MTL - Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards-Chapter 13

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Yuri Hong opened the tent curtain and walked in, followed by Uzuki Yuyan.

"Lei Luo, Mr. Orochimaru is looking for us to gather, let's go over quickly."

"What will Orochimaru do to us? It must not be a simple reminiscence of the past, so be careful!"

Lai Luo thought in his heart but did not show anything, but agreed.

"Well, okay, let's go."

Lai Luo got up and followed Kurenai Yuhi and Yuzuki Yuyan out of the tent and walked towards the camp.

Chapter 19 Goodbye Orochimaru, the summons of the three generations

When the three of Lai Luo entered the camp, Orochimaru was looking at the sand table in the camp.

"Long time no see! My lovely subordinates."

Orochimaru looked at the three with a very interested expression on his face.

"You guys did a great job!"

"For this mission, I would like to know the specific situation with you."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed involuntarily and looked at Lei Luo.

"cough cough"

Laidlaw cleared his throat and said,

"Master Orochimaru, in this mission we were attacked by Yan Ninja, and the ninja led by Yan Ninja was a Jōnin who had the limit of escaping blood. Although we finally wiped out the enemy and completed the mission, we also lost heavily."

"Our leader, Junin Kato, and the team he led were completely wiped out, and he was the only one left in the team of Sarutobi Conan Jonin."

"Our fourth shift was also injured, but fortunately no one died."

Orochimaru nodded and asked.

"Then what happened to Ice Dun?"

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Lei Luo had already thought of an answer in his heart.

"The power of that ice escape comes from the knife in my hand."

Lai Luo said with an ice wheel pill in his hand.

"This knife is a trophy that I got when I encountered the ninjas of the Misuki Ninja clan during a mission."

"I thought it was just a good ninja knife, but I didn't expect this knife to have spirituality."

"In an accidental opportunity, it was compatible with my soul, and I discovered that this knife has the power of ice escape."

"Oh?" Orochimaru was very interested when he heard Lei Luo's words.

"Then Lei Luo-kun, would you like me to study this knife?"

"I'm sorry, Lord Orochimaru, Bing Lun Pill is already compatible with my soul, I can't give it to you for research." Lei Luo said seriously.

"Don't you think about it anymore, Lei Luo-kun? I can exchange anything you want in exchange," said Orochimaru faintly.

Lai Luo did not explain much, and rejected Orochimaru again.

"Well, since that's the case, Lei Luo-kun, I want to ask you one last question, are you willing to be my disciple?" Orochimaru said regretfully.

After listening to the Orochimaru question, Lai Luo thought about it.

Although Orochimaru knows a lot of ninjutsu and is very strong in ninjutsu research, he is still too dangerous.

Moreover, he has a god-level lottery system, and the prizes are not weaker than the research of Orochimaru.

Taking ten thousand steps back, if Orochimaru really wants to do it to himself.

With glittering fruits, if you can't beat it, you can always run away.

All in all, Orochimaru, who has only mastered a few half-baked forbidden techniques, is really not worthy of being his master!

If Tsunade, the big cow, accepted him as his disciple, he would definitely agree.

So Lai Luo scratched his head, "Master Orochimaru, I already have a master."

"Oh, that's fine, then forget it." Orochimaru naturally wouldn't be shy, but his eyes became cold again.

"Now that you have recovered, I will give you a new task."

"You, together with another team, **** the seriously wounded and return the bones of the dead to the village."

"Yes!" The three of Lai Luo responded.


Fire Country, outside Konoha Ninja Village.

Because of the need to **** the wounded, the movement is slow, and you have to be vigilant along the way to prevent the enemy from attacking.

After half a month, Lai Luo and his party finally came to the gate of Konoha,

When the two Chunin guards saw this group of people, they hurried out to inquire about the situation.

Lai Luo handed the proof of leaving the village to the gatekeeper ninja, and after checking it, he entered the village.

First, send all the wounded to Konoha Hospital, then go to the mission center to submit a mission report, and hand in the scroll that seals the bodies of the dead.

Everyone dispersed and went home to rest.

Lai Luo was walking down the street, watching the busy shops on both sides,

"It's still Konoha, it would be uncomfortable to travel to the backcountry like Shayin Village!"

Lai Luo couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Not to mention any conspiracy and darkness, the prosperous Konoha Village is the most suitable place to live in Hokage.

Laidlaw had just returned home and was about to clean up.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed and appeared in Lai Luo's window.

The man was dressed in black with a fox mask on his head.

When Laylo saw this, a name flashed in his heart: "Anbu!"

"Laylo, right, Lord Hokage summoned, I hope you will go to the Hokage Building as soon as possible!"

Anbu's voice was low, and after he finished speaking, he immediately left without the slightest sloppiness.

"Huh~ Is the third generation of purpose summoned? What could be the reason?"


Konoha Hokage Building

Lai Luo came to Hokage's office and knocked on the door.

"come in!"

There was an old but breathy voice inside, and he pushed open the door and walked in.

In the office, an old man in a royal robe was sitting on the middle chair with a pipe in his mouth. Several chairs and a wooden table in the room constituted a simple office space.

And a woman standing next to the old man caught Lai Luo's attention. She was in her twenties, with blond hair and brown eyes and a slender nose, but her red eyes were obviously from crying just now, and her frowning appearance made her pretty Appears stubborn and strong.

"Tsunade, go down first, don't be too sad, the ninja's destination is to die on the battlefield, and he gave his life for Konoha. He is a hero of Konoha." Sarutobi Hijian said with a cigarette.

"Is that what you brought back?"

Unexpectedly, Tsunade did not leave, but walked in front of Lai Luo and said with red eyes.

