MTL - Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards-Chapter 134

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This Otsutsuki Cixuan should have been seriously injured but not dead at the time. He has been hiding and recuperating, and he has erased his traces, making people think that he is really dead.

And after so many years, his injury should have healed long ago, and he should have his own purpose, otherwise it is impossible that Kaguya has been sealed for so many years and he has not come to save her.

And he didn't show up during the Fourth Ninja World War.

"Then what exactly is he looking for when he came out now?" Lai Luo was a little puzzled.

But no matter what, Lai Luo must solve him. After so many years, he has finally entered a state of peaceful and rapid development, and he can't cause wars again because of him!

In this way, three days later, Minato Namifeng came to Lai Luo's Dean's Office in Konoha College again.

"Lei Luo-kun, they showed up!"

"Just yesterday, someone invaded the clan of the earth spider, but because of the timely arrival of the Anbu brigade, the enemy immediately retreated without causing too many casualties."

"And the way the enemy left, turned out to be through time and space ninjutsu!"

"However, I have recorded the breath of the enemy!"

Lai Luo heard a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Very good! Now it's our turn to act!"

Chapter 236 The sky is so strong! Get your hands on it!

Now that he has the information of the enemy's breath, Lai Luo still has a certain degree of confidence in finding their location.

Then Lai Luo asked Namikaze Minato to call a ninja from the Yamanaka clan in Anbu, and through the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan, he passed the enemy's breath that Minato felt to Lai Luo.

"Okay, it's okay, you go down first!"

Lei Luo felt the message that appeared in his mind, nodded with satisfaction, and then said to the ninja of the mountain clan in front of him.

"Yes! Lord Lai Luo!"

The ninja of the Yamanaka clan respectfully exited Lai Luo's dean's office.

When the ninjas of the mountain clan pushed out Lai Luo's office, Minato Namikaze looked at Lai Luo and asked, "How is it, Lai Luo-kun, is there a way to find their location?"

Lai Luo nodded slightly and replied: "It should be no problem, let me try it!"

Then Lai Luo began to sing, and there is a spell in the **** that is very suitable for the current situation.

"The twenty-two bridges of the black and white web, the sixty-six crown belts, the footprints, the distant thunder, the peaks, the back ground, the night, the sea of ​​​​clouds, and the blue line, paint the Taiyuan and go straight to the sky!"

"The Seventy-seventh of the Dao. The sky stands against the sky!"

In an instant, the enemy's breath recorded in Lei Luo's mind diffused out through the spiritual pressure, turned into little stars and drifted away, constantly drifting into the distance.

This "Seventy-seven of the Binding Path. Sky Ting Kongluo" can search, capture and transmit the positions of multiple opponents through the spiritual pressure, which is suitable for the current situation.

In front of Lai Luo Minato, he only felt a strong aura bursting out from Lai Luo's body, and then he felt an inexplicable pressure shrouded above his head, which made him feel breathless. Gas illusion.

After a long time, the aura of Lai Luo slowly dissipated, and Lai Luo finally opened his eyes.

"How is it? Lei Luo-kun!" Minato Minato felt the pressure on his body disappeared, and quickly asked Lei Luo.

Lai Luo smiled and said: "I have already found the location of those guys, but I didn't expect it to be here."

After "Tianting Kongluo" sent back the enemy's information, it seemed that a map appeared in Lai Luo's mind, and the location of the enemy became a flashing light spot on the map.

And the location where the light spot flickered turned out to be the country of the vortex that had been abandoned for many years!

Lai Luo said to Minato Namikaze: "Those guys are in the country of vortex now, let's go!"

Minato Namikaze said, "Okay, I'm going to summon Anbu right now!"

After saying that, Minato was about to leave, but Lai Luo stopped him.

"There's no need to call Anbu. Since the enemy can use time-space ninjutsu, calling Anbu there will be ineffective."

"Just the two of us can go!"

Laylo spoke to Minato Minato Namikaze.

Namikaze Minato thought about it, it was true, he nodded and said, "I understand, let's go now, Lei Luo-kun!"

Lai Luo nodded, and then the figures of him and Minato Namikaze disappeared instantly.


Just when Lai Luo and Minato Namikaze were rushing to the ruins of the country of the vortex.

