MTL - Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards-Chapter 185

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Seeing the green pheasant, he couldn't help but raise his leg. After kicking Lei Luo's figure for a few meters, Tickey turned into a black mist and escaped at a very high speed without turning his head.

"I didn't say it clearly enough, get out!"

Lei Luo walked over to Tina again and knelt down.

However, what was waiting for him was another kick.

"Do you know that Charlotte Lingling is recovering from her injuries on Skull Island, and Kaido hasn't died yet!"

The moment Lai Luo came to kneel again, Aokiji still kicked, but this time, he who hated iron is not steel, he almost roared out these secrets.

"It's none of my business whether they die or not. The last time, if you dare to disturb me again..."

Before Lei Luo finished speaking, Qing Zhi's furious fist fell like raindrops. Today, he must wake up this self-willed idiot!

In a blink of an eye, the blazing sun in the east rose, and the warm sunlight shone on Lei Luo, who was still kneeling in front of Tina with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the panting Aokiji.

"People can't be resurrected from the dead. Didn't this painful lesson make you realize it? It's not you who caused all these tragedies, but the Tianlong people who claim to be gods, the five old stars, Yimu, and the world government. !"

During the night, Aokiji kept persuading Lei Luo, but he remained unmoved as if he had lost his soul.

"I have a way to resurrect them."

Because of the voice that suddenly sounded in his mind, Lei Luo's body shook violently, which startled Aokiji.

"Say, no matter what the price is, I'm willing!"

"The corpse qi turns the spiritual wave and the reverse corpse qi underworld wave."

The method given by the system is useless in Laiduo's view.

Huangquan Hirazaka has been destroyed, and when the souls of all people come into contact with that space, they will be detonated by the accumulation of corpses and souls.

"You haven't figured it out yet, the Huangquan Hirazaka you blew up earlier is not the underworld of the pirate world."

"Then why didn't you talk all night?"

"It's not that the host didn't ask."

"I'm fucking... that's all!"

Under Aokiji's attention, Lai Luo stood up and took a deep breath. A faint blue flame emerged from his body and rose into the air, forming a huge blue vortex.

Chapter 337 Prophecy

With the opening of the reverse corpse qi underworld wave, a huge light blue vortex appeared in the air, and it could be faintly seen that the lifeless souls were floating aimlessly.

"That feeling of going straight to the end of death... Don't care, Aokiji, you can ask for more happiness!"

Looking back at the Peacemaker Alliance base, after hesitating for a while, Titch chose to rely on the ice under his feet to go away.

Because the huge vortex in the sky, in his eyes, is like the underworld descending, which is the final place that people can only reach after death.

It's just that, even now, Titch has not completely judged the true identity of Aokiji, whether it is an undercover agent sent by the Navy.

"Aokiji, build a layer of ice wall for me, and I don't want to be known by others except you and me."

Only a few seconds after Lei Luo's voice sounded, a huge wave dyed red by blood suddenly rose on the sea level, solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and sheltered the entire island, leaving only the hole in the air, and the huge wave. The vortex corresponds far away.

The light blue energy bodies are strong and weak, sometimes rushing out of the vortex, and sometimes submerging in it, they are all waiting quietly, waiting for the king who is enough to judge their life and death below to issue instructions for action.

"Accumulate corpse energy and turn spiritual waves, and the soul returns to the body quickly!"

The imposing aura that made one's heart impresses surged out from Lei Luo's body, condensed into a huge black shadow standing behind him, exuding a mysterious power that suppressed everything.

This is a force similar to the domineering power of the overlord, but it is definitely not the domineering of the overlord.

Only the emperors who have survived for tens of thousands of years can have the tyrannical spirit of the emperor!

"Do it with confidence, Lai Luo, you must be the man in the prophecy, the man who opened a new era!"

Seeing this, Qingzhi smiled, because at this moment, his memory surged, and the dusty memory appeared.

Decades ago, there was only one recognized overlord in this sea - the Rocks Pirates!

"In the future navy or pirates, there will be a man who will completely overthrow the world government, and he will open a new era, an era of great peace, or a darker era!"

This sentence came from the mouth of the first strong man, Rox, who blatantly fought against the world government, only to sit on the empty throne and become the king of the world.

Right before his death!

It was such a legendary great pirate who was defeated only by the cooperation of Roger One Piece, the naval hero Garp, and the departure of Whitebeard and others. At the moment of his own death, he saw the future.

At that time, Aokiji was just a major general who followed Karp all day long. Although the prophecy was banned by the World Government to avoid disturbing the social order, he never forgot it.

The future is an extremely ethereal concept. It can be tomorrow or next year. Even if it's just the next second, it can be called the future.

As for who that man was, no one knew except for the dead Lox.

As early as a few years ago, the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors, found the answer in his heart.

Now, Aokiji has also found the answer to everything he entrusted.

empty island.

"What happened in the East China Sea?"

The frail Margao leaned against the wall and walked down the almost empty street alone.

Since everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates left, he who was imprisoned used the power of the fruit to save himself from the Hailou stone handcuffs at the cost of cutting off his hands.

Just now, he witnessed first-hand dark clouds rolling in the direction of the East China Sea, and it seemed that two figures were fighting fiercely here.

Afterwards, the two figures disappeared, and after a long silence, the black and gray clouds were swept away by the killing intent, and the sky was dyed red with blood. That kind of feeling, just from a distance, made people tremble, unable to calm down for a long time.

