and there is still some hope.

If Yuanying is also crazy, I am afraid that the world will have to start all over again every ten thousand years.

Destroy the world.

And the power of Jindan seems to be able to destroy a mountain and half a city.

It's about the same as a big mushroom egg.

This is the power of Jindan.

To be honest, it is impossible for them to exterminate human civilization, but if they are unscrupulously released and there is no suppression by Daoist Yuan Ying, the impact will be very great.

Wen Rensheng didn't ask any more questions, and then he went to find casual cultivators again.

Then I found that the other party really couldn't see his characteristics.

This made him a little more at ease.

However, he still won't go to worship Xianmen.

I can’t see it at the same level, so what about the golden elixir level?

While worrying, Wen Rensheng suddenly found out.

He suddenly discovered that his seed of longevity was also a cage.

Not only gave him unlimited resources, but also gave him unlimited cages.

This cage is to make him worry that he will die because of some carelessness.

When doing anything, he will consider whether there is any risk in this matter, and whether it will cause his death.

If he wanted to really solve this problem, he would only have to train a clone or a puppet in the future.

But puppet, it is still impossible to completely solve this problem.

Why? Because when the time comes, he will wonder if the other party will find himself through the puppet.

Will he find himself because of what the puppet did.

These are all prisons.

The cage of longevity.

But Wen Rensheng was not dissatisfied with this.

He feels very content.

What you want, what you have to give.

How can there be any perfect good thing.

Even if they are ordinary people, they don't have immortality, so don't they have a cage?

They have a cage of years.

There are more cages on them.

In contrast, you only need to pay attention to safety issues.

Don't starve to death, don't be beaten to death, you can enjoy endlessly.

Now that he has established his foundation, he is much stronger than before.

Now he can be a little more daring, and he can go to more places as long as he scouts carefully.

Wen Rensheng thought that he would treat the foundation-building elixir as a boiled egg.

This means that I need some friends and a small society to communicate with in the future.

He thought about it.

Communicating with ordinary people, when they are born, old, sick and dying, it is inevitable that they will have feelings. If that is the case, it is not good.

So where and what kind of people do you communicate with?


Hey, Wen Rensheng suddenly thought of a place.

That is to communicate with netizens, and it doesn't matter whether they live or die.

Because netizens can keep changing.

Even if a netizen dies.

He would at most sigh, and would never shed tears.

Just like when you are playing a game, if one of your game friends dies, how worried can you be?

How sad can you be when your gaming wife dies?

I'm afraid it's not as sad as when Zhao Ling'er died.

Most people won't bother much.

Yes, you can rely on online games to maintain your sanity.

Many nerds stay at home and don't talk to anyone for 20 or 30 years, just relying on playing games and reading novels.

Continue to maintain reason.

So Wen Rensheng began to think of ways to make games.

But how to make a game?

Need to improve technology level.

Can the level of technology be improved?

There should be no problem.

When he dug the cave, he found various ores.

Coal and iron ore are available, so there is a foundation for the industrial revolution.

It's just that he has created some new technological things now, will people find something strange on him.

He thought so again.

If you want to avoid being discovered, it is best to let others invent.

If he throws out his technological knowledge, will others find out that he spread it?

After deliberation, Wen Rensheng felt that this was a deadlock.

If a long-lived person thinks too much, he will become as if he can't do anything.

Because there are risks in doing anything.

For Wen Rensheng, the safest place is to keep digging holes.

Continue to dig holes, digging from 5,000 meters to 50,000 meters deep, all the way to the center of the earth, and then keep shrinking.

But Wen Rensheng thought about it again, even though you kept shrinking.

Is it absolutely safe?

If one day the world falls apart, wouldn't it be the same as death?

Wen Rensheng carefully considered the pros and cons of this.

At last he suddenly understood.

Real safety is to constantly weigh the dangers between doing things, and try to do what you should do.

You don't need to think too much about other things you can't control.

Just like this time.

There is no absolute safety in this world, unless you have a system that can bring you back from the dead.

As long as you live forever, you still have to be self-reliant.

After making a decision, Wen Rensheng began to recall how to rub the chip in his mind.

What is AND gate or gate and OR gate...

Thanks to the Three-Body Problem he had seen before, he remembered the basic logic unit parts that he had forgotten.

If you calculate it carefully, you can still calculate the whole thing.

With the logic and calculation unit, the humanoid array computer can be displayed.

He found a group of poor people and started playing with this thing.

They didn't understand, but they did what Wen Rensheng said.

In the end, Wen Rensheng carefully wrote out these things into a logic book.

Construct a programming book.

Then they locked the poor people who were doing experiments in a cave, gave them food and drink, let them live for 50 years, and then died one by one.

Well, he won't shut up.

That creates psychological stress.

He has life.

There is no need to do such a thing.

In 50 years, he perfected all kinds of modern knowledge.

It will take at least 300 years for ordinary people to realize this technological leap.

But the immortals can make it directly.

Because they can draw characters.

Those symbols are actually modern computer chips.

There are also their communication symbols, tracking symbols, etc. UU Reading has a similar principle.

Wen Rensheng wrote all these things out and organized them into a book.

"Grand View of Prehistoric Civilization and Technology".

In this book, many of them are only one idea.

There are no specific implementation details, he just talked about it above.

Give others a process of realization.

Then, through a certain channel, this book was directly thrown to a casual cultivator in this world.

Soon, a strange book in the world was circulated in several nearby cities.

After a few casual cultivators found out, they began to study carefully.

Anyway, they are just eating and waiting to die, and suddenly they think this thing is very fun.

Someone contributed it to a Jindan Daxiu.

That Jindan was actually dying of old age.

Only 200 years of life remaining.

Suddenly he seemed to have an idea.

In this book, there is a so-called online world.

This online world seems to be built with divine consciousness.

Since the network can be built with spiritual consciousness, does that mean that the network can store the soul of a person.

If I store my soul, can I live forever?

This is actually a brain-computer interface, consciousness uploading.

Before, Old Jindan once wanted to rebel, but later held back.

After all, you can live for 200 years.

Now he sees this thing.

He suddenly wanted to know who wrote this book.

It's a pity that the author is too stubborn, and he couldn't find it after searching.

He didn't want to waste time either, so he started to organize casual practitioners by himself, and started to engage in this network. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter