MTL - Navy Traitor, I Marry the Female Emperor To Rule the Sea-Chapter 129

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He couldn't think of anything.

The people of the center Tianfu were able to infiltrate the recruitment of the world, and they have reached such a level that they have even become candidates for admiral of the navy!

However, it is said that the center Tianfu has just been established, except for Mu Fan, the Pirate Empress and the former admiral candidate Taotu, there is no strong one!

But this time, the four young people are obviously from Tianfu!

Is it.

in a short period of time.

That man named Mu Fan.

We have already recruited a group of cadres who can really challenge the Navy headquarters! ?

. . . .

Chapter 132 General selection, Anilu VS smiles

new world.

The island where the world's conscription is located.

Exclusive lounge for Admiral candidates.

After Mu Fan left.

The smile of one of the admiral candidates fell into deep thought.

Although he has been vigilant about the identity of the young man from the central Tianfu.

But it cannot be denied.

His current state of mind has changed a lot.

When the other party confesses his identity.

Originally, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

After all, the so-called center Tianfu, in his eyes, was nothing more than an evil organization created by the world's most evil criminals.

But when he listened to the young man, he introduced the goal of Tianfu, the views and ideals of the world's most evil criminal, Tianshu Mufan.

and now on the sea,

Because of the world aristocratic Tianlong people, because of the rule of the world government, all kinds of chaos have arisen.

All this caused a ripple in his heart.

Of course, what made him feel more turbulent was that.

Just in his heart, when he had self-doubt about his choice to join the World Conscription.

on the other side's proposal.

He took a gamble.

And the amazing thing is that in the last round, he actually won, and it was a big victory!

This naturally shocked him.

Because he can guarantee that the other party has absolutely no chance to cheat in this process!


It's hard to tell, it's not a hint!

"Could it be that this old man's choice is really wrong? The navy, isn't that a platform where you can show your ambitions?"

Silent night.

He smiled and looked up at the sky. Although he had already lost his sight, he had always thought that he could see the world transparently.

But at this moment.

He questioned himself.

Perhaps, there really is a better choice waiting for him.

Implementing the new order sounds like a very challenging job!


time flies.

the next day.

The final battle of admiral selection will be held as scheduled!

Because this is the most important part of the recruitment process in the world.

So in addition to Admiral Akainu and now the only Admiral Kizaru.

The current naval chief inspector Buddha's Warring States, most of the admirals of the naval headquarters are listed.

And the Navy is about to have two new admirals,

After the defeat of the top war, it has a great inspiring effect to reinvigorate the morale of the navy.

Therefore, a large number of navies came to watch the battle.

The island of war at this time.

The number of marines is no less than 100,000!

This is not even counting the nearly 100,000 participants in the World Conscription!

Such a scene is nothing short of grand!

Standing on the ring, Anilu felt a little dazed in his heart.

After all, whether it was on the empty island or in the infinite land, he had never experienced such a battle.

However, Mu Fan kept a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking somewhat excited.

Once upon a time, he also thought about developing in the navy all the time.

From rear admiral, to becoming an admiral, even a marshal, until changing the entire navy!

Although now backfires.

But can participate in this final battle to select the admiral of the navy.

It can be considered as addicting!

As for whether or not to lose.

Mu Fan is not worried.

If the opponent draws Fujitora, it may take some effort.

If the green cow is drawn, then Mu Fan will be more relaxed.

As for Anilu, it is estimated that it is impossible.

Fujitora and Midori are obviously the two candidates for the Navy Admiral identified by the Navy Headquarters.

After all, except for Mu Fan.

Among all the candidates for the World Conscription, these two are the well-deserved ceilings and the powerhouses leading the fault.

At this moment, Mu Fan could feel the smile in his eyes, which would look at him from time to time.

But he never paid attention.

He was naturally not worried that a smile would reveal his true identity.

The first smile has a character that can be trusted.


Even if it is exposed now, it is not a serious matter.

Everything is ready, everything has started!

As for whether Yi Xiao had any desire to learn more about Tianfu.

Mu Fan is also not sure about this.

But judging from its performance so far.

It should be close to ten!

"Everyone is quiet. Now the old man announces that the final battle of the world's conscription and admiral selection is about to begin. The two winners will be exceptionally promoted to admirals!"

When the time comes.

Admiral Akainu announced loudly.

At the same time, his eyes unconsciously cast towards Mu Fan.

He is looking forward to whether that young man can still create miracles and become an admiral! ?

Although the chances are not high.

Yixiao and Huang Mu are the top powerhouses in the sea.

But he still had a glimmer of hope.

Because that young man is also not weak, even compared to Mu Fan's fellow.

If it really can eventually be promoted to admiral.

Then, it will be the youngest admiral in the history of the Navy!

At that time, the face of the Navy can also recover some.

Although he lost Mu Fan, the so-called youngest and strongest major general in naval history!

But the Navy has now found its youngest general!

Of course, even Akainu knew that this was a little far-fetched.

After all, even he had to admit it.

Now, Mu Fan, who created the center, Tianfu, has completely possessed the combat power of the admiral level!

Even to a certain extent, it has surpassed the former admiral!

Killing Mu Fan and washing away the shame are the obsessions that Akainu has formed since the war!

As long as it can be done.

means, it doesn't matter!

Not what Mu Fan expected.

When Akainu announced that the game was about to start.

Then someone announced the order of the battle.

Unsurprisingly, Mu Fan and Ainilu were assigned to fight against Huang Mu and Yi Xiao respectively.

And this is actually the best arrangement in Mu Fan's heart.

Because of the battle against Araki.

That is, the future green bull.

In front of his wood elemental abilities.

The green bull's fruity ability will be suppressed.

And competition domineering and physical skills.

He can think that the green bull is stronger than him, not to mention that he has many other abilities!

under poor information.

The green bull doesn't know anything about him, so as long as the first move is ruthless, it will be easy for him to handle the green bull.

And Anilu smiled at the battle.

The final result will naturally not have much suspense.

The current Ainilu cannot completely match the powerhouse of the Admiral level.

Read The Duke's Passion