"Uh, yes, Tsunade-sama." Lei Luo froze for a moment, but still said.

"Thank you..." Tsunade said sadly, "I heard that you can do a healing ninjutsu similar to palm immortality?"

"Yes." Lai Luo nodded: "This is the ability I developed by relying on the light escape and blood, but the treatment ability is limited, and I can't save Senior Kato."

"Break..." Wen Yan Tsunade's eyes darkened again, but he still turned and left, leaving only Lei Luo in a daze.

Thousand Hands Tsunade, the granddaughter (or granddaughter) of the first Hokage Senju Hasuma and his wife Uzumaki Mito, and also the big fat sheep in the legendary "Three Ninjas", who likes to gamble, the most important person is the lover Kato Duanyu The younger brother, Senju Roshu, is good at taijutsu and medical ninjutsu, and has the "weird power" of a fatal blow.

In the original book, after Duanhe Roshu died, she suffered from hyperphobia, and then left Konoha, wandering around with Duanhe's niece Mute, and also taught Mute a medical ninjutsu. After the death of the third generation, at the request of Jiraiya, he returned to the village and became the fifth generation of Hokage.

At this time, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hizuzan put the document in his hand aside and looked at Lai Luo with a kind expression.

"You are Leroy."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!" Lai Luo replied.

At this time, Hiruzen Sarutobi could not see the momentum of being a Hokage at all, but looked more like an ordinary kind old man.

"Don't be nervous, Orochimaru is very optimistic about you."

"It's because he is optimistic about me that I'm nervous. I don't know when he will use it as an experimental material." Lei Luo thought to himself, but his expression did not change, and he replied respectfully, "Yes!"

"Lei Luo, I heard that Orochimaru said that you have a kind of bloodstain boundary called Guangdun, which is very fast and has extraordinary power." Sarutobi Hiizan smiled warmly, looked at Lei Luo and said, "I also want to see the old man, said Maybe I can give you some advice on the development of the bloodline boundary, what do you think?"

Lei Luo's mind moved, thinking that the third generation of Sarutobi Hiizan is known as the "Professor of Ninjutsu". He should have a lot of experience in the development of abilities. If he gets some pointers from the three generations, maybe there will be more inspiration, and then Lei Luo will Nodding in agreement.

"Is it here?" Laidlaw asked, glancing around the office.

"Haha." The third generation put down his pipe and smiled, "It's really inconvenient here, let's go to the practice ground!"

Chapter 20 The Invitation of the Three Generations

On the way, all the villagers who saw the three-generation group bowed respectfully, and Sarutobi Hizan also responded with a smile, his face was full of relief, and he could see the prestige of Sarutobi Hizan in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hizan seemed to have a feeling, and suddenly turned his head and asked, "Lei Luo, I know you are an orphan. It must be difficult to live alone since you were a child, right?"

Following behind the third generation, Lei Luo shook his head when he heard this.

"The village has given me great care. If it wasn't for the village, I would have died long ago. The people in the village are warm and there are people I love. I like it here very much."

After listening to Lai Luo's words, the third generation said with some relief: "It's good to like it here, it's good to like it here~"

Anbu around him was like a puppet, just following closely along the way without saying a word.

Before they knew it, the three of them had already arrived at the Konoha No. 3 Exercise Field and walked to an open space, Hiruzen Sarutobi stopped and said with a smile, "Just here, I hope you don't disappoint me, the old man, Lei. Lo."

The three generations of "Tu Dun. Tucheng Wall" directly formed a seal and summoned a thick stone wall.

"Unleash a few spells on it, try the power!"

Lai Luo nodded, and then, when he raised his hand, a laser beam shot out.

"Chi" a deep hole appeared in the stone wall.

Countless dazzling light bullets of "Eight-handed Qionggouyu" appeared, slamming against the stone wall.

The stone walls were battered and crumbling.

After all, he didn't hold on, and the stone wall collapsed, stirring up a lot of dust.

"Okay, stop it." Sarutobi Hizan was slightly surprised, "It's all Muji Ninjutsu?"

"Well, that's right, I can use Ninjutsu without the need for a seal on my bloodline." Lai Luo nodded.

"Amazing power, the light bullets are very small, but the number is extremely large, and they have both high temperature and penetrating properties." Sarutobi Hizan's eyes were full of admiration, "A very strong blood line, Lai Luo. "

"Okay, Lai Luo, let's go back." He picked up his pipe and took another sip, and Hizan Sarutobi walked towards the village.

"Yes." Leroy pondered for a while and understood the intention of Hiizan Sarutobi's behavior, and replied calmly.

He understood that the purpose of the three generations of summoning himself this time was just to see his bloodline boundaries and his attitude towards Konoha.

In short, the three generations only need to understand that Lai Luo is a blood genius who loves Konoha.


Go back to the Hokage office.

"Laylo, the old man has an idea, would you like to hear it?" Hizan Sarutobi sat behind the desk with a kind expression on his face.

Hearing this, Lai Luo's eyebrows jumped unconsciously and squeezed out a smile: "You said."

Sarutobi Hiizaki: "I want you to join Anbu, what do you think?"

Anbu, as the name suggests, the full name of the assassination tactical special unit, was created by the second generation of Hokage, mainly to protect the shadow and prevent foreign enemies from invading the ninja village.

"Join Anbu?" Lai Luo thought to himself, "Although joining Anbu will make the task more difficult, it will also give you better experience. Moreover, joining Anbu will also avoid the exposure of new abilities in the future, not only the props for future training will be It can be provided for free, and you can browse all the ninjutsu of B-rank or below at will, and you can also get access to some more secret things.”