Now the Shell group is also meeting.

But the place where they met was obviously not in the Ninja world. It was a space up and down, which was obviously constructed by someone through the power of space-time ninjutsu.

Thinking that the only person in this shell organization that has the strength to build this kind of space is the leader of the shell organization, Otsutsuki Cixuan!

And the people who are gathering in this space are obviously not entities, they are all gathered here through "illusion. Communication", just like the "magic body art" organized by Xiao Nian.

Otsutsuki Cixuan sat high in the front seat, his eyes swept over the members of the organization in the space, his eyes were full of indifference.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Otsutsuki Cixuan said lightly, there was a sense of inattentiveness, but it sounded a little frightening, which was very strange.

"Cough, cough, cough!" An old man in a black robe heard the words and replied, "I'm sorry boss, I still haven't found the 'tool' this time."

"I suspect that the 'tool' is likely to be hidden in the clan of the earth spider family this time, but it was disrupted by the Anbu ninja!"

"In order to avoid exposure, we can only retreat!"

After listening to the old man's words, Otsutsuki Cixuan's expression did not fluctuate.

"Oh, really?"

Then Ci Xuan turned his head and asked another member, "Caud, do you have any news from your side?"

This member named Codd looks like an ordinary boy, but it is definitely not that simple.

After listening to Ci Xuan's question, Caud hurriedly replied: "Master Chief, according to my information, there is a great possibility that the 'tool' is in Konoha College!"

"Konoha Academy?" Otsutsuki Cixuan muttered.

Cord nodded vigorously and replied, "Yes, it should be at Konoha College!"

"The guy 'Qi' is six or seven years old according to his appearance, and a few days ago was the day when Konoha College was recruiting new students. I think it is very likely that he mixed into Konoha College!"

Otsutsuki Cixuan nodded, agreeing with what Codd said.

Then Otsutsuki Cixuan opened his mouth and said, "Since the 'tool' is likely to be at Konoha College, this time it's up to you and Diruda to go together."

Diruda in Ci Xuan's mouth is the only woman in the shell organization.

After listening to Ci Xuan's words, Diruda nodded and replied, "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Otsutsuki Cixuan turned his head and said to the man next to him with long white hair and an iron mask on his face: "Guoxin layman, about the Anbu problem that the old man said, it's up to you to investigate."

"Look where these guys got the news."

After listening to Ci Xuan's arrangement, the lay master Guo Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, and then replied lightly, "Yes, chief!"

Just when Ci Xuan was about to say something to the old man, he suddenly found that the old man's figure was blurred for a while, and then disappeared into this space.

Otsutsuki Cixuan's expression finally changed. This old man was definitely not so bold to take the initiative to cancel the "illusion. Communication" during the meeting. Now that his figure has disappeared, it must be an accident.

"Cold, Diruda!"


"The distance between the two of you should be the closest to the old man. Now you should rush to find out what happened?!"


Following the order of Otsutsuki Cixuan, without any hesitation, Calder and Diluda immediately released the "illusion. Communication", and then immediately set off and rushed towards the old man's position.

Seeing the disappearing figures of the two of them, Otsutsuki Cixuan's face was gloomy, and he lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking. The space suddenly became quiet, and no one dared to disturb him.

Chapter 237 Destroyed with one sword!

The location of the old man was exactly the ruins of the Kingdom of Vortex that Laylo sensed. Laylo and Minato Namifeng were rushing all the way, and now they finally arrived.

Laylo approached the old man's position through induction, and found that they had built a base under the original Vortex Hidden Village.

Looking at the appearance of the base, it is estimated that it did not take long to build. It should have been built when the shell organization emerged and started to recruit the periphery.

"Are they here?" Namikaze Minato looked at the dilapidated Ushio Hidden Village and sensed the enemy's trail, but he didn't gain anything.

But Lai Luo, who has turned on the omnipotence of five visions, has an unobstructed view of the sky and the ground, and has already seen the scene in the base.

Lai Luo said to Minato Namikaze: "Yes, they are here, and they have transformed the underground of this hidden village into a huge base."

"Moreover, I also found a few familiar figures in this group of people."

"Familiar figure?" Minato Namikaze asked with some doubts.

Lai Luo nodded and replied: "Yes, there are more than 20 ninjas in this base, about half of them are the elite Shangnin of the original villages and some rebel ninjas."