Now, the cloud of blood that covered the sky was blown away by a strange force, a mysterious force that had never appeared before, and the huge vortex that emerged seemed to connect two parts of a world one after another.

"This kind of terrifying strength, even when Dad was young, he couldn't do it."

"Is this the man Daddy said was enough to change the world order?"

Margao suddenly smiled, his arms turned into wings made of blue flames, and he drove away in the direction of the East China Sea.

Holy Land Mary Joa, the World Conference is still going on.

"The weakest sea area in the East China Sea is really unexpectedly frequent!"

The figure sitting on the empty throne, a symbol of peace, grinned, holding three wanted warrants with extremely high bounties in his hands.

The most vicious criminal in the world, the revolutionary army commander Long.

The pirate who was bet on one arm by red-haired Shanks, Straw Hat Luffy.

The former admiral of the navy, the current leader of the Alliance of Peacemakers, is regarded by the world government as the biggest tumor, the evil eye Lei Luo.

"The Son of Prophecy will never appear, neither of you!"

A strange purple flame suddenly appeared in the palm of the shadow, and in a moment, the wanted order was burned into a white smoke and dissipated, leaving no trace.

In the past few decades, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Dragon, and even Roger's son Ace who appeared later, Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, and Straw Hat Luffy who broke all conventions...

Too many people are regarded by the older generation or the stronger ones as the man who is about to change everything in the prophecy.

However, the world is still in the palm of the world government, and no one has been able to shake its supremacy so far.

Even the revolutionary army has turned against several kingdoms, several kingdoms that have been quietly killed by the CP organization.

East China Sea.

"Huh? Am I already dead?"

"Anilu, wake up!"

"Don't be alarmed, the demons will retreat..."

"Lei Luo, where are you, why haven't you come back?"

At the base of the Alliance of Peacekeepers, Aokiji didn't know what words to use to describe his current mood.

Summoning the soul of the deceased, repairing the broken body, and finally blending the two perfectly by means of the sky, so as to achieve the purpose of resurrection, is this still something that can be done by one person?

Before the disappearing vortex in the air, Lei Luo, who had a few more white hairs on his temples, looked at the people below, just smiled, and everything in front of him was completely swallowed by the darkness. Pulled by gravity, it fell towards the vast ocean.

"not good!"

The sudden disappearance of the emperor's aura made Qingzhi find Lei Luo who was in a coma, but at this time, it was too late for him to help him.

Lai Luo's fragile body could not bear the collision with the ice at all.

Chapter 338 Declaring War


Just at this critical moment, an azure flamingo flashed by.

months later.

"That stupid dog in the system didn't tell me in advance that the price of using the accumulated corpse gas in reverse is actually consuming life!"

Lei Luo opened his eyes in a daze, but his eyes were still cloudy.

With Liuku Immortal Thief, which can be called a BUG skill, his lifespan has long been almost infinite, so the way of consumption has changed into the aging of body functions.

The main thing is that the aging seems to be permanent this time, and there is no way to make up for it by ordinary means.

system? Consuming life?

Gedges, who was standing in front of Laylo's bed, wondered if his leader had gotten his head wrong because of this accident.

However, soon he was stunned for a moment, and then a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

"The leader is awake! The leader is awake!"

Surprise cheers resounded throughout the peacemaker base that was still under construction in just a split second.

"Really? Is the boss awake?"

"I knew the master would be fine!"

"Gerges, hurry up and wake up Reiju-sama and Tina-sama, why are you standing there!"

After chatting a few words with the people who came, Lai Luo turned his attention to Aokiji and Margo.

Through the explanation of these days and the proof of Margao, everyone also knows the identity of his undercover.

"Qingzhi, Xiaoma, what's going on with the revolutionary army?"

The base was destroyed, the Peacekeepers temporarily lost all communication equipment, and Laylo, who was worried about the alliance, had to ask the two of them.

However, with the emergence of the revolutionary army, the joy on everyone's faces instantly faded.

"What happened? Where's Sanji? Wait a minute, why is this Aokiji just an ice clone?"

Lai Luo, who noticed something was wrong, was shocked. This abnormality seemed to have announced the end of the revolutionary army.

It's just that he still doesn't want to believe his guesses.

"After we were resurrected that day, Sanji rushed to support as soon as possible, but..."

Reiju did not continue talking, but took out the newspapers from the past few months and handed it to Lai Luo.

The navy was victorious, and the top officials of the Revolutionary Army and the Straw Hats fled!

Unexpectedly, Sanji Kurozu is arrested!

Conscience found? Except for the red-haired Shanks, the other four emperors announced to join the navy!

After the war, the Straw Hats and the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army came to the Naval Headquarters again!

History is staged again, the red hair comes forward!

The curtain ended, the five old stars came forward, the revolutionary army dissipated and the red hair died!

Disruptors of society, only the last evil remains - the Alliance of Peacemakers!

"Sanji he..."

Laiduo looked at the bold and enlarged titles, and turned to look at Reiju.

There was no answer, no physical expression, just endless silence.

"Impossible! Skyburst Bennu is a sacred garment that can be infinitely reborn in flames. Sanji can't die!"

Lai Luo roared, he couldn't believe that he would become like this during the time he was sleeping.

Read The Duke's Passion