"It seems that this organization has great plans!"

Minato Namikaze listened to Lai Luo's words, and his expression instantly became serious. So many elites from various villages, Joinin and Rebellion, are members of this mysterious organization, which is not much weaker than the Akatsuki organization back then.

"Then what should we do now?" Minato Minato looked at Laidlaw and asked.

There was a smile on Lai Luo's face, but there was a killing intent in his eyes, and he said lightly: "Since we are all here, we must remove these guys."

"It seems that this time I can move my muscles a little bit. I haven't moved for so many years, and my body is almost rusted!"

In fact, in the past ten years, Lei Luo has not been eating and waiting to die. With the Sixth Library Immortal Thief, he can keep his body in a peak state, and he has been practicing and cultivating continuously over the years, and his strength is still steadily improving.

The level of improvement is not too much, but it is also nearly 10%.

With Lai Luo's strength, that 10% is enough to dominate the ninja world!

Namikaze Minato heard the words and nodded. Now that Laylo has made his decision, he will follow Laylo's arrangement. He really believes in Laylo's strength.

"Okay, Minato, don't worry, let me give these guys a greeting first."

I saw Lei Luo's right hand holding a void, and Bing Lun Pill instantly appeared in Lei Luo's hand.

"Old man, this time we are going to fight side by side again!"

As if he understood Lei Luo's words, Hinomaru responded with a slight trembling.

Then Lai Luo activated the Immortal Technique Chakra in his body, and instantly entered the Three Immortals Immortal Mode, and the dazzling and mysterious eye shadow appeared on Lai Luo's eye sockets.

"Xianfa. Light Escape. Great Sun Tathagata. Heavenly Lock Slashing Moon!"

I saw the reincarnation eyes of the nine hooks on Lei Luo Shenting acupoint opened instantly, and the pupil power poured out wildly. The golden halo built by the swastika.

A powerful aura burst out from Lei Luo's body, and the Chakra in the body poured frantically towards the Bing Lun Pill in his hand. The Bing Lun Pill was covered with a layer of fluorescence, and then the fluorescent light became brighter and brighter. Like a scorching sun.

And Minato Namikaze, who was beside Laylo, could no longer look directly at Laylo.

The ninjas in the base under the Hidden Village of Eddy Tide also had a feeling that a catastrophe was coming, just when they were about to come out to find out what happened.

The Bing Lun Pill in Lei Luo's hand finally swung out, and a blade of air that penetrated the sky and the ground slashed out of the Bing Lun Pill. There was nothing to hold the knife qi through, and even the space felt turbulent and broken.

The base that was the target of Lei Luo was directly crushed by Lei Luo's sword energy, and those elites were unable to stop Lei Luo's knife, and they were annihilated directly with the base.

After all, Lai Luo’s knife incorporates a full 30% of his chakra and fairy chakra, as well as the energy of the sun in the sky, which is no less powerful than Lai Luo’s incarnation of Godzilla’s Atomic Jade.

It's a pity that this move is too limited and requires energy.

The ruins of the Kingdom of Vortex were originally an independent island. When Lei Luo's sword qi dissipated, a deep ocean trench appeared in the original position of Vortex Hidden Village.

The seawater from the periphery continued to pour into the trench, and those ninjas who still had a trace of vitality were also swept by the sea vortex and pulled into the deep sea.

Soon, the turbulent sea water filled the trench, and gradually returned to calm. Laiduo found out that no ninja had survived in the trench.

The old man who was marked by Bound Dao Lingya also died in the trench, and the mark has dissipated.

In fact, this is also the old man's bad luck. After all, he held a meeting in the shell organization space through "illusion. Communication", and his response to the outside world was greatly reduced.

Otherwise, with his time-space ninjutsu, he might still be able to escape.

While the sea was pouring into the trench, Calder and Diruda finally arrived.

Looking at the trench that the original base had turned into, and the duo of Lai Luo and Minato Namikaze standing on the edge of the trench, Diruda and Calder were shocked.

Because they have seen that this trench was obviously cut open by man.

However, they regained their composure immediately. Generally, such a powerful technique must be very expensive. Maybe now the chakras in Laylo and Minato Minato have been cleaned up